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The night David held my hand

November 21, 2022
 I was lucky enough to see David in concert many times in London and Liverpool including Wembley and white city 
A memory I will keep in my heart forever is how privileged I was when our beautiful man starred at the Royal Albert Hall and I was the luckiest girl alive as I was allowed to stand by the stage whilst David held my hand and sung I am a Clown... his smile, his voice and that particular song will be in my heart forever...... thank you David for getting me through tough teenage years, kept me smiling throughout my life and still gives me happiness when moments ts of sadness appear. Love you forever ❤
November 21, 2021
Hard to believe it's been four long years without you and even harder to think you passed on my Birthday which will always be a reminder of that awful day, but your memory will live on forever. You were the most beautiful, loving, caring, compassionate and talented guy on the planet and loved so much. Forever in my ❤️ xxx
November 21, 2021
Today the world of David Cassidy Fans try to keep their eyes dry from the tears flowing as it marks the 4 year anniversary since you grew your angel wings and left us here to miss you every single day.

I know I speak for many of your fans we will never forget you, and your legacy grows bigger and stronger every single day around the world. As we celebrate you achievements, sing along to the best songs in the world, and just remember that amazing smile and how you touched all of us in your own unique way. We owe you so much as you brought such, love, light and joy into our lives.

Your light will never dim in our life time as we will keep finding new ways of sharing your legacy with the fans of the world. I hope  peace that you craved here on earth is with you now  and you can fly high. Just know every single you are missed  loved and adored by us all here on earth you touched in so many ways. We are trying to make this a day of celebration of your incredible life that spanned so many areas of the Music/Acting community. 

But most of all you were a wonderful loving human being, who loved and cherished his children, family, and fans . We love an miss you every day David Cassidy and it will Always Be Forever, we Cherish you and I Know We Love you, every single day The King Of Hearts - who made our Love Bloom for you xxxx          

David Cassidy the Legend

November 20, 2021
David was a iconic multi talented artist, singer, musician, and actor. He could sing and play jazz, blues, rock, pop and easy listening. He was an accomplished musical artist. He could play the guitar, drums, piano, mandolin, ukulele, banjo, harmonica, and the clarinet. 
He could write music and produce shows. He was a talented dramatic actor, and comedy actor. 
He starred  in musicals and in  acclaimed award winning shows and plays. He performed all over the world. 
He wrote with a ghostwriter two autobiographies of his life. 
He was a horse breeder and race horse owner. His knowledge of thoroughbreds and their bloodlines was extensive. 
He was a humanitarian, and a philanthropist. He championed many causes for many charities involving children,  animals, and his beloved thoroughbred horses. 
He was a husband and father. 
He brought much Love and Light into so many others lives, through his music,  his acting, his generousity and his friendship. 
Davids life touched so many others throughout the years and continues to do so today and beyond. 
This is his Legacy that will never be forgotten, his Love and Light continues to shine  by those who love David.


November 20, 2021

David Cassidy you “Made the Difference”

February 28, 2021
David you achieved your wish, your life “MADE THE DIFFERENCE” and you will always be remembered by those who love you with the Love, Light, and Kindness you brought into so so many lives. You were an extraordinarily uniquely gifted,  talented, beautiful human being who had a big tender, sensitive charitable heart. You were a good friend to others. You cared, you did many kind, loving things that the public will never know. Things that you kept private. You stole the hearts of a generation of fans,  that still hold you close, in a place only you can fill. Your voice echoes to us everyday. Your voice and music fills our hearts. Your beauty is ever before us. You will never be forgotten, you are forever missed, and loved. Fame found you, you never sought it, and it turned you into something you never wanted to be a (teen idol) The fame thrust you into a world of adulation you neither sought or wanted. It changed your life. With that life many changes and challeges came good and bad. But inspite of this all you remained a loving, caring, human being....When others seek to tear you down, we raise you up. We know you were a real person with flaws like the rest of us, but we choose to remember the good you did. We acknowledge the sacrifice and what it cost you. We remember the overwhelming joy and emotions you brought us and still do today. We know how you still have the capacity to make a women melt into a puddle with your gaze and smile. How you could have a room full of fans hanging onto to hear you say the word BUT.... from the song  “could it be forever”. I know you didn’t get it or understand it. To hear you sing and be carried away to places deep in our hearts, to be mesmerised by your exquisite beauty. We remember you with respect and we honour your name, your family,  and your life. You were a bright shinning star, whose light will never be dimmed. The  Legacy you left behind, we continue to share.  Your love of life,  your passion, your dreams, your wishes, we continue to share to a new generation with your music and we keep you front and centre in all our tributes. Your life “Made a Difference “ to so many and it always will. This is how you deserved to be remembered ❤️

