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Dr. Wilson Idami was born November 14, 1967, he was the first son of his parents, and had 7 siblings. He went to Edo College in Benin and then on to the University of Benin, were he graduated from the College of Medicine in 1991.
Wilson met Bose, his soul mate/ the love of his life, they got married and GOD blessed them with 4 wonderful children.
Wilson loved the Lord Jesus Christ and served Him faithfully, whilst in the university he served as Choir director of the Christian Union Choir and as publicity secretary of the Christian Union, Uniben.  He continued to serve the Lord in various capacities using the gifts of GOD in his life to bless, help and guide many to fruitfulness in their own lives, he always planted seeds of goodness and prosperity in the lives of others.
Dr Idami practiced medicine in Nigeria , Namibia and Canada. He started his Canadian practice in Newfoundland before moving to Ontario in 2002
Wilson you are dearly missed but you will never ever be forgotten, we thank GOD for the time we had with you and for blessing us with you. 

Our consolation is that you are in a better place with your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
May 28, 2022
May 28, 2022
Dear Wilson,
Your passing unto glory was shocking!
Your warm smile, gentle mien, and passion for humanity were impactful.
Thank you for your service to family, friendship, humanity, and the body of Jesus Christ.
May Almighty God grant you eternal peace, comfort Bose and your children as well as all of us. Amen!
May 28, 2022
May 28, 2022
It's hard to believe that you have moved on from this earthly plane. You were a blessing of a brother. A gentle and humble spirit, love unfeigned! You had a keen eye for needs in The Body, and you knew how to reach everyone without fanfare. The good Lord determined to house His treasures in earthen vessels. You have been poured out and behind is a legacy. You will be missed by all. Rest on my brother and friend. The Lord is our joy and consolation. To Him be all the glory.
May 27, 2022
May 27, 2022
Wilson you have been my family doctor for nearly 20 years, I met you in Maple, followed you to Stouffville and then to Aurora; and the last 10 years my husband decided he wanted the best too and became your patient. He fondly often called you "Uncle". You have been our doctor, therapist,confidant and friend. We truly miss you, we loved and trusted you whole heartedly. There is an empty hole in our hearts. Our deepest condolences to your family and friends. You were loved by us and will always be missed, thank you for being you
May 27, 2022
May 27, 2022
It was an honour to have You as our Doctor. Always guiding us and taking superb care of us. Your calming, safe presence. A voice to trust. Always wearing awesome shirts! Dr. Idami, your class and calibre of human will be greatly missed. With sadness and respect, April and Cam Woolley.
May 27, 2022
May 27, 2022
Dr. Wilson ozoya Idami(my bro)
Your demise gave me a wound in my heart and left a scar., but I am glad because heaven is one star brighter .You were a man of peace, honour . A humble giant. You were full of life, so humorous and friendly. Your life was one of sacrifice and caring for others even at personal cost and inconveniences 
According to Clarence Darrow, ( the labour law lawyer) Wilson believed in the law of love and had nothing to do with hatred.
You might have stopped living,but your love will never leave our heart .
Sleep on bros Wilson, you will forever be missed.

Omoregbee victoria ESQ
May 26, 2022
May 26, 2022
Dr Idami: You were a wonderful doctor of mine for many many years as well as my sons - you were so kind, passionate, caring and was always there to listen.  Your sudden passing has left a hole in my heart.  I know you will always be smiling down on everyone. My sincere condolences to your wife, your children all of your family, your patients and co-workers. Your memory will always be in everyone's heart - you left us way too soon.
May 26, 2022
May 26, 2022
Absolutely shocked. Im heartbroken. Dr Idami was truly a pure soul, kind and respectful. Best doctor I've ever had. My condolences to the family. Heaven just gained another angel.

May he rest in peace.

Rocky N
May 26, 2022
May 26, 2022
Wilson was my doctor for over 15 years and my last visit was just a month ago. I was overcome when I learned of his sudden passing. How he will be missed by his family and his family of patients. He was always kind and approachable. I had and will always have, a great deal of respect for his professionalism and manner. My profound condolences to his family. I will never forget Wilson Idami.
May 26, 2022
May 26, 2022

Your passing came to me as a rude were such a dotting brother and a jolly good fellow as well.

