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May 10, 2023
May 10, 2023
hope you and scott are up there having fun, big dawg.
you aint missing much down here.
October 3, 2022
October 3, 2022
John 3:16 “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

RIP David (dwilly)
May 9, 2021
May 9, 2021
Happy birthday, big man.

I remember speaking to my coach about how much of a beast you were.
May 9, 2021
May 9, 2021
Happy Birthday Dwill. cant believe youd be turning 30 today. im sure we would be having some chats on turning the big 3.0. we miss you x
May 9, 2021
May 9, 2021

Remembering you on your birthday.
Much love from Matt and I. We miss you.
May 9, 2020
May 9, 2020
Happy Birthday! smiley ☺️ thinking of you often, rest in peace my friend.
March 15, 2020
March 15, 2020

Today has been bittersweet. Whilst I am yet again reminded of your early departure, and the deep sadness that accompanies it, I am also starting to see something resembling hope. I have chosen to remember you today the way you would have wanted me to – by choosing gratitude over anxiety, novelty over nostalgia and hope over despair.

The book we were once reading together, Blood Meridian, remained untouched for the longest time; I couldn’t bring myself to finish it without you, until now. You loved that book and I can’t think of a better way to honour your memory than to indulge myself with the things that brought you joy.

Love, always

March 12, 2020
March 12, 2020
Talked about meeting you in person one day, but it never happened. Wished you the best as I left for a while. I remember some of the lighter conversations we had, and also keep in mind the darker ones too. I so appreciate the time we spent together, even though it was pen pals through internet. We talked one day about if you passed who would miss you- I miss you and so many others I wish you knew how worth it you are. I'm sorry I left when you were struggling it was my time to go. I'm grateful for the time I knew you talking about body building, college, your cat... Anything. Rest in Peace you are missed!
May 10, 2019
May 10, 2019
RIP Dwilly. Benn 2 year bro. Doesn't really seem that long. Seeing the comments I left on your memorial makes me see how much things have changed. You were always funny as hell and light hearted mood. I still remember coming to the memorial and being the only one dressed up lol I only knew you on the internet but you ran the chillest chat I've ever been to. Sorry drugs took your life, but Happy Birthday. If you could only see me now you might have been inspired to do something better too. RIP man, I know you need it.
May 9, 2019
May 9, 2019
Happy Birthday Dwill. Miss you still. You were a lovely person and I appreciate how nice you were. XX Lou
March 14, 2019
March 14, 2019

Two years, and grief still stops me in my tracks sometimes. A roiling pressure spreading outwards from my chest, enough to take my breath away.

I have a box of your things you sent me that I keep firmly shut, partly to avoid heartache, but mostly because of the desperate belief that with every opening, a part of your essence rubs away, and the hopeless idea that so long as I can contain it, I can convince myself that you’re still here. Somewhere. That opportunities still await you, in whatever form they may be. In whatever form you may be.

I resent the notion that the possession of a loved one’s personal belongings is a hinderance to closure. Although I have memories of the time we used to spend together (yet apart) and a digital legacy of photos, I never felt the warmth of your palms on mine, or the waft of your breath on my skin. I only tried my best to imagine what it might have been like. The only physical reminder I have of you is a random assortment of your personal effects, once intended to temporarily bridge the gap between us. Since work and study have yet again led me to various parts of the country, I carry the box around. It’s the first thing I pack— a part of your essence, undisturbed. It’s not closure, but closure is unattainable. I loved you and lost you, and then lost you again forever. The box only serves as a token that although we never met, my grief is legitimate and my loss is palpable.

