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June 22
June 22
Can’t believe it’s the fourth birthday we are missing….Still thinking of Doreen a lot and wishing her family all the best! So sad that she isn’t here any longer to see her grandchildren grow up. Xx
June 22
June 22
Dear Mother, on your 87th birthday we're thinking of the happy moments we spent together as family, of birthday celebrations and holiday visits, of the love, knowledge and world experience that you shared with me, Thomas and Lucy, of the life you made and the inspiration that you were to so many of your students, colleagues and friends around the world. With all our love, may you rest easy now.  I've posted a couple of photos of family events - wish you could be with us to share these moments. love from Ted, Thomas and Lucy
April 30
April 30
You have left us three years ago, I still really miss you and your wisdom. Sorry I was stranded in China and could not return to have catch up in person.  
April 30
April 30
Dear Doreen , think of you at this sad time , miss our chats , our walks and generally putting the world to rights ,
Love and miss you from Irene x x x
June 24, 2023
June 24, 2023
Dear Doreen ,
My lovely friend and advisor , I think if you often especially at Rutland water , where I took my husband for the first time , and he enjoyed it !!
Happy heavenly birthday x x
June 23, 2023
June 23, 2023
Doreen, deux ans déjà que tu nous a quittés. C'est si peu et c'est beaucoup. Toi,si sensible à la fidélité, tu vois,par-delà ta disparition, on est fidèle à ta mémoire. J’ai envie de dire, comme lorsque je t’écrivais, je t’embrasse. Love
June 22, 2023
June 22, 2023
Happy birthday mother - we miss you! I took time today to look through some photos and am posting a couple to this site. I'm so glad that despite all the stresses and strains of life, we managed to enjoy some genuinely happy years.  With love, Ted
April 30, 2023
April 30, 2023
Chère Doreen, comment pourrais-je t'oublier, quand je pense si souvent à toi. Tu me manques, et c'est tout dire.
June 23, 2022
June 23, 2022
Happy Birthday Mother - we raised a midsummer glass to you this evening and reminisced about the adventures, and the experiences that you brought and that we miss! Even though you haven't been with us for Thomas' graduation from his elementary school, and for his 15th birthday, and Lucy's 12th, you are still a welcome presence here. You'd be happy to hear that we have continued the family tradition of marmalade-making, and it's pretty popular with friends and neighbours! Wish you were here and wish we were sharing our happy moments with you. We miss you a lot. Lots of love, from Ted Thomas and Lucy
June 22, 2022
June 22, 2022
Members of the Nottingham RSPB group enjoyed a walk to Attenborough nature reserve and paused to think of you by the memorial plaque we have placed there. Attenborough was one of the places Doreen really loved and visited often.
June 22, 2022
June 22, 2022
Dear Doreen ,
It’s your birthday on this glorious June day , the birds are so busy with feeding young and many insects are buzzing away in my garden
Thinking of you , my dear friend love Irene x x
May 6, 2022
May 6, 2022
Dear TED TIme passes so quickly but maybe not for you this year -I have been thinking of you of you and the children and remembering Doreen LOve and beat wishes Marion Cowe
May 4, 2022
May 4, 2022
Can't believe you have left us one year ago! I often think of you. I missed our conversations, your wisdom, true honesty and warmth.
May 4, 2022
May 4, 2022
I think of you often, Doreen, and especially when walking past the cafés in Paris where we used to meet and chat for hours. And recently when my daughter used her phone app to identify birdsong for her kids on a forest walk, I said 'Doreen wouldn't have needed this', and I can hear her little giggle! We do miss you Doreen and it's good to have such happy reminders of you;
and thanks to Ted for this site.
May 2, 2022
May 2, 2022
Dearest Doreen ,
Miss you very much , especially as it’s spring , filled with birdsong .
Our walks were very special and I’ll remember them fondly .
Thinking of you x x
May 2, 2022
May 2, 2022
Doreen, think of you often especially when out in the wild; sad you missed Mexico and the monarch butterflies.
May 1, 2022
May 1, 2022
Très chère Doreen. Hier encore , hier vraiment, je parlais de toi, de ton amitié indéfectible, heureuse et si ouverte. Tu me manques beaucoup. Bien sûr qu’on pense à toi- jusqu’à notre propre fin.
April 30, 2022
April 30, 2022
Thinking of you Doreen and remembering the lovely walks we had and the good times shared. You would have been interested in the international chorus day today……
Love, Maryse
April 30, 2022
April 30, 2022
Dear Doreen,
You left us a year ago, but the happy memories we shared remain. Much love, Hazel
June 24, 2021
June 24, 2021
I went yesterday , por the first time since Doreen departure, to do the walk we did together every Saturday through the University campus. I wanted to celebrate her birthday and all the many years we’ve been friends. It was hard but we had a good conversation, in silence, and a good laugh about the many moments we share together. Soon I’ll go to the pub where we used to have Sunday lunch, but I’m not ready yet
June 23, 2021
June 23, 2021
Really miss Doreen, I am back to Nottingham after six months away. I would have met her if she is still here.
June 23, 2021
June 23, 2021
Happy Birthday mother! Here's to all the occasions and adventures - and the best Grandma ever :-)
May 24, 2021
May 24, 2021
I first met Doreen in 1960when I shared a flat with Val Williams her friend already .atthe same time I met a 3yr old TEd who came to stay once. I met her again thro the Aussie link with John Moon travelling with Doreen togo to GEOFfs wedding .Over the years we had regular phoneconversations and meetings in London vi siting exhibitions and all we both shared an interest in. I admired greatly her strong and lively personality and her physical ability and strength and strength of her widspread friendships and interests. She adored her son and grand children and obviosly missed her visits this last yr. Doreen willbe greatly missed but remembered with love and thanks for her life
May 23, 2021
May 23, 2021
I’m David Williams – Doreen’s only sibling: and I want to add a few words as brother / sister about our childhood years and the world we were born into.

