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March 30
March 30
Celebrating all the memories we shared especially going to college together in Hawaii and sharing libations at the hot spots in Waikiki. My career path was redirected with your guidance in Hawaii. Love and miss you!!
June 28, 2023
June 28, 2023
Happy Birthday Mother. Little Soren reminds me of how many years we have missed you.

I always enjoy watching your Tribute and think of what an adventurous lady you were to take 5 kids and our dog to Alaska. Especially when you had never flown before . That is courage Mother!!

Love you forever and I will be seeing you in Heaven .

Your loving daughter, Karen
Debbie Delmoral
June 28, 2023
June 28, 2023
Happy 90th Birthday! Had your favorite aluminum foil meal for dinner, and of course the store sent yams instead of sweet potatoes. Wish you were here to go for a “ride” for your Birthday! I love and miss you mom. 
Debbie Delmoral
May 14, 2023
May 14, 2023
Happy Mothers Day mom, I miss and love you so much!
March 30, 2023
March 30, 2023
Christy, Mike & Jake came over we had one of your favorite dinners tonight, green bean casserole with pears and for dessert dump cake. Rick loved to argue with us during dinner he thought you would enjoy it :) We played ping pong, (though I watched) as Rick kept changing the rules and Christy still kept beating him. You would have loved it. 
I miss you so much mom. Love you!
November 14, 2022
November 14, 2022
Just thinking of you mom, got my Christmas tree up already with the help of Mekenzi (she did most of it). I was looking at my tree missing you and thinking of all the beautiful Christmas’s we had together. You made every Christmas wonderful. I miss you so much. Love you.
June 11, 2022
June 11, 2022
A year has gone by and I still miss you so much. I miss your laughter, sense of humor, and mostly your friendship. I love you mom. 
May 10, 2021
May 10, 2021
I really enjoyed my time with Dorothy through the holidays in 2020. I got to visit with the three sisters and hear their stories of Baker and their youth and growing up. I especially love Dorothy‘s passion for making sure all of her family got pictures and memories. She inspired me with her writing as I enjoy writing for personal use as well.

Poem from Dorothy

Days End
The sun is like a child
Most mornings refreshingly cheerful
During the day...
Playful yet mischievous at times, hiding behind clouds, casting
shadows and bouncing reflections back and forth

At bedtime…
Quietly calming a rebellious ocean into a blanket of warmth as
it reaches the shore. The sun unable to stay up any longer settles down for the night

By Dorothy Martin

Rest well Aunt Dorothy your inspiration will be missed. 
April 25, 2021
April 25, 2021
I love you mom, I heard Golden Girls playing from your room last night and I thought you were in there, with sadness I realized my “neighbor” is no longer in 2A :). 
Mom I miss you so much and I am not sure what to say other than thank you. Thank you for being an wonderful mom, a wonderful grandmother to Andrew & Mekenzi and most importantly a wonderful friend.
Thank you for all the fun times, whether in your earlier years playing softball together, you beating me at tennis or later years going for our “rides”, watching tv or listening to music, the list goes on and on....
Thank you for all our many, many lunches over the years, especially at Chili’s (86 the tomato’s, almonds instead of croutons, ranch on the side and queso in a bowl not a skillet). 
The house is so quiet without you here, I can’t yell at you and Rick to quit arguing (though you both loved it). No yelling from you to “answer the phone”, us going into panic mode to get the dang phone ( your lifelong obsession with missing a phone call kept us on our toes). 
Finally thank you for just being you. I miss everything about you, your strength for dealing with everything that was thrown at you, your stubbornness, your passion for life and your love for our family. Love you mom, from your favorite child :)
April 12, 2021
April 12, 2021
Mom - you are still a huge presence in my life. You are a wonderful matriarch who inspires me to be the strong, independent woman I am today. You took life by the *#%@ and lived it your way. You were so adventurous. I followed you to all your activities: softball, hockey, tennis and volleyball. You were cooking meals every night after working all day. (I still don't know how you did it.) I realize now how my lifestyle is shaped by following you.

Once someone met you - they never forgot you! You had an opinion and everyone knew where you stood;) I respected that so much. Yet you were also funny, kind hearted and most importantly - genuine. Anyone who met you knew immediately they were dealing with a passionate, intelligent, loyal, hard working woman who had a life force that would not bow to anyone. RESPECT!

You are greatly missed! I will continue to live a life that carries on your fighting spirit and make you proud.

Love You -

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