Love, always
December 21, 2018
December 21, 2018
Euro Truck Simulator was on sale today so I bought it! Made me think of you :) <3
March 17, 2018
March 17, 2018
It's been a year. Hard to believe. The memory of you lives on strong. R.I.P. David <3
March 16, 2018
March 16, 2018
Hey David. Just sitting here tonight thinking about you. Man, you have no idea how much so many people miss you and how much of an impact you left on all of us. You were such a caring and giving person. I can't believe it has been 1 year since you passed and I've just been sitting here counting down the minutes until midnight and listening to the beautiful music that Terry and Nani put on here because this was the kind of music you loved. And I am going to watch an episode or maybe a few of the Sopranos tonight in your memory. I remember how much we talked about that show, and I always enjoyed talking about it with you. Tony is a crazy mother fucker. He really kills Christopher? That was his cousin, man! Family is family. Just like you were to us. We'll never forget you man.
March 14, 2018
March 14, 2018

I’m lucky to recall my first conversation with you back in late 2014. We argued over your methods of disciplining your cat. It quickly descended into hilarity. I knew then that you were going to be a lot of fun.

I hope that one day my grief will subside and memories of you will bring me happiness rather than leave me with a heavy heart. It’s difficult to move on as if unfettered by the past, but so long as your name is still spoken, you will continue to live in our minds and hearts. We all share the same sentiment; you made an indelible impression on everyone. I am so thankful for the support of your friends and Patrick, your neighbour. It has been a privilege to have finally heard the voice of the man you’d talk about endlessly in such high praise.

David, I had so much more left to say to you. You taught me that love does not adhere to time or boundaries. It just is. Oh, what I’d give for one more overexposed photo of you goofing around.

August 6, 2017
August 6, 2017
David was my friend and neighbor in Colorado Springs. In the two years before his death we became close friends. Sometimes he'd help me with my small antique business and I tried to help him any way I could. We hung out on the stoop of our apartment building most nights, sipping rye whiskey and swapping life stories or talking about our favorite books. My dad died in April of '16 and in July I had to move away to look after my mom but David and I stayed in touch. I traveled to Colorado Springs almost monthly to visit him because I thought of him like a son. He was a great kid with a huge heart. I last saw David on March 10th. We went out to dinner two nights in a row and on the last night we hung out at a quiet cigar bar in downtown Springs. When I came back to visit in May I was concerned because I had tried to contact him a few weeks earlier and his phone had been disconnected. I knocked on his apartment door and a young woman answered and told me she'd been living there several weeks and didn't know who David was. I drove over to see the landlord and she told me the heartbreaking news. I'm in Colorado Springs again this weekend and I'm not sure why. David was my only friend here so I've no reason to visit any longer. The fact is I'm pissed at him. I can't count how many times we talked about the things that would eventually be his demise. I understand it but I have difficulty accepting it. David was living a productive life, I know because I was there. He was lifting and working out and he helped me refinish and repair furniture. In the months before he died he talked at length about wanting to study masonry. I'm sorry if this isn't the place to vent my anger but I've seen this too many times. I'll continue to come to Colorado Springs until I can find out what precipitated David's untimely end. My heart goes out to his family and friends, he spoke about all of you fondly and frequently.
May 13, 2017
May 13, 2017
I can't believe this. We hadn't talked in years and now I regret that so much. When I first came to this community, you were one of my favorite people to talk to. You were always the nicest, funniest, most interesting person in the room, and I wish I had been in a better place back in the day so I could've kept in touch. Life ain't easy on this community, and it's such a fucking bummer, because some of the most amazing people are a part of it, and deserve so much better. And you were the best of us. RIP Frank
May 9, 2017
May 9, 2017
Hey David. I always remember your birthday because it's the same as my dad's. It's always made me sad as hell that you're gone. People could have taken notes from you about kindness and forgiveness. Nani said it best, because differences and arguments seem pretty insignificant in times like these. Anyways, I'll miss your presence. The community seems pretty dull without you man.
April 23, 2017
April 23, 2017
I just want to say it was an honour to have known you, we have had some amazing conversations and I am so glad I was able to meet that small town guy from Arkansas with such a big heart and an even bigger smile (smiley) you truly will be missed and I wont forget you.

