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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Damien Agendia. We will remember him forever.
June 20
June 20
A very bright smile was always the first expression each time we met. Years ago, we stayed together in Bomaka, where I had the opportunity to get along & was surprised you knew a lot about me as you told my infant stories. Going to the farm together was made easy because you did most of the work. First time I ate coconut rice was when you cooked it. Lots of beautiful memories........
Go with God grand Demy, Until we meet again.
June 20
Damien, I weep to see you haste so soon especially when I remember our days in the early and mid 90s while in GHS Muyuka, how hard working you were until your last days. I remember your selflessness and love for everyone who came across you. I remember when my grandmother died in Kwe-Kwe in 2019 during a two weeks lock down, we could only come to Muyuka after the lock down and before we came you had set up the compound and put everything in place. We only came to assist you in what you started.
Your simplicity, softness and kindheartedness to everyone who came your way was a virtue and an asset, reason why you were known and loved by so many in Muyuka. You were so unique and different in that in the midst of difficult times and good times you kept a very peculiar smile and did all your tasks with tact.
We are heartbroken that you left the stage at a very ripe age when it was time for us to count our blessings naming them one by one because we know the journey we have been through till this date. May the Almighty God grant you eternal rest under Abraham's bosom.
Greet Papa B.A when you meet with him.
Dae, travel safely.
Marcellin Alea. Agendia.
June 18
Uncle Damian we may not have shared so many memories but l vividly remember your smiles, they were so bright and hearing of your passing was so heartbreaking. But l thank God you surrendered your life to Him before your passing may your soul rest in peace in the Lords bosom and may He strengthen all your loved ones mourning you.
June 18
I remember my holidays in Muyuka, how you will make it fun and always buy me Roasted fish, I still remember your smile and humbleness and how you were always willing to help, I will always remember you as the most strongest and hardworking. Have comfort in the blossom of our Lord Jesus Christ.Rest in peace Uncle Damian.
June 17
June 17
Grand Demi, as I always called you. Your simplicity, good heart, and selflessness are what I will always remember you for.

Our path first crossed in Fontem when you came for your father’s cry die. I didn’t even know you, but had heard a lot about you. You took like the little brother you never had from same womb, and made sure I was with you in every BBQ stand giving me more than enough to eat and drink.

My best days with you were in Bomaka. When your are around we had no problem with food. The delicacies you’d prepare on our return from school; the late evening visits to bars around Bomaka; the roasted fish, etc., made my days in UB, as I couldn’t afford them, but you made me enjoy them.

It’s a shame we hardly spoke because of your phobia for phones as I was made to understand, but I know you’re a champion and your memories will continue to be with us your brothers and sisters alike.

Rest well, Mr Power, and may the good Lord grant you peace in paradise. Greet Pa Ben, Ngwikongoh, and our grandfather for us!
You cousin, Nkeng.

June 17
Dahe' that is how I used to called you. Grand Damile that is how you was often called in the quarter. My brother I can remember mid 70s, how I will often jumped out shouting for help fearing I was going to lose a brother because of regular convulsions. Dahe' I can remember early 80s after you have survived the convulsions treat and qualified to go to school. Your days in school, I can remember how I will always battle with you to drag you to school. Once in school I can remember how friends will call on me to tell me they saw you washing plates for restaurant women in the muyuka motto park. And also how I will still come to drag you back to school. I know I didn't like your idea of working job for women even after the lost of our father soon I came to understand that, that was your calling and until I came to accept your ways it wasn't easy between us. I can remember once I accepted your ways I never fine time to question you while you was not following up the 4 hecters of farmland sister Beatrice bought for you and your decision to resell it. I can remember the good times we spent together up street in sand sand quarter when ever I come visiting. My eyes are shading tears when I remember the last two weeks we spent together when I was about to travel. Damian our last day was actually the eve to my journey with some of my friends you pay for all the rounds. I remember giving you 10000f and tell you to stay strong and also promise you that things shall be fine is just a matter of time. Damian most often I have dreams of death before someone close to me will die. Dahe how it all happened I spoke with you on Saturday when you was to separate yourself from us on Sunday. You told me the pain was over and I believe you, yes because I didn't imagine that the worst was about to happen. Although I sent money I did not focus on your situation because I knew it was going to be over. Upon arriving home early morning on Sunday 19th just coming back from work your brother Dr Tim called and announced to me that we lost. The new came to me and I saw myself in cage as I wanted to break into the world to see and take part on what was happening around me but I could not do beyond seating on a spot and wondering. My brother you are gone and it shall be difficult for me to accept the lost so it shall be till we meet again to pads no more. Adieu Adieu Adieu my brother have a perfect rest we shall continue to give thanks to our God our creator.
June 15
June 15
Ohhh Lord!!!! Where do I start?
It is truely sad when loved ones die. Even for those who trust they will spend eternity with God, the thought of passing from this life to the next can come with some trepidation. Yes!! trepidation. Since after your demise, I have been making this statement, "it is a bitter pill to chew, you can't understand until it happens to you" Yeahh I feel the sorrow that comes with death.

