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His Life
August 29, 2018

Darell Julius Hosey also nicknamed FatDaddy was born on August 28, 2009 in Los Angeles, California to Julius LaRose Hosey Sr. (Who proceeded him in death) & Delia Magee. He was the fifth eldest of ten children. He is survived by five brothers, one being his twin and four sisters. He was born prematurely at 7 and 1/2 months and  weighed 4lbs and 8 oz and 18 inches in length. Darell was baptized on October 31, 1998 at the tender age of 10 and became a member of the Mt. Rubidoux SDA Church. He became a Pathdinder and played the snare drums and he was the best snare player. He inspired other youths to want to play also. He was in both choirs, Children's and the Youth Choir. As a new member of the Mt. Rubidoux, Darell was inspired by the musicians of the church. His favorite musician was Benny Goodman who taught him how to play the benediction. Darell would come home from church and play the benediction for hours amazing us all of his God given talent. Darell's gift and love for music was evident at an early age. At the age of 9 yrs old while fulfilling his passion for music, he would sneak into the church and play the organ and piano. At the age of 10, he received his first organ and then he received piano lessons provided by Sister Ann Riley. After piano lessons God blessed Darell with a gift to create his own music. With this gift, Darell created all types of music, but he never forgot where his passion for music came from, an inspiration from God. Darell attended elementary schools in Los Angeles, Rialto, Rubidoux and Moreno Valley. He attended Moreno Valley High, Rancho Verde High and Bay Charter School. He attended College at RCC in Riverside and in Moreno Valley. He worked as a Security Officer for various apartments and he also worked on campus at RCC as an Office Assistant,at the Moreno Valley Campus. Darell was enrolled and planned to attend Mt. San Jacinto College in Riverside County to further pursue his musical ambitions. Darell did not have any children. At the age of 21 yrs old, Darell's life was taken while he was living in Hemet, California on Thanksgiving Eve on November 25, 2009. The persons responsible for his death have been arrested and convicted of his murder. The shooter is serving Life plus 35 years and the setup guy is serving 15 yrs to life with the possibility of parole. Our family received JUSTICE in November 2012. Thank God! Darell was loved by everyone he knew. Every Thanksgiving his family celebrate Thanksgiving in his honor because we know that he would want us too. He loved to eat and that's why we called him "FatFaddy"! We'll never forget the beautiful smile he had that just lit up a room. He left lots of memories in the music he created with his family and friends. He's gone but never forgotten. Sleep in peace ,son.