April 4, 2017
April 4, 2017
Now that you are free you should pay a visit to everyone and meet them irl. That'd be cool right?!
April 4, 2017
April 4, 2017
Awwwwwww dwilly. I have tears in my eyes. I promise I'm not crying. Why do I have tears in my eyes. I do not like it, not one little bit. Make it stop. And sniffles. Why did u die? Why did u do it? Why did god take u away from us at such a young age? That's why people hate god he takes people away. Awwww david my eyes my eyes. Make them stop. Ghost-visit me. I'd love to meet u irl.
April 4, 2017
April 4, 2017
Dwilly this is marian. We came to tinychat around the same time. I told u u looked like Ashton Kutcher while u cammed at YMCA. Thank u for trusting me like a big sister before u spoke on mike with marie. I gave u confidence while u confided in me. That made me feel so special. I always told u u were so good looking you shouldn't end up as a loner like me. Like Brian said, "I hope u find good wherever u r now". Thank u for always saying hi to me despite people thinking I was a joke. Love, Marian.

Ps. I hope u see my friend Jackie recodo she passed at the age of 31 on march 8, 2016. Say hi to her and be her friend. You both were too young to leave this earth. At least u have that in common. You'll have something to say. ;) you can do it buddy. Talk to her!
April 2, 2017
April 2, 2017
Dwilly (David)

You will be dearly missed. Thanks for all of the lovely conversations. Despite the circumstance that took you away from us, you were wise beyond your years and a dear friend. I will keep the words of encouragement and funny chats with me always. It was an honor to have shared the time we had together in this life.

March 30, 2017
March 30, 2017
Dwill! I just heard the news. I'm sorry to hear you're gone. You were one dope ass dude! <3
March 28, 2017
March 28, 2017
Thank you for making me feel welcomed in Tinychat & saying hi back because that's all I usually say. It was nice to see you on cam. I can see you smiling on cam! :'( you RIP now Dwill. 
March 28, 2017
March 28, 2017
Didn't know Dwill as well as most the others from TC did, but i'll for dam sure keep him in my memories!!

March 26, 2017
March 26, 2017
Hi David..........

I haven't been in the SA chatroom much for the last few years, and even when i was, i was usually silent (alas, not always :) ) but you were one of the nicer and funnier people i could chat with.

The small SA chatroom community will miss your prescence.
I hope you are doing ok, wherever you are, Dwill.

Adrian Caribou
March 24, 2017
March 24, 2017
you lived an extreme life with your military service, devoted bodybuilding, and so quickly pushing the trigger and pulling the thread.
at least now you can get some extreme rest. 
i hope you found something good on the other side, dwill. thanks for showing me ODB, sharing some laughs, and not holding my anger problems against me too much. you will be missed.
March 21, 2017
March 21, 2017
Dwill, I remember one of the first times we met. About 4 or 5 years ago when I came to tinychat a lot, I was too anxious to talk on mic or go on cam. One night, at a late hour, it was just you and me in the room, and I felt comfortable enough to give it a try. You were encouraging me the whole time and kept trying to show me how I didn't need to worry. I really appreciated you as a person, you were so accepting and lighthearted and just gave off a certain energy that people enjoyed being around. It is so hard to accept that you are gone. You will be missed!
March 20, 2017
March 20, 2017

I enjoyed chatting with you over the last few years. You were a funny guy, fun to talk to, and very supportive of everyone in our tiny community. I don't doubt that I annoyed you at times, but I appreciate the fact that you were always willing to listen to me ramble and counsel me. You were the cornerstone of our group. I believe that the best way for me to honor your legacy is to remember what you taught me and strive to be the best version of myself, as should everyone who knew you. We will all miss you dearly, bro. Rest in peace.
March 20, 2017
March 20, 2017
TC Memorial Tribute-

Where to begin, the impact of your loss is profound... I remember when I was a part of encouraging you to lead the Tinychat room because I knew you would be unbiased and were able to see past the BS as well as keep a level head on your shoulders. You were very well-liked by others. I knew you really cared about people and were willing to hear them out. You really did have a way of bringing people together and helping others to see that there was more to to one another than met the eye. You saw the good in people man and I feel like you are one of the people who will continue to help me do the same. I recently spent time in a place with so much diversity and culture while sharing my memories of you with a friend. I felt like you embodied that atmosphere of a melting pot of people from different backgrounds, different places, but coming together, accepting one another, learning about one another and sharing life. 