Pa De, your demise to me, on a daily basis, seems to be a dream in which I need to wake up. However as day goes by, it is becoming a reality. Eventhough this fantasy, is kind of difficult to accept and believe but God is and will see me through as I have confidence on this very fact that, your peaceful and gentle soul is resting in the bossom of the All Sufficient Father. .

Pa De, when I think of how God used you to take care of us while we were growing after the demise of our father, my heart bleeds, when I remember your good works to the community, my heart bleeds, when I think of your peaceful nature, your gentle smile, my heart bleeds, my heart bleeds when I reflects on our phone conversations for the past 9years, how you ask about the kids, myself and my husband with passion, my heart bleed when I remember the smile and thanks you gave me in our conversation immediately you went to the hospital, how I told you, even though I am not present physically to take care of you, I will take care of you in the hospital through video call ( your smile remains with me), my heart bleeds when I knew of the fact that, you hide your pain because you never want us to be scared even in the hospital, u still hide your pain because you don't want Delphine to be scared or worry. My heart bleed when I think of mami whom you have left alone now at home. Pa De, all your good works makes me cry the more, as we are going to miss you and all that you do.

Pa De, I procure my joy from the fact that, you requested to have a phone conversation with me at the moment of your transition. Yes Pa, I was called on the phone and you spoke with me. In our conversation, I head your words of transition, I head your prayer, I heard your resistance, I head your declarations. My brother....little did I know your words were based on the things you were seeing on the other side. Time and again I think and say how I wish I knew death was about to snatched life out of from you, I would have done things diferrently, I would have prayed differently, by the grace God, I would have called you back to life differently but frankly, there is nothing I could have done when it is God's will. I want to believe that, you were seeing death coming, and u called me through faith thinking that it can be reverted, yes it can be reverted but when God have decided to call you to rest, there is nothing mortal man can do my big brother. Yes Pa De I know you are resting in God's kingdom as you kept declaring to me on phone, " Betty I shall not die but live in the name of Jesus and I kept shouting Amen amen. Yes my beloved brother, I believe the life you live now is eternal life in Christ Jesus where you will see death no more.

Pa De, I derived my joy, wen I head that, about 10 minutes before you passed, you turn your face to the left and gave and electric smile to you sister and you turn your face to the right and gave another smile which means you died smiling something that most people pray about ie to die smiling.

Pa De, though I mourn, though I weep, however, I rejoice because I know you are rejoicing in heaven as in one if the things you said to me during your transition was that, I should send Christmas money that Christmas is around which means you were seeing celebration all around you and the Angels in white you saw plus the smile. Though I weep, I rejoice...

May your Soul Rest in Perfect Peace Amen
June 11
June 11
My dearest brother "pa" as l always called you, you were the benjamin of the boys and I the benjamin of the girls as l always said.Nevertheless l still remain your benjamin. How painful and heart breaking it's is everytime l realise that you are gone for good Pa, I fine it's hard to belief that sometimes l feel like im in a trance but yet reality never fails to slap me in the face. You played the fatherly and brotherly role in my life which made me never feel the emptyness of a father because you filled the gap so well and everytime I think of it, it makes my heart bleed because l will never see you again. You were such a soft, peaceful and gentle soul with the strength of a lion, always ready to help me out even in my home each time you visit us, but now you have gone to eternity. Pa my heart is heavy because many times l told you in quote " I don't want anything to happen to you and in your own words,."Nothing will happen. You di fear wati." Each day tears runs down my eyes because your memories are to much oh D for Demien has left D for Delphine but in God l put my trust. God knows best, his ways are not like that of men so l can't question Him. Rest well my dearest brother "pa", l love you but God loves you more. Aduie.your little Deh ,.mrs Akamin Ngomenda Delphine.
June 11
On this remarkable day when the cold hands of dead snatches my smiling brother from my family ,oh what a dreadful situation .when I lost my lost my father I was only a toddler by then so I knew nothing about "Mr die"still when my beloved uncle Daddyyyyyy RIP no sadness can compared to this ,my brother "aka" Grand Demi but today the choirs of angels welcome him in heaven,.Brother your demise will always be a celebration to my family because it was a feast day of PENTACOST.littl did mum knew you were going and not to returns when she put you in the car .
Brother your memories we shared especially in my childhood and adolescent makes me weep.During this period things were hard for my mum to feed the Chinese pop (family's/students)food like Rice and beans ,cornchaff were often provided by you because you realise we loved those dishes Again i always runs to you when mum asked me to prepared fufu and soup,you mustly substitute soup for eru which put a smile on my face .you were indeed a caring and understanding brother to your siblings .we could eat every fruits in surpluses thanks to you .

