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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Pa Titus Fomuso, 78...

The Fomuso, Fokum and Munang families wish to notify and invite you to the funeral wake and celebration of the life of their departed Husband, Father, Brother, Uncle, and Grandad Pa Titus Ntungwen Fomuso aka Ba Nkom Gwanwobga (traditional title), born on February 14, 1939, and passed away on July 22, 2017 after a brave battle with cancer. Daddy Titus Fomuso was a pillar in his family and in the lives of so many loved ones. He leaves behind his wife, seven children, 19 grandchildren, daughter and sons in law and a slew of extended children, family and friends. He will be sorely missed.


Service of songs London UK   
Date: Thursday August 10th 2017  
Time: 7pm -9.30pm
Venue: Thomas Tallis School, Kidbrooke Park Road, London SE3 9PX.
Contact: Kah Eniola nee Fomuso


Dallas, TX
Friday August 11th 2017
Time: 8 pm - 2 am
Venue: 2900 Saint Maria Dr, Mansfield TX USA
Lusia Fomuso 
Joe Formusoh 
Nne Formusoh 
Manyi Fokum Carter. 

Prayer Vigil in Atlanta GA

Date: Friday August 11th 2017
9 pm - 
1356 Greenridge Ave Lithonia GA 30058 United States

Contact: Bali GA Ndahkum

Cologne Germany:     
Date: August, 12th 2017
Venue: Kirchberg 3, 51515 Kürten
Time: 2 p.m to 8 p.m
Contact: (Ango Fomuso Ekellem)

London UK:
Date: August, 12th 2017
Venue: Orpington Village Hall, 311 High Street, Orpington, Kent BR6 0NN 
Time: 6 p.m to 12 Midnight

Gang Fomuso
Kah Eniola nee Fomuso
Della Fomuso

Manchester UK:
Date: August, 12th 2017
Venue: Royal Oak Community Centre, Brookcot Road, Baguley M23 1DU
Time: 4 p.m to 10:30 p.m



Maryland USA:
Date: August, 19th 2017
Location: Gaithersburg Presbyterian Church
                610 S Frederick Ave Gaithersburg MD 20877
Viewing: 11am - 1pm
Church Service: 1pm - 3:30pm
Dedication of Memorial ground and Refreshments: 3:30pm 4:30pm

Celebration of life:
16000 Trade Zone Ave Unit 407 Upper Marlboro MD 20774
Time: 7pm - 2am 

Mrs. Monica Fomuso 
Ms. Edith Fomuso 
Ms. Esona Fomuso  
Ms Lusia Fomuso 
Mr. Sully Ackondjo 
Ms. Florence Fomuso 
Mrs. Racheal Fokum-Carter   
Mr. Thaddeus Ndanjong 
Mr. Joseph Formusoh 
Mr. John Musi 
Ms. Mary Munang 
Mr. William Dzekashu        
Mr. Evans Fomuso 
Mr. Gefter Chongong (Jeff) 
Mr. Walters Ntang 
Mrs. Nange K-Mutia 
Mr. Godwill Fomusoh   
Pa Daniel Ndi 


May the soul of Daddy Fomuso rest in peace.

Thank you.

February 14
February 14
Happy birthday, my sweet Daddy, my first Valentine,

Today, as you would have turned 85, I can't help but feel a pang of sadness knowing you're not here to celebrate with us. Yet, I find comfort in knowing that you are in a better place, watching over us with a smile.

I miss you more than words can express, but I am grateful for the precious time we shared together. Your presence filled our lives with laughter, guidance, and endless love, and those memories will forever be cherished in my heart.

On this special day, I honor you, Dad, for the incredible person you were and the profound impact you had on my life. Though you may be physically absent, your spirit continues to shine bright in our lives.

Happy heavenly birthday, Daddy. Until we meet again, may your soul rest in eternal peace.

love you always
Your daughter and Nanguket Eson
July 22
July 22
Daddy, Ba Nkom, 7 years have passed by so fast. I know it's been this long because your namesake grandson has just turned 7! Waoo , life! "Lord, teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom". I miss our conversations, your huge sense of humour. Have you and my dad welcomed your junior brother? Bambodt Pastor went to join you all in the world yonder last year. All these events still seem unreal, yet I have to acknowledge the situation is what it is. I greatly miss you all. Continue to rest peacefully. I love you dearly . Your daughter and aunt Tangwi Manyi Ma Yok Abassi, Tangwi Yeluma .
July 22
July 22
Dear Daddy,

Today marks 7 years since you left this sinful world to be with your maker! You may be gone in person but you are always in our hearts and thoughts. Thank you for all the life lessons you taught us, which are helping to guide us as we continue in our own life journeys. 