I reminisce those hilarious days in our discussion group back then in UNIBEN. You always had a way to bring smiles to many faces.

Even the distance wasn't a barrier because I remembered vividly when you reached out to me when I was mourning a few months ago.

Wilson my brother...I am still in awe that you aren't physically here with us and I can't question God because he knows best. I only take solace in the fact that you will never be forgotten. You were not just a friend but you eventually became an In law in the family.

Your great impact will forever remain cherished.. thank you all the wonderful times. I hope you continue to find perfect peace in the bossom of our Lord.

Until we meet on the glorious resurrection morning.

Adieu My Brother!!

From Dr (Mrs) Julie. O. Erhabor
May 25, 2022
May 25, 2022
You were our great Doctor compassionate, caring and an easy listener . The family felt comfortable talking to you and knew you would look after us . We are going to miss you and we are still in shock of your passing . Way to early . Your family are in our prayers . Rest in Peace. I know God has his arms wrapped around you and holding you close .
May 25, 2022
May 25, 2022
May the gentle soul of Bro. Wilson rest in perfect peace - Val&Bisola
May 25, 2022
May 25, 2022
Our dear Dr Wilson Ozoya Idami, you just left us without saying “goodbye”. You were so good, matured, kind hearted, gentle, generous, respectful and humility personified.
You were a very worthy son in-law, a great mentor and a wonderful counselor to most of our children that came your way.
You were a true Christian to the core. Right from your student days from secondary school; you were an active member of Church of God Misson.
As a Medical student in UNIBEN, you served in different official capacities of the Campus Christian Union. About four years ago, when I visited your family in Canada, you continued to actively participate in your church activities. Your love and passion for God were very inspiring. You were a very wonderful and exemplary family man.
Your untimely exit from this Mother Earth has created a very great vacuum in our family circle, that cannot be filled. We shall all miss you greatly.
To our very dear sister Bose, we empathize with you in this critical period of your grief.
To our dear lovely children left behind; be consoled by the fact that your father lived a godly and virtuous life. May the Almighty God, the Father of the fatherless children, continuously guide and protect you now and forever. Amen.
Our dear Wilson, to live in the hearts of those who loved you, is not to die. Rest on, in the bosom of our Lord, until the resurrection morning, when we shall all meet to part no more.
Adieu! Adieu!! Adieu!!!
Felicia E. Ogbeide (Esq). For and on behalf of Odobo and Ogbeide families.
May 25, 2022
May 25, 2022
There really are no words….I’m still in shock and I can not believe it’s real….sitting at the office without him here feels surreal, and shocking and just not right. The past almost year I got to work with him has been the best job and boss I have ever or will ever have! The kindest man, the softest soul…my heart hurts and to his poor family my biggest condolences for this very sudden and sad loss. He will be missed that is forsure.

Rest In Peace Dr Idami, I’m so sorry this happened
May 25, 2022
May 25, 2022
I was hoping a miracle would happen and that this is only temporary. But as the days go by the reality is sinking in, leaving us with an emptiness
Uncle, as I often called you, I can’t write how I feel as it is so deep. 15 years ago you and Aunty Bose came to Nigeria and encouraged my husband and I on prospects of coming to Canada and practicing as physicians. Your words were pure and full of love. Since then you held our hands and guided our every step, encouraging, mentoring and praying for us. You have been our friend, mentor, counsellor, and father figure in our sojourn in Canada. Our Children will forever miss your fatherly love. I am still playing our late night conversation on Wednesday May 18th in my head hoping for a continuation. Your words were of encouragement, uplifting as usual. Little did I know Heaven was preparing for you in less than 24 hours. You were great and yet so humble. Family meant everything to you and you always loved to gather us together. You were an angel living among us, now our eyes are open.
You were a man with a heavenly task and you ran your race well but it still hurts to know that Aunty and the children will no longer have you here. It hurts deep but we are consoled knowing you are singing with the angels. A man of peace and integrity. A Jesus lover. A son of the most high God. The earth will flourish because the seeds you planted are scattered all over the earth. Your offspring shall dominate and conquer even greater than you, for this was your prayer. Till we meet on the resurrection morning. Rest in the Fathers bossom watching over your beloved family. Eternal rest grant him O lord.

