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This memorial was created on this website by Camellia Hoare “The Cassidy Rose©®”  in memory of David Cassidy and his Legacy of his Music and his Talent. We will remember him forever. He will forever be in his fans hearts ♥️ We thank him for his presence, his Music, for the joy, the Love and Light he brought into our lives. There will never be a performer who captured the hearts of so many for so many years and that stay devoted and loyal to him. He was our generation of music. His music, his beauty,  his talent,  changed so many lives forever in ways he never knew. We still feel his impact today and we mourn his loss. The world was a more beautiful place with David in it. He was a bright light that has gone way too soon. But he lives on in our hearts, through his music and we are guardians of his Legacy. He was a trailblazer as no other before him. Rest in peace dear sweet  man . We will remember you forever. You lived your life and did it, as the song “My Way” sung by Frank Sinatra  ....
May 10

You have got me through this last year in more ways you can imagine.
I have been thinking of you so much, and I’m hoping you’re at peace.
Your legacy continues with your loyal fans. Your music is always going to be there.
Thank you. Sending love and light.
April 14
April 14
I was never lucky enough to go to one of his concerts, in the 70s I would watch The Partridge Family and get the FSN Club on the back of the records when I graduated and went into Army, I got out of following David but when we moved to Texas , I would watch all the videos posted of concerts and I would always be looking to see if he had a Concert that was close to me, but they were all far away. He is my favorite singer when I play his music, if I am sad his music cheers me up his music makes me happy and puts me in a very good mood. I know he said thst he was retiring because of his Arthitis, but I would be happy to hear him sing, he wouldn't need to Plat his guitar.HE WAS THE GREATEST AND I Miss Him also and pray for him everyday. You are very missed David.
April 13
April 13
Dear David,
I didn't forget your birthday, I thought of you all day yesterday, but didn't find time to leave this tribute. Thinking of you always, loving you forever, Jackie ❤️❤️❤️
April 13
April 13
Well, another year has passed and here we are again to celebrate your birthday. I wish I could say it gets easier as time passes but it does not. You left us way to so soon. But your legacy of love light and beautiful music lives around the world. We miss you every single day. Happy heavenly Birthday 74th the one and only Cherished David Bruce Cassidy. 
April 13
April 13
Beautiful soul with a beautiful voice. So wish I could have met you David. Hope you’re in the arms of your loved ones up above.
Will always listen to your music. God bless. xx
April 12
April 12
Salut dear David, I fell hoplessly inlove with you when i was 11 years old back in 1985 and Im still hopelessly inlove with you only regret is that I never got to meet you in real life but in my head, I met you a thousand times over. Happy happy Birthday darling David Cassidy. Je t'aime Sophia XXXXXX
April 12
Dear David, you are so missed!. I’ll always love you and listen to your music. , the soundtrack of my youth, thank you. So glad I got to meet you.
April 12
74th birthday wishes for today.
Very sadly missed.
He was wonderful in his ‘hey day’.
April 12
April 12
You know the story David. We've talked about it enough. Enjoy the peace you now have and sing forever with the angels. Happy birthday sweet man. You are and will always be loved.
April 12
April 12
Happy Heavenly 74 th Birthday. You’re not forgotten and i hope you’ve found everything you craved on earth in Heaven.
Always Kid Always.
April 12
April 12
Remembering you on what would be your 74th birthday .Can’t believe you’re not here . Missed and loved everyday
Camellia ~ The Cassidy Rose 
April 12
April 12
Hello, David.
Here we all are once again celebrating your Heavenly Birthday. Year after year it just doesn't seem possible you're no longer with us
Hope you know how much your still loved and thought of. Not just today but every day that follows.
April 12
It's hard to believe you're celebrating your 8th Heavenly birthday, today. I know you're looking down and can feel all our love. You may no longer be physically here, but I'm sure it would thrill you to know we all still feel your love and light. Now, you are filling Heaven with love and light.
April 11
April 11
HAPPY HEAVENLY BIRTHDAY DAVID...all the years you have been cherished by myself and many others forever and always...I see your picture and hear your music daily as I can never forget that special feeling of comfort I continue to get everyday from you...I love you and always will...happy trails my childhood love xo
November 22, 2023
November 22, 2023
David, I love You Still..
Amour Sophia X
November 22, 2023
November 22, 2023
Well today we celebrate all things David Cassidy. The music, his amazing smile and most of all the energy and the goodness he brought into the world. I know David thought he was not perfect in fact he was flawed in many ways. But those of us who loved him he could do no wrong. We love and miss you every single day. Best a peace as you fly high with the angels. We will never forget you lots of love from us all xxx
November 21, 2023
November 21, 2023
I’m celebrating another Birthday without you, can’t believe it’s six years since your passing.
You are loved and missed every day xxx
November 21, 2023
November 21, 2023
6 years since you’ve been gone. David you’re much missed.
November 21, 2023
November 21, 2023
And just like that another year has passed. Still I think “Tell me it’s not true”.
6 years gone and we still miss you as much as the day you left . Always kid Always
November 21, 2023
November 21, 2023
Never forgotten. Not ever. 
November 21, 2023
November 21, 2023
It's just so hard and impossible some how that you've left us six years ago. It doesn't seem possible, as you were such a big part of all our lives.
I will never forget the day God took you Home, because instead of celebrating my birthday, I was instead mourning the loss of our true friend.
As you've stated many times, and only fitting to share at the end of my memorial...
Happy you always.
November 20, 2023
November 20, 2023
Tomorrow it will be 6 years you have gone and it feels like yesterday when the awful news of your passing was announced. The words “Tell Me it’s Not True” echoed around the world by every devoted fan and we still utter those words hoping we would wake up to find it wasn’t true . You’re loss is felt as much today as the day you passed. You will be Forever loved, forever remembered, never forgotten. Your Light and Love remembered ❤️
July 26, 2023
July 26, 2023
I only got to see David in concert once. It was his second concert in Portland, Oregon. I'll never forget it. Of course I didn't know David personally, but all I know about David shows he was a kind loving person, who had an inate ability to recreate himself. He had to go through so much trauma in the 70s, because he couldn't be a " normal " person. David was able to keep many friendships throughout his lifetime, a true testament to him. " My Way" epitomizes how David did things throughout his life & career.
April 13, 2023
April 13, 2023
Happy heavenly Birthday our dear sweet David. I was playing your music all day to celebrate your special day. That is no different to every day. You music makes us feel closer to you. There is not a day goes by when we don't miss you like crazy. Lots of love always on your 73rd Birthday Amanda xx
April 13, 2023
April 13, 2023
When you left you left us I cried for days. The music stopped for a while, until I heard you singing in a mall. The music started to come back little by little. I will always miss and love you. I hope you have found your peace.
April 12, 2023
April 12, 2023
HAPPY BIRTHDAY David , love you and miss You so very much..  Sophia X
April 12, 2023
April 12, 2023
Happy Birthday dear sweet David. Have a wonderful day with your parents.

