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June 18
I have more memories of Dennis than I can count or share. Our families became intertwined very early in my life and many of my earliest memories are from their house in Oregon. Every single one of these memories are warm and happy, just like Dennis. When they moved to Wyoming I remember how sad I was that those happy memories would be no more. We followed them to Wyoming a few years later and my dad and him began to work together again. I was so blessed to live just down the street from them for many years. Dennis taught us so many things back then. We would all load up and drive out to fish, hike, rock hunt, whatever the day mandated (we didnt choose, the universe did!). I can honestly say that while I cherished the trips and moments, we definitely took them for granted. As an adult I realized just how much I learned from our adventures we took. Dennis was so patient, gentle, and willing to share any knowledge he had with us along the way. He also tolerated a LOT of our BS and laughed along the way. 

I learned so much respect for nature and animals from him. One of the more prominent memories involve the giant black widow that lived in the shed with his VW engine he stored in there. I recall inquiring why not squish her so she didn't bite someone. She was HUGE, bigger than I knew a black widow could get. He explained that she helped keep other worse things away and why would we needlessly kill something that obviously had no intent to do us harm as long as we respected her and her space she would not bother us. I remember stories of him helping bugs and animals and over the years I have definitely adopted this same way of life. I taught my children the same way and they carry this on still. When I taught preschool I made a point to share this same lesson to my students, often to the irritation of the parents they went home to ("Mama! You cant kill ants! Ms. Jennifer says we need them!"). I remember seeing him rescue creatures on our adventures and him teaching me how to very gently handle the great horned toads when we found them. 

One of the greatest gifts he gave me was growing up in the presence of his family and seeing what I wanted my family to be when I grew up. I will always be thankful for all of the time I had with Dennis and all the beautiful lessons I learned from him (without ever realizing I was "learning" along the way!)

I am curious though, did anyone ever find out what Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, or goofy did to Dennis to get such top billing? I never did find out, although this will always be my favorite and precious of memories. If you know, you know. And I am so thankful that I know <3
June 17
June 17
I have known Dennis since I was 15. He was forever in my heart and always will be.

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