We both have our own wartime survival memories.

Doreen was born just before the War. The family were living in Cardiff at the time, so she survived the bombings of Cardiff docks. Then, half way through the war, our Dad got a promotion to Central London(!) – and our new house turned out to be on one of the flight paths of the newly developed V1 flying bombs.

Fortunately grandparents Ellis-Brown lived nearby – and Mum, Doreen and now me as a young baby often stayed there so we could sleep in the underground bomb shelter for safety. One particular incident was when Doreen was playing in the garden, and the fateful drone of the V1 was beginning to splutter out: Grandpa Ellis-Brown grabbed Doreen’s hand and they raced together for shelter.

Another of her wartime memories would have been going to school with two satchel type bags: one she always had to have was the mandatory one carrying her child-size Gas Mask.

Then after 6 years of growing up in the war, came another 6 years of so of post-war austerity and the food rationing! But she did well at School, passed the 11+ and went to Grammar School; Got her O and A levels and then went to Southampton University for a French Degree.

I finish with something our father used to say about her to his colleagues: Doreen – she got married, had a baby and got her University Degree - all by the age of 21!
May 23, 2021
May 23, 2021
Text from the Celebrant, Ingrid Tapp:

Good afternoon and a warm welcome as we meet to pay tribute to Doreen Markam whose unexpected death, on April 30th, was such a shock to you all. The fact that you are here today means that you had the privilege of sharing a part of your lives with Doreen, and so will, quite naturally, wish to reminisce, to pay your respects and of course to say goodbye. The ceremony includes a brief look back at Doreen's character and achievements, personal tributes, and a time for quiet reflection. There will also be an opportunity to share further memories at The Pudding Pantry where Ted hopes you will join him afterwards.

In keeping with her principles and beliefs, Doreen requested that, when the time came, the ending of her life should be marked with a humanist ceremony which, as an accredited celebrant and a member of the organisation, Humanists UK, I am honoured to be leading. She also requested that her final resting place should be a natural burial site, and she would surely have approved the choice of this unspoilt tranquil location, where wild flowers grow in abundance, wildlife thrives, and where red kites have been seen patrolling the skies above.

As with all of us, there were many diverse parts to Doreen's character. Ted described her as a mother, teacher, linguist, world traveller, activist, hiker, bird-lover, seeker of knowledge, true friend and devoted grandmother and in the following tributes we will try to do justice to her.

Born in Dartford - where her grandparents lived - on June 22nd 1937, Doreen Iredale was the first child of Tom and Doris Williams. The family home was in Cardiff, but when Doreen was three, they moved close to Doris' parents in Kent and it was there, three years later, that her younger brother, David, was born.  This of course was wartime and, in 1944, Doreen was evacuated back to the relative safety of Wales. During her school years she formed close lifelong attachments with other family members; her Grandpa Sid, her Uncle Gordon and Mollie - whose Worthing guest house she sometimes helped out in - and, later, her cousin, also called Gordon.

