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September 10, 2023
September 10, 2023
Don’t know why I felt compelled to write this. Feeling a little more sad today than usual. I haven’t written anything and I don’t know why, maybe I wasn’t ready yet and might still not be ready but life has me feeling blue lately. I’m sorry that I haven’t written to you but I just wanted to say not a day goes by that I don’t feel empty like a piece of me is missing and feel lost and sad that you aren’t here to joke around with. I honestly don’t know what else to say other than I miss you man. I’m waiting for this to get easier and it still feels the same..but that’s alright because I know in time somethings going to change and I know I’ll start to feel better but man it sucks. I just hope this message reaches you and somehow you reach me. I think you always knew how much you meant to me, it was unspoken, we could give each other a look after a fight or argument and instantly know it’s out of love. The good the bad all of it will forever be with me and I wouldn’t want anything any other way. I just want to say I am honored to have been your brother, you taught me so many lessons through the lens in which you viewed the world and the standard you held yourself to when it came to being there for others. You were selfless and always did what had to be done. Everything you have shown throughout your human experience I reflected on and it has molded me into who I am today. I am forever grateful for you and you allowing me to be your brother in this life..until the next, I love you and miss you.
May 6, 2023
May 6, 2023
I still think about you every day. A song will come on and I wish you could hear it. Or i’ll see someone walking in the street dressed in the same style you’d dress in.
Grief still comes in waves for me. I am thankful for your messages in dreams or in waking life. At each milestone in my life I still imagine you experiencing it with me.
We spent almost every day together for years. You inspired me so much. You were always there for me during my era of severe depression. You were my #1 supporter. You were the first one who told me I could sing really well when we were 16. I’ll never forget, I was singing a Christina Aguilera song and after it was done you said “Did you hear yourself? You sounded so good bruh “

You encouraged my Lady Gaga obsession and even made me playlists and included her songs and said “I put this on there because I know you like her!” So thoughtful. Every day.

Even when me and my mother would have chaotic arguments you came to me, no questions asked. YOU WERE ALWAYS THERE.
And the fact that these last few weeks you’ve been reassuring me of your presence has been chilling. Thank you for still speaking to me and guiding me.

You changed me forever. I am so happy God let me experience you in this life. I regret not taking more pictures with you but you know how I felt about myself those days. Ahh, how times change. ❤️You still live in my memory. I love you so much.
January 30, 2021
January 30, 2021
I miss you soo much! There is not a day I don’t think about you . U have brightened so many peoples lives. You are the go to when I feel sad or even happy. I remember when u would always play with all of us in whatever we want to do. You would always bring a smile to our little faces! I know u are with us spiritually and I will never ever forget! Thank you for all the smiles and laughter you brought to me personally. I love you with all my heart! ❤️ 
June 17, 2017
June 17, 2017
Mi Mijo Deleon,
I remember the day I first laid eyes on you. You were a chubby, rosy-cheeked, curly-haired baby who flashed a smile at me and converted me.
You converted me from a young woman who was uneasy around kids, to a young woman who could see the possibility of having my own kids one day.
You converted me from a person who believed immense, pure love was a myth, to a person who felt the purest of love from you.
Throughout the years, you continued to convert me and by the testimonials I have heard about you, you have changed everyone who knew you.
Your thousand-watt smile had the power to convert a bad day to a good one.
Your goofy ways converted sad times to happy and your dance moves converted a room full of wallflowers to a party.
Even in death, my mijo, you manage to convert us. You have converted us from singularly living our daily lives to a group of people who have come together to honor you.
You have converted us from living in the darkness and in the unknown to rejoicing in the light.
In the still of the night I see your handsome face and in the roar of laughter I hear your voice.
And I feel your strength.
You were my angel on earth and in the most purest love, you have been converted to my angel in heaven.
I thank you, my mijo and I love you.
Rest In Peace my dear Deleon.
June 17, 2017
June 17, 2017
Deleon, I only met you a few times but I know you were a great person because of what everyone says of you and because of the impact you had on Dav. Your brother and family miss you a lot. Rest in peace.
June 17, 2017
June 17, 2017
Dear deleon,
I have some great memories with you and Davien, from visiting you at starbucks to hanging out all night playing xbox. You are missed by many. Rip.

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