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My lil cousin

March 5, 2018

I lived with my aunt Shannon when she was pregnant with Drake an I was pregnant with my son Trey an when he was born I took care of him why his mom healed. I believe that created a bond with Drake I still feel at this moment an I know I always will an I'm so thankful to have that feeling when things r so sad that he's gone, i can feel an remember that time! Drake was always at every birthday an family event, but my last an best memory was walking down the isle at his parents wedding with him an how handsome he was an how we laughed an joked an had a wonderful day that I will remember till I'm gone! I love u Drake u left way to early, but u will never b forgotten u touched to many people's lives! We love u buddy love Aunt Angel, Wayne, Trey, an Cain 

April 1, 2017

Drakey drake wish I could tell u how u  mean to me  All the shit we did all the shit we had planed to do I'll c u aging brother till then rest easy 

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