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May 5, 2017

Dustin lost his life at a young age, he had so much going for him yet had so much pain he felt inside his heart... his short life was filled with love for his family! As a little kid he grew up so independent and soared through life with confidence and wasn't afraid of nothing! I loved that about him, just like me... His friends where so important to him , he loved to be around them, he shared and trusted them with his most deepest secret with them , ones I'll never know. He was the most loving caring and trusting son anyone could have in this world, this is a very huge loss for everyone he came in to contact with! He touched everyone lives that he knew! We will miss him forever, my heart will always bleed and I will always cry and grieve and can't wait to see him again in the next deminsion of life! We love you Dustin!

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