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From Courtnay Stoltenberg

February 1, 2022
Derrick was one of a handful that came to my team through the pNCE program. His smile was infectious along with his laugh. He spoke with so much adoration about his kids. They were very important to him. He always addressed me as, “Ms Courtnay” and it would make me giggle. I can hear his voice in my head and by the way, he wasn’t afraid to be inquisitive and use his voice. He will be missed.

From Jennifer Ngo

February 1, 2022
I worked with Derrick on several Army missions last year. On each project, I could always count on Derrick to show up, engage with the customer, and help to explain technical things into layman terms for my PM notes. He was a joy to work with, always pleasant and good for a laugh. I last talked to him in October 2021 when we were both transitioning into new roles. The last thing he told me was "Know that you still have an engineer/HTOM that will always have your back". Derrick was always altruistic and looking out for others. I will never forget that, and I will miss him dearly.

From Roy Long

February 1, 2022
Was fortunate enough to talk with Derrick on several occasions and in every instance i distinctly remembering leaving the conversation with a renewed feeling of "things are ok". Derrick always had a positive outlook and had such a wonderful calming presence I always looked forward to talking with him; we are diminished. Condolences to the family and friends.

From Maggie Wallen

February 1, 2022
Down in RTP, during the pNCE program, in the rental car with Michelle and Derrick. Blaring 90s R&B, singing Mariah Carey, Derrick in the back seat in stride singing along. This prompted many conversations around music, sharing favorite songs, playing songs on our phones in our downtime sitting outside the hotel. That was a tough program, and having music to share with one another was a welcomed connecting gift. Thank you, Derrick. You were a pleasure to sit with, to get to know, and to watch you shine over the years.

From Ryan Scruggs

January 31, 2022
Derrick knew I had a concern that I wanted to address, but he also knew that I didn't want to speak in front of a large crowd, so he spoke up for me. I didn't even have to ask him- he just did it. He told me afterwards, "we have to look out for one another." He wasn't just talking about two of us, but all of us.

From Mike Solomita, VP, US Public Sector @ Cisco

January 31, 2022

Our colleague, teammate, and friend, Derrick Gilliam died unexpectedly on January 13th.  Derrick joined Cisco and US Public Sector as a part of the last Professional Network Consulting Engineer (pNCE) Program in August of 2016. Over the last six years, Derrick became a very knowledgeable R/S and Collaboration engineer supporting many of our DOD customers. His engagements often ending in kudos from the customer after he provided onsite support. Derrick always recognized his colleagues and their accomplishments, jumped in to help anyone in need, and was a lover of technology and learning.

Derrick was the kind of person who could lift the mood of an entire room. He exuded positivity and steadfastness. Derrick was well-loved and respected in our organization because he had a tireless dedication to ensuring that the people around him were supported, and always knew they had a voice. Ryan Scruggs shared the following about Derrick:
Derrick knew I had a concern that I wanted to address, but he also knew that I didn't want to speak in front of a large crowd, so he spoke up for me. I didn't even have to ask him- he just did it. He told me afterwards, "we have to look out for one another." He wasn't just talking about two of us, but all of us.
With a heavy heart,

From Jason Yanoff

January 31, 2022
I had the privilege of working with Derrick on an Army project. May his memory be a blessing to us all.

From Michelle Montesano

January 31, 2022
Derrick was such a bright light and champion for all of the folks around him. He was first to congratulate his peers, and celebrate their victories. I was privileged to onboard him in our last pNCE program, and am honoured to call him a friend. Derrick was so encouraging, so calming, and so joyful. He consistently reminded all of us of the bright side and silver lining. You will be greatly missed, Derrick.

From Devon Sotomayor

January 31, 2022
Derrick was always a calming presence in the pNCE program. He was serious (he was a Marine after-all) and up for a laugh all within the same second. It was a privilege to work alongside him. He represented the best of Cisco.

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