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November 11, 2022
November 11, 2022
I miss you everyday and wish you were still here, but I know you’re always with me in Spirit. Love and missing you Always ❤️
November 10, 2022
November 10, 2022
David there’s not enough time or space to write just how special you really are. There no words to Describe you. You are a Man like no other wow big 72 I’m 10 years behind you. It’s only a number. You’ve brought so much Joy Sunshine Happiness laughter smiles most of all you brought us you. My Candle is lit every night for you and your music playing 24/7. Love and miss you always in my heart forever. XOXO ❤️❤️
November 10, 2022
November 10, 2022
Just staring at all the many faces I have of you in my room and knowing you were the number #1 entertainer my whole life...You gave so much of yourself for others in so many ways and I pray that you are rejoicing now as we will always be missing the beautiful man we all loved and admired for over 50 you so very much David..xo
July 28, 2022
July 28, 2022
My Day of Reflection : David you came into our world like no artist ever has before or since. You will always remain in our hearts. Your unique talent, and exquisite beauty, the voice that reached in and touched our hearts, and still does today. Every time we hear your voice it touches our soul with a heart of emotion. You are forever in our hearts. You are the King of Hearts ♥️
April 14, 2022
April 14, 2022
Happy heavenly birthday to my one and only greatest man in the world. You got your well deserved star on the Las Vegas Walk where many if your fans are celebrating your life and legacy as I am sure you are smiling down upon. Yes David, we live you and will always keep your legacy alive because you are so deserving for all the happiness you have given us for 50 years...I miss you and love you more than I could ever imagine but every time I see your heart still dances to your beat..Love you forever Lee Switzer (Liett)
April 13, 2022
April 13, 2022
You are so loved, you are so missed
We treasure your memory,
In every kiss,
Your Rose will bloom every year,
Keeping your legacy alive,
We hold so dear.
Your voice ,your laugh, your beautiful heart,
Will always shine, and never part.
April 13, 2022
April 13, 2022
Well another year has passed and the sadness never leaves us. But today we are here to celebrate your birthday again. we love and miss you everyday. We shall never forget you and will keep your legacy alive in a positive way each and every day. Love always from one of your biggest fans xxx
April 13, 2022
April 13, 2022
Dearest David, Happy heavenly birthday, missing you more than ever. Will always remember your smile, your voice, your beautiful hair, Happy trails wherever you may be, always in my heart, Love Jackie ❤️❤️❤️
April 12, 2022
April 12, 2022
David I moi couldn't leave a photo of the cake and candle on here , mais I have posted it on my Facebook . Je t'aime Sophia XXXXXX
April 12, 2022
April 12, 2022
Dearest David, it's your birthday today, I have bought you a birthday cup cake and some birthday candles. I will be lighting the candle on the cake at 4pm. I will post the photograph on here once it's done . Love You , Forever and Always, je t'aime Sophia X
April 12, 2022
April 12, 2022
Happy heavenly Birthday to the best, most adored, loved guy ever. You are missed so much by so many. Hope you're having a party up there xxx
April 12, 2022
April 12, 2022
For a beautiful man who has filled my life with love and happiness for almost 50 years, Still when I’m down I just have to start listening to a song or watch one of his many performances and the smile is back on my face. He makes even happier days better.

Yes he was handsome, talented beyond belief but always most of all David had a loving caring heart.

