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November 6, 2018
November 6, 2018
Today makes the fourth year our friend Weston isn’t here
He’s now in the greatest place and never experiences any fear
He now knows what it is like in The kingdom of God’s realm
He is always fascinated towards the LORD
as He is standing at Heavens Helm
Perfection he observes wherever his eyes happen to look
He’s happy to know his name was always written in the LORD’s books
August 8, 2018
August 8, 2018
Today Weston would have turned fifty seven
but now he’s living it up in the timeless realm of heaven. Weston passed on by the decision of another, he’s better off with the LORD I say as his brother
Weston is gone in the body forever but his spirit lives on in the LORDS kingdom of favor
Wes left the earth too soon we understand
But it is the will of the LORD long ago that will stand
November 6, 2017
November 6, 2017
Today makes three years our friend Weston has
been gone
We think about him and remember him as we say so long
But we know that life begins when our bodies
are no more
The LORD promised this to all that we will be
So all who knew Wes should really be of good cheer
He lives in the Kingdom of God's magnificent frontier
August 8, 2017
August 8, 2017
Today Weston would have turned fifty six
Now he lives with the LORD far from the river Styx
Living without his presence has been very hard to realize
But with his soul in Gods kingdom the LORD has made him very wise
He'll always be giving and never have to borrow
Forever and ever he'll have no pain nor sorrow
And with happiness he'll live with endless tomorrows.
November 6, 2016
November 6, 2016
Our great friend Weston left us two years
ago this day
Good times in our memory is where he will stay
We wonder all the time why he had to go
We realize this is something that only the LORD knows
We keep him in our thoughts and have dreams with him at night
And it's there that he lives and is always in our sight
August 8, 2016
August 8, 2016
Today Weston would have turned fifty five
Now his soul in the spirit is forever alive
His passing from earth was not long ago
His entrance into heaven was anything but slow
Life eternal none on earth can discern
But Weston now knows what we all strive to earn
To live in God's kingdom of eternal light
Where there's never the presence of darkness or night
November 6, 2015
November 6, 2015
One year ago today
Our dear friend Wes passed away
All through that year
We wished he was still here
Time passes by so fast
It makes us wonder how long we will last
Wes has entered an eternal state
And for all of us he will wait.
October 16, 2015
October 16, 2015
Wes was my friend
for twenty six years
Throughout all his prime
He had many peers
He loved to play golf
He played all the time
He banged on his drums
way up on cloud nine
then life threw a curve
And took him by surprise
Then left us so quick
before all our eyes.

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