Efosa and Joy Igbinovia
May 25, 2022
May 25, 2022
My family was shocked and devastated by the sudden death of Dr. Idami.
We have had Dr. Idami as our family physician for over 20 years. We have always appreciated his kindness, gentleness, and compassionate nature. It was his way of making us feel cared for, valued, and heard.
In this difficult time, may God grant his family tranquility and peace. Our deepest condolences go out to his family.
May 25, 2022
May 25, 2022
Wilson was an easy-going chap and my classmate at both Edo College and Uniben . Wilson read medicine whilst I read Law. It is with a heavy heart that I got the news of his demise. May GOD in his infinite mercy grant the family the heart to bear this loss. Wilson believed in hardwork and education and worked so hard to get to where he was. GOD knows best.
May 25, 2022
May 25, 2022
My dear brother and friend, Wilson. Hearing the news of your transition to glory came to me as a shock. When you visited me in Lagos with your amiable wife, Bose some years ago, it was obvious and refreshingly so, that you hadn’t your charm and love for the LORD that you faithfully served since our days at the University. Why now, my dear brother? It hurts badly but we are consoled that you have gone to be with the Lover of your soul. My prayer is that God comforts Bose and the children. Some day, we shall see again - in glory. Till then, good night my beloved brother and friend.
May 25, 2022
May 25, 2022
Ahhh, my CD and friend. I remember your popular song while a CD - Somebody's knocking at your heart, it's Jesus. Why don't you listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen.
All your life you have followed and listened to the Master. We believe he has taken you to glory.
Rest on Bros.
The Lord keep your family.
We miss you.
May 25, 2022
May 25, 2022
Our beloved, darling Uncle Wilson as we all fondly called you! My mentor, my father figure here in the diaspora, older brother, (cause you were like a son to my parents) counselor, confidant & so much more!
Where do I really begin to write this tribute from? Words fail me so much Uncle, words fail me!
I can't believe I'm writing a tribute to you. This feels so surreal!
I spoke to you last less than 2 weeks (Mother's Day) before your passing. You were so full of life, hale & hearty, in your usual soft spoken & lively demeanor. We talked about the well-being of everyone especially Iye, we also talked about a lot of plans for yours & Aunty Bose's (my cousin) old age as the kids are all grown, have all left home now & the grand kids would start coming sooner. You had so many beautiful plans & I was so proud & excited to hear & learn from them all.
You knew me since I was a toddler & have embraced me as your little sister & daughter up till your last day on earth.
During my wedding back in 2008 in Nigeria, you left everything you were doing in Canada & flew down to be there for me. You & Aunty Bose even got stuck at some point somewhere in Europe because it was Christmas period & flights were being cancelled due to challenges & rush the festive period brought but you quickly flew down to Dubai to connect to Nigeria against all odds to be there present & stand in as my older brother & sister that you have both been to me all these years!
When I was in Canada in 2009 where I had my first daughter Annette, your grand baby, 'our Canadian' as you fondly called her. You took very good care of us till Annette was old & strong enough to fly back to Nigeria. Annette was looking forward to meeting you soonest. Unfortunately death truncated that wish. Painfully she would only now be attending your funeral.
You were an excellent family man. You loved your darling wife & best friend Aunty Bose so dearly who is now struggling to accept the reality of your exit from her life. You were an epitome of what an ideal Christian husband should be.
As for your beautiful children, you were a father in a million to them! I imagine how devastating your sudden transition would be to them.
You impacted so much on the lives of everybody that came your way, it's evident in the way every body speaks of you.
You were such a devout Christian, easy going, cheerful, very humble, selfless, very respectful to everyone, so generous, very accommodating & accessible to everyone who needed your attention.
As painful as your exit is at this time, I feel so honored to have experienced a lifetime of knowing you!
Although your journey on earth may have been cut short, your legacy will linger on forever in the minds of all those who knew you.
My prayer is that the Almighty God will grant your dear wife, darling children, family & all your loved ones the fortitude to bear this irreplaceable loss.
We are assured that you are resting in the bosom of the Lord.
Goodnight our respected Uncle Wilson, may your gentle soul rest in perfect peace. Amen.