May you continue to rest in the peace of the Almighty God and continue to intercede on behalf of the family you left behind for Divine protection until we meet again to part no more. Rest in peace, Dear Daddy.

Love from your son.
February 14
February 14
Happy birthday Daddy. I wish you were still here for us to celebrate your 85th birthday with you. Missing you very much…❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
February 14
February 14
Happy Birthday Daddy! Continue to Rest in Peace.
July 24, 2023
July 24, 2023
My beloved Ba Nkom, it's been 6 years since You left the face of the earth, but you have and will always remain in my heart. How can I forget what you were and meant to me?

6 years down the lane, a lot has happened: some of our loved ones have gone to meet you, we've had some new babies, our family is growing . Sometimes we allow negative thoughts and forces to have their way amongst us, please keep interceding for us . You were a charismatic pillar of the family, your absence is very much felt.

This year, your darling wife hits thee fantastic milestone of 80 . She was celebrated as she deserves it, surrounded by her children, grandchildren and the larger family. We thank God for her life . Little Ba Nkom walked his mum down the isle and handed her over to her husband.... such an emotional moment 

Na Regi and I miss you . We love you 
Sleep on my dearest uncle.
July 22, 2023
July 22, 2023
My dear Daddy,
It’s been six years since you left this earth. A lot has happened, but I can say we can see the hand of God upon our lives in answer to our prayers. Rest on, till we meet in the presence of our God and King. This song has ministered to me today as I thought of you.
I Will Meet You There

It hurts to think of those who’ve gone.
It hurts because I care.
But I won’t fret; before too long
I will meet you there.

I will meet you there.  I will meet you there.
I know within my heart one day I will meet you there.

The love we hold in all our hearts
for God’s own family
will stay within our hearts until
we will meet them there.

We will meet them there.  We will meet them there.
I know within my heart one day we will meet them there.

I will meet you there.  I will meet you there.
I know within my heart one day I will meet you there.

© 2008 Anthony K Music

I love you my beloved Daddy.
February 15, 2023
February 15, 2023
Ba Nkom, there must have been a rejoicing in heaven on the occasion of your birthday! I imagine the Seraphims and Cherubims, as well as the entire heavenly host joining you to sing happy birthday and songs of praise to God. What a joy that must have been!
We miss you here , your smile, your comforting embrace, your wise words and a lot more... Things have never been the same again. Greet my dad for me and please keep interceding for your family. We soooo need it. Sleep on . Your Tangwi Magni Ma Yok Abassi.
February 14, 2023
February 14, 2023
Happy birthday in heaven my Daddy,
The years just keep on going by and sometimes it is so unreal to believe that a life as big as your could just have ended. I still remember your last birthday here on earth how you were so happy about the little as well as big things and reminded us that it is not a guarantee to keep seeing each year after year. Thank you for the valuable life lessons you taught us. I miss you wise counsel. I miss your big laugh and warm hugs. Please continue to intercede for us as we navigate life down here until we meet again.
love you always
Your daughter and Nanguket Eson
February 14, 2023
February 14, 2023
Happy birthday Daddy and thank you so much for being a great dad to many . Continue to Rest In Peace
July 23, 2022
July 23, 2022
Ba Nkom, 5 years gone but never forgotten!
Yours was a beautiful stay here on earth. We miss your warmth and love for each of us and all around you. Now you are gone to the world yonder, I have no doubt that you are rejoicing with the angels and he entire celestial family. Yes, good and faithful servant, rejoice and enjoy the crown of glory soo dearly deserved! God be with you till we met again
July 22, 2022
July 22, 2022
Dear Daddy, on this day 5 years ago you left this world to be with your maker. Thank you once more for all you did while on earth to touch the lives of so many. You may be gone in person but are still always in our hearts to we meet to part no more. Continue to intercede on behalf of the family you left behind. Continue to Rest in Perfect Peace Daddy.

