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June 5, 2020
it’s going on 4 years that you have been gone there’s not a day that goes by that I wish you could see the wonderful children we made Priscilla is now 18 and Jr is 16 he takes it the hardest and I know this I think he hates me at times I’m lost as what to do you weren’t there to show them how to be good men and that still hurts to this day but I know he will be a wonderful man all three of are boys man could I use your help on woody he is a handful of course I know you can see that and dale is still and will always be my baby bird then there’s patty I think I’m going to have a lot of problems with her when she gets older keeping the boys away is definitely going to be a problem she is a Beautiful child and my biggest help we have a wonderful man in are life now he is a good person and a wonderful man trying to fill your shoes he knows he never will and we don’t have a problem with that but he is trying to be a wonderful dad to are kids I hope you approve I still miss you to this day Donald and always will love you forever 

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