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June 25
June 25
You are often thought of Dennis. We miss you dearly and we will never forget your kindness and friendship. You were the very first person to welcome us to the neighborhood and we loved you from the start! You were always helping others and I know you are a favorite Angel in Heaven. We shall meet again my precious friend. ❤️
June 24, 2020
June 24, 2020
Hello Uncle Dennis!! I can’t believe it’s been three years!!! So much has happened in those years and I’m sure you are looking down and saying that you are glad that you are with Aunt Judy and the family and not with all of this chaos!! I know it would have saddened & angered you to see all of this going on! We all miss you! Kevin, Rich & Eron and myself of course!!! Eron is getting married this year and speaks a lot of you to Lindsey and how much we know you would like her! Both you and Aunt Judy!! we know that you will be there in spirit along with Mother & Gami. The woman that got your liver is so gracious that you saved her life!!! You are her Hero. We do write to one another here and there as we can. I think about you always and these are only words to extend my heart, but I know that you know that already!! As you are God Blessed.................
June 11, 2020
June 11, 2020
God has you in his hands now our precious friend. We miss you so much here on earth! But you are reunited with your precious wife that was a big heartache for you. You kept going and helping people and making so many friends. I miss you dearly
and all our wonderful conversations standing at your truck window outside my house! I’ll be seeing you in Heaven my dear friend Dennis. We all miss you dearly down here!
June 24, 2019
June 24, 2019
It’s been two years and there isn’t a day that I don’t think of you, Aunt Judy, Gami & the dogs!! I know you are watching over Kevin & myself and guiding us through life’s challenges. Thank you for being the best Uncle a girl could have! ❤️
July 24, 2017
July 24, 2017
Still does not seem real to not see Dennis walking dogs, driving his truck, or just outside in the yard. Was sorry to be out of town for the service, but still thinking of Dennis.
July 19, 2017
July 19, 2017
Dennis was a wonderful friend and neighbor to David and me. He had strong opinions, a gentle heart, and a generous spirit. He was always giving and doing for others. He loved people and had lots of great stories to share. He had a ready wit and a great sense of humor; we miss that mischievous grin and the twinkle in his eyes. He had the ability to think deeply and to contemplate the serious; we miss his insightful comments at Friday night Bible studies. Dennis had a way of worming himself into our hearts--and many other hearts as well. So many in our neighborhood felt as we did--he was like family. It is telling that the first afternoon he landed in the hospital, ten people from the neighborhood showed up at ICU to visit. We knew Dennis first as Fritz's person, then by name as a friendly neighbor. Later he joined the CHIP health program and we shared recipes, kitchen experiments, and rides to meetings. Then he attended seminars and services at our church and we got to know him even better. We watched his spiritual journey the last 3+ years and are comforted with the assurance that he was ready to meet his Maker and we will see him again at the resurrection. In the meantime, our hearts and lives and neighborhood seem very empty. Dennis will be sorely missed for a long time to come.
July 7, 2017
July 7, 2017
My 5 yr old grandson Roddy and I met Dennis at a CHIP meeting. Dennis always had something special for Roddy at our meetings and made him feel important. Dennis and I would talk about the old Trenton, and what it was like living there. He was a great help with recipes and educating others on the WFPB lifestyle. He spoke often of how proud he was of his son. He will be missed but many and was loved by more, until we meet again my friend.
July 5, 2017
July 5, 2017
Dennis helped me with things I didn't even know I needed help with until he showed up at CHIP or Food for Life class in hand to make my experience apron, hand towels, spatula, homemade cookies.
He always thought ahead and thought of others. Loosing him makes me long for heaven with greater passion and urgency.
July 3, 2017
July 3, 2017
Our home is across the lake from Dennis. We always waved to one another. He enjoyed our four grandkids. We walk nearly every morning and looked forward to meeting with Dennis and the dogs. Sometimes our grandkids Kiley 8, Jase 9, Marcus 10 and Christian 12 will walk with us. Dennis was ready with the dog treats and the kids loved petting and feeding Fritz and patches. We miss visiting with Dennis on the trail. Dennis was a wonderful neighbor.
July 3, 2017
July 3, 2017
Dennis was such a dear friend to us. He taught us about plant-based eating, sharing videos, books and recipes and inviting us to Chip meetings. Our lives have changed for the better because of his encouragement. He will be sorely missed each day as we walk through the park. Rest in Peace Dear Friend!   Mike and Cheri
July 2, 2017
July 2, 2017
He was a wonderful person and friend!
Our first neighbor to come greet us with
A friendly smile and two beloved dogs!
We only knew Dennis for 7 mos but he
was an angel on earth! God has granted
Him wings now where he can be with his
Wife whom he dearly missed. We will miss
him soo much and the neighbohood won't
be the same without him. Our prayers are
With his family and friends. Rest in peace
Dear friend
July 1, 2017
July 1, 2017
Our deepest sympathy, we will miss seeing Dennis on our morning walk, and the enjoyment of our morning banter.
June 30, 2017
June 30, 2017
Prayers to his family
We will always remember Dennis for his smile-- out walking his dogs
and giving us a wave... He will be missed by all in his neighborhood.
God's Grace
June 29, 2017
June 29, 2017
Words cannot express the profound respect we held for Dennis. He epitomized the word friend, neighbor, and Christian. Dennis was not only our neighbor but an "adopted " family member. I guess that is why he always called us the "kids". With his passing, I think about the following quote ;
 "When my absence doesn't alter your life, then my presence has no meaning in it."   
Dennis added the meaning to many lives. We will miss his contagious smile! He will be forever cherished in our hearts and greatly missed.
Our thoughts and prayers remain with his immediate and adopted families. Sue and John Clark