April 12, 2023
April 12, 2023
On this your 73rd Heavenly Birthday Your Love and Lighr still Shine so bright you are ~
Forever Loved and So Forever Missed eternally
March 3, 2023
March 3, 2023
David you were as beautiful inside as you were outside. My love for you is never ending. You made the world a better place.
February 7, 2023
February 7, 2023
Always thinking of you. You would be proud of Beau, he has grown into a lovely person, even tho I’ve not met him. He has your smile.
That was random I know but just wanted to tell you that and that you are missed so much.
Love to you always
Bev xxx❤️
February 6, 2023
February 6, 2023
My love for you David is still as strong as it ever was, the World seems a much bigger scarier place without you. You are my candle , you still keep me going. Je't'aime, Sophia XOXO
February 4, 2023
February 4, 2023
Remembering you and the Love and Light you brought into people lives and hearts ❤️
February 4, 2023
February 4, 2023
Can't believe your birthday is going to be here in two months. I miss you every day.
December 24, 2022
December 24, 2022
Happy heavenly Christmas. We miss you. You have brought some of your fans together through you and your music, across the world. We will keep your legacy alive. Thank you.
December 24, 2022
December 24, 2022
Merry Christmas our darling David, we shall never forget you. Been listening to your amazing Christmas songs. Brings such joy to my heart .... Miss you always never forgotten xxxx 
December 23, 2022
December 23, 2022
I will always keep talking about you - you deserve to be remembered
November 22, 2022
November 22, 2022
David, the first man I loved. You will always be in my heart.. Much missed.  So glad I had the honour of meeting you twice, you were perfect and gave me a super hug.
Thank you. 
November 21, 2022
November 21, 2022
David, words can’t express our sadness, it’s five years now, you left us.
I pray you are at peace with your loved ones. You were such a talented artist, and I thank you for your music you made for us, it gets me through life.
I have made friends through a special group that is dedicated with such love to you, and it’s because of you.
I did not know you but I hope you know you are so loved.
I want to celebrate your life and be happy as you made us.
Love you forever.

