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August 28
August 28
Happy Birthday Dad. Just a little reminder that I still think of you all the time. You are truly missed, especially in the mornings when I sit at the table. I can still see you sitting there in your chair and us just shooting the breeze about anything and everything. It was always one of my favorite times of the day. I love you, Tracey
June 16
Happy Father's Day Dad. It's amazing the amount of time that has gone by since your passing and yet you are still the topic of many conversations. You were and still are loved and cherished by so many family members, neighbors and friends. I miss you every day. Love you always, Tracey
November 23, 2023
November 23, 2023
Dad, twelve years ago when you passed our family was changed forever. You were the type of person it was easy to befriend, admire and love. The family just isn't the same without you. It's the small things that still makes me smile when I think of you. You are and always will be loved by so many. I love and miss you Dad, Tracey
August 28, 2023
August 28, 2023
Happy Birthday Dad. I've been remembering all the great times we had with the family. It's been a hectic year but we're all doing okay. Love you always and still miss our morning talks.
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
Happy Father's Day Dad. There's still not a day that goes by that I don't think of you or remember something you said or did. I still miss you and all those early morning hours we spent talking.  I couldn't have asked for a better dad. Love you always, Tracey.
November 23, 2022
November 23, 2022
Just stopping in to say we love & miss you & will never be forgotten.
November 23, 2022
November 23, 2022
Well Dad, on this day 11 years ago, we had to let you go. I remember being torn between what I wanted and what was best for you to end your suffering. I was relieved that you did pass away peacefully. It's very odd how some memories stick so clearly in your mind no matter how much time has gone by. I still miss you every day. I love you and remember you often.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I am grateful to the people that are still with us. I believe it is a time to be thankful for what we have, and I am thankful for all the people we have in our lives and of the wonderful memories you left me.
Love you, Tracey
August 28, 2022
August 28, 2022
Happy Birthday today to my dear sweet David. My high school Sweetheart and on May 6th, 1953 became by Forever Partner. Loved you then, love you now. Miss you every day. Rest Peacefully, Marie
August 28, 2022
August 28, 2022
Happy Birthday Dad. Another year has passed. I think of you quite often and all of the things that I miss about you not being here. Just remember how loved you always were and always will be. You were always the solid figure in my life and the one everyone could count on. Your shoes are hard to fill! 
Love you and still miss you, Tracey
June 19, 2022
June 19, 2022
Happy Father's Day, Dad. Especially on days like today, I cannot tell you how much I miss your presence. You were always the glue that held everything to a patient calm. I miss that. I miss how you took so many things in stride and kept your strength. I think of you often and the time we had together. It was the best. Love you always, Tracey
November 23, 2021
November 23, 2021
Well Dad, it's been 10 years since you passed and Scott and I were just talking a few days ago about how each of us still miss you so much. I think that's the way it will always be. You are still thought of frequently and with lots of love.
It's been a rough 2021. It has been the hardest year since your passing. So many things have happened but first and foremost was that Joel died on August 30th and I don't think any of us have come to terms with that yet. My heart breaks for so many people. Watch over everyone Dad. We could all use that little something special that you gave without even thinking about it. I love and miss you, Tracey
August 28, 2021
August 28, 2021
Happy Birthday Dad. Although the years seem to go slowly sometimes, they are flying by. It has been an odd year. I guess I was hoping 2021 would be a whole lot better than 2020. It's not really working out that way but we're getting by. I miss you Dad. I see someone doing something and I'll think that looks like something Dad would do. I simply miss having you around the table talking. That simple ritual was so important to me.  It meant a lot and it still does. Love you Dad.
June 20, 2021
June 20, 2021
Happy Father's Day Dad. The years just keep adding up. I think of you often. Scott and I remember things and conversations and have a good chuckle most of the time. You made an impression on most people you met. You certainly helped shape the person that I became. I love you and miss you, Tracey
November 23, 2020
November 23, 2020
Another year has passed & my memory of you has not faded. Our family still feels your loss but left us with a lifetime of great memories. Still miss you so much but you are still with me in so many ways. Thank you for all those years we shared and great life we had. Still my loving partner, loved you then, love you now, Marie
November 23, 2020
November 23, 2020
Uncle David another year has passed & yet it just doesn’t seem possible. I know you are in a better place but still missed by so many of us and loved even more. Again, thank you for the great memories & the extra special spot in my heart. I thank God for giving me you & Aunt Marie.
November 23, 2020
November 23, 2020
Well Dad it's been 9 years. In some ways, your passing hasn't gotten any easier at all. I still miss those morning talks. I never knew how much I was going to miss them. In a few days, I'll see your great-grandchildren. You would have had a blast and we all know that children always gravitated to you. I wish you could have met them. I wish a lot of things but we all have to be grateful for what we do have. I love you Dad and I miss you.