Love from your Son

July 22, 2022
July 22, 2022
Dear Daddy

It still feels so painful as if you only just left us. I can’t believe it’s five years already. It is a real struggle for me but I have to keep holding on to the memories. I will wipe my tears and be strong. I have shared memories with your grand kids. We miss you so much. May the Lord continue to strengthen and comfort us all. Continue to rest in perfect peace until we meet again. Sending you love in heaven …
February 14, 2022
February 14, 2022
Happy birthday Dear Daddy. We miss you daily Forever in our heart and we cherish all the memories and lessons. Your legacy lives on. Love from your daughter Andin
February 14, 2022
February 14, 2022
Happy Birth day Daddy! You may not be with us physically but will always be in our hearts. Continue to Rest in Perfect Peace. AMEN.
July 22, 2021
July 22, 2021
My darling Daddy,
Chai 4 years already! I miss you so much, this year has been particularly tough and I miss the wise words you would have given me. I continue to cherish the memories of the beautiful moments we shared. Continue to RIP
July 22, 2021
July 22, 2021
Dear Daddy,

Although it is already four years ago on this particular day that you left us. You continue to be part of my life on a daily basis in many different ways. It is really true that although you are not with us physically, you will for ever be around us and in our hearts until we meet to part no more. Continue to look back and intercede on behalf of the family you left behind. May you continue to Rest in the bosom of the Almighty. Amen.
July 22, 2021
July 22, 2021
My Dear Daddy
It still feels like you have only just left us, can’t believe it’s 4years already. Missing you everyday. Holding on to cherished memories. Continue to rest in perfect peace till we meet again. Love forever in our hearts ❤️
February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021
Happy birthday in heaven Daddy. We miss you so much but we know you are in a better place. Continue to Rest In Peace. Happy Valentine’s Day ❤️
July 23, 2020
July 23, 2020
We miss you still, Uncle !! We miss you!! You might be gone! But you are definitely not forgotten. There are so many memories of you embedded in my childhood memories - how can I forget you!!

Sleep tight Uncle
Lipsya (that’s the name you gave me)
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
Rest well with big Daddy dear Daddy. Please tell him we really need help down here too. So many things we do not understand, yet we are trying by the help of the Holy Spirit. Please tell big Daddy that the Gospel really helps us and we ask everything in the name of Jesus, thats why we trust he is always with us ❤❤❤
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
Another anniversary has come since you took your last breath from this world to join the stars up above and looking down on us!

Another opportunity to think about all your advice and deeds while here. Those thoughts are a source of comfort and strength which helps us navigate our way day by day!

Three years has just passed by like three weeks. Our request is for you to keep looking back and intercede on our behalf as we endeavour to continue in our own ways the legacy which you left behind. Continue to Rest in Perfect Peace dear Daddy!

Love from your son.
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
Missing you every day Daddy but knowing that you are in a better place keeps me going. Your legacy lives on. Continue to Rest In Peace ❤️❤️❤️
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
Brother, it is three years today since you left us, but it feels like yesterday. I miss your Brotherly and unconditional love. Tears can never dry up, yet I usually pause from time to time to praise God Almighty for giving you as a blessing to us and I wipe out my tears because I know you are already getting the reward He reserved for You. Put on Your Crown Bankom, and sing those beautiful hymns which You loved to share with Your Choir members and with us. Goodnight dear Brother.
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
3 years have passed us by and it seems like yesterday. We thank God for your life and how you imparted all around you. You were such a charismatic person, a cheerful and generous being. Oh how we miss you! Thank you for loving us and blessing us. I am so grateful to God that Melody-Joy could receive the blessings of a grandfather from you. We will always love you and trust time will heal. Sleep on Ba Nkom...
Love from your Tangwi Manyi Ma Yok ...
July 22, 2020
July 22, 2020
I can't believe it's been 3 years already because the memory is still so fresh. Daddy, you continue to rest in perfect peace. Missing you so much. However, I am very grateful for all the time we spent together and for all the lessons you taught us and the love you showered us with.
Continue to RIP
February 14, 2020
February 14, 2020
Dear Daddy, on this day in which you came into the world, and a day in which people around the world are expressing their love for one another, you are in our thoughts and minds. Thank you for all the love and for what you did to guide us in pursuing the right path in life while you were here. You shall forever be in our hearts until we meet to part no more. Continue to Rest in Perfect Peace.

