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May 22, 2023
May 22, 2023
David: I thought about you alot yesterday and couldn't bring myself to write a tribute because all I could remember was the day you passed and how abrupt the nurse was when I called to check on you.
You went through so many tough things in your life and I was in awe of your fortitude in fighting your disease.
For years since, I thought I was getting MDS and instead contracted IPF and luckily had a bi lateral lung transplant and am doing well. If It didn't go well, I may have been right along side with you, but God had other plans...cuz 9 months later, I'm well.
I want to remember the good times and today I remembered the laughing we did when we lived @ Armory Street in Wakefield.
I will always remember you Dave and I miss you just as much. Love you, Kath
May 21, 2023
May 21, 2023
Hey David. I can not believe another year without you. Your sister Kathy has Been through a lot. Tried to reach out but mostly get info from Joyce. I just want you to know I will never get over this i love you with. All my heart. Till we meet again love trish
December 17, 2022
December 17, 2022
Hey Mung: sorry I'm a date late. Been thinking of you alot lately. We (me & Steve)
shared a fun memory we had with you. Happy Heavenly Birthday, Bro. You are Forever in my Heart. Xxoo
December 16, 2022
December 16, 2022
Happy Birthday Pa I miss you more than ever this time of year is especially tough for me. I love you with all my heart hope you have a wonderful day with the angels I will still be watching you in the clouds. Forever and always love Ma
December 16, 2021
December 16, 2021
I miss calling you to wish you a Happy Birthday, so this will have to do.
Happy Heavenly 70th Birthday.
Love and miss you Dave

December 16, 2021
December 16, 2021
Happy Birthday Pa it still seems like yesterday you are and will be forever missed. I love you . Ma
May 26, 2021
May 26, 2021
I couldn't figure out how to leave a tribute until just now. I havent forgotten you Dave. You are always with me...
Well, last post I touted that Joanne and I must have had the good Genes. Guess I spoke to soon. I miss you and feel robbed sometimes of the sibling camaraderie that some other people I know, share. Life is what it is, but I am heartbroken some days that our family was split up.
I believe you are in a better place and one day hope to be there with ya. But not to soon. I want more time to live and enjoy life. Xo Dave, Love ya
December 17, 2020
December 17, 2020
Hi Mung:
Happy Belated Birthday. You were on my mind all day yesterday and I remembered today to post in here. I wish I could call you and wish you a great birthday. I miss talking with you. Love you Mung.
May 21, 2020
May 21, 2020
Wow, 8 years today, you left us.
Time flies, but my memories of you stay.
Joanne turned 80 the other day, and I am now 65 and Retired.
I wish you would have lived as long or longer than us.
I still wonder if our life is pre-determined by our Genes.
If so, I guess Jo and I are blessed with The good ones and You, George and Maryann, were not. We ll probably never know, so I ll keep all of you in my heart and be thankful for yet. another day...
I think of you always and miss you as much. I love ya Dave.  Kath
May 21, 2020
May 21, 2020
Well baby here we are again you have been on my mind more than usual which is a lot. I miss you so bad I want to hold you again . I miss our conversations and laughs we had together. I hope you keep watching over me as that gives me hope and strength. I love you Pa with all my heart and miss you more than ever

Love you
December 19, 2019
December 19, 2019
Happy birthday David. I am a few days late a lot going on with Mom . She soon will joining you soon She still has the tree you gave her on Mother’s Day 8 years ago. I miss you and will always love you
December 16, 2019
December 16, 2019
Happy Birthday Dave:
I thought of you upon waking this morning, knowing it is your Birthday today.
So much has changed since you left, but the one thing that remains is my memories of you..
I will always miss you, but am comforted knowing you are no longer in pain and at peace.
Love to you always, your Sis: Kath
May 21, 2019
May 21, 2019
Hello sweetheart. I woke up to you again this morning as always. I just wish I could hold you. The pain I feel is still so real but I know you are at peace and watching over me. My Mom will be joining you so take good care of her. She actually smuggled the tree you have her back to Florida who she calls David. Oh what I wouldn’t give for one more hug and to hear your laugh and kiss your sweet face. I will love you forever. You are my heart and always will be .
I love you Pa with all my heart ❤️
May 21, 2019
May 21, 2019
I woke up thinking of you today. Remembering how sad I felt this day, many years ago, knowing you were leaving, yet hoping I'd see you one more time...
It s been Seven years since that time and today I will try and remember the fun times we shared, rather than the sadness, I feel...
I miss you.
I think of you often and hope someday to be in spirit, laughing and carrying on with you..