Tribute from Teri Coté to David Cassidy

July 14, 2020
Tribute from Teri Coté to David Cassidy’s Online  Memorial Guest Book  
David was unique 
He was a great performer, and a total natural as the stage was his living room. He was the most generous of all singer/entertainers that I've ever worked with and the most gracious, constantly pumping up his band to try to make us all believe we were the best on the planet, because that's what he always
told us and felt. He was genuinely happy to see us shine on our instruments and loved being part of it. He told me, he always wanted to be part of a band, in other words, not always the front guy. That's what he created with us in a small sense and the position he desired, hence having me come out front to sing and he getting back on the drums, that was all his idea, the song I sang as well. I loved his genuine happiness when he played, like a young child in total bliss. I learned from him.
Don't get me wrong he had some other sides, he was human after all and had been through so much in his incredible life, as well as being internally lonely, I believe.
He could be very mischievous, and even aggravating at times, like an annoying little brother, and beyond but I honestly only witnessed that behavior when Iibations were involved. His real heart was extremely sweet and he was a true friend to me, in fact he used to call me True Blue, when referring to our friendship. When we communicated by phone I would leave him silly operatic messages, mimicking an opera singer, he just got such a kick out of that and would always respond accordingly. I had a phone full of all those messages but thanks to Verizon, lost everything on the phone. It would have been a wonderful keep-sake, but no point in crying over spilled milk, right? (however, I did switch to Mobile!) David and my relationship consisted much on humour and kindness, we always made the situation fun and funny no matter the content, it kept things light, we saw eye to eye on that approach.  Of course he had the knack, being the funniest person I've ever known.
DC gave me opportunity in spades and I'm forever grateful to him for it. He always told me, he loved my drumming because I was a musician and not just a drummer, he'd say Hal Blaine was the best but I was up right there beyond all the other drummers he'd worked with because I play MUSIC and not just DRUMS (and he'd worked with the very best!) He said it all the time, especially in the end. Just putting me on the list with Hal Blaine was absolutely massive! DC did a lot for my musical and artistic ego : ) there was a vast space of love in his heart and he enjoyed building his bandmates up! He told me one day, "you'll look back and see this was THE BEST band you ever played with!"
No one was as zaney or wild like DC. He made his band laugh A LOT, intentionally or not. That was one thing we were all great at, as well as making lemonade out of lemons, with the humor that ran within us all! I always loved to get out on the road with my brothers, my band family will always be the DC band. I have many bandmates in this life having played in so many bands and musical situations as I continue to do. Musicians and entertainers as you know, have a comradery as kindred spirits and have a bond with people after making art in sharing a gig or stage, but I only have one band family.
I miss David greatly, there's an empty space that will forever remain his. They say you don't know what you have till it's gone and it's so true, human behavior is such. However, I always saw deep into DC's spirit, loving him for who he truly was, and tried to bypass the outer shell, the residual from the frustrations of what this life had put on him. There's always residual, from the Human Condition and we all have it, which is why I try not to judge. DC gave all he could always! I know from being his friend and from the conversations we'd have, he was tired of the same ol' and maybe just pain tired. He used to tell me how his time in his heyday was the best time to live on this planet. I always figured that anyway. The 60's and 70's were prime, especially for musicians, he lived it at its best and knew it was never going to be that great again!  He lived the life!! But still would get up and do it again though he knew that it would never be that great again. I did marvel at his tenacity! We in fact nicknamed him The Comeback Kid! There were times we thought for sure, he was done and we'd never have another gig, and then, low and behold more dates would come in. DC had the true performers mentality, The Show Must Go On!
He gave so many, so much, me being one of them and just like all of you, I'm extremely grateful to have had him in my life. I'm extra grateful to have called him my friend and to love him.
Thank you all for being such loving fans, you know he sees you. He left us all a BOND!
Much love,
Cheers to you all,