November 21, 2022
November 21, 2022
It's a very sad time today and to say what a lovely man DC was our loss and the angels gained he will be forever missed love u so much ❤️ 
November 21, 2022
November 21, 2022
My first love , who still remains in my heart. It's been 5 long years since you went to join the Angel's. But your music, charisma and beauty lives on.
Thank you David for all you gave us. You shined on the earth plan now yiu are a bright shining star. Rest in ever lasting peace ❤
November 21, 2022
November 21, 2022
Today is a hard raw emotional day as as I reflect on your 5 year anniversary …..
Their are just not many people that have left and still have the ability to leave such impact and effect on our human psyche as David did. A part of my heart died 5 years ago.
He touched me so deeply in so many ways and on so many levels. He left a DC shaped hole where he still should still be .
He was a that unique talent and a unique beauty in soul as much as in his physical beauty and persona .
I don’t think the feeling of his loss will ever leave me. God truly gave him something special when he/David came into this world .
From a very little boy his smile dazzled and beguiled you and melted your heart and that never wained with age.
His sweet sensitive nature and his ability to feel things so deeply was so endearing. He was a very deep thinker worrier and a person who pondered life. A person of complexity. David lived his life with many compartments to it . No one person had complete access to every part of David. That’s how he lived and survived. I would go as far to say the only woman who ever had true impact and influence over David was his mother Evelyn.
When Evelyn died something died in David, and was lost forever.
David wasn’t hard to love by any means, In fact it was very easy to Love him. He was addictive as he was intoxicating. He was and can only be described as unique and very very special. He is missed beyond comprehension admired and loved equally without measure and always will be.
Love and Miss Your presence in this world . Be free be happy to Love as you always wanted❤️
November 21, 2022
November 21, 2022
Another year without you, it’s not the same for me on this day as you passed on my Birthday. I had a crush on you when I was a teenager and finally met you in 2008, which was the best night of my life and I will never forget it. You were the best looking guy on the planet and so talented. Forever missed and loved ❤️ XXX
November 21, 2022
November 21, 2022
Well today is filled with happiness and sadness all rolled into one as we mark the passing of another year without you. We blinked and you gone. We shall never forget your perfect smile, they way you could bring such light and joy into the world by just being you. Then you would take to the stage and sing like an angel. I know there are many people around the world who feel the way I do. We miss you and love you always. You were and still are our inspiration for making the world a better place. And we shall always keep your legacy alive. ITILY Day is every day. And yes "It could be forever" We Cherish you .........Fly high with the angels dear sweet man xxxx
November 21, 2022
November 21, 2022
I also lost this very special man on my birthday. A bittersweet memory.
Cannot believe the world lost this incredible human being 5 years ago. For us, it was like it just happened.
I just hope he knew just how loved and special a man he was to us all.
Much love to the man and his family.
November 20, 2022
November 20, 2022
5 Years ago you left this mortal world , how time has sped since I last spoke to you, I still say I Must tell you this or some silly joke I’d heard, then I remember. You have absolutely no idea how many many people miss you and I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t believe it either . But we all miss you, friends , family and your legions of Fans across the globe. Thank You for everything Dear Man 
November 20, 2022
November 20, 2022
Love never dies. We love you David.
November 20, 2022
November 20, 2022
I fell inlove with David Cassidy when I was 11, it was in 85, I have been in love with him ever since.
Not a day goes by where I don't think of him. I loved him then, and always will Now & forever X ♥. Sophia Jan.
November 18, 2022
November 18, 2022
David you brought me through some lonely times as a teenager and you are still doing it. With a smile, heart and soul that shone out, I hope you realised how much you were loved. Always and forever your will stay in my heart XXX
November 18, 2022
November 18, 2022
A Lovely Tribute to mark the 5th anniversary of Davids passing ~ from Jan Graveson who starred as Linda in Blood Brothers the musical opposite David. In her own words
David Cassidy: was a true gentleman and a lovely artist to perform with. Such sensibility.
Jan Graveson
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Recent Tributes
May 10