At school Doreen proved herself to be a very bright and able pupil. She had a natural aptitude for languages and appreciated the opportunities that education could potentially open up for her. She was also very aware of the limited options for - and expectations of - young women at the time, and was determined to change this, not only for herself, but also for others. Aged 18, Doreen gained a place at Southampton University to study French. While she was there she met Achmad Markam and they became parents to Ted. In 1958, following a move to London, Doreen began teaching French at Clarks College, where she stayed for five years before - single again - she arranged for Teddy to go to boarding school in Winchester and moved to Paris to take up a position of Lectrice at Sorbonne University. Initially living with close friends Hazel and Joan before getting a place of her own, Doreen mixed with like-minded people, and found her time in France stimulating, rewarding and enjoyable. She regularly engaged in discussions and debates on topics which mattered to her, such as gender equality and fairness in society, passionately expressing her firmly held views. Doreen loved bringing enlightenment to her students and took great pleasure in opening young minds to the possibilities available to them. Between 1966 and 1981, Doreen worked at Nanterre University, teaching English Literature, Journalism and Phonetics, while also completing her thesis and running the student exchange programme. And in the holidays, Ted always travelled over to France to spend time with her.

In her mid 40s, Doreen returned to the UK. She taught French at Kirby Muxloe, in Leicestershire, before moving to Nottingham where she worked at Clarendon College, lived close to her brother, David, and his family, and developed quite a community of friends. After taking early retirement from her full-time role in 1994, Doreen continued to work part-time at the Institute of Linguists and Nottingham University's Language Centre. But she increasingly came to appreciate the time she was able to spend hiking, bird-watching, exploring the world, and recording details of those trips in detailed travelogues.
Wherever she went, Doreen sought out new companions to share her adventures and, as a result, she had a diverse group of friends from all around the world. Among the people she had made connections with were distant family members who she had contacted and kept in touch with - some of whom may be with us via the Internet today. One group of family members who were distant in geographical terms but who Doreen shared a really close bond with was Ted and his two children, Thomas and Lucy. Travelling to see them at their home in San Francisco twice a year, Doreen relished her new role of Grandma and, in anticipation of their visits to see her, she thoroughly researched and explored all the potential child-friendly places to take them in the area. Spending quality time with her adored grandchildren - both of whom have inherited different elements of her character - was really important to Doreen. Along with Ted they joined her on holiday in Llandudno to celebrate her 80th birthday, and on Doreen's last visit to San Francisco - which, fortuitously was in February 2020 - they enjoyed hikes and time on the beach together. As someone who spent so much of her time away, international travel restrictions had a huge impact on Doreen. She was for a time stranded in Botswana and, having made her way home, she realised that that the only way she would be able to keep in touch with her family was via the internet. So, she quickly mastered Zoom and WhatsApp and spent the last year enjoying her new position of online tutor.

Unsurprisingly, with the easing of restrictions on the horizon, Doreen was eagerly making plans to resume her travels. But unfortunately, this was not to be.

Shocked and saddened as you all are to have lost Doreen from your lives, it should be remembered that, although her life has ended, it has not been erased. When you think of her, it may be her brilliant linguistic skills that are foremost in your mind, and the way she seemed to take on a more flamboyant and expressive personality when she spoke French. Maybe you will recall her unquenchable thirst for knowledge and her desire to spark a similar thirst in young minds. Possibly you will remember her for her dedication to wildlife and to birds, and the RSPB, in particular; an interest which was first ignited by the nature books her father bought for her as a child. For some it will be her passion for travel, and the detailed records she kept of those travels that will spring to mind, and for others it will be her friendship, and the love she had for her family. Whatever memories you have of Doreen, for as long as you continue to think of her and talk about her she will always remain a part of your lives.

I will now hand over to those making their own personal tributes to Doreen: her brother, David Williams, fellow RSPB member, John Forrester, and her son, Ted Markam.




We will now pause for a few moments of quiet reflection as - to the accompaniment of a beautiful piece of music appropriately called, 'The Swan' - you think of Doreen in your own way, or say a private prayer if you prefer.
Music for reflection: 'The Swan' from Camille Saint-Saens....
We have been thinking of the part that Doreen played in each of your lives and recalling the many cherished memories she leaves behind. And now we must commit her body to the natural cycle of the world from which she was born and which nourished and sustained her throughout her life.