Love from your son Gang
July 22, 2019
July 22, 2019
Dear Daddy, on this day two years ago, your left this world of pain and suffering to be with your maker in a better place. Though we miss your physical presence, you will always be in our hearts and minds till we meet again. Continue to Rest in Perfect Peace. Love from your son.
July 22, 2019
July 22, 2019
Oh how I miss you my dearest daddy. I can’t believe I have gone 2 years without hearing your voice. May you continue to rest in perfect peace. I continue to carry you in my heart and will never forget all the life lessons you taught me.
I love you daddy,
July 22, 2019
July 22, 2019
You were such a great person Uncle Titus. You told everyone that I looked just like my father's family. I really miss you a lot. Rest in peace. It's two years and we still weep.
February 15, 2018
February 15, 2018
Happy birthday my sweet Daddy, today is especially rough my one constant Valentine. I know you are resting peace with the Lord even as I miss you sorely. I love you Daddy, thank you for your amazing legacy which we have to hold onto until we meet again. Continue to RIP ❤️
February 14, 2018
February 14, 2018
Happy birthday daddy. I am happy to announce that we, Chongong Jr was born today at 8:29am. He now shares a birthday with you. Spoke a few minutes ago to mami and she was very happy, saying her husband is back. Daddy we miss you and you will always be in our hearts.
August 15, 2017
August 15, 2017
The Formusoh family has lost one of it's greatest Sons.The void that his death has created in my family will be very difficult to fill. He was a solid pillar in the family and one of my very close advisors. He was very articulate and also well informed about the history of the Formusoh family. He was the only one in the family who knew the biography of most family members. He was one of the very few uncles in the family who used his position and influence at his work to offer employment to family members. He also helped sponsor multiple children of family members in schools. A very humble, generous, respectful and decent gentleman. Everyone in the family felt loved  and comfortable around him. Ba Nkom on behalf on the Formusoh and the entire Balengsang family I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the support and encouragement you accorded this family. Rest in Peace.
Ba Nfon Formusoh
August 11, 2017
August 11, 2017
Ba Nkom, a man of value, loving and caring; always present at all time. A courageous man full of dignity, simple and humble, you will be missed, your stories will no longer be heard, your funny expressions will be missed, your smiles are no longer ours. Your presence will be with the Angels and saints. We love you and miss you dearly. May your soul rest with the Lord.
August 11, 2017
August 11, 2017
Dear Pa Fomuso....You were more than a dad, though you're gone, your memories will always be there. My heart bleeds each time i remember that you have gone but your loving and caring fatherly role will continue, lingering in my heart forever. RIP
August 10, 2017
August 10, 2017
In Loving Memory Of Ba NkomTitus:

A great man has left us indeed. 

Even though we believe in the afterlife, the pain of this huge loss is still very real.

I thoroughly enjoyed every single encounter that we had. You were always full of stories, full of wisdom, full of humour, full of life and full of love. This love you shared freely with all who crossed your path. As one of your daughters in law, you embraced me and my family (from day one) and never made me feel less than one of your daughters. 

Dear Ba Nkom Titus, you will be a tough act to follow. We thank the Almighty God for your life and now ask him to give us the courage to march onward, till we meet again.

Your daughter Mah Nyongsona
August 9, 2017
August 9, 2017
Daddy, i am soo sad, that the cold hands of death have snatched you away from us. I am only comforted by the fact that you are now in the bossom of the Lord, having eternal rest.
I will never forget you because all the beautifull memories i have of you, coaching and encouragement me from whence i was only still a baby.
I remember all the times i would come for holidays and you will spend time teaching me new words and their meanings. You would ask us to listen to the news and tell us what the journalists were saying. Ill neva forget the word IQ. You taught me this word and its meaning when i was 9 and keep on asking me to reproduce the meaning almost all the times we met.
I cant ever forget all the advices you gave me on what field to study in school and the university. For that reason I nicked named you " Papa Advice".
You were very loving and caring and understanding too and you would exclaim ... wheeehh... when a situation was a little confusing and it made me laugh soo much. . Daddy its so unfortunate i didnt get to meet with you again before you passed away. The love you leave behind and all your memories will live on.
Rest in perfect peace Daddy.
August 8, 2017
August 8, 2017
Dear Daddy, I'm still trying to get used to the reality that you are no longer in our midst. Although you are no more with us, wonderful memories of you will remain with us. You were always advising us as kids with comforting words and used to crown it all with a big hug. My earliest memories was how after Sunday services at the hilltop house in station, you'll gather us kids together to watch Maria (Sound of music) while we munched on sweet popcorn and sang along. You also made our traditional names sound so special by always addressing us by them. I remember when mum told you about the field I had chosen in secondary school, which happened to be in your field, You took it upon yourself to motivate and encourage me because you could relate to me. Every Sunday after service at Ntambese I'll come by the house and you'll show me your books and encourage me to read them to improve myself. I'll forever be grateful to you for all your help and positive counsel. You'll forever remain my Number One Mentor(Godfather). Rest in peace with the angels until we meet again. Adieu Daddy
August 8, 2017
August 8, 2017
Dearest daddy Fomuso ! Have always known you to be my second dad. No words can express the way I feel at this moment. You were a wonderful dad to us, kind hearted and always cheerful. You have been and will always remain a beacon of light for the family guiding us through the treacherous passage of life. God has you in his arms and we have you in our hearts. RIP Dad
August 8, 2017
August 8, 2017