I always thought you were a very cool dude and that you would be awesome to meet someday. I felt like we would have gotten along, and I know many of the other Tinychatters felt the same way. You told me things that made me feel better about who I was and what I was capable of, but also helped me to see what I needed to work on. You had a lot to offer my friend and I truly thank you. Your spirit was so strong, you will always be with us.

R.I.P. David, D-Will, Dwill, “Frank”, “Reek”
March 20, 2017
March 20, 2017

I don’t know how to thank you for being such a goofy, compassionate, genuine friend. You saw me at my lowest when I couldn’t feel lonelier, and always knew how to bring a smile to my face.

I don’t know what I’ll do without you…I’ll miss waking up to your “sup shaine”s and your witty banter. You were one of the only people that I could chat with for hours on end and never get bored of—not to mention my go-to guy for funny memes and Reddit posts. I really did consider you one of my closest friends—if not my closest. I don’t think anyone knew me better than you did.

I feel so lucky to have gotten to spend a week with you back in September. You helped me scratch a few things off my bucket list regardless of how weird—though getting lost and hiking 13+ miles probably wasn’t one of them, but we made the most of the situation and there’s no one else I would have rather gotten lost with. If it wasn’t for you and our Colorado adventures, I would never have had the courage to move out here, so thank you for inspiring me to get out there and live life.

You deserved better—the best—even if you didn’t always think you did. If there’s a Heaven (and I hope there is), there is no one more deserving of a spot up there. I really hope that you knew how many people loved you. You were truly one of the best.

I’ll think of you always. Rest in peace, David/Dav/Dad/Da Catman Dwilly.
March 20, 2017
March 20, 2017
David was a genuinely decent down to earth guy.

He was always there if you wanted to talk, weather it was just talking shit about gaming on steam or dealing with an emotional crisis he was always there to talk.

I'm truly saddened by his passing... he was such a smart guy with such great potential... So many people are going to miss him.

I'm sorry this happened, David.

March 20, 2017
March 20, 2017
You was a good dude man..Rest in Paradise.

- John GrYm
March 20, 2017
March 20, 2017
I still have that book you gave me, David. I swear I'll finish it. It hurts to know that that my fat headed gym rat is gone. But I know you'd want me to be strong and soldier on. I'll always love you dude. You left such a big impact on everyone's life. You will be fucking missed.
March 20, 2017
March 20, 2017
David, I’ve been sat here trying to write a beautifully worded tribute in your memory, but the truth is, there are no words on earth that will do you justice.

We were once closer than most people knew, but I know my words will resonate with all who knew you—and that was the unique thing about you David, the universality of your character; you touched the hearts of so many different people. I can honestly say without doubt that the time I knew you was my happiest. Amongst all your brilliantly lovable qualities—your sincerity, kindness, and your sometimes crude but faultless humour—your most appealing was your heart of gold. You were the most genuine and non-judgemental person I ever had the pleasure of knowing. In the midst of a very turbulent period for you last year, you still made time for other people. You sent me a fennec fox plushy after I once made a passing comment on how much I adored the creatures. It was a very touching gesture, especially considering the circumstances. I will cling to that fox until the end of my days. The tinychatters were so blessed to have you. You were central to that community and without you, I’m sure it will never be the same again.