(Coffin to be lowered)

Immune to the changes and chances of life, and safe beyond illness and pain, Doreen will be a part of this place for all time; through the warmth of the summer and the cold of the winter, through the freshness of the spring and the mists of the autumn. Here, in this quiet place under the wide open sky, now and always, she will be at peace.
We dedicate this woodland plot to every good and precious memory associated with Doreen and hope that peace and strength may grow from this sorrow, and enrich your lives and the lives of those who follow you. Should you return here, I hope you will be reminded of the positive thoughts we have shared today and that they will bring you comfort.
Fittingly, any donations given in memory of Doreen will go to help the work of the RSPB; a cause which was so close to her heart. If you would like to contribute, Ted will be happy to give you details of the online donation.

I will shortly be leaving you to spend a few moments alone, and to cast your roses on the coffin, but first - to close this farewell to Doreen - I will read an excerpt from a verse by the poet, Leslie Scrase. With Doreen's love and respect for nature, I think she would certainly have endorsed the sentiments expressed in this piece. It reads: 

I have lived in this great world and known its many joys:
the thrill of mountains and the morning air,
hills and the lonely heather-covered moors,
harvest and the strong sweet scent of hay:
a rock-strewn river overhung with trees,
shafts of sunlight in a valley leading to the sea,
the beat of waves on rough and rocky shores
and wild, white spray flung high in ecstasy;
the song of birds awakening at dawn and flaming sunsets at the close of day
with cooling breezes in the secret night – music and the moonlight sea;
the comfort of my home and treasured things,
the love of kin and fellowship of friends:
the tapestry of life, both joy and pain is ours to live but once and not again.
When I look back upon my richly varied years, I crave no more, so shed no tears. 

May 21, 2021
May 21, 2021
Eulogy for my mother

First of all, I want to say thank you so much to all of you, friends and family, who came to the burial site in person and online, to say goodbye to my mum Doreen and to see her body being returned to nature. On the Zoom link we had folks from across the UK, Perth, Sydney, Canberra, Geneva, Toronto, Los Angeles and of course Thomas and Lucy in San Francisco and Joni in Sacramento.

Thanks also for all the outpouring of stories, tributes, cards, flowers, good feelings and elbow bumps that people have shown since my mum passed - so suddenly and unexpectedly, just a couple of weeks ago, driving home from her dentist appointment.

The wild flowers that we brought are from my mum’s garden, are in keeping with this beautiful landscape, and will hopefully flourish here.

My mother was so widely travelled, and so well read, speaking multiple languages, making friends and finding distant relatives in every corner of the globe, as well as those whom she saw more often, close to home here in Nottingham. All of these, as well as me and my family, filled her life.

I cannot do justice to summing up her life here. There are so many stories to tell of her experience as a child during the war, amazing career in France and later back in the UK, her travels around the world, the causes she has fought for, and of all the many lives she has touched and changed along the way. Hopefully you will continue to share more stories and shared experiences on the memorial site, which I have really enjoyed reading. But I will speak a little about how she was as a mother and a grandmother, and what she has meant to me and my family.

As a child I saw my mum going out into the world and flourishing. I thought it was pretty exciting to have a mother who lived in Paris, even though I missed her. One poignant memory I have is of being in boarding school and eagerly awaiting weekly letters from my mum about what she was doing in Paris, and always signed, in her unmistakable handwriting “All my love, Mummy XXXXX”.  She wrote me a similarly heartfelt letter this April for my birthday, which made me think of those times long ago – perhaps she was thinking of those times also.

My mum was a big believer in the power of education and an independent mind. She certainly gave me that, whether willingly or unwillingly, so thank you mother for that.

When I moved to the US, she would come over pretty regularly, and always seem to track down distant cousins, and people she had known from her university days for us to visit.

Then in 2007, my son Thomas was born and at age 70 she became a very active and engaged grandma. Two years later Lucy was born, so then she was a double grandma. Doreen was just filled with joy to have grandkids and has been a constant presence in their lives. Every trip to California, and every trip that we made back to Nottingham, was filled with memorable and fun activities. She even took us to the top of the highest mountain in Great Britain, Yr Wyddfa, on her 80th birthday. Lucy, whether she agrees or not, has a lot in common with her grandma – both left-handed, and both have a fiercely independent spirit. My mum was devoted to the kids and they will definitely miss their grandma a lot.