I do not have enough words to express the sadness I feel knowing you are gone. You have played major roles in my life since 2006 when we first met. You took me in and treated me like a son. You have been there for me in many ways and I will deeply miss you being around. All I have left are the great moments I was lucky enough to share with you on this earth. I am sure the Angels are celebrating as you join them. May your soul rest in perfect peace Daddy,,, I miss you.
August 8, 2017
August 8, 2017
Daddy, we love you, but God loves you more. May you find peace in the hands of the LORD. Our daddy.
August 7, 2017
August 7, 2017
My dearest Uncle,

I am still in shock and still waiting for someone to wake me up from this bad dream. I dreaded even coming to this page; but guess I have to face it. Uncle you thought me what true faith in God is. You were not just a God father to tick the box or for show, but you were a God father in truth and faith. You always had an encouraging word for me, pointing to the bible me. The last time I saw you in Germany you told me "Seek first the kingdom of God and all other things will be added unto you". Those words of wisdom I promise to continue keeping and live by. Though it's hard to say goodbye for now till we meet again, one thing I know for sure is that you are with the Father in heaven. Love you so much and miss you dearly.
Your God daughter
August 7, 2017
August 7, 2017
Bah, Daddy, Big brother,
I cannot believe that you are gone. I cannot still believe that I will call your phone and there will be no answer. I have been hoping for a miracle that you were going to get out of that hospital and walk to the car and drive home. I thought other people can die but not you because I thought you still had a lot to offer the world. You were loved by many, not because you give money, gold or silver but because you gave love. I am very privileged to have you as a father and a brother. You showed me family values. You showed me the importance of family and friendship, and you showed me never to underestimate anybody be it a poor or rich person, you treated them equally.
   You are gone, but your thumb print shall last forever. You taught me to be honest and you modeled it to us. You taught us the fear of God, making sure we pray first thing in the morning. You will really be missed by many and I personally.
I don't know What I could have done to keep you alive. I prayed, I fasted, but the Lord wanted you to his kingdom.I have not seen anyone who made me feel good like you did. When I call, you answer with such joy and excitement that made me feel important. You call me "( mah ngup') meaning mother hen. Damn, I will miss you, daddy. Thank you for all you did for me and the entire family. I love you. Go in peace. Untill we meet again to part no more. We love you but the lord loves you most. I will always love you Daddy.
August 7, 2017
August 7, 2017
Dearest Ba Nkom,
     I am so lucky that I grew up having you as my grandfather. Words cannot express how much I will miss you. I will miss seeing your big beautiful smile and hearing your boisterous laugh.Your light shined everywhere you went.You have taught me the value of family and how to truly live like a child of God. You are an example of how to live and love. I will miss you so much.
            Love you
August 7, 2017
August 7, 2017
Dearest Ba Nkom,
I'm so glad to have had the pleasure to grow up with a grandfather like you who taught us so much about life and family values.  If it were not for you, I would not know Bali, for which I am eternally greatful. You loved our tradition and made sure every new member of the family knew a little before leaving you. Because of you, I will never forget my culture and heritage. You also showed us what it was to truly be a man of God. You showed love to everyone who crossed your path and have left an imprrssion on all. I will miss you and I will miss your singing for sure.

Forever in my heart.
Nahjela B. Ngati
August 7, 2017
August 7, 2017
Ba Nkom, every time i think about you, my earliest memories of you flood. Chu chu bahni ni tahboh. But i think I've failed lol. I will never forget the air of regality that was constantly around you, your stern but gentle nature,  love of God and family. Watch over us and may your soul rest in perfect peace - Nahgwaa Ngati
August 7, 2017
August 7, 2017
My Tribute to An Icon Grandpa TeeeTus Fomuso
The one who loved unconditionally

Dear Mummy Flo's Dr. Nana as I refer to you,

It is hard to speak about you in past tense!
Let me start off by thanking all of your children and your niece, my sister friend Mummy Flo for sharing you with my family. Thank you.