Abies Joan Edokpolo

May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
After being a patient with Dr.Idami for 17 years it was heartbreaking to hear about his passing. I grew up with Dr.Idami in my small town, he was always so kind and always listened to my needs. Im so sad to hear about his passing, my love goes out to his wife and 4 kids. Life is so short but im so proud to say he touched so many lives including my whole family and mines. You will be missed so much cannot explain how heartbroken I am. You will forever be in our hearts. -Kianzad, Ghahramani family ❤️
May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
Another gem departs. Bro Wilson, the earth's loss at this time is heaven's gain. For over 33 years, you have been known to me as someone who loved the Lord and lived a life that drew hearts to the Kingdom of God. You demonstrated that God was interested in our well being in every realm. To God be the Glory for the live lived.
Rest in the Lord. Join the heavenly Chorus. And the Host of witnesses- those who ran the race and are in line for the prize. Praying that the Almighty God continues to uphold your entire family.
May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
My friend and brother,
News of your sudden transition is really a shocker.
Life can be cruel, but we take solace in God’s injunction that for everything, we must give thanks because he’s all knowing. He’s our creator and knows when to call us home back to himself.
You will be terribly missed, but God loves you more. You may have departed physically, your spirit will live forever . Miss you my bro. Rest on in the bosom of the lord.
May God’s soothing hand comfort your lovely wife and children.

Adieu Dr. Wilson.
May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
Bro Wilson! The first CU member that spoke to me during registration my first day in UNIBEN. You followed me up until I was stable in CU. Good night big bros. Rest on
May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
Ozoya, Ozopata,

This is a most shocking news received today.

Though I have not seen you in about four decades, I've followed up on your progress and achievements. Yes, indeed, it can be said that 17 Lawani Street produced a crop of well mannered and educated persons scattered around the world, and you were one. I recall all our fights, academic competition, bible study Sundays and our gists & laughter through our primary school days. Now I know that children will always play and fight and 20 children cannot play together for 20 years.

As young children in the same premises or compound, Ozopata is an indelible part of my yester years memory.

Rest in peace in the Lord's Bossom until resurrection morn when we meet to part no more. 

My sincere condolences to the entire Idami family.

What a day, what a news!!!
May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
Dr Wilson, your sudden departure from this World came as a rude shock! We last spoke during the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. I didn't know that will be the last time of talking to you. I remember when you and your wife hosted the Canada CU UNIBEN/UBTH at your house, when my family newly arrived Canada. You sent someone to drive us to your house to and fro. You made us feel at home. We take comfort in knowing that you're resting in the bosom of our dear Lord. May the Lord comfort the family and friends you have left behind in Jesus Name Amen.
May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
Bro Wilson, it's difficult coming to write a tribute here for you.
The news of your transition announced today comes as a big shock to me.
I remember vividly when l worked really closely with you in publicity group during the Campus crusade "Encounter 90" and we were also in the CU choir together.
May God comfort Bose, your children, family and the body of Christ.
Rest in peace my brother.
May 24, 2022
Dr. Idami has been our doctor for many years. He was such a nice man and a great doctor. It was such a shock to hear that he passed away so suddenly. He will be missed very much. We’re so very sorry for your loss.
May 24, 2022
Wilson Idami !!!
" Wilson Ozoya Idams "

Words fail me.....
Oh, my brother !
Lovely smile, gentle voice, sweet soul.
I remember you from way back in Uniben, with your heavy bag slung over your shoulder, our last conversation, your encouraging words.
That smile... who can forget that smile ?
Choir leader, leader in every way.
Oh dear Wilson.,......., still, I'm glad you knew Yeshua HaMashiach. You are rested in Him now, He will look after you.