With the pandemic in the last year, we had to get used to doing everything online. She still managed to be very much a presence for the family, with twice-weekly WhatsApp calls. She took on the role of online tutor for Thomas who has reliably informed me that “Grandma is a very good and patient teacher”. She had bought Thomas a globe, which they would use in the lessons: he would spin the globe and find a place they were studying and grandma would say “I’ve been there”, and talk about it from her own experience. They developed a special bond during these sessions, and this was a source of pride and enjoyment to her. She had so much more to tell and share…

She said to me recently: “It’s a shame I won’t be around to see the grandchildren through college”. Of course, I replied “what are you talking about? You’re fit as a fiddle”. Well now I understand. It’s all on me and the kids now – "you listening Thomas, Lucy? College is important”. Grandma, don’t worry, I think we’ve got this one covered.

Mother, Grandma: thank you from the bottom of my heart, our hearts for all that you have been, for the good you have given of yourself, to us and so many others, and the light that you have kindled and that remains within us. Go happily with all our love.

Lastly, a dedication:
“Mummy / Mother / Grandma / Doreen: May your spirit fly free, like a beautiful bird, and sing and soar, and find some new resting-place where you can again bring light into our universe”

May 20, 2021
May 20, 2021
Good bye, old Friend. 

Well that was quite a ride! We had our ups and downs but our friendship was solid.  Do you remember how we met on that plane flying back to Paris?  That was Easter 1964. I was just moving to the Maison Franco-Britannique, (one of the Paris university residences – to the reader,) you were already living there.  You introduced me to Ballantines whiskey; we always had a sip on a Sunday night. We spent hours arguing about politics.  You brought Ted into my life when he was only seven; we shared a flat in the 15th ; you became godmother to Sandra. We spent many, many happy hours together in Herne Bay. You loved the place. I can still see you valiantly swimming in the sea, however cold the water.
You have left us true to form - ever fiercely independent. I am truly sorry that you will not be seeing your beloved grandchildren grow up. They will miss you. We will all miss you. You have left your mark.  You remain forever in our memories. 
Love Hazel
May 20, 2021
May 20, 2021
Doreen was my neighbour ever since we moved to Nottingham in 2014. She ran our residents association, and put a lot of work into taking care of our area. She kept a beautiful garden, which inspired and encouraged us, and the forget-me-nots she originally planted now put on a beautiful display every year all throughout the Mews.

Whenever someone new moved in, Doreen would leave a welcome note, something that I will now be carrying on. She was always friendly, and I loved hearing about her travels, her thoughts on current affairs, and recently, the enjoyment she took in being able to help her grandchildren with homework by video. She leaves behind a family of wonderful people and I’m glad to have learned much more about the amazing life she led. She was a huge force for good in the world, and will be very much missed and remembered.
May 20, 2021
May 20, 2021
My godmother Doreen was an annual fixture at our summer holidays in Herne Bay, Kent. She and my mum Hazel would play crossword puzzles while listening to radio 4 and discussing politics and feminism. She and Ted were part of the fabric of my childhood. She wrote to me the day of the stroke all happy to have had her second vaccination, with two walking trips planned in Northumberland and the north of Scotland and was looking forward to being on the move again. She was one of those people I thought would go on forever. It was a shock for her to go so suddenly. In remembrance, I’ve planted a rose for her and my Aunty Donna who also passed away a few days later:
May 18, 2021
May 18, 2021
Doreen and I met via a common friend, Denise Moirez, who lived in Rennes ( France ) and I know Doreen visited her many times in Ploubalzannec( Northern Brittany) where she camped . Doreen was in Rennes when Denise left us, long ago. We assisted her together till her last day . We then became friends and discovered that we shared many interests, nature, travellig etc...We even had the same job. What a shock to get your message Ted, all my thoughts are with you and your family. She loved her grand children and not to be able to go and see you al in St Franscisco was hard for her. She visited us in Rennes many times and we had plans for her to comme again after the lock down. She was someone you can't forget.
Monique Péron
May 17, 2021
May 17, 2021
I met Doreen in the mid 1990s when she joined a birdwatching course through the WEA and we remained friends. I was amazed at Doreen's linguistic ability which I think may explain how she managed to pick up birdsong so quickly. She was passionate about learning and in the weeks before her death we had planned walks in areas where I volunteer as Doreen was keen to get to know new areas of Notts. I will miss her spirit.
May 17, 2021
May 17, 2021
Such sad news. Doreen was a good friend and colleague from my time teaching at Nanterre university in Paris; we also spent many happy - and energetic - afternoons playing squash and tennis at the university courts at the Cité Universitaire. Since returning to live in the UK she came back to Paris regularly, most recently in January 2020 when we met in the Jardins du Luxembourg and spent hours chatting in a café nearby; there was always so much to talk about with Doreen -politics, travels, Scotland, grand-children, and exchanging book ideas; I will really miss her lively conversation. Recently she told me about a cruise she had booked for the end of July round the outer Hebrides which she was really looking forward to...when I next go to the north of Scotland I will think of Doreen, and of course Ted and her grandchildren.
May 17, 2021
May 17, 2021
I have had the pleasure of knowing Doreen through her voluntary work as a Community Fundraiser with the RSPB. Her dedication to the role has resulted in such an impressive amount of money raised for natures cause, but her character and diligence will always be what we remember her for. My thoughts are with all that knew her.
May 16, 2021
May 16, 2021
Rio de Janeiro, the 15st May 2021