You have got me through this last year in more ways you can imagine.
I have been thinking of you so much, and I’m hoping you’re at peace.
Your legacy continues with your loyal fans. Your music is always going to be there.
Thank you. Sending love and light.
April 14
April 14
I was never lucky enough to go to one of his concerts, in the 70s I would watch The Partridge Family and get the FSN Club on the back of the records when I graduated and went into Army, I got out of following David but when we moved to Texas , I would watch all the videos posted of concerts and I would always be looking to see if he had a Concert that was close to me, but they were all far away. He is my favorite singer when I play his music, if I am sad his music cheers me up his music makes me happy and puts me in a very good mood. I know he said thst he was retiring because of his Arthitis, but I would be happy to hear him sing, he wouldn't need to Plat his guitar.HE WAS THE GREATEST AND I Miss Him also and pray for him everyday. You are very missed David.
His Life

Davids passion for horses

January 14
David Cassidy’s passion for horses
David Cassidy moved to California from New Jersey at age 11 to become ridiculously famous, with reportedly more fan club members than the Beatles and Elvis Presley combined. But while he was out there singing the smash hit "I Think I Love You" with his TV mom and real life step-Mom Shirley Jones, he also was dragging his real mother to Santa Anita Park.
"There was a cameraman on the Partridge Family who had a ranch, and he used to drive two hours to Burbank, and he started bringing in The Blood-Horse and the Thoroughbred Record, and I started reading," “In about two years, I went to the California Thoroughbred Breeders' Sale and bought my first horse. I was 23. It was something because I had done a lot of research. I wasn't interested in racing horses. I wanted to breed them."

“Everything in my life was about performance when I was doing The Partridge Family. I was in the studio every night, on the set every day, touring on weekends. I've had a passion for horses since I was very young - I used to sit on the floor in front of the races on television and pretend to be a jockey - and I first began reading the racing form on the set of The Partridge Family. It provided a tremendous balance. I got to go and be among people who cared about what I cared about. They weren't interested in my fame and celebrity, but in the fact that we had the same passion: horses and being on a farm. It was in the middle of this passion that Secretariat broke on to the scene.
I flew on the red-eye from LA, where I was filming, to Maryland to watch him. They couldn't let me out in the crowd because of security, so the man who was then running for governor took me on to the roof of Pimlico racetrack. There were only about 10 of us on the roof, and the roar from the crowd beneath at the way he moved was awesome. Seeing him glistening in the sun was truly remarkable. He was a perfectly conformed, very large chestnut, Herculean in his power. They called him Big Red. To many people, he is the greatest horse of all time. He captured the imagination of the whole country like no other horse had ever done. He was the only horse in 25 years to win the Triple Crown, and he set a new record almost every time he raced. From that point on, I began to buy and breed horses.
I saw Secretariat at a farm in Kentucky after he was retired to stud - and every time anyone would come by with a camera, he would pose, he was so aware of his greatness.

"I am impressed by who David Cassidy is, and I'm impressed by his knowledge. You could sit down with David Cassidy for an hour and talk about pedigrees and breeding and race mares. He has a phenomenal racetrack mind."
Mayan King, is in deep in the Lane's End, light on experience and facing proven stakes winners. Still, Cassidy, who turned down a $1 million offer for the horse, hopes a win today will lead him to the Kentucky Derby.
Still, because of the demands of being David Cassidy, he won't be at Turfway Park in Kentucky to see the race. He is committed to two shows tonight at the Mohegan Sun casino in Uncasville, Conn.
"I couldn't move the dates. It's my profession," he said with bemused resignation. "When we booked the date seven or eight months ago, I wasn't looking at the calendar saying, 'That's the Lane's End Stakes.' "
David Cassidy is hoping that a victory in today's Lane's End Stakes will lead his horse, Mayan King, to the Kentucky Derby.