When I gave birth to my kids you often visit and spent good time with us .l quite remembered when I travel for greener pastures you went down to fako to assists my husband with the kids while they prepared for Thier exams .Farewell brother greet my father and my uncle Daddyyyyyy still we meet to part no more
Your younger sister
June 11
June 11
Damien, you were a wonderful brother. Always listening to me without any arguments. You had no borders even when you were small. You followed strangers when you were a child until death because you had a cleaned heart of God knowing that this world is vanity. We spoke a few days before your demise and you chatted with your nephews. You also told me you were doing fine and taking your medications properly. I didn't know you were leaving us. Even a few minutes before went, I was still trusting God that you were going to be fine. We thank you didn't suffer. May the Angels who came and took you over, guide you in peace to your father and maker, God the Almighty. Rest and Smile in Peace my obedient younger brother.

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June 20
June 20
A very bright smile was always the first expression each time we met. Years ago, we stayed together in Bomaka, where I had the opportunity to get along & was surprised you knew a lot about me as you told my infant stories. Going to the farm together was made easy because you did most of the work. First time I ate coconut rice was when you cooked it. Lots of beautiful memories........
Go with God grand Demy, Until we meet again.
June 20
Damien, I weep to see you haste so soon especially when I remember our days in the early and mid 90s while in GHS Muyuka, how hard working you were until your last days. I remember your selflessness and love for everyone who came across you. I remember when my grandmother died in Kwe-Kwe in 2019 during a two weeks lock down, we could only come to Muyuka after the lock down and before we came you had set up the compound and put everything in place. We only came to assist you in what you started.
Your simplicity, softness and kindheartedness to everyone who came your way was a virtue and an asset, reason why you were known and loved by so many in Muyuka. You were so unique and different in that in the midst of difficult times and good times you kept a very peculiar smile and did all your tasks with tact.
We are heartbroken that you left the stage at a very ripe age when it was time for us to count our blessings naming them one by one because we know the journey we have been through till this date. May the Almighty God grant you eternal rest under Abraham's bosom.
Greet Papa B.A when you meet with him.
Dae, travel safely.
Marcellin Alea. Agendia.
June 18
Uncle Damian we may not have shared so many memories but l vividly remember your smiles, they were so bright and hearing of your passing was so heartbreaking. But l thank God you surrendered your life to Him before your passing may your soul rest in peace in the Lords bosom and may He strengthen all your loved ones mourning you.
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A strong Man

June 11
Damien Ngu-Ago Agendia was born on March 4, 1974 in CDC Meanja Rubber Estate -Muyuka Subdivision to Late Agendia Abanda Benard and Mafua Theckla Emetemfua Fobellah. Damien was the 5th child of the couple. He was regularly sick before he attained the age of 6 but grew up to be the strongest man in the family in-terms of  physical power who was never hospitalized  or being sick until death. After the dead of the father in 1988, Damien decided to drop out of school and fetch for himself since schooling was not in his blood. He used his God given power for manual labour to help his mother, brothers, and sisters while they were still in school. Damien didn’t want anyone to control his life, so he settled as a sole proprietor. He got jobs requiring hard labour from his clients and executed them with high degree of effectiveness. Some of his jobs include:

Clearing and preparing virgin forest for planting;

Clearing hectares of Cocoa, Coffee, Palms, and Rubber plantations;

Loading and off-loading of produce and merchandise;

Digging of toilets pits, bore holes and foundations of houses.

Damien had no off-day all his life. His clients (mostly farmers, merchants, Truck drivers) were always at his door looking for him to put them in his queue at early as 4:30am. Most often 5:00am does meet him at home.

Damien was a peacemaker, seeking to maintain or bring peace between unknown individuals, friends, and families. He had a good sense of judgement because he did not need favour from anybody. He was a selfless man that took people happiness first, he sold his own farms that were bought for him because he had no time for himself to manage but had time for other people's farms.

Damien was a great cook. Whenever he had time to get enough substance to cook, he prepared something very special. When he was younger, he prepared food for his younger sisters who were going to school. He did not only learn cooking from his mother, but equally learned from those who sold food at the Muyuka Motor Park in the 80s when he was working for them.

Socially, even though Damien did not marry, he took great care of a multitude of girls without any regret. He provided enough food and drinks to all those who joined him on a table in a restaurant bar, or night club. He was family minded and attended most meetings of the maternal and paternal families no matter where the gathering was taking place.

Damien became sick sometimes in November, 2023, when her little sister first noticed his swelling feet and talked with him about it, because of his selflessness he turned down the offer from his sister for a hospital check-up. His sickness increased gradually and by the time he agreed to go for a check-up, some of his internal organs were not functioning correctly, it was too late for treatment.

Demien gave himself to Christ and died while talking and smiling with angels who came to receive him in the hospital (Repeatedly asking his younger sister if they were seeing the people passing by the window?)

To God all the Glory.

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