Dear Bose
May God give you and your children strength. Don't worry, God will look after you too.
It is well sis.
It is well.
May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
"Of whom the world was not worthy...." Hebrew 11:38...The world is no longer worthy of you Dr. IDAMI. Rest in the presence of the glory of His majesty. Till we meet again in heaven. Luke Agada
May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
RIP Dr. Idami! Such a choking news!!! Our Doctor more then 10 years… You are always will be in our hearts! Great Doctor, Amazing Soul! Can see your beautiful smile right now! We are sending all our love to the family!!! Love, Anna Tchoulak and family…
May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
So sad to hear of the death of such an impactful brother. The personal testimonies by Brethren are so touching, bringing again to the fore the reason for the CU legacy building - leaving an enduring impact after we are long gone to be with Christ because then, we will only be remembered by what we have done.
Rest in peace, soldier of Christ
May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
Brother Wilson,
When I think about you I remember your smiles and you waving your arms up in the air singing one of the favorite marching choir songs- Oh what a happy day what a happy day. Or I will give Him glory with Sis Chizoba and Sis Beauty Obodo.
I was blessed to see you again in Canada with my family ,little did I know that was going to be the last time on the face of this earth.
Still a shock to me , but the consolation is knowing that In Christ we do not die as if we had no hope. We rather sleep on this side only to move unto eternity to a city where neither moth can corrupt.
Thanks for blessing our lives thanks for being a brother.
Sister Bose and my younger ones the Lord himself will comfort you!
Rest on

Eghosa Unuigbe nee Asemota
May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
Thank you Doctor Idami for all those years you've been my family doctor. You helped me so many times. You will never be forgotten. 
May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
You've been my gp shortly after you came to the area. I am beside myself with the news of your passing.
No matter what I was going through, you always had a smile and a calming voice. I could joke or give you a hard time and you always remained composed.
My mother was also your patient and when she passed, your concern for my well being will never be forgotten.
You were best and will be missed terribly.

Rest in peace Dr Idami.
May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
Today I found out of the passing of Dr. Idami and left me with overwhelming sadness and shock. Dr. Idami has been my family doctor the past 14 years when I first moved to Newmarket with my two baby girls. You were always so kind, generous with your time and compassionate. You've watched my girls grow into young women and we were just there to see you two weeks ago. My thoughts and prayers are with your family during this time. There will never be another one like you and the heavens gained a beautiful angel. May you Rest In Peace.
May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
It is with a heavy heart that I write this. Dr. Idami has been my and my immediate family's doctor since he started practicing in Aurora. He has always been kind, considerate, and a sweet side came out when you needed help or encouragement. Today learning about his death has blown me away. He was a wonderful man and will be missed. My condolences to his family
May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
I received the news of your demise with great shock. It was just too sudden. I still remember your beaming smile in CU choir in our school days. Wilson, you remain in our hearts and you will be forever missed
I pray that the Lord will grant Bose, the kids, the entire Cuaa family the fortitude to bear this loss.
May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
This is such a sad news.
So shocked and speechless
You were a loving and unassuming person with a beautiful smile/laughter.
The choir song 'litsen,listen,open your heart......." that a few of us changed to "Wilson,Wilson........" has been resounding in my head since I heard of your transition.
May the God of all comfort, comfort my sister Bose,the children and the entire family in Jesus mighty name Amen.
We shall meet again at the feet of Jesus dear brother. RIP
May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
Wilson, May your soul Rest In Peace. All the time I got to know you is that you feared the lord and worked very hard. And of course family oriented. Attributes of a great man. May the almighty lord grant your family and friends the fortitude to bear the loss.
May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
Dr. Idami has been my GP for 14 years, always met him with a smile, always asked about the family.  May your soul rest in peace. May God comfort his family.
May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
I first met you in my first year in the university and first impression was very pleasant. I later worked with you in the holiday choir. My memories of you are fond ones. Your smiles, manner of speaking. I thank God for the pleasure of knowing you. You will be missed. I pray God comfort and strengthen Bose (my one time roommate) and all of us who are impacted by your departure. Till we meet at his feet. Your's in Christ
Ifeoma Menakaya.
May 24, 2022
Writing a tribute for you isn’t what I thought I’ll be doing at this point in life. I was planning to visit you soon to tell you of all the challenges, the good news, the confusions and all the efforts I was putting into resolving everything. I had planned to see you because I knew you would listen, I knew you would make everything look easy, I knew you’d have a word of advise, I knew you would have a word of encouragement but alas I planned in error, God had a better plan for you.

God’s plan! I do have questions about this but how can I get answers, so I’ve accepted it like I’ve been taught to do. Why Epa? Why did you make him work so hard? Why take him from us ? Why make him so gentle and kind and take him so quick? Why? Why? So many more whys

Juliet and I called you Epa(older man) even though you weren’t Benin, why we did I don’t know but maybe because you accepted us as your younger brother and sister so we saw the Benin in you, you loved us like a brother would and welcomed us to your home with open arms.

