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With the approval of his family, this page was created just for everyone to scroll through, post a picture, or write a memory to remember Danny. Most of us are in different states and countries and wish we could be there to celebrate Danny's life, so here's a page to celebrate him for friends and family to look at and remember the good times and friends that Danny had. We all miss him. 

July 18, 2017
July 18, 2017
I am so grateful for at least being part of your life for the little time I did as kids. I always had a blast babysitting you and your siblings. I can remember playing outside climbing trees , playing hide and seek inside. I even remember how you and I collided into each other and I thought that one of us was going to get a black eye ! Playing the piano , Even just making sure you were in bed on time and peaking in and you all were still awake !! I seriously have the best memories with you and your family as kids and I'm happy to be apart of it. You will be missed so dearly. My thoughts , prayers and everything go out to your amazing family and you. ❤️❤️
July 3, 2017
July 3, 2017
I have not heard about Danny in a long time because I think his family moved, but my personal experiences with him have always been positive. When I was in middle school, I used altar served with Danny and Sarah. It was always a nice experience to serve God with such a thoughtful person like Danny at the chapel located at NAS Lemoore. My prayers go out to Danny and his family. I truly wish I got to know Danny better while we were young because he was such a great guy.
June 25, 2017
June 25, 2017
All these notes have a common theme - what a light you were in this world. Hurts to write that in past tense, and the world is a dimmer place without your smile and laughter in it. Thanks for all the great memories, you added so much light to our school, and everyone in the Stuttgart community will always miss you! My prayers are with your family for having to deal with this loss way too soon.
June 25, 2017
June 25, 2017
You were a light in everyones day and never failed to leave people smiling even on bad days. I have always been thankful for your bright spirit and for your great support during football season when I needed it most. I have amazing memories from the classes, practices, parties, and fest-times that we shared, so you will always be with me. I'll miss your infectious happiness and big smile. Rest easy, bud.
June 23, 2017
June 23, 2017
Danny, you were without a doubt one of the people who I've grown up with since we were both freshman on the wrestling team. Looking back at all the laughs and mischief we caused makes me happy that we always had fun. I love you man. You and your family are always in my prayers.
June 21, 2017
June 21, 2017
I am so heartbroken. I can't believe this is real. You changed my life without even realizing it. You always said that I thought too highly of you, but it was well deserved praise. You are possibly the most amazing human I've ever known and you set the bar high for everyone else. People were always so excited when you entered a room. Your energy was ridiculously bright and positive. You left me with nothing but good memories that will never be forgotten. There was so much more I wanted to talk to you about and I am bummed that I didn't have the chance to spit my wu-tang verse to you, but you fulfilled your purpose of making everyone around you smile. I hope to see you soon, so we can move into that van and travel around in paradise. ❤️

Love always and forever,
June 21, 2017
June 21, 2017
You were great man & always kept things light no matter how the situation was! Forever, I'll miss you & still hurts I didn't see you last winter. Stay looking over all & prayers to your family.

June 21, 2017
June 21, 2017
Danny, your smile lights up every room you enter. Your love of life has no bounds. Now you are looking down at us so I will share my thoughts with you: May the moon calm your families' souls, may the sun always shine bright reminding us of all of your energy and may you always be the stars in the shining eyes of your family. You are loved, you are blessed and surrounded by shining eyes right now.
June 21, 2017
June 21, 2017

You were always one of the funniest guys and whenever I was around you it was an amazing time. You were a great friend and an inspiration to those around you. I knew you through wrestling, your family, and we had many mutual friends. You won't be forgotten and my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family
June 21, 2017
June 21, 2017

I still can't believe you are gone. Thank you for the great times that you gave to me and many others. You were, and will continue to be, a big inspiration in everyone's life. My sincere condolences to the family, friends, and anothers that was close to Danny. Love you and rest easy bud.

