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May 13, 2023
May 13, 2023
Hey Momma well here we are again another mothers day without you. So many years have passed yet I can still hear your voice smell your perfume. I miss you every day of my life. Someday I will be with you again. To many changes so much sadness in this world. Life was much simpler back then. Love was easier people were better. I have to say you would be so proud of your Daughter Janetta, she has become all you ever wanted her to. She takes care of everyone just like you did. I love you and miss you Mom. Happy Mothers Day
July 31
July 31
Hey Momma HAPPY BIRTHDAY, I hope your with Charlie and. Elissa and Thomas and see Dad
I love you so much and miss yourumcomsitional love,. I'm afraid I didn't have much luck I'm that dept.. I'm fixen to be living close to Jaye and family
. Its been a long struggle
I. Miss you every day
.can't wait to see you again. Michael. T buried my cat Harley forme today.when u see him love him for me . Love you Momma
May 17
May 17
Hey Momma , another mothers day and I miss you as if it was just yesterday.. I pray to God I get to see you again someday. I need you so much right now. I know it's not all about me but I'm stuck in a bad place right now . I'm not well and I'm having a really hard time moving forward.. I miss you momma.. I'm so alone in this life and am scared I won't be around much longer. I love you mom. 
October 27, 2023
October 27, 2023
Hey Mom , sitting here missing you missing so much. People say don't live in the past but that's where my happy is. You missed so much in your life leaving us so young. I Love You so much and I think of you quite often and love you so much. You werea great mom despite all the pain you lived thru you were always there for me even when i didn't deserve it. Hope we are reunited soon momma. I Miss You
May 13, 2023
May 13, 2023
I just watched your granddaughter graduate from nursing school and I felt you and dad sitting there with me cheering her on! I think about you every day momma... I will always love you happy heavenly mothers day
November 9, 2022
November 9, 2022
Hey Momma sitting here it's Wednesday night November 9th missing you Soo much. You were the best mom , you were always there for me . I miss all the sweet things you used to do for me. I'm 62 years old 3 years older than you were when you passed, dam you were so young. I seriously feel I'm living on borrowed time between my kidneys, liver and heart I don't think I'll be in this world much longer.. I miss you mom and I'm praying to see you again in Heaven.
May 15, 2022
May 15, 2022
Hey Momma , 21 years ago we lost you. You were so young . I miss you so much I wish you were here your grandchildren need your help . I want to help them but I don't know how. I was so lucky to have you for my mom. I love you and miss you Every single day. Pammy
May 8, 2022
May 8, 2022
Another mother's day without you, I've cried 21 years in a row on this day. Cried for all the hugs and kisses missed by your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Khi and Tylar ask about who you were, I wish we would have made more time for one another when I was a child. Your grand daughter and her son are at a pivotal juncture in their relationship, please help to heal their hearts toward one another. I would never want B to live a life not truly knowing his mother... I miss you momma
May 8, 2022
May 8, 2022
Hey Mom, here I am 21 years later missing you on your special day. You were such a great mom we lost you way to soon mom. I think about you alot and know you must be in heaven with Charlie, Dad Elissa Thomas Jenn and of course your Mom Dad and siblings. I pray some day I get to see you in Heaven. Happy Heavenly Mothers Day momma. My heart misses you. I feel so alone without you. Thank God for Jaye shes powered thru this life and is raising your grandchildren and great grandchildren you would be proud of her. I know I am. I LOVE AND MISS YOU MOM.
August 6, 2021
August 6, 2021
Hey Momma, I can hardly believe you've been gone 20 years. I'm older than you were when you left us.. I wish you could have watched Michael grow up. He is a wonderful young man, all the good qualities and Nina well she has 3 children. They are so beautiful and smart, I have no idea who they got that from. It hurts me deeply to have to tell you your little Nina Chick is turning out to be a bad mom, nothing at all like our family. it hurts those kids so much and that really hurts me. you just had a birthday how old are you, 80 you say. I miss You Momma and I'm looking forward to seeing you again someday . Tell Dad and Elissa I LOve THem and you so very much,,...