David Cassidy A Remembrance Chip Deffaa

October 17, 2019

David Cassidy's passing hit me hard. He died much too young.....I remember how happy I was when David asked me--some 25 years ago--if I'd be willing to ghost-write his autobiography. He liked me, he liked my writing. We were about the same age, had grown up as kids near to one another, had had some mutual friends.

As we worked on "C'Mon Get Happy" David shared countless stories of his life with me--far more than eventually wound up in the published book. The manuscript we delivered to Warner Books was about twice as long as the published version of the book would be. (Editor Karen Kelly did an amazing job of cutting the sprawling manuscript down to the length the publishers wanted.) And David had shared so many other stories--talking to me as openly as he might have talked to a therapist--the manuscript could easily have been twice that length.

The stories he told did not always put him in a flattering light. But he wanted to document what he'd been through, and he felt he had something valuable to say. I think he did. And his tale of the rise and fall--and continuing struggles--of a onetime pop idol found an audience. The book sold well, helped revitalize her career.Working on the book together was an intense experience for me--a total immersion in David's world. 

He was easy to talk with--no awkward silences between us. It didn't matter if we were sitting in his dressing room at Broadway's Music Box Theatre (where he was appearing in "Blood Brothers"), stopping at some little deli for tuna-fish sandwiches (he liked simple food, simple clothes), or cruising down the highway in my Lincoln Town Car. He had an endless supply of recollections to share. And sometimes he just want to talk about life. And try to make sense of things. And what he'd been through. 

* * *

Onstage, David was capable of creating magic. He gave joy to a lot of people. He was a wonderful performer--underrated, I think. I can listen to his best recordings and share in the joy he could conjure up.Offstage, however, there was a great deal of unhappiness in David--as much as I've ever encountered in anyone. There was a lot of pain in David. He'd been burned a lot of times, in various ways. And he had trouble trusting most people.

His phenomenal career success in the early 1970s hadn't brought him much joy. For a handful of years, he had worked round-the-clock--as hard as he possibly could. He made millions of dollars and had millions of fans. (Not to mention a fair number of hangers-on.) But he very quickly lost every dime he made in those years on top. He also lost many of the fans. And of course the hangers-on vanished the moment the money was gone and he was being called a has-been. At his lowest point--absolutely broke and unsure if he had any kind of a future--he was reduced to sleeping on a friend's couch. He was filled with self-doubts.

He worked hard to slowly climb back, eventually scoring successes in the theater,, in London and New York, and then starring to acclaim in Las Vegas showrooms. He recorded again. He gave concerts. He made a good bit of money.I greatly admired his sheer grit when he was doing "Blood Brothers" on Broadway and on tour. He was in physical pain, due to an injury--but the audiences never knew. With grim determination, he powered his way through performances, night after night. (He performed "Blood Brothers," in New York and on tour, about 800 times.)

I respected his determination. He wasn't enjoying himself. But he wanted to re-establish himself in the industry. And on stage he was absolutely brilliant.There were more injuries, while he was working in Las Vegas. And an operation. And he was working with real pain--two shows a day. And somehow managing to appear blithe and carefree and upbeat to the many fans who came to see him. (That was some first-rate acting!) And shaking every hand he could, appreciative of all who came to see him. (He did not take anything for granted anymore.) And doing his best to make his fans leave feeling elated. 