Antonio Freeman
June 21, 2017
June 21, 2017
Oh Danny, I don't even know where to start. I am still in disbelief that you are gone. You were one of the very first friends I made at San Marcos, and you have continued to stay my best and closest friend these past 3 years. From the memories in German class for our first 2 years in college, to the birthday messages you sent me only days ago, and every laughable memory and inside joke in between will be cherished in my heart forever. You were an amazing person and an even better friend, and it saddens me to know the world lost such a beautiful person. I will always love you Danny Boii, forever in my heart and never forgotten. Ready easy my dear
June 21, 2017
June 21, 2017
Myself, Sarah, and Kelsey have had Danny in our thoughts the past couple of days. Danny was so sweet and funny. Lots of love and prayers to the families and good friends involved.
June 21, 2017
June 21, 2017
Thank you Danny for making Honors Lit very memorable! You were a very funny man and I won't ever forget your face. You will never be forgotten but remembered for all the great memories you created with everyone. Rest In Peace angel.
June 21, 2017
June 21, 2017
Danny boii,

I don't even know where to start bro. Seems like yesterday we met sophmore year. Always full of positive energy. Im still not really wanting to believe this is all true. I want to thank you for letting me be part of your life. Although it was short , you influenced so many people around you. You showed me what living really means. Showed me to follows my dreams no matter what and always had everyone's back. The world is alot less bright now that your not around anymore. We will all always cherish the memories we had with you and the time we got to spend. We was just talking about plans we had for later this year and destroyed a box of mozzarella sticks while watching always sunny. Riot juice haha. And I'll never forget some of those Stuttgart nights either homie. I would lie if I said I wasn't in alot of pain right now. I love you bro, Take care up there and remember to keep one rolled for me, we will catch up soon enough brother. S.N.M For Life bro!! Deepest condolences to the Alvarado family. Thank you for sharing Danny with us and letting him be part of our lives. He touched and influenced many lives and will forever be with us in memory. He will be truly missed. We are all here for you
June 21, 2017
June 21, 2017
omg i went to school with danny one best engery you will ever meet in your life . simple
June 20, 2017
June 20, 2017
It took me a long time to write this because I started with “you are” but the next word needed to be “were.” I still cannot believe you are gone. It was way too soon. What I wouldn’t give to be sitting back in AVID with you and have you turn around to me with a giant smile, take the first thing on my desk and throw it over your shoulder into the trash can just one more time. I don’t know why this is the memory that keeps popping into my head the most but it is. Every class without fail you did that and then when I had to get my pencil, binder, or my entire backpack out of the trash you yelled “Trash digger!” and everyone laughed. It took Ms. Dickmeyer about forty times to see you do it once. You took my water bottle as the bell rang and put it in the trash and ran out and she flipped. But we all just laughed. And that’s what you did. You made people laugh. No one could be in a remotely bad mood around you, Danny. You made the world brighter. You stood up for people in the hallway, knew when to laugh, and when to be serious when a friend needed someone to listen. From AVID to downtown and hanging out at the Stack’s house, I’ll always remember the good memories we made. Thank you Danny for having an impact on my life and on everyone you met. You were a remarkable person with a heart of gold. My prayers go out to your family.
Hannah Griffin
(Gryffindor, Griffin, and Shorty to you)
June 20, 2017
June 20, 2017
Thanks for all the amazing times our group had with you man! We love you bro. You will always be missed Danny. RIP Big Man!
June 20, 2017
June 20, 2017
Notorious D.A.N,
Sorry that nickname never stuck bud haha, you're always going to be shrimp boat to me. Thank you for everything. Thank you for always making fun of me to help keep me humble. Thank you for always supporting me through every sporting event and Europeans. Thank you for always making me laugh. Thank you for making me eat duck and not telling me it wasn't chicken until after, at the time I wanted to throw my egg roll at you, but I'd eat anything in a heartbeat if it meant you were still here to laugh at me while I believed you. I've never been able to watch New Girl without thinking of you and it just got so much harder. You are so young and we weren't ready to live without you yet. Please watch over us and know how much we all love you. I'll always be your big bird, I love you Danny. Rest easy sweet boy.
June 20, 2017
June 20, 2017
Man, I am so shocked right now to hear of your passing. I can't believe your gone. We may not have hangout or anything, but with the small interactions we had I could tell that you were a nice guy. You even made me feel more welcome at Patch High School when I just moved to Germany recently. I even remember the time during Halloween I wore my own Minecraft Creeper costume at school, and you happily dragged me to the side to give me a video interview. And I even remember the times you were in my Biology class. Thanks for making me feel welcome at Patch and prayers to your family. RIP
June 20, 2017
June 20, 2017
So lucky to have known you and called you my friend. It's hard to put into words how much admiration I had for you - how much we all had. Thank you so much for your friendship and for every bizarre, goofy memory you let me be a part of. It always felt like a privilege, and it always will.
June 20, 2017
June 20, 2017
Here is a link to a bunch of wrestling and some other photos:
Throughout high school you were always the guy to goof around and lighten the mood. I appreciated it back then, but it took a couple of years in college for me to realize how much someone with a personality like yours adds to one’s life. Throughout college, I could always count on you to respond to snapchats reminiscing on Germany or discussing the latest episodes of Westworld. There was even one time, freshman year, when I called you so that my university friends could laugh at your hilarious stories. I’m really gonna miss watching season 2 with you.
You taught me to not take life so seriously and that sometimes it’s okay to go with the flow. But you also had the wisdom to know when to take life seriously, whether it be your commitment to the Coast Guard or reverence for US National Parks. You were beyond your years.
To Danny’s family, your son and brother was an extraordinary young man. He was a wonderful and caring friend and a role model for all. Danny was one of those people who even if you hadn’t spoken to him in months or even years, you could reach out to him and strike up a conversation like you were sitting in a PHS classroom. The world will be a less bright place without him.
We’re all gonna miss you man,
Connor Hartzell
June 20, 2017
June 20, 2017