Till then, Peace my Bro. Love You.. Kath
December 16, 2018
December 16, 2018
Happy birthday Pa. I know you’re still here with me yesterday at exactly 6:10 in the morning you came to me I could see you I could almost touch you but I couldn’t hear you but I know what you were trying to say. You were trying to tell me that you miss me too and that you’ll always love me as I do you.   I could see it in your amazing eyes. They say that time heals everything but missing you doesn’t heal with me. I miss you now as much as I’ve missed you then and can’t wait till we’re together again. Have a happy birthday with the angels my love till we meet again. I’ll keep looking for you in the clouds, I know you’re always with me. I miss you so much and can’t wait till we’re together again. Have a happy birthday with the angels my love . I’ll keep looking for you in the clouds I know you’re always with me . I loooooooove yoooooou.
ma your wife
December 16, 2018
December 16, 2018
Well Mung, it s been 6 years since you left and today remembering it is your Birthday. Happy Birthday in Heaven. I look forward to celebrating with you, one day... Xoxo Kath
May 29, 2018
May 29, 2018
David, Time passes, but the memory of you never will.
Anniversary dates slip by and are lost in the business of my life, but
The Memory of Your Face, Your Laughter and Your Loyalty To Me
Never Will.
You Always will be My Special Brother and I hope one day to reconnect with you. I love ya Mung...
May 21, 2018
May 21, 2018
I am heart broken today thinking of you. I can not believe you have been gone so long. I miss you everyday. Words can not express. I sit and remember your silliness and the amazing times we had. I will never forget you David. You will always be my one and only. I love you
December 16, 2017
December 16, 2017
Good morning sweetheart I woke up missing you today pretty much like everyday. Happy birthday. Hope you are celebrating amoung the angels. I have so much to say to you. You were my entire life Pa and you were my husband my partner my best friend we were so great together and we will be again I truly believe that. The sharkey’s have reached out to me and have been wonderfully support sending me memories and pictures of you. Maureen is now with you . Till we meet again. I lovvvvvvvvvvvvvve youuuuuuuu !
December 16, 2017
December 16, 2017
Good morning Dave:
I woke up a little while ago and thought of you.
It s your Birthday and today I celebrate you.
I still think of you often and smile.
I miss seeing and talking with you. I rest in the comfort of seeing you in the hereafter.
Rest well, my Brother.
I Love you always.
Happy 66 Birthday To You. xxoo Kath
May 21, 2017
May 21, 2017
5 years ago today, you left us and off to Heaven you went. I miss you today as much as I did then. Life goes on, but my memories of and with you live forever in my soul. Peace to you, my Bro, and untl we meet again, I ll always be thinking of you. I Love Ya...Kath
December 16, 2016
December 16, 2016
Happy 65 th Mung.
I miss calling and saying Happy Birthday to you.
I miss talking with you and I miss mostly your laugh and presence.
You were so special to me and I hope someday I get to tell you that.
Till then. Party hardy and till we meet again. Love ya bro. Kath
December 16, 2016
December 16, 2016
Happy 65th birthday Pa. Wow I miss you but I know that you're having a big party up there. I miss you more every day they say it's supposed to get easier but it doesn't . You are in my thoughts and prayers every day I love you Pa
May 21, 2016
May 21, 2016
4 years ago, you left us and I still think of you all the time. I miss you so much , but am comforted having a part of you in our lives today. That is your Son, David. He is a good man and a!though he is his own person, I see daily how much he has learned from you. Your memory lives on. I love you Mung...RIP, my Bro...
May 21, 2016
May 21, 2016
I cannot believe you have been gone four years. It feels as a f you are still here with me and I guess you are. I miss you so much and wish I coul turn back the hands of time. You are always I my heart and thought's. Till we meet again my love. I love you.
May 21, 2015
May 21, 2015
Three years and I still think of you often. Forever in my Heart and Soul. I miss you more than words can express and look forward to the day I see you again. I pray you are at peace. Love you, Mung...
December 16, 2014
December 16, 2014
Hi Mung: Happy Birthday To You.
I still think of you often, and miss you the same.
So much loss within our family unit since you've passed and I sure hope you're all partying together and are at peace.
I love you and plan to see you again one day. Xo Kath
December 16, 2014
December 16, 2014
Wow I can't believe you have been gone for three years. My heart aches for you David. But knowing that you are at peace and in no more pain comforts me. Everyone says this sadness I feel will fade over time, but I know that the thought of you your smile your touch I will miss for the rest of my life here on earth.  I hung all the angels you gave me on what we always called our Charlie Brown Christmas tree. That helps through the holidays.  Keep watching over me. Till we meet again.
Love you with all my heart Pa.