We take courage in your good works in the belief that our questions will some day be answered.

Adieu Epa….. you live on in our hearts.
May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
My Oz man is gone. I am deeply saddened by the early departure of my dear cousin and brother Dr Wilson Idami. I can’t believe we spoke about 3 weeks ago and I had no idea it would be the last. I enjoyed calling you early Saturday mornings and just talk everything about family. You had a wealth of knowledge and wisdom that I admire You were such a dependable and loving brother. You loved family and we loved you too. It is very hard for me to write anything about you in past tense. I can’t hold back the tears. You were so respectful, humble and gentle  You meant so much to me and the Idami family (my mother’s family) God took you away early but he knows best. Rest In Peace Oz. Omion Koko!!!
May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
What a shock!
I literally beat my chest when I heard this.
You were a kind and gentle person.
Right from school days in University of Benin.
May God grant you eternal rest and may he comfort and strengthen your loved ones.
May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
I am short of words as i read through the tributes to know that our dear brother and friend Wilson has passed.
I still remeber my last meeting with you at Military Hospital in Lagos when i came to break to you a special news.
You Laughter and smiles while on stage in CU Choir will forever be in my memories.
This loss is indeed painful, but we have solace that we will once again be reunited at the feet of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.
Rest in His bossom my dear brother and to my dear sister Bose, please be strong for all of us and the children. The Lord Himself will comfort you with the comfort that ONLY He alone can provide and sustain.
God bless
May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022
So sad to hear about Wilson’s passing. May his soul rest in peace in the bosom of our Lord and May He comfort his family.
May 23, 2022
May 23, 2022
I lack word to express my feelings. Your life is impactful positively on those of us who had the opportunity to know you closely. Rest in peace at the bosom of Christ, till we meet again in eternity.

Victor Debo & Stella Temenu.
May 23, 2022
May 23, 2022
Wilson,, you were such a gem of a man. You were so humble, diligent and faithful. I always remember your generosity towards anybody that comes in contact with you. You will surely be missed but we thank God that you are in a place of rest now where there is no sorrow no misery. Until we meet to part no more , continue to Rest In Peace.
Dr & Mrs Ajisafe
May 23, 2022
May 23, 2022
Oh no! This is really painful. I recall with nostalgia his family visit to ours in London in1999 on their way to Canada. It was really an awesome time together. He was really an amazing brother to be with. May his memory be blessed. Our sincere condolence to Sis Bose and the entire family. May his soul rest in peace.
May 23, 2022
May 23, 2022
It's sad and shocking to read of your passing dear Bro Wilson. I remember you from CU UNIBEN how you served the Lord joyfully. Now you are singing with the angels. Rest from your labours, enter into the rest of the Lord you loved so much. May God comfort and strengthen your dear wife Sis Bose and your lovely children. Adieu Bro Wilson.
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May 21
Forever grateful for a wonderful doctor.May you rest in peace and may God always protect and watch over your family
May 20
May 20
Those who touch our lives, stay in our hearts forever.

Your spirit and kindness will never fade away Dr. Idami from all of us in my family.
May 20
May 20
Wilson, your passing was a shock. It still is painful. You served the Lord Jesus faithfully. You are with Him now in Glory; that’s our comfort.
Recent stories

Sincere Publicity Secretary 1989/90

May 29, 2022
My heart sunk, hearing you have gone to glory. 
we worked together in the CU Uniben/Ubth in 1989/90 while I was the Organising secretary and you were the Publisity secretary, it’s always a cherished memory, you did your best despite your busy schedule as a medical student, and we never met again after we left school until June 2018 at Sheraton hotel at Niagara Falls with Foluso Ola. I had hope I will see you again this year but….
Sleep well my brother, till we meet again at the feet of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ.

Important Information - Funeral Ceremony

May 25, 2022
Important information regarding the funeral service
May 23, 2022
My big bro and friend has gone to be with his maker. You touched the lives of many positively. Mine was of those lives you touched. 

it may have been short, but those who know you can testify that you lived a good and impactful life.

See you someday!

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