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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Debra Gage, 57 years old, born on August 6, 1966, and passed away on July 17, 2024. We will remember her forever.
August 6
August 6
I only knew Debra for a short period. We worked together and I spoke with her on the phone often for at times over an hour. We spoke about this and that, life, travel, and food. We became fast friends and her loss has affected me deeply as she had so much life to still live. I think of her daily and know that she is in a good place surrounded by Love. I miss you my friend and hope to see you again one day in the afterlife Sorry we never got to make that black berry jam!
August 6
August 6
To my dear friend Debra,
You were the reason I stayed working at O’Charleys and our friendship lasted 10 years. See you someday at the rainbow bridge to meet up with our dog children. Dennis Spencer
August 3
August 3
Debra lived and loved life to the fullest! I will miss her so much! She brought fun and laughter with her everyday and never failed to be there to help in time of need! What a blessed friend!
August 1
August 1
Debra was one of my brother's best friends for years, beginning when they worked together in Tennessee. When my brother went through cancer, Debra also became a great friend to me. She did so much for both of us during the cancer battle - bringing us food, gifts, medical supplies, visiting the hospital, and a million other things. We sometimes called her "Saint Debra." Debra and I kept in touch frequently over the last few years, often talking on the phone for hours. And we were planning to see each other in October. I am truly heartbroken that such a beautiful and special soul has left the earth so soon. I will miss our late-night phone calls, her gigantic laugh, and her extremely caring nature. 
July 27
July 27
Deb was an amazing friend. I miss her so much.
Always so kind and willing to help anyone.
You will never be forgotten.
July 26
July 26
Love and miss you Debra.  Everytime I was around you it was all laughed and you spirit made my spirit shine and I will 1000% miss that.  Love ya

July 25
July 25
Debra was a beautiful lady, my daughter and her have been best friend for 3 years. They had great fun doing things together. Debra left us to earlier in her life. She will be missed. We will see you again. God bless you Debra.
July 25
July 25
Even though I know you're talking football with you Dad and doing cartwheels with your restored body, it still hurts. I'm sure you're not missing Earth but we're missing you. What will UGA do without their #1 fan? RIP sweet girl.
July 25
July 25
We were so much more than my roommate, you were my best friend. So many wonderful things we shared as well as being there for the rough and bad times too. I can't begin to say how broken hearted I am and it doesn't get any easier without you here. Thirteen years just was not long enough for us. I love you very much.
July 25
July 25
My best friend... oh how you'll be so missed!! Thank you for being there for me thru so many good and bad days!! You had a spirit and soul that touched everyone that you met!! You were an angel and God called you home... but for me it was too soon!! I'll love you forever, and will never forget you!! Love your friend Jaime forever!!

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August 6
August 6
I only knew Debra for a short period. We worked together and I spoke with her on the phone often for at times over an hour. We spoke about this and that, life, travel, and food. We became fast friends and her loss has affected me deeply as she had so much life to still live. I think of her daily and know that she is in a good place surrounded by Love. I miss you my friend and hope to see you again one day in the afterlife Sorry we never got to make that black berry jam!
August 6
August 6
To my dear friend Debra,
You were the reason I stayed working at O’Charleys and our friendship lasted 10 years. See you someday at the rainbow bridge to meet up with our dog children. Dennis Spencer
August 3
August 3
Debra lived and loved life to the fullest! I will miss her so much! She brought fun and laughter with her everyday and never failed to be there to help in time of need! What a blessed friend!
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July 29
Debra was such a wonderful person!!!  She always saw the best in people and in life.  She loved to laugh!!!  And we did that everyone we talked!  I will miss you my sweet friend and sister!!!!

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