May 21, 2014
May 21, 2014
I can not believe it been two years. It stills feels like yesterday. I miss you so much that words can not express. I will hold you in that special place in my heart forever. Keep watching over me. I love you Pa.
May 21, 2014
May 21, 2014
It feels like forever to me since you've passed and yet it has been just 2 years. I am lost for words of expression, but in my heart, hold much love for the time we spent together and heartache at losing you so soon. Till we meet again, life goes on, but the memories will never fade. Love you Dave. Kath
December 17, 2013
December 17, 2013
Uncle Dave,
Thinking of you on this day. The day you entered onto this earth and created your being for his word. May God continue to bless you up in the heavens. Happy Birthday!
December 16, 2013
December 16, 2013
Pa Not a day goes by that I don't see your smiling face. A part of me died with you . But I know your are up there watching over me. That gives me great strength. May your wings be swift and a your heart be light and your spirit bring joy to all that knew you. All my love now and forever. Your angel
December 16, 2013
December 16, 2013
Happy Birthday Dave. I miss you more each passing year. I wanted to call and sing Happy Birthday to you today, but instead I will wish you a most wonderful day by writing you, here. Your spirit and laughter will be with me forever. I love you, Mung..I'll see you again, one day, but for now, peace to you...Your Sis: Kath
May 21, 2013
May 21, 2013
I can not believe you have been gone a year..not a day goes by that I dont miss you. Sometimes I see you watching over me in the clouds..I feel your presence around me. I know now that our rolls have reversed and you are my angel..I love you Pa with all thats inside of me and in my heart you have found a forever home..may you be at peace love Ma
May 21, 2013
May 21, 2013
It's been a year since you left and my heart, sometimes aches, to talk with you again. I miss you so much...We had some good times together and some sad ones too...I hold all my memories close and pray you are at peace and that one day, I'll talk with you again...Until then, Love and Peace to you, my Bro....Love and Miss you immensely,,,,Kath
December 16, 2012
December 16, 2012
“Where there is love there is life.”― Mahatma Gandhi
Happy Birthday my friend, You are gone but will never be forgotten. You were so truly loved and will be so truly missed. I see this everyday in Trish. God willing we will all be together someday and we can continue our conversations where we left off. Until this day David my dear dear friend rest in eternal peace.
December 16, 2012
December 16, 2012
Dear David: Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday To You, Happy Birthday, Dear David: Happy Birthday To you.    You'd call me, most every year and sing this to me, and I in return to you...I so miss hearing your voice, listening to you laugh and most of all just chatting with you. I love and miss you, so much...I know you're at peace, and enjoying your day (up above)...Love Ya Mung....
December 16, 2012
December 16, 2012
Happy Birthday Pa. God took you to soon. I miss you everyday. I wish everyone could experience the kind of love we had . Unconditional love is so hard ti find. But we had the best. I will love you for a life time and beyond. I know you are still here with me giving me that I lovvvvvvvve youuuuuuuu. Thank you for loving me. I will never know it like we had it again. Love you Ma
May 30, 2012
May 30, 2012
David, I thank you for allowing me to understand the beauty and value of life... I thank you for being an inspiration and for the great political conversations, I thank you for being you, passionate, open minded and so loving... in my life I have never met any two people as in love as you and Trish, you changed me for the better and I am blessed to know you. Till we meet again my friend.
May 27, 2012
May 27, 2012
Dear David, I'm so sorry you had to suffer these past few years. I'll always remember you as Kakthy's Idol of a brother, She loved you so so much. On a funny note. I'll never forget John St., my Dad chased you and J. Reddington up the street and threaten your lives after you lit a cherry bomb & knocked him on his kista. Thank you for making Pat/trish happy. R.I.P. Davey
May 26, 2012
May 26, 2012
My Husband and best friend my soul mate. I will hold you close in my heart forever. I will miss the long talks and motorcycle rides and your silly faces. You and I were always meant to be. Now that you are gone a part of me is too. Now you are (my) angel. Please know how much I love you, and that you will be with me forever. Rest in peace David . I love you. Trish
May 24, 2012
May 24, 2012
My Cousin, many years have passed and we lost contact, but you were never forgotten in my mind. I thought about you often, but never reached out to you!! Now that is my loss, I will miss you Dave. You are now resting in Peace and I will continue to think about you often .Love you!!!!!
May 23, 2012
May 23, 2012
My Brother, my friend and confidante'. "Mung". A nickname we shared. From our childhood mischievousness to our adulthood struggles, you were always there for me. A man of many talents and dreams, you always persevered to "Try and Make "or Be Better. I will always remember your laugh. Especially the time you phoned me and "clucked" like a Chicken...We laughed about that for years. RIP, Bro

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