It's crazy how much of an impact you made in my life in such a short while. So many great memories in Stuttgart had you in it. The countless times you Kat and Rachel convinced me to make questionable decisions but it always ended up in laughs. The daily pranks in seminar and ap bio that you knew would piss me off but still did anyways! That time I didn't go to class but you and Rach decided to break into my locker and and wear all my clothes with many snaps following. All the times at Kats house where you acted like the goofy older bro I never had and all the chest bumps from you and Vance are not forgotten! One thing that amazed me about you was how light hearted and funny you were. You knew how to always keep life fun which is one of the best qualities anyone can have. Thank you for making me love the song Wagon Wheel and turning me into a Lil Dicky fan. Anytime I hear either one I always think of you. So happy I saw you one last time in Stuttgart, I wish I had better words. Thank you for your friendship Danny, I will always cherish it. Love you
June 20, 2017
June 20, 2017

"I'm truly blessed and thankful to have gotten to know you, be your friend and teammate for football! You were such a funny guy, considerate, kind, and you had a great heart! The memories that we had will last a lifetime and I will never forget them. We will all miss you very very much and thank you for all of the wonderful memories and times that we had. God Bless you and your whole entire family! I'll miss you bro! R.I.P.
June 20, 2017
June 20, 2017
Danny, you and I were never tight friends in high school but it was amazing when I learned that your family got stationed the same place as mine. Spending time with you this summer after not seeing you for three years was unbelievable because it seemed like we were back in high school again. The love you showed me was unbelievable and I wish I had let you know how much I appreciated the friendship and the chance to chill with a familiar face once again.
The morning that I found out what happened, I was distraught and nauseous. It seemed like it couldn’t be true and I still have a hard time believing it. I want you to know how loved you were and the tears that fell for you. 
Best wishes go out to the family, you all should be proud of the great man you raised and understand the hearts that Danny touched. He was the kind of guy who loved everyone unconditionally. I can only hope that I can be as good of a person as Danny was. He was a legend and will never be forgotten.
Rest in Peace, Danny.
June 20, 2017
June 20, 2017
Danny Boy.. where do I begin?? We met wayyy back in the day! Although we haven't kept in touch as close as we should have, I'll always cherish the memories we shared. From the wrestling mat to the football field, you were always the one to make the best of a bad situation. You always wanted the best for your loved ones, no matter what it meant for you. You had an extremely forgiving heart Danny, and that is how we will remember you. The entire Stuttgart community lost a loved one, and it'll never be the same without ya man. Forever our 0711 family. From the times at the Vaihingen pool, to the movie theatre on Patch, Rodney's house to Frühlings Fest, Yellow House to BBQ kickbacks; you were always part of the squad, and that you will forever remain. Rest easy Danny boy, thank you for the memories. And thank you for reminding me how important it is to stay in touch with all my loved ones.. We'll miss you homie
June 20, 2017
June 20, 2017
I do not know what I'm going to do without the cover fire on Xbox. We love you bro RIP
June 20, 2017
June 20, 2017
You were always smiling and a friendly face to see throughout our years of school together and you made myself and others feel so extremely welcomed in your presence. I remember the times spent hearing your stories which made everyone laugh and feel as fun spirited as yourself. You are so loved and will be missed for always. My heart goes out to your family
June 20, 2017
June 20, 2017
From the football field and wrestling mat to the streets of Stuttgart, I'll forever cherish the memories we shared. Most all of these memories there is a smile on your face. The positivity you shared with the ones around has made such an impact it is unreal. I will miss you Danny!