* * *

In our conversations offstage, David often struck me as being something of a lost child. I had a lot of compassion for him. He'd tell me that in high school he was always screwing up--getting into trouble with the authorities. And he felt that on some basic level he'd never really changed. He could get pessimistic about his future. It didn't matter if he was making good money once again, he'd tell me--he figured he'd probably find a way to lose it all again. It didn't matter if audiences were clapping enthusiastically once again for him now, he'd add; people were fickle; eventually they walked away, turned their backs on you. He told me he was resigned to that fact. He had a self-defeating streak that worried me.

David would sometimes tell me that his happiest days were before he was famous. There was something sweet/sad about his nostalgia for his youth. We drove out to his boyhood home in West Orange, New Jersey, and he was delighted that it hadn't changed at all. He told me of growing up in that house--it was really his grandfather's house, David said; his mom struggled to make ends meet, and they were glad to live with his grandfather. As a boy, he saw more of his grandfather than he did of his father, Jack Cassidy. David looked in the back yard of his boyhood home, and his eyes lit up. "Nothing has changed," he said. "They're even still using the clothes line to dry their clothes, like we did."

David would sometimes wonder what his life might have been like had he never been cast in "The Partridge Family"--if he had had less fame, but more time to find himself growing up, and more time to date girls like an average Joe, and more time to gradually get better at his craft. His life would have been happier, he was sure.

David believed--correctly, I think--that he'd had fame and money dumped on him before he was mature enough to handle it, that he'd missed out on some of the normal maturation process that most people go through. And he still felt that loss profoundly. I'd be saddened as he'd reflect on his life. We looked at photos of him as a boy, "What happened to that kid?" he'd ask. We drove by the woods he liked to play in, as a boy--the Eagle Rock Reservation woods. He'd say how much he'd enjoyed just roaming through those woods as a kid, exploring around old Eagle Rock. And how little gave him pleasure now. 

* * *

But what a performer David was! He had a terrific voice--a wonderfully beguiling voice--and incredible charm. And he used everything he had to put over a song. He was a natural!In his prime, he was sensuous and sexy on stage. He'd wiggle his butt at fans. That was all part of who he was. So much charisma!

Our book, "C'Mon Get Happy," served as the basis for a made-for-TV movie about David's life, "The David Cassidy Story." I was happy to see the movie get made; David deserved as much. But it killed me that the actor chosen to play David--lip-synching to fine, fresh recordings that David had made for the film--was so stiff. He didn't have any of the sexy body language that David had. He didn't capture the essence of young David onstage at all. (Hollywood so rarely gets things right.) 

The one thing I did like about the movie was it showed him, near the end, being a good father to his son. David told me he was determined to be a better father to his son than his father had been to him. And he worked hard at that. He was justifiably proud of the fine son he and his wife raised. 

* * *

David's drinking eventually did him in. Drinking didn't give him any joy, he told me. Oh, it dulled some of sadness that he felt, he said. But it did not really make him feel good. And he was not able to quit, despite a stay in rehab. 

His final years included arrests for driving-under-the-influence, bankruptcy, divorce, and increasing health problems due to his alcoholism. His liver and kidneys were failing.I'm glad that some of David's fans are finding ways to pay tribute to him. He'd be touched by such loyalty.

As for our book, "C'Mon Get Happy," it's slated to be reissued this year as an E-Book. I'm writing a new "Afterward."Sometimes I'll drive by the woods--where David showed me he liked to play as a boy--and I'll think of him.I'm happy that his son, Beau--from time to time--is performing in musicals. I'm glad to see that another generation of Cassidy's taking the stage.