August 28, 2020
August 28, 2020
Happy Birthday in Heaven Uncle David. Looking at your picture & that smile that lights the room & remembering the smell of your pipe tobacco takes me back to so many fond memories. We all love you & miss you. Party down with all the others with you.
August 28, 2020
August 28, 2020
Happy Birthday to my loving partner of many years. Still miss you and love you always. Rest peacefully, Marie
August 28, 2020
August 28, 2020
Happy Birthday Dad. Another year has gone by. I can honestly say, you would not have liked this year. 2020 has been a nightmare for a lot of people and a very ugly year in so many ways. I am thankful that you are at peace right now. I miss you. I always miss you. Love, Tracey
June 21, 2020
June 21, 2020
Happy Father's Day Dad. Time keeps sneaking up on me this year, it has been a very busy one. I still think of you all the time. I cannot tell you how much I miss our morning talks. Time does make some of the pain fade but it does not make the good memories fade. We will always have them and be able to share them. Thank you for being a great dad.  I love you and miss you always. Tracey
November 23, 2019
November 23, 2019
Uncle David I just need to say you are missed & loved. Give Gayla my love too.
November 23, 2019
November 23, 2019
Eight years ago today, you left us. Some say it doesn’t seem that much time has passed, for me it’s a life time ago. My memory of you has not faded. I still remember our beginning and the end as we watched your quality of life slip away. Then I prayed for you to have a peaceful crossing. I believe you did. Sending loving thoughts today to my partner of 58 ½ years. Rest peacefully David. You are forever missed, loved and never forgotten. Marie
November 23, 2019
November 23, 2019
Well Dad it’s that time of year. I miss you and I think about you all the time. To many people’s surprise, we lost your sister, Carley, on October 14th of this year. She was the youngest of the bunch but sometimes that’s how it goes. If there wasn’t a party going on before, I imagine there is one now! Think of us and we’ll think of you. I choose to remember the good times and there were many of those. I love you Dad. Tracey
August 28, 2019
August 28, 2019
Uncle David you are still very much loved & missed. I hope you are having a heck of a birthday with all of our loved ones.
August 28, 2019
August 28, 2019
Sending Birthday wishes to my partner of 58 1/2 years. Even though we are apart, you are still with me in so many different ways. I am blessed with so many memories. I love you and miss you. Rest peacefully. I will never forget you. Marie
August 28, 2019
August 28, 2019
Happy Birthday Dad. You would have been 86 years old today. Not too many changes have happened this year. It's still way too hot and I still miss you very much. I imagine I always will. Love you Dad.
June 16, 2019
June 16, 2019
Happy Father's Day Dad. I want to thank you for teaching me so many things. You didn't say so much as you taught by your actions and your own strength. Thank you for teaching the value of hard work and the ability when things are at their worst and you hurt all over to keep going...put one foot in front of the other and just keep going. Love you Dad.
November 23, 2018
November 23, 2018
Uncle David just wanted you to know we are thinking about you and we truly missed you and love you. We have such great memories of you and we thank you for that.
November 23, 2018
November 23, 2018
Another year, today is number seven. Had so much fun with kids and grandkids yesterday sharing our stories of you. Your spirit is still very strong among us. Still miss you and love you. Rest peacefully. 2018
November 23, 2018
November 23, 2018
Well Dad, it's been seven years ago since you passed. I wish you could have been here yesterday. Thanksgiving was great. You have four beautiful great-grandchildren. All of them full of life! They all would have congregated by your side as usual! It would truly have been a day you enjoyed and were thankful to be there! I love you Dad and still miss you every day. Tracey
August 28, 2018
August 28, 2018
Another year, still miss you as always. I know you are in great company. Rest peacefully knowing you are missed by many and never forgotten. Love you then, love you now. Marie 2018
August 28, 2018
August 28, 2018
Happy Birthday Uncle David. I feel so honored to be sharing mine and Don's wedding anniversary on this day. I sure do miss you & at times I feel like I can smell that tobacco aroma from your pipe. Thank you for being honestly my favorite Uncle & giving us such wonderful memories to cherish. Love you!
August 28, 2018
August 28, 2018
Happy Birthday Dad. The years keep adding up since you passed. I miss you all the time. I miss our talks and I simply miss being around you. There was a kinship between us that cannot be duplicated or found anywhere else. I love you and I'm sure you will be remembered by many people today. All my love, Tracey.
