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His Life
July 28, 2017

Funny how God works!

Denny and I met during our high school years and I was engaged to one of his good friend' a matter of a fact, that is really how I met him.  After the engagement was broken off, I began to visit Denny at the truck stop he and his family owned.  We immediatly hit it off and I knew he was the one!  We married 2 years later, and had 2 beautiful children.

Denny and I were married for 28 years and although we had some very difficult times, I thank God EVEY day that He allowed us to remain TOGETHER!  He truly was my best frien and my sould mate!

I know without a doubt that my husband is in Heaven!

He did not attend church with me, nor was he a "religious" man. However, during the last months of his life on this earth, he experienced Jesus in a very real way. He told me about a time when he saw Jesus. He said that there was a lake with a boat and right past the boat, was a bright figure in white...he could not make out any features of the figure, but felt very calm and peaceful by the presence of this figure. The day before he passed away, he told me that Jesus had spoken to him. Jesus told him that He was there with him and that he was going to be ok. The blue I am wearing is to celebrate the healing my husband received and the peace I have knowing he is in Heaven.

Denny was a very compassionate man. He always thought of others and put others before himself. If he knew someone was in need, he would try to do what he could to help that person...even when he was weak and sick himself. There was a time when he was in the rehab center after being hospitalized the first go round that a woman was in pain and crying out for help. My husband told me that he felt so bad for her that if he would have had the energy, he would have gone to her room to just be with her so she wasn't alone and to just talk to her, but instead, he prayed for her. He prayed that God pour his comfort and peace upon her so that she could get a good nights sleep, even if it meant that my husband had to take her pain. My husband said that as soon as he stopped praying for her, she got quiet and his back hurt like crazy all night, but he would do it again, if it meant that she could get a peaceful nights rest.

We knew each other in high school, and I was dating his best friend at the time. Somehow, I ended up with him and am thankful that I did! He had such a great sense of humor and was so quick witted. He kept both of those right up to the end.  While Denny was lying on his deathbed, he asked me for his wallet then he began shaking it saying, "Wally (referring to Walmart), he is almost gone, I will be there soon!" That was just how he was...funny and in good spirits, no matter the circumstances! We shared so many great memories together and I miss him like crazy.

He was so much more that my husband...he was my companion, my comforter, my laughter when I needed laugh to cheer me up....he was my best friend. I will not say good bye, because I know I will see him again, this is not the until then you will be in my heart always and in the words of our grand daughter...uu!!!