July 25, 2021
July 25, 2021
Hey Mamma, Sitting here thinking about you and missing you so much. You know I'm a year older than you were when you left us. You were so young to have been thru all you went thru. I lost two people last week and they were both in their thirtys. Life goes so fast . Your gone Thomas is gone. Poor Charlie he just couldn't live without you he and Dad are both gone. And one of the hardest loses was Elissa K, Poor thing was in so much pain. I felt like I would die when we lost her. Then Joe left me but not to death but by choice. I still have Janetta and Dave. I wouldn't last 1ong without them. Jayes been my lifeline you would be proud Momma I know I am. I'd like to thing you are watching over us and can see our lives, even thou that's not what we were taught it gives me comfort to believe that. You were the best mom I could ever have I wish we had more time together but I'm grateful for what we had. I Miss You. One day I hope to see you again
October 12, 2020
October 12, 2020
Dear Mom well I am now 60 years old A year older than you were you left us. I think abut you all the time andwish you were here with me . so many things i need you for but its just me jaye and dave plus family. Nothings ever the same when your gone. You were my best friend and my Heart misses you every single day.        LOVE PAMMY
February 1, 2020
February 1, 2020
Hey Mom, sitting here looking at the picture of you me and elissa. You sure were  beautiful inside and out. I miss you so much Life is really hard when the people that always had your best interest at heart, believed in you and loved you are gone. I always believed when you got married yo would have that but I was very wrong.. I ended up with the opposite and I wish you were here to help me thru this pain and disappointment. I know you would understand and make me feel better but it's just me and I'm really having a hard time moving forward. I feel the best is behind me and I don't like feeling that way. I need yo mom and miss you so much. I love you. Can't wait to be with you.. Your Daughter Pammy
November 28, 2019
November 28, 2019
Hi Momma, It's almost Christmas and here I am missing everyone, I hope and Pray you are all together and someday Soon I will be with you all. So often I need you in my life. I Love You Mom. Love Pammy
August 27, 2019
August 27, 2019
Hey Momma, today is Aug 27, 2019. Can't believe its been 17 years since we lost you. I think of you all the time miss you so much. So many times I want to turn to you for advice but your not here. I Love You and miss you every single day. I hope you are all together, Dad Charlie Lisa Thomas and Julia. Love You All
June 1, 2019
June 1, 2019
Hey Momma, I Love You and Miss You Every Day Of My Life. Your always with me in My Heart
January 14, 2019
January 14, 2019
Well Momma it's another year 2018, it really hard to believe it's been 17 years since we lost you. I miss you all the time and cherished the last year we had together. I hope you are with Charlie and Thomas and especially Elissa. And of course LT . I pray you are all together in heaven and can't wait to be with you all again. I Love you Mom and Miss you deep in my heart. Love Your Daughter Pammy
December 22, 2018
December 22, 2018
Well Mom another Year has passed without you , still hard and still sad without you. So many lost since you left us so much pain forever itched in my heart. Miss you today tomorrow and always. Love You Daughter Pammy
August 30, 2018
August 30, 2018
My mom was a wonderful person she taught me how to be strong and encouraged me to be independent .she was a wonderful cook and enjoyed great music which I’ve passed on to her grand children. We still sing to songs in the kitchen and cook together the way she did she will be forever missed but never forgotten . Loved always by her grandchildren son in law and her daughter.❤️
August 25, 2018
August 25, 2018
Hey Momma, It's me Pammy, Was thinking about you and looking at your pictures. You were sure a beauty. I miss you so much. I'm so grateful I got to spend that last year with you. And there I was on that last day and for the next 30. I'm sorry to say Charlie just couldn't go on with out you mom as I'm sure your aware. God I pray what happens when we die is what Elissa believed cause if it is then you are all together so many of us. I live for the day when I can be with you all again. I Love You Momma. My Heart Misses You
August 5, 2018
August 5, 2018
Hey Momma, Its so hard to believe you have been gone so many years. You would be happy to know I'm in touch with Donna Jane. We reconected at my work, Cracker Barrel. I think about you alot. I hope you are with Thomas Charlie Dad and Elissa. She believed that was how it worked and I have to to be able to live my life without you all. My life is so lonely without you all. I.m so glad I got to live your last year with you. I miss you

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