Happy Birthday David, will always love you.
April 12, 2022
April 12, 2022
Today would have being your 72nd Birthday ….
In my heart you will always be… Your Love, Your voice, Your Smile, are forever imprinted in my mind….
Always Loved and Forever Missed
My ” King of Hearts” ❤️❤️
April 12, 2022
April 12, 2022
Happy Birthday David. You are missed beyond words. But I know you are with your parents having a wonderful birthday with them there. I will always keep your memory alive
January 7, 2022
January 7, 2022
The new year has begun, I hope time does not exist where you are, in heaven, just happiness. You have brought much happiness to others and now it’s your turn. You are in my heart, and head always.
You still bring joy and happiness through your music and acting, you are always loved. ❤️ xx
January 5, 2022
January 5, 2022
As we start a new year, I reminisce as most of us do and realize more and more just how much you influenced my life through the love you gave with everything you truly are missed by many but when I see you, I still feel the huge love I felt for you from day one...that will never made me laugh..cry and love...wish you were here for more of that but you are always in my thoughts and in my dreams...I truly love you David...happy trails till we meet again xo
November 23, 2021
November 23, 2021
Can't believe it's been four years already since you left, but you have never left my heart! I have loved you since I was just 13 years old, 50 years this year, and I will love you till the day I die.  See you on the other side, sweet wonderful David!
November 22, 2021
November 22, 2021
If you only knew, David Cassidy, how much you are truly loved and missed. A deep sincere love like that of a family member or a close friend. The years are slipping away so fast but never a day goes by that I don't miss you. I wish you could have been happier because you made millions happy. Thank you for the beautiful music we are privileged to lose ourselves in. You had the most magical voice of any entertainer! Your acting talent was phenomenal! And of course you were the most gorgeous man that ever lived. How I wish you could go back and start over again and chose the path you really wanted to follow. I thank God for you through the tears and the broken heart. I know I love you...forever!!❤
November 21, 2021
November 21, 2021
Always loved. Never ever forgotten. We miss you so very much. 
November 21, 2021
November 21, 2021
Four years ago you left us, I can not believe, the time has gone but still my heart is broken and always will be. Thank you for your music ,your talents, your charisma and that smile. You have made so many people happy all through your life and continue to do so in death. You helped me in so many ways, mentally and emotionally and still do, you live on through your daughter and son you loved so much.
We will celebrate your life with your music today and always.
Be at peace with your family now, and maybe I will meet you one day, when the time is right.
Your light always shines.
Love you forever.
Bev.❤️ Xxx
November 21, 2021
November 21, 2021
Miss you David. Your smile, your music, knowing you were still gracing us with your presence. You were a beautiful, talented man and you will forever be in our hearts ❤ ❤
November 21, 2021
November 21, 2021
When you left you left us I cried for days. The music stopped for a while, until I heard you singing in a mall. The music started to come back little by little. I will always miss and love you. I hope you have found your peace.
November 19, 2021
November 19, 2021
“Tell me it’s not True “ those were the words that I spoke and the tears that I cried the day you left this worldly realm. How could the most beautiful man, with the most beautiful heart and soul have gone….. Its four years ago and yet the emotion and sadness is as raw as it was that day.
Your are at peace now sweet man and I will always carry you in that special secret place in my Heart. No on before or since captivated the hearts of so many with your talent your music and your kindness and beauty. God really added that extra special something when he made you . You are forever eternal and your music and legacy lives on through your music , and the fans who LOVE you. Your memory and image will never fade. Your are firmly imprinted in every heart. You truly are my “King of Hearts” ♥️ Love You Always
November 19, 2021
November 19, 2021
Can't beleive it's coming up to the 4 years Anniversary of your passing. You are my First Crush my Forever Crush. You were amazingly talented in your Music, Acting and great Stage Shows. You were so gorgeous too. Your music and your Legacy will live on through your Adoring Fans. Love you David Bruce Cassidy. Forever in my heart ❤ ❤
November 19, 2021
November 19, 2021
Well it is getting close to 4 long years since you left us all here heartbroken. We still love and miss you and your amazing talent every single day. There is still many loyal fans around the globe who try every single day to keep your legacy alive in a positive loving way. There will never be another you in the way you made all your fans feel special. We not only loved your good looks we loved your smile and the way you made the world a better place. Then we move onto your amazing ability to entertain us in many ways, by acting, singing, song writing to name a few. We love and miss your every single day. Gone but never forgotten our King Of Hearts - Love In Bloom - ITILY every single day xxxx 
November 19, 2021
November 19, 2021
Gorgeous David you are so missed. You were my first crush. Your beautiful smile and your beautiful heart. Your songs and music are timeless. With so much love being sent to you in Heaven. You are at peace now but so missed xxx
November 18, 2021
November 18, 2021
David you were the best of the best. You truly made a difference to the world in everything you did from childhood to an adult. You really made the world a better place. The smile you wear light’s up the sky a thousand times over. Your music is far better than anything I’ve ever listened too. The memories you left us will out live me. I know when I see you up above you’ll be greeting me at the gates with your shining guitar ready to rock and roll. Your always in my heart. That will never change love you xoxo always David. In my eyes your a sweet Angel. Your son Beau is Beautiful and maybe he will follow in your footsteps with music that would be nice.we love cherish and celebrate all the memories of Joy you have given us. Bye for now until we meet again . Xoxo ❤️❤️
November 18, 2021
November 18, 2021
We are coming up to 4 very long years of missing all the beautiful things about you that we have filled inside of our heart forever... Love you so much... Happy trails till we meet again xo
October 14, 2021
October 14, 2021
Thank you for giving us all your talents, your songs your voice
you do not know how your love effects us all today as it did then, we love you so much ,it hurts to know you are not here, I’m really sad that you never felt happinesses or that you did not feel fulfilled in life, apart from your beautiful son and daughter that gave you a lot of love.
You would hate today the way the world is changing, the way people behave and how unkind some people are. The treatment of bulling, hate messages ,to some of your friends, is utterly diabolical. Please look down (I know you do) to those hurt and give them strength to ignore such rubbish they don’t deserve.
We love you now and forever Our David. ❤️ We look for you in the Roses, King of hearts.
October 14, 2021
October 14, 2021
Oh my Dear David #beautifulsoul I can't believe it's going to be 4 years since you made your way to Heaven and no longer in pain and suffering. You will be forever in my heart and will never ever forget you (no matter what). you were such a extremely Talented Super Star and the industry Never acknowledged you or appreciated you for all that you had done. No-one had a bigger heart then you (my dear) with all you had done for the charities (whether ) it was for Children and of course the Animals. You Sir made such a difference in so many lives and asked for nothing in return. I am so grateful for your Awesome music that I listen to every single day. You've been my 1st Crush since I laid eyes on you on September 25th 1970 and the age of 8 years old and has remained my 1st and only Crush. REST IN PEACE SWEET ANGEL and just know that you will NEVER EVER BE FORGOTTEN.
July 16, 2021
July 16, 2021
David you will always be remembered for the kind, loving , caring immensely talented abd beautiful being who brought Love and Light into your fans lives through your music. You Made a Difference to a generation of lives. We hold you in that special secret place in our hearts Always and Forever. You are the King of Hearts to those who love you. We Cherish You and the Legacy left behind.

