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Star Chef

April 29, 2017

About a month ago I was hanging out with Daniel, Sarah and our friend Cece talking about life and silly little topics. Our friend Cece and I have been really in to playing this game called Star Chef which is an app about cooking. I got a notification on my phone and said something close to: “Oh yay! My onion soup is ready!” and opened up star chef to start playing. Cece did the same and we continued to talk about how great the game was. Daniel then commented: “Wait, is that a restaurant in space?!” Sarah, Cece, and I busted out in laughter and it ended with me rolling around, roaring with laughter, and crying! Daniel was so great at getting the people around him to laugh, and in the “rolling around, stomach aching, and crying” kind of way! He was so hilarious and fun to talk with! Daniel had such a wonderful heart and mind! Daniel, you make my soul shine!

Swinging Home

April 28, 2017

Daniel was about two years old. It may have been the first time I met him, replete with his blonde hair, and infectious grin.  On that day, Jane, Peter, Daniel and I were walking in Horseshoe Park (maybe it was Beaver Meadows) in Rocky Mtn. Nat'l Park.  Danny Boy did something that caused Jane to bend down and whisper a parental correction. That's how his parents rolled--quiet, but effective. He obeyed. 

I was in a goofy mood.  "Let's cheer up this little tyke."  So, I picked up a log.  Daniel and I were gonna pretend to play baseball.  I swung away. I, in my exuberance, almost whacked poor-but-willing-to-go-along-with-the-game Daniel in the head with said log.

I recall Jane and Peter freezing just a bit. 

I was aghast at the close call.  

Daniel laughed.

In that moment--in his laughter, Daniel made a home run out of my heart.

Here's to you, Daniel Mellers.  

-Lynn Froude    


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