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My sweet Friend Donna

March 25, 2017

Nearly  twenty five years ago a super cute gal, with an amazing personality and a killer smile, asked a coworker who did her hair. As fate would have it Donna called to make an appointment with me. She was a dedicated client and friend of mine ever since. I sure would look forward to seeing her. She was the type of client who the time would pass by so fast, with never enough time to catch up. We would thoroughly enjoy each others conversation. Anyone who knew sweets Donna knows she was genuinely caring and concerned  about anyone she loved. She knew me through my children being born, all the way until now with my first born getting married. She was a huge support to me when I was caring for my dying mother struggling with cancer. I'll always remember the strength she gave me. Even after she could not come to see for her hair anymore, because she was bed ridden, we still did our best to make it work. And work it did. I'm so grateful and feel honored to be there for her. I remember the day many years ago when she could'nt wait to tell me she met someone very special. What a sparkle she had in her eye when she shared the news that she had met her soul mate Donna S. I never saw her quite this happy. She has been such an inspiration of what strength and fight really means., She is the strongest person I know. And her dear wife Donna was the pillars she needed to hold her up and keep going for so many years. The dear Lord was not going to take Donna until her work was done here on earth. Not until she touched as many lives as she was destined to touch. She will truly be forever missed in MY heart.  I still here her voice saying on my recorder "Hi ya doing honey!" And never forgetting to say hi to my husband, my two daughters and my dog Bailey too! Love you and miss you forever Donna!!! Thank you for all you taught me about living life with a positive attitude no matter what you are dealt with! May your memory be eternal. 

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