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Wax on Wax Off

September 2, 2019
I remember that time when you got in trouble for using Daddy's typewriter.There was no doubt in my mind that your ass was grass.However,Daddy forgot that you had just washed and waxed the living room floor.So,when he went to chase you with that belt,you cut the corner and held on to the sofa chair,landing on both feet.Daddy wasn't as lucky.He went high up in the sky,landing flat out on the floor.I can't remember if I got hit in the mouth for laughing,but that was usually the outcome.Listening to some Classic Rock  and Roll on this Sunny Labor Day and reminiscing about the good old days.
Bob Seger just came on the radio.Against the wind.Let the cowboys ride.

Have you seen my hubcap?

September 2, 2017

I remember waking up in the middle of the night looking for my car (Mustang Sally).Boo-Boo told me you and Rita were racing on Baltimore Washington  Parkway.When I finally got my vehicle  back,the hubcap was missing. Never found it.Later on that week ,I was driving to school down Baltimore Washington  Parkway and the muffler just fell out the back of my car.Thank you Dennis for always making everybody's life just as exciting as yours.Missing you alot on your birthday today.I can just imagine you flying recklessly in Heaven with your new wings.

My uncle Dennis

June 6, 2017

I don't have much memory of my uncle throughout my childhood, but as an adult he has had my back when I needed him most. Uncle Dennis was a caring man with a wicked sense of humor. Even if he wasn't happy at with whatever or whomever at the time, he had no problem expressing that and still manage to make you laugh while he was upset. Uncle Dennis was far from an angle, but he was a great man just like his baby brother. Two great men will meet again in heaven. My uncle will be missed but never forgotten. Until we meet again R.I.P unc your nephew....... Legacy

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