You were present as each of my children left for college. You made speeches in impeccable English, urging them to take college serious. They listened in awe, wondering if they would ever be able to speak with so much command of the language.

When the oldest - Beri got married, you were present to give your blessings. Thank you.

The last time I saw you at Nandet's home, you had Yaah Eury's children with you on the coach, holding big conversations with them like you were speaking with some senators!. You reached their hearts and minds, empowering them, telling them they were very important people by the attention you paid them. They will miss grandpa TeeeTus! Same day, you turned around and asked Irene if she knew your daughter Edwan. Weahhh Ma Flo's Dr. Nana, I will miss our restaurant trips. Who will remind of how much I look like David and the family?

How can one heart love so much?

We would have been feeling empty, with you leaving but you left lots of love, lots of smiles, lots to be grateful for. You have taught the world that there is enough love to pass around even to children and grandchildren that are not bloodline.

You made the world a much more better place.
That is how Christ meant for us to live. You are an Icon, a great example.
You therefore live forever. Good never dies.

Rest in peace Uncle Titus.
Teary Edwan
August 7, 2017
August 7, 2017
By: Joan Tumi Dzekashu Peto – Niece, on behalf of Tardini, Fomo and I

A special uncle and “Big Doh” (as my boys called him to distinguish between their numerous other maternal grand uncle) with an imposing presence. Imposing because of the impact he made at every encounter in our lives. Loving, humble and appreciating as you were, made us look forward with each encounter. Your hugs and smiles lifted the world around.
As much as you were sick and we longed to see you relieved I am pained that I can no longer speak to you … I cherish the memories of you and it will always be so much laughter with my cousins when we recall these stories.
From an adults eye I praise you for commitment to family and the importance you placed all in your life. You knew the world of people and stories. You have gone with a whole knowledge that no encyclopedia could ever contain.
Tardini, Fomo and myself will miss you. May the Angels guard and guide you as you sail…
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Recent Tributes
July 22
July 22
Daddy, Ba Nkom, 7 years have passed by so fast. I know it's been this long because your namesake grandson has just turned 7! Waoo , life! "Lord, teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom". I miss our conversations, your huge sense of humour. Have you and my dad welcomed your junior brother? Bambodt Pastor went to join you all in the world yonder last year. All these events still seem unreal, yet I have to acknowledge the situation is what it is. I greatly miss you all. Continue to rest peacefully. I love you dearly . Your daughter and aunt Tangwi Manyi Ma Yok Abassi, Tangwi Yeluma .
July 22
July 22
Dear Daddy,

Today marks 7 years since you left this sinful world to be with your maker! You may be gone in person but you are always in our hearts and thoughts. Thank you for all the life lessons you taught us, which are helping to guide us as we continue in our own life journeys. 

May you continue to rest in the peace of the Almighty God and continue to intercede on behalf of the family you left behind for Divine protection until we meet again to part no more. Rest in peace, Dear Daddy.

Love from your son.
Recent stories

Meeting the General

August 8, 2017

I remember the day I met my soon to be father-in-law. It was as if I had known him for a long time because of the way he greeted me and spoke to me. At that moment I knew I had met a man of God and the pillar of his family and community. I gave him a name "The General" because he was the commander for God's intented purpose,to live your life by example offering love, compassion for everyone and much more. You were always happy to see me or when I called to speak to you on the phone. I will always here your voice in my mind and I will remember you always.

Jeffrey Carter   

My grandfather

August 6, 2017


People have always said that I’m like him. The way we act, our presence, and the volume of our voices. The fact that people compare me to him is a genuine compliment. He was God fearing, caring, a family man, and a great person to be around.  I am thankful that I was so blessed to know him well and have him be a part of my life. He has given me so much, physically. Still, the best gift he has given me was an example of a life lived well. When I was younger, I found myself completely surprised about all of the stories I heard and I’d have to stop and ask if I was really the descendant of the closest thing to royalty. He had a lengthy, fruitful marriage, good decision-making, the favor of almost anyone he ran into, a healthy sense of humor, and he still managed to keep his humility. It is because of these things that he is much more than a collection of memories to me. Even though we are upset that he has left us, we should still rejoice this day that he has touched our lives and has gone to be with the lord. I wish him nothing but good rest in heaven’s silence, for he has fought nothing but a good fight. Rest well Doh.


Your grandson, Praise Dingana

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