I met Doreen, in june 2000, for a big trip in Norway, till the North Cap. The trip was organised by two sweedish friends, Eleonore Engelhardt and Maret Dunnbier . We were two brazilians in the group, two journalists, Marcia Simas, and me, Sonia Meinberg.
Doreen was one of our drivers, the other was Maret. The group of five went by car till the North Cap, stopping in many points of interest. Doreen was a very good chauffeur, driving securily and fast, loving his task. And we became friends since that trip, changing cards, letters, news and emails.
And we met twice, after this trip.
Once, in San Francisco, in 2012, when I was travelling in California with a group, and Doreen was visiting her son.
We had lunch together, and visited the Legion d`Honneur Museum, in a very pleasent afternoon. T
Two years late, I visited her in Nottinggham, in a weekend, when he showed me her hometown, her University, and the touristics points. I enjoyed her friendly and gentle hospitality. And she was planning coming to Brazil, since the pandemia had finished. Unfortunatelly we can not realise this dream.
Doreen was an incredible woman, very active, with differents and global interests, a traveller, lover of nature, arts and birds. A friend that wrote frequentely to know how we are, worried with the bad news from Brazil with the new politics and the pandemia.
I pray to her, to rest in peace in God´s Glory and near the birds that she loved so. 
May 15, 2021
May 15, 2021
I was born and raised in Worthing by the sea where Ted and Doreen spent most holidays with us - Easter, Summer and Christmas. They were important times with many happy memories. As we are both only children, Ted is like a brother to me - and I looked forward immensely to his visits.

I remember the trips to the South Downs to go blackberrying, the long summer days on Worthing beach to build sandcastles and go rock-pooling, my first trip away from home to Cornwall. Doreen was always there as a constant figure, an intellectual and sometimes somewhat distant figure. But no less an important person in my life.

Doreen had a close relationship with Dad, who was always gentle and kind to her. She looked up to him and he was a key figure in her life.

In later years Doreen continued to play a major part in our lives, spending key times of the year with my wife Helen and I and our children Eliot and Julian, often visiting us in Winchester or on the Isle of Wight without Ted who was now living in the US.

Doreen and I shared the love for many things - art, wildlife, bird watching, travel. Although we didn’t share in the enjoyment in these things together, I like to think there was a mutual respect between us and we could have come together at any point to exchange experiences.

i continually marvelled at her bravery and lust for travelling the world and experiencing new places - even into her 80’s! Doreen was a restless soul in many ways. We only have one life and she certainly lived her life to the full in this way - she visited far more places in the world than I will ever manage in my lifetime.

Doreen was an intellect and loved to be challenged on subjects. Being of a more creative mind I often felt inadequate to engage in conversation with her but I remember discussing some contentious subjects in later years - and also agreeing with her on a few of them :) Learning was to be valued and she felt passionately about this.

Doreen was always forthright with her views. While some may have found her personality challenging at times, Doreen was honest and caring in her own way.

I have happy memories of the many times Doreen spent together with my parents, Ted and my family. It is hard to imagine she is no longer with us, especially as she was taken from us so suddenly.