My thoughts, love, and prayers are with you and yours always.
June 20, 2017
June 20, 2017
This is very hard to write as I do not think your parting makes sense to any one of us. I do not have a single memory of you in which you were not laughing. Every time I walked into a class that you were in, I knew the rest of the semester was going to be that much more bearable. You were focused, yet had and continue to have a spirit so free and rare. I will miss seeing how you lived as I have yet to meet another who turns a room bright before he even walks in- just because he wants life to be bright for others more than himself. I will think of you every time I think of Patch, getting scolded by certain teachers (you know who), and cats because you were one of few who shared my preference for them. I wish we would have studied abroad together in South Africa like we talked about but I now have all the more reason to go, with you in memory. Although there is a notable absence in the world now, your influence lives on. 

Thank you for staying with us in spirit.
June 20, 2017
June 20, 2017
I'm grateful to be apart of your life, from high school wrestling and football to the quad at Cal State, I'll always remember you with your goofy smile and the ability to make everyone laugh. Thanks for teaching me how to live a great life, to find something you actually enjoy in life, and to always listen to good music. When I'm back in San Diego I'll have a burrito for you.
June 20, 2017
June 20, 2017
No matter the situation, you always seemed to make everyone around you laugh. From 6 hour drives to football games or making fun of me in AVID class or hanging out at Rodney's house, high school wouldn't have been the same without you. You have left a mark on so many people's heart. You will always be remembered and missed by so many. Heaven gained another angel Danny, your family is in my prayers
June 20, 2017
June 20, 2017

Words can't describe how much you mean to me. You've always made the best of a crappy situation with a laugh. I have so many memories with you from goofing off in wrestling practice to our stupid shenanigans we did downtown and I wouldn't have changed a thing. You've always brought out the best and worst in me, but that's what brothers do. You're my brother danny and I love you.

Vance "VMan" Badua-Castillo

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July 18, 2017
July 18, 2017
I am so grateful for at least being part of your life for the little time I did as kids. I always had a blast babysitting you and your siblings. I can remember playing outside climbing trees , playing hide and seek inside. I even remember how you and I collided into each other and I thought that one of us was going to get a black eye ! Playing the piano , Even just making sure you were in bed on time and peaking in and you all were still awake !! I seriously have the best memories with you and your family as kids and I'm happy to be apart of it. You will be missed so dearly. My thoughts , prayers and everything go out to your amazing family and you. ❤️❤️
July 3, 2017
July 3, 2017
I have not heard about Danny in a long time because I think his family moved, but my personal experiences with him have always been positive. When I was in middle school, I used altar served with Danny and Sarah. It was always a nice experience to serve God with such a thoughtful person like Danny at the chapel located at NAS Lemoore. My prayers go out to Danny and his family. I truly wish I got to know Danny better while we were young because he was such a great guy.
June 25, 2017
June 25, 2017
All these notes have a common theme - what a light you were in this world. Hurts to write that in past tense, and the world is a dimmer place without your smile and laughter in it. Thanks for all the great memories, you added so much light to our school, and everyone in the Stuttgart community will always miss you! My prayers are with your family for having to deal with this loss way too soon.
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