Every Day is our “ITILY” Day for David
“In Memory and in Celebration of David Someone who made the the World a Brighter and Better Place”
The Cassidy Rose ~ LOVE IN BLOOM

#DavidCassidy #DavidCassidytheLegacy
#davidcassidyfans #davidcassidyithinkiloveyou #rememberdavidcassidy #davidcassidylegacy #TheCassidyRosefanspage
July 16, 2021
July 16, 2021
Every Day is our “ITILY” Day for David
“In Memory and in Celebration of David Someone who made the the World a Brighter and Better Place”
The Cassidy Rose ~ LOVE IN BLOOM

#DavidCassidy #DavidCassidytheLegacy
#davidcassidyfans #davidcassidyithinkiloveyou #rememberdavidcassidy #davidcassidylegacy #thecassidyrose©® #davidcassidyforever
June 23, 2021
June 23, 2021
Thinking of your family now, and always, on special days that are important to them remembering you, in all our hearts and memories of all you achieved. You are always there in our hearts. ❤️ We love and miss you.

June 22, 2021
June 22, 2021
Remembering and Honouring you this Fathers Day 2021 ~ you are Missed and Loved …. Beau and Katie think of you every day ❤️
June 13, 2021
June 13, 2021
David...missing you more than words can ever express.. you brought my life so much joy throughout the years and my heart breaks when reality hits me that ur not here so I will always be a u forever David xo
April 14, 2021
April 14, 2021

April 13, 2021
April 13, 2021
Happy heavenly birthday dear David.You are sorely missed and we love you.
April 13, 2021
April 13, 2021
Well another year has gone past and it is you special time of the year when we celebrate your Birthday. It is a day of reflection as well singing loudly to our favourite songs you recoded and bring us such joy, peace and keep us close to you. we love and miss you every single day . You will never be forgotten our "love in bloom" "The king of hearts" And yes we know we love you. xxx
April 12, 2021
April 12, 2021
Happy Birthday David, 71 today I cannot believe.
Your presence is missed by so many, but your music, songs, and the talent you had will live on forever. You are in my heart locked away and one day I hope to see you, singing and enjoying your family without the pain you had for so long.
Much love always
April 12, 2021
April 12, 2021
Oh David! You are so missed. You had such an impact on my life! 
Happy Birthday beautiful man!
April 12, 2021
April 12, 2021
David I can’t believe it would be your 71st Birthday today. It hardly seems possible. It seems like yesterday that I heard your beautiful voice, and saw your beautiful face. Time does not diminish the feeling and sense of loss, and sadness that you are no longer here.....But I pray you have found the everlasting happiness and peace your soul so craved whilst you lived and couldn’t find. Forever missed, Forever Loved.
April 12, 2021
April 12, 2021
Another Birthday without you beloved David, hope you're partying up there xxx
April 12, 2021
April 12, 2021
I can’t believe you’re not here still , it seems impossible my pretty boy friend. , those words of encouragement are so sorely missed. The insults the laughter and the Tears . I hope you’ve found the anonymity you craved , the piece of mind and freedom you so desperately searched for . Happy heavenly Birthday Kid .
Always Kid Always
April 12, 2021
April 12, 2021
Happy Heavenly Birthday my Dear David. Everyday I listen to your Beautiful Voice and I want to Thank you for all you have done for your Forever Fans. I know he's watching and Smiling knowing how his Forever Fans will always keep his Legacy Alive. You my Sweet David Cassidy you will always be My Forever 1st Crush.
March 10, 2021
March 10, 2021
David will be forever loved in our hearts. He has accomplished so many things in his lifetime and that will never go un noticed He is loved by all beyond words. He will always hold a special place in my heart. He has a smile that lights up a room. His personality speaks for itself and a voice no one can replace. David Cassidy is one of a kind. Love you Always Karen power xoxo
March 9, 2021
March 9, 2021
David was a very sweet Angel. He was his own person he had a personality that no could match. His smile could light up a room. No one will ever take his place. His voice is one of a kind. David is Cherished by all who knew him. He was the love of everybody’s life. Thanks for the life you gave all of us.❤️❤️
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