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August 16
August 16

I never wanted to write on the site like this, as missing a friend like you is too hard. You are the person who  told me what it means to love our science, be a men of principles and values, and how even very wild ideas of yours turned out to be true.

One day we gather again and continue our journey!
September 6
September 6
I was deeply shocked to learn of Daniel's death.
I remember the interesting and enjoyable time we shared when you stayed in Sendai.
I miss you, Daniel, and thank you for the wonderful memories.
September 3
September 3
Daniel was an amazing physicist and human being, a kind and sympathetic person. It is very sad to say farewell to him.
September 3
September 3

you have been a source of inspiration, a great scientist and a wonderful colleague. We will miss your creativity and wisdom and the very many enlightening discussions.
August 28
August 28
Daniel was an outstanding scientist and a wonderful colleague. He had the rare gift of building bridges between experiment and theory. Every discussion with him was a source of inspiration, insight and joy.
August 27
August 27
Daniel was really great Scientist, his work will live for a long time. Rest in peace!
August 27
August 27
So sorry to say farewell to Daniel. He gave so many insights about science and about life to all of us that had the pleasure of knowing him.
August 23
August 23
Danya was my Teacher (with a capital letter) and the closest friend for more than fifty years. I am sure that his wisdom and enthusiasm will always live with all who knew him.
August 22
August 22
Daniel was a true guru, always eager to learn about new experiments, ideas, and people, and always willing to explain. He has inspired so many, and his spirit will carry us onward. Am deeply saddened, and will miss him. My condolences to his family and friends.
August 22
August 22
I was extremely lucky to be able to work with Daniel when I was just starting my doctoral work, and to then continue to get insights from his illuminating explanations during my scientific career. I feel so fortunate to have been able to share discussions (and multiple board and paper drawings) with him. He was unique, an example of kindness, and such a source of inspiration. He will be missed and dearly remembered by those of us who had the privilege of knowing him.
August 21
August 21
Daniel was instrumental in so many ways to development of modern condensed matter science, however, if you ever said something soppy like this, he would gently remind you to get to the point! I owe him my launch of my post-doctoral career after I got to know him in Groningen and steadfast guidance across so may avenues, people and concepts. Not sure I will ever get used to not having him around!
August 20
August 20
It’s very sad to hear about Danya passing away.
Our hearts go out to his family, all his friends and relatives in time of deep sorrow.
Oleg & Tamara.
August 19
August 19
You have been a such a source of inspiration, both as a physicist and as a person. Your modesty, humor, deep curiosity and amazing physical intuition have made you a role model for me and many others.
We miss you.
August 19
August 19
Daniel to me was one of the most very unique people I have ever encountered. Even though he understood the breadth of physics, he never paused in explaining the most simple concepts to anyone (myself included) who asked. His ideas were always there to help you without any thought of credit. He was the kind of person who you encounter once in a generation and will be sorely missed by me and many others. My condolences to his his family and friends. We will miss him and I am very saddened by his passing.
August 19
August 19
I didn't get to spend as much time with Daniel as I would have liked, but I knew him as a fine gentleman and an outstanding physicist. May his memory be a blessing to his family, friends and colleagues.
August 19
August 19
We have lost a friend, a scholar and a humanist. His scientific legacy will remain, as will fond memories of his exceptional kindness, his deep knowledge, his boundless enthusiasm and his subtle humor. My thoughts are with his family.
August 19
August 19

I just opened the slides I prepared in June 2020 to discuss magnetic fragmentation in spin ice with you. The memory reminded me of how privileged I was to be inspired by you during the early stages of my PhD. Your guidance and insight left an indelible mark on my academic journey. I will never forget your inspiration.
August 19
August 19
I am really sorry to hear the sad news. Indeed it was an honor to know Daniel, I was impressed by his profound knowledge, curiosity, always striving for better understanding and pointing to the right direction, also his friendly and modest nature and remaining active and young in spirit, a genuine example for us. In the lunch breaks at KITP one could meet him and his wife on long walks along the beach...
August 19
August 19
It was very devastating and heart breaking when I got the news that you were no more. You were a wonderful friend and an excellent teacher. You have been a guide and motivator to many of us. I have learned new ideas and explanations from you during your visits to TEMM meetings . You will always be remembered as the scientific leader with vision and the one who cared for others. I am proud to say you were always there for me and I will always remember our discussions.
August 19
August 19
On behalf of Anatly Zvezdin

Ушел от нас Даня Хомский. Это большая потеря для всех нас, его друзей, для всех кто общался с ним, читал его блестящие статьи и слушал не менее
блестящие доклады на семинарах и конференциях. Он был добрым и отзывчивым человеком и выдающимся физиком-теоретиком, всегда стремившимся быть на острие проблем своей науки и очень доходчиво и остроумно о них рассказывать нам грешным. Мои глубокие соболезнования родным и близким Дани. Светлая ему память и Царство Небесное.

Анатолий Звездин
August 18
August 18
Danya was a unique person. He radiated a love of life, a kind of greed to understand the world, a desire not only to look, understand, but also to taste, be it French frogs or Brazilian black beans. Farewell, Danya, I will always remember the warmth of our meetings.
August 17
August 17
I am deeply saddened by your loss. You have always been a source of new ideas and inspiration. Your warm personality and sense of humor always comforted me. We will continue to nurture your legacy. Thank you for all the wonderful memories.
Sincerely, Naoto
Je-Geun Park
August 17
August 17
The biggest joy of being a scientist is knowing some of the greatest scientists as friends. It was my fortune to have known Daniel for so many years, sometimes working on scientific problems together but most of the time sharing ideas and views about all sorts of things. Sadly, I can no longer meet him in person. My fond memory of him, so many, is watching him start drawing his ideas on paper. I wish him rest in peace.
August 17
August 17

what an endless source of inspiration you have been for all of us!
Even the most complex phenomena seemed so clear and easy to understand for you … and your illuminating explanations made us feel that we could also grasp at least part of them…
I am so grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with you and hope that we can continue to build upon your legacy

August 17
August 17
Dear Daniel,

Your love of science and life, your tremendous enthusiasm, and your constant curiosity were the driving force behind many of us. Every single minute of discussion with you gave me a huge boost.
You will always have a special place in my heart.

Yours, Gia
August 17
August 17
What a pity! I wish to share the feelings of his family for this sad loss and to remember that a scientist like him will always be remembered by those of us who have had the privilege of his company.
August 17
August 17
Dear Daniel,

It is such a sad day to hear your leaving. I still remember our last discussion in my office about molecular orbitals and spin-orbit couplings back in KTIP before the COVID, and the our email communications about orbital physics and Kugel-Khomskii models. Your energy and passion about physics will remain a legacy for many of us.

Gang Chen
August 17
August 17
I was deeply saddened to learn the news. Daniel was an immense scientist and a great human being. He has brought to our field his deep insights into
materials and the delicate interplay of spins and orbitals, among many other things. As a theoretical physicist who got a late education about materials, I learnt a lot by listening to his talks. We will miss him dearly.
August 17
August 17
Tragic news! We were friends for 55 years, but only few months before the tragic accident we co-authored two joint papers. There were plans to continue this research but now we are to do it without Daniel's inspiration and ideas...
August 16
August 16
I am saddened by Daniel’s passing. His expertise will be greatly missed. His appreciation of experiments is particularly notable. Daniel was a rich source of inspiration and remained active to the end.
August 16
August 16

You've been my true shifu in science for the past quarter century. I'll miss you deeply and wish you endless discovery in the pursuit of truth, even in heaven.

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