Love and peace.
May 13, 2021
May 13, 2021
For ever missed my dear friend. My Saturday walks will never be the same. All my love to Ted And family. Ana María
May 12, 2021
May 12, 2021
I had the pleasure of meeting Doreen only a few times, through her work for the RSPB group in Nottingham, but was inspired each time by her enthusiasm and her kindness. Reading these accounts I am inspired again by the breadth of her engagement with life - thoughts go out to those who knew her well.
May 12, 2021
May 12, 2021
Chère Doreen, tu nous manques cruellement. Ton oeil malicieux éclairait la vie quotidienne, la vie politique (locale, nationale, internationale - car rien ne t'échappait), les relations des uns aux autres... Ton amitié toujours fidèle, indéfectible, me réchauffait le coeur. Ta curiosité, sans cesse en éveil, te menait sur les chemins du monde et tu en partageais généreusement le bénéfice. Tu aimais lire et tu m'as fait découvrir des auteurs que tu aimais. Tu proposais toujours que nous visitions ensemble des expositions, car nous aimions parler ensuite de nos émotions. Nous avons alterné promenades et cafés, opéras et confidences. Tu chassais la mauvaise humeur d'un haussement d'épaules ou l'exprimait d'un pfuuut qui avait le même effet. Je voudrais bien chasser ma peine de la même façon, mais mes larmes sont difficiles à retenir. Je t'embrasse fort car je sais que là-haut les anges n'ont qu'à bien se tenir puisque tu viens de les rencontrer. Envoie-moi une carte postale s'il te plaît.
May 11, 2021
May 11, 2021
What a shock to read the sad news. All my thoughts are with you and your family dear Ted. I had the privilege to meet your mother via a common friend, Denise Moirez, in Rennes ( France ) many years ago. Doreen was in Rennes, 14 years ago, when Denise died of cancer. Since then we had kept in touch and Dorenne visited us many times. We also visited her in Nottingham in 2009. We shared so many things...travelling, nature, art and even professonal interests. The last time we talked on the phone a few weeks ago she told me how sad she was she was not to be able to go to St Franscisco and spend some time with you and your family. She loved you all so much ! I wil miss her very sadly.
Adieu, Doreen.
May 11, 2021
May 11, 2021
My family and I are very saddened to learn of the loss of my first cousin Doreen.
My memories of Doreen: Although I visited our grandparents' home called "Hillington" in Dartford and Doreen's home nearby, I saw her on very few occasions. I do recall Doreen demonstrating her prowess at ballet for my Nana and me.
Doreen was always clever and singled out by my parents as one to aspire to be like.
She was a high-flying independent teenager. She travelled extensively and throughout the UK as a "twitcher". On such travels she stayed with my family in 1998 and 2002.
I met Doreen's husband in the 1950s and was kept up to date about Teddy over the years.
We met at her brother David's wedding to Mary in 1967, when she was a bridesmaid.
In 1973 when she was teaching at the Sorbonne, my husband Barry and my son Nicholas, then aged 3 and my daughter Sarah, aged 18 months, towed an enormous caravan through central London (in the Rush Hour!) and around the Arc de Triomphe (also in Rush Hour), to a caravan site in the Bois de Boulogne. We met Doreen there as planned, and she having arranged a student to babysit in the caravan, we enjoyed a Dinner in the Quartier Asiatique, it was a rare opportunity to spend time together which we all enjoyed.
Mary organised the very important event of David's 50th birthday and his 25 years anniversary celebration of his ordination at the surprise event on 4th September 1993. It was at St. Marks Church in Cheltenham when 200 people attended. David entered the church in his scruffs to an ocean of smiling faces. He appeared overwhelmed. Doreen and I and several others, spoke from the alter reminiscing about their lives with David. Ted has stated that he was guarding the cucumber sandwiches in the Hall.
Doreen knew her own mind and expressed it, however, she had a very kind heart. She helped our grandparents domestically when they moved to "Challens" in Goring by Sea, and also our Uncle Ken after our grandfather passed away at age 99 years.
She dedicated herself as a grandmother and teacher to her grandchildren Thomas and Lucy whom she “loved to bits”.
I will miss our telephone conversations which became more frequent in the past Covid year.
I have placed a few photographs to this site.
My family join me in happy remembrance of Doreen and our thoughts for Ted and family members in these difficult times.