June 29, 2017
June 29, 2017
Dennis was such a special soul. He had a heart of gold. He was thoughtful and kind and never met a stranger. I feel honored to have known him. God bless you Dennis, rest easy. You will be missed dearly.
June 29, 2017
June 29, 2017
I will miss Dennis so much as he was a guiding light in the plant-based nutrition and healthy lifestyle movement here in SWFL. I worked with Dennis assisting Kathy & Trish in the Food for Life classes and he taught me all I need to help them. Dennis also helped me work the Food for Life/PCRM vendor table at January's Veg Fest. I will miss Dennis's guidance and gentle smile in future classes. It won't be the same without him. Your legacy lives on, Dennis. Keep smiling on us.
June 29, 2017
June 29, 2017
What a wonderful person and friend. I will never forget your smile, positive attitude, offer of water as I walked by your house, and your truck!!!!! You are and will be greatly missed.
June 29, 2017
June 29, 2017
I will miss your kind and gentle way, may your family be comforted by the Holy Spirit during this time of loss. May we all meet again in Heaven soon! Goodbye for now dear man.
June 29, 2017
June 29, 2017
When I walk my dogs I expect to see you walking with Fritz and Peaches. I will miss your kindness and quirky sense of humor. You never hesitated to help a neighbor. You are missed.
June 29, 2017
June 29, 2017
You were a light in so many people's lives. You touched everyone with your kindness, care and love. I will greatly miss your presence in church on Sabbath and seeing the smile upon your face. Just watching you grow in your nearness to Jesus blessed the lives of those around you. "And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away." Rev. 21:4. Will see you again dear friend when Jesus returns to take us home.
June 28, 2017
June 28, 2017
To my friend, and brother in Christ Dennis Bird, God has a special place for you. You always had a touch of class about yourself and your personality was magnetic, your smiled compelled friendship. My morning may last for a night but joy cometh in the morning, when Jesus comes, for we shall see our loved ones again, and death will be no more, Amen x3! . . . Sincerely, Elder L. L. Parham Sr.
June 28, 2017
June 28, 2017
Dennis you are such an angel. Thank you for all the fun times, the dancing, the laughing, the dog walks, the sweet potato chips, USA flags, birthday balloons, treats for the Mackey dog, listening, but most of all sharing your life with us and making life so much nicer and telling me God Bless You everyday no matter what time of day it was or how bad of a day it was. I am so heartbroken and will never forget you. God Bless You and I will see you Karen Kevin Mackey and Bubba..
June 28, 2017
June 28, 2017
My quirky, funny, strong and determined Uncle! You were the strength to many and so many depended on you for your quick smart... witt, your love, your friendship and your extremely giving nature! Everyone knew they could depend on you.....! You were, believe it or not with my Wonderful Aunt a strong support in my life! I couldn't have asked for a better God Father to my Son! Your smarts, your what can I not say about this person that has made a huge impact on my life! May God keep you in his hands and guide you quickly to my Aunt. You are already deeply missed. Please know from the bottom of my heart I will do what ever I can to make sure that Kevin is taken care of for the rest of my life.....He will always have a familly and someone to help support and guide him! I promise! My hearts person words and message Uncle Dennis.....please look for....I will take them in a note and bury them in the Woods where I know you will watch and find them!!!! I Love You!
June 28, 2017
June 28, 2017
Our walks through The Grove will never be the same. You will be sorely missed.
June 28, 2017
June 28, 2017
Walks through The Grove will never be the same. You will be deeply missed.
June 28, 2017
June 28, 2017
I will miss talking to him about politics, baseball or anything that was on his mind. Most of the time our conversation will end because he had to help someone. Dennis ( R.I.P. )
  Love The Schmidt's family.
June 28, 2017
June 28, 2017
Dennis was the person who everyone liked. He is the kind of man that no one could ever say a bad word about. He was kind and always in a great mood. When i moved into the Grove he was one of the first people I met. Then, I knew i would love my neighborhood. I loved stopping every time I drove by to say a quick hello to him. He will be forever missed.
June 27, 2017
June 27, 2017
People come and go from our lives and some leave a lasting and profound impression. Dennis was a guy that left a lasting impression on all that he met. His generosity knew no bounds, and he would literally give you the shirt off of his back. I read two quotes the day after our good friend passed, and it struck me they were befitting of our teacher friend Dennis, and they went as follows:

"When you are going through something hard and wonder where God is......remember, the Teacher is always quiet during the test".

"In life there are those that give and those that take. Those that take will eat well, but those that give will sleep well'.
June 27, 2017
June 27, 2017
Dennis was the best neighbor anyone could ask for! He has been our neighbor for a little over four years, and we feel so blessed to know him. He was more than just a neighbor...he brought birthday balloons and Christmas gifts every year to our daughters. My girls don't have a grandpa close by, and Dennis filled those shoes with his kind words and friendly high-fives! Our dog Bentley loved running into Dennis on daily walks to play with Fritzie and Patches and snag treats from Dennis' pouch. He always looked out for us and would put up drive slowly signs, so our girls could play safely in the front yard. He called my husband and I "kids", and would tell us to have fun if we were on a family outing and passed him in his front yard. We are so heart broken, and will miss Dennis more than words can describe. Our condolences go out to his family, you are in our thoughts and prayers.

We will miss you Mr. Dennis!
Doug, Emily, Anna, and Sammy
June 27, 2017
June 27, 2017
I will always remember his quick wit, sense of humor, and his ability to see through the nonsense, point it out, and dare you to justify or rationalize it. He was a good soul.

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