The CassidyRose©® Sian

October 17, 2019
Thank you for the Roses when my world was falling apart. For the words of encouragement when I thought I couldn’t carry on. Thank you the music and your kindness ,thank you for being you . Always Kid Always Stan 

Dear David

October 12, 2019
David Cassidy you were a talent the world will never see again. You were unique in a class of your own. You were a singer, songwriter,musican, producer, actor, horse breeder,son, father, husband and a friend to many. You were gifted with God given beauty, talent and charisma, whatever the wow factor is you were blessed with it abundantly. Your star quality was mesmerising. You captured the hearts of girls and women the world over from the moment you stepped on to the worlds stage you had our hearts. You packed stadiums in the thousands. Your fan club exceeded Elvis and the Beatles. You were like no other pop star before and no one has equalled since. Even when you left the limelight in search of yourself,  your identity, and happiness your fans stayed loyal and devotedto you, as we still are now. Tributes and memorials are still happening and will go on to ensure you will never be forgotten. Your music is still being played even to the next generation. You will be remembered for the kind, generous, loving talented sweet man you were. Many loved you from afar, and still do, as well as those who knew you personally, mourn and grieve your passing. You simply were the most exquisitely beautiful talented,  lovely man with the breathy velvet voice who helped so many and gave joy to so many. Gods speed and rest in the eternal peace. Reunited with all your loved ones .

The CassidyRose©® tribute

October 12, 2019
A special Rose has been chosen, named, copyrighted,dedicated and secured by private funding to honour David Cassidy with this special tribute. It is a new Rose named
 “I Think I Love You“ A Rose that speaks of Friendship, Joy and Beauty. It will be a yellow, hybrid Tea Rose highly fragrant, full of joy and vibrancy. It will truly be “Love in Bloom” year after year. 
It will be sold in the UK initially . 
All profits will be go to fund Memorials and Charitable organisations that were close to David’s heart and those he supported. 
It will bring “Light and Love “ into your lives as a living, loving tribute to him ! 
Commercial sales will be available in 2020. 
It will be cultivated into commercial numbers , and after marketing and growers costs it will be retail at £35.00 average . 
£15.00 of a bush will go to the fund. All profits will go to Charitable works in honour of his name. A beautiful unique Rose for the”King of Hearts “
David Cassidy ♥️This is our gift to him, from two loving fans,Sian and Camellia. 
We are #TheCassidyRose©®
#DavidCassidyLegacy #DavidCassidyForever
#Yellowroses #Love
#DavidCassidy #Cassidystar©®

Written by Chip Deffaa David’s Ghost writer for his autobiography

October 12, 2019
In 1974--while in the middle of a grueling world concert tour--David Cassidy decided to record "If I Didn't Care," originally made famous by the Ink Spots in 1939.  (David actually had very eclectic tastes; although he's best known for the cheery, bubblegum pop songs he sang on the "Partridge Family" TV show, in Las Vegas he sang songs spanning fully 80 years of American popular music.) He sang "If I Didn't Care" with genuine affection, and he sang it well. To his surprise, his warm, easy-going recording of "If I Didn't Care" became a top-ten hit in England for the summer of 1974.  (It did not chart at all in the U.S.  It fascinated him the way some records of his that were hits in the US did not chart in England, and vice versa.)  But he loved the song and kept it in his repertoire for decades--even if the high notes that  he floated so effortlessly at the end of the song  in 1974 became increasingly harder to reach....  I like this whole performance.  He sings with an ease and confidence and understanding  that gives no hint of the great personal turmoil he was going through.  (Just as this song was being released, he took an extended hiatus from show business; he simply could not take the pressures any more, and he walked away.)  David was always interesting to talk with.  And I just felt like sharing this recording, which isn't well-known in the US.  He could be very critical of his work.  But he liked the way this recording  turned out.  And so do I...  I also want to give a little shout-out to two of David's most loyal, longtime fans, Siân Williams and Camellia Hoare.  They've found a  unique way of paying tribute to him -- the Cassidy Rose, a yellow rose named after him.  I wish them well with their efforts.  I'm sure David would have found their gesture very sweet.  I know it comes from the heart.  #The Cassidy Rose. From Chip Deffaa

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