June 17, 2018
June 17, 2018
Happy Father's Day, Dad. You were always there day in and day out for me and everyone else who knew you. You will always be a special person but especially a special dad in my heart. You were not perfect, but you were the best father I could have asked for. Thank you for being you. I love you and miss you every day. Tracey
May 6, 2018
May 6, 2018
An anniversary message to one of the best husband, dad and granddad. Thinking of you today and remembering our journey together. Years pass, but we'll always remember this day, May 6, 1953. I am so thankful for the memories you left. Still miss you as always. Loved you then love you now. Rest Peacefully, Marie. 2018
November 23, 2017
November 23, 2017
Nov. 23, 2017
David, still miss you after all these years. Six years ago today we had to accept it was time to let you go. It was not about us, but about you. I know you are okay. Rest peacefully knowing you are missed and loved by many. You will never be forgotten. Love you, Marie
November 23, 2017
November 23, 2017
Dad, these years without you keep coming and adding up. Like it or not that is life. People still talk about you and how much they miss you, me included. We tell stories and laugh about the memories that were always centered around you. That is how I will always choose to remember you; strong, kind, always helpful and always with your pipe! I love you Dad, Tracey
November 23, 2017
November 23, 2017
Dear Marie, Duane and Tracey. How appropriate that on this day of Thanksgiving we are giving thanks for the life of David!!! His life was a blessing to all of you and countless others. As was Boyd's. I always think of them our lives twined. Think of you often, friend. Love, Nora Mae.
November 22, 2017
November 22, 2017
I can't believe it is going on 6 years since you left us. You are missed and loved more than words can say. I miss smelling that smell of your tobacco and that smile that lit up the room. Thank you for making it so easy to love you and giving me memories I will always cherish. Give the family my love.
August 28, 2017
August 28, 2017
August 28th, 2017

Sending Birthday Wishes, same as the past five years. I still miss you and loved you then, love you now. Rest peacefully knowing you are still missed and loved by many. Love you always, Marie
August 28, 2017
August 28, 2017
Happy Birthday Dad. I still think of you in some little way every day. The memories you gave to me will always be there. Those memories are the gifts you gave to me and everyone while you were here and will always be cherished. Like everyone you knew, when I think of you, it always brings a smile to my face. Love you Dad.
August 28, 2017
August 28, 2017
Happy Birthday in heaven! You are thought about so often & missed. You may never know but you were (are)my favorite Uncle and I hold those precious memories. I love you & look forward to seeing you again.
June 18, 2017
June 18, 2017
A Father means so many things...
An understanding heart,
A source of strength and support
right from the very start.
A constant readiness to help
In a kind and thoughtful way.
With encouragement and forgiveness,
No matter what comes your way.
A special generosity and always affection, too.
A father means so many things
when he is a man like you....

Happy Father's Day Dad. I miss you everyday.
With Love, Tracey
May 6, 2017
May 6, 2017
May 6th, 2017
David, another year has passed, another anniversary. This would be our 64th. So thankful we had 58 1/2 years together. They were great years. Lots and lots of memories. I still miss you and love you always. Rest peacefully, 2017, loved you then, love you now. Marie
November 23, 2016
November 23, 2016
Well Dad, it has been five years to the day since your time here ended. Some days it still seems like just yesterday that we lost you and some days it seems like a whole different lifetime ago. The holidays are here and in many ways I am glad that you have already passed on. We had such great times year after year! Those times were true blessings and I am thankful for all those memories! Love you, miss you. Tracey
November 23, 2016
November 23, 2016
Nov. 23, 2016. Five years have passed since your battle with cancer ended. Seems so long ago, yet some things I recall as though it was yesterday. Still miss you and I'll always love you. Loving thoughts coming your way. Rest Peaceful. Love, Marie
November 23, 2016
November 23, 2016
Uncle David,
It just doesn't seem like five years that you left us. As hard as it was to give you up I'm thankful you are pain free and at peace. I'm so thankful for having you into life as long as I did. You were a great man that was truly loved and missed by all of us. Love you.
August 28, 2016
August 28, 2016
Happy Birthday Uncle David. You are missed and loved. Thanks for the great memories. Party down with daddy & mom and the others there with you.
August 28, 2016
August 28, 2016
David, August 28th. Another year, another birthday without you. You are still very much alive in our thoughts and memories you left behind. I believe you already received your biggest gift, no more struggle with your disease and no more pain. That belief is a comforting thought. Happy Birthday wishes on your special day. I will be thinking of you and your memories that have never faded. I miss you and love you always. Rest Peacefully David. 2016.
August 28, 2016
August 28, 2016
Happy Birthday Dad. Sometimes I cannot believe how long it has been since you passed away. Days to month, months to years but you are thought of daily. In some small thought or memory you are here every day. I miss you dearly. Love you, Tracey
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