David delivered the keynote speech at the 2005 National Thoroughbred Racing's Hall of Fame induction ceremony at Saratoga. He annually spent summers at Saratoga, where he had a home and an owner's box at the track.
"Through the years there have been tens of thousands of people who have been in the game as trainers and jockeys, so it's such an honor for these individuals, as well as the equine athletes, to have achieved the Hall of Fame," Cassidy said during the ceremony that had Nick Zito among the inductees. "It's one of the highlights of my entire adult life and career to be asked to speak at the induction ceremony and articulate my passion for racing. To say I'm flattered would be a gross understatement."
“I want to celebrate the fact that we are in the greatest race place of all time,” Cassidy said in his speech. “It has been so for 120 years, and I hope it will be so for another 120 years. It has been a place that I have visited at least for one day, whether I was touring the world, being on Broadway, making films, being on tour in Europe, being in the west end of London, playing in Las Vegas,” he said. “Every contract said, 'His week off is between Aug. 7 and Aug. 14.' That's no lie.
“I want to be an ambassador for this sport. We need an ambassador; we need a face. I would be delighted and honored if I could assist all of you in taking the next step to see that Thoroughbred racing becomes the No. 1 sport in our country again.”

"I'd had a lot of success in breeding in the late '70s and the '80s and sold a lot of very good, high-priced mares and yearlings," Cassidy said.
Cassidy, along with partners Ed Lipton and Our Canterbury Stables, bought Mayan King for $210,000. Cassidy liked what he saw in Mayan King, named after Mayan Drive near Cassidy's residence in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
"I said there's a horse I really have to have and I'm going to buy him," Cassidy said. "And I don't know how much he's going to cost, but I'm going to buy him. “And as it turned out, when they dropped the hammer, it's the only time I've ever high-fived anybody in the sales ring. I thought he'd probably bring between $300,000 and $400,000. The day we bought him, I thought he was a Derby horse."
Trained by Gary Contessa, Mayan King won a six-furlong maiden race at Aqueduct on Jan. 28. A month later at the same track, he won a two-turn mile allowance race.  Cassidy said a Kentucky Derby win on May 7 would rank higher than anything he has accomplished in the entertainment industry.
"I would have to say, if I could win the Kentucky Derby, there would be nothing on earth, nothing other than the birth of my son 14 years ago, that would compare to the thrill and the high of it," said Cassidy, who said he is leaving May 7 open on his schedule.

Among the best horses he bred and/or owned individually or in partnership were 2008 Black-Eyed Susan Stakes (G2) winner Sweet Vendetta , five-time stakes winner Half Heaven , and stakes winners Doll Baby , Jenny's So Great , and Citrus Kid . Although not a stakes winner, Mayan King  was among the best-known horses campaigned by Cassidy and partners, as he won or placed in eight of 12 starts and was a hyped horse early on the Triple Crown trail in 2005 before being sidelined.

David’s dream of winning the Kentucky Derby was not to be.  

David Cassidy passed away on Tuesday, 21st November 201
Recent stories

The night David held my hand

November 21, 2022
 I was lucky enough to see David in concert many times in London and Liverpool including Wembley and white city 
A memory I will keep in my heart forever is how privileged I was when our beautiful man starred at the Royal Albert Hall and I was the luckiest girl alive as I was allowed to stand by the stage whilst David held my hand and sung I am a Clown... his smile, his voice and that particular song will be in my heart forever...... thank you David for getting me through tough teenage years, kept me smiling throughout my life and still gives me happiness when moments ts of sadness appear. Love you forever ❤
November 21, 2021
Hard to believe it's been four long years without you and even harder to think you passed on my Birthday which will always be a reminder of that awful day, but your memory will live on forever. You were the most beautiful, loving, caring, compassionate and talented guy on the planet and loved so much. Forever in my ❤️ xxx
November 21, 2021
Today the world of David Cassidy Fans try to keep their eyes dry from the tears flowing as it marks the 4 year anniversary since you grew your angel wings and left us here to miss you every single day.

I know I speak for many of your fans we will never forget you, and your legacy grows bigger and stronger every single day around the world. As we celebrate you achievements, sing along to the best songs in the world, and just remember that amazing smile and how you touched all of us in your own unique way. We owe you so much as you brought such, love, light and joy into our lives.

Your light will never dim in our life time as we will keep finding new ways of sharing your legacy with the fans of the world. I hope  peace that you craved here on earth is with you now  and you can fly high. Just know every single you are missed  loved and adored by us all here on earth you touched in so many ways. We are trying to make this a day of celebration of your incredible life that spanned so many areas of the Music/Acting community. 

But most of all you were a wonderful loving human being, who loved and cherished his children, family, and fans . We love an miss you every day David Cassidy and it will Always Be Forever, we Cherish you and I Know We Love you, every single day The King Of Hearts - who made our Love Bloom for you xxxx          

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