May 11, 2021
May 11, 2021
Doreen and I were friends for more than 30 years. We were first put in touch by a mutual friend in Paris when Doreen moved back to the UK. We found we had much in common through French and Spanish teaching, love of travel and the outdoors (especially walking). I will treasure happy memories of shared holidays and walks in the Peak District.
May 10, 2021
May 10, 2021
Quelques mots en français pour te dire merci, Doreen, pour ton amitié fidèle toutes ces années! Après avoir enseigné le français à mon mari, Mike, nous nous sommes retrouvées dans la même classe d’espagnol à Clarendon College……..C’est lors de ton “passage” au Language Centre de l’Université de Nottingham que nous avons travaillé côte à côte et que nous avons commencé à mieux nous connaître. Avec ta longue expérience du programme d’Institute of Linguists, c’est toi qui a créé le niveau le plus avancé enseigné au Language Centre, laissant ta marque sur l’institution pour de nombreuses années.
Tu as toujours été une source d’inspiration pour moi, à la fois en ce qui concerne ta capacité de travail et ta rigueur professionnelle, ton amour pour le français et la culture francophone et ton esprit d’aventure! Entre deux voyages, tu trouvais toujours le temps de voir tes ami(e)s et c’était avec beaucoup d’admiration que je t’écoutais raconter tes visites aux quatre coins du monde! Nous parlions toujours en français, ton français était impeccable, et je te trouvais très française……jusqu’à ce que je t’entende parler anglais avec les anglophones……et là, je te trouvais typiquement anglaise! Une parfaite assimilation de deux cultures, ce n’est pas donné à tout le monde!
Nous partagions un goût pour la nature et les activités physiques comme la marche et le vélo, nous devions faire une marche à Attenborough le 4 mai…….Pour la première fois, tu as manqué un rendez-vous……Pour la première fois cette année, nous n’avons pas vu ton visage souriant et intéressé apparaître sur zoom pour une présentation de Nottingham Anglo-French Society……. Quel choc et comme nous allons te regretter! Bises Xs
May 10, 2021
May 10, 2021
I much admired Doreen as our leader of the Nottingham local RSPB group. She led the group with cheerfulness, integrity and total honesty. I got to know her a little better on our various fund raising activities and knew that she had many interests. However I hadn't realised the breadth and depth of these until now. Also having family and grandchildren in the States we had many conversations about our plans to visit there and what we did on our trips.
Doreen will be sorely missed by myself and all of our group and her passing leaves a irreplaceable gap in our leadership.
John Forester
May 10, 2021
May 10, 2021
I still can’t get over the fact that Doreen is no longer with us. I used to meet her for lunch at the café near university’s south entrance. I told her my work and she always gave me her very wise advice. I was so looking forward to be back and see her again!

After the lockdown was eased ( in summer 2020), we met and walk on campus. The last time I walked with her on campus in Nov 2020, I told her my plan to visit my mum in Shanghai/China that I had to have PCR test 48 hours before I board on plan. There is a test centre on university campus. It was Sunday afternoon, there was hardly anyone there. I asked a member of test staff, they let me have a test though I have no symptom(I just need to have pre run for my test to go to China). Doreen was offered to have a test, but she declined. She was always very careful and sensible.

Doreen knew my husband Jonathan via Barbara. Barbara lives close to her and they register with the same GP practice. Barbara has hearing problem and could not hear on the phone. Doreen and Jonathan spoke on the phone and Doreen had alert the GP practice about Barbara has not had the vaccination, she was always helpful and so wise!
May 9, 2021
May 9, 2021
"Doreen is travelling; she is in Africa", that was the message several months ago. Yes, Doreen is an adventurous person.
I have never met her but I knot her because she was my sister in law who live far away from where I live. We exchanged letters, that was the only way to communicate then. Doreen was planning to go to Indonesia after Achmad Markam finished his study in the UK. Doreen had learned how to cook Indonesian traditional meals like sayur asam, and how to wear Javanese kebaya. I was really impressed by her enthusiasm to learn Indonesian language and culture, and our family was keen to welcome her in Indonesia. Unfortunately, she did not end up coming.
In spite of that I heard many things about Doreen from Ted and my late husband, and I was deeply shocked by her sudden departure.
May her soul rest in peace.
May 9, 2021
May 9, 2021
Doreen and I met when we both began work at the Nottingham University Language Centre, and we developed a theatre-going habit: plays, opera, ballet, mostly in Nottingham, but occasionally venturing down to London. If we met for lunch, it was usually at French Living, to talk French with the Corsican proprietor. During the pandemic our weekly walks were one of the few bright spots for me; we discussed daily life, politics, TV, the arts and what we’d do when we could go out again. For Doreen travel was the most important, especially to California, to see her family there, but also to France and Europe in general. I shall miss her very much indeed.
May 8, 2021
May 8, 2021
Such sad news. Cliff and I have been friends with Doreen for over 50 years and shared many of life's ups and downs. She came to stay every year because she had family ties with Hunstanton. The highlight was always birdwatching on the North Norfolk coast. She taught me to recognise so many birds and I loved her enthusiasm. We always exchanged the latest family news and photos. She will be sadly missed and never forgotten.
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