I will never forget your penchant for making others laugh with your hilarious one-liners and great comedic timing, or your clever way with words, your thoughtfulness, your gorgeous face or that time you told me, quite early on in our friendship, that if you had stayed out any longer in the sun, you’d start looking like one of my people. Most memorably, I will never forget the time you convinced me you had a micropenis and I had to console you for an hour before you told me you were joking. Haha.

Gabriel, your cat, who I’m sure as much as he perfected his cold shoulder routine with you, will sense his loss, too. I know you loved him a lot.

I know it’s a cliché, but I’ll miss the little things, David. The times you gave me a call at lunch time when I was at work to keep me company, the endless episodes of Shameless we watched together and not to mention your horrific butchering of the Manchester accent as I’m sure Rich will attest to, the times you insisted I watched you play Rust when half the time I had absolutely no idea what was going on and the stories you told of your niece Libby who you loved so much. She will grow up with you in her heart and she'll be a better person for it, David.

When I woke up this morning and felt the crushing realisation of your passing all over again, I knew that the world will be an emptier place without you in it. No matter how many times I told you I could not read one of Rumi’s poems to you in Arabic, you persisted. Well, Rumi once said that anything we lose comes around in another form. So David, be it a dream or a shadow, just grace us with your presence once more.

I love you.
March 19, 2017
March 19, 2017
Thanks for being a good and always supportive friend!
btw I still can hear you yelling "YE BOY" on mic.
You will be missed.
March 19, 2017
March 19, 2017
Ok, I have a story (this is Ronnie btw, not julio pendayho). One time, when I was battling him on tinychat, I hit him with such a bomb ass punchline, he tried to save face by mocking me, sarcastically, by saying ¨OHHHHHH¨ and rolling around in his chair and he fell off and he was embarrassed and gracefully took his L. Good times.
March 19, 2017
March 19, 2017
David was a lot of things. Not just to me, but also to others. He was my friend. He was a great friend to others. He was a soldier and a leader. A son, a brother, and an uncle. He was funny, kind, and generous. He had a certain spark to him that instantly lifted you up and brought you joy and comfort. I always enjoyed talking to him about a variety of things from movies and TV shows to working out to just everyday life. He was one special person indeed. He will certainly be missed by all of us, but his legacy wlll live on and continue to inspire us each and every day. I really loved him and I know he cared for me like a brother. Rest In Peace, David. Can't wait to see you again bro.
March 19, 2017
March 19, 2017
The kindness David showed me will never be forgotten. He invited me into his group of friends when I needed companionship. He always made sure that I was doing well and I know he did the same for others. I love you David.
March 19, 2017
March 19, 2017
David you were one of the best people I have ever known. I feel so lucky to have known you. We are all devastated you are gone.It wont be the same anymore. I will never forget you. <3
March 19, 2017
March 19, 2017
I think we go through life looking for people to share that human connection with and feel like they see us for us. You, my friend, made me feel that way. I always felt so comfortable talking to you and never hesitated to tell you what was on my mind. It pains me that when I started my job I didn't keep in contact as much and felt you drift away. I would have wanted you to feel the same level of support I always felt from you. 
I could always count on you to cheer me on and tell me I was a "good mom" or "deserved that good paying job". When people were wildn' in Tinychat you were my soundboard for looking at the bigger picture and staying rational. 
I always hoped we'd hang out again and you could meet Otis. You always loved hearing my crazy toddler stories. Whenever I needed a friend you were always there. I just can't believe you aren't here man. I'll fuggin' miss you so much.
March 19, 2017
March 19, 2017
October 17th, 2016 was pretty much the last time me and David chatted. He probably didn't like me much since then, but I never had any hard feelings towards him. Admittedly I'm not great at being a good supportive friend, though I really wish I was a better friend to David.

Before our falling out, we were online friends for couple of years and at the time he really was a good friend to me. We were gaming together, chatting about life, future, our issues and lifting weights. David was truly a great guy, a fun person and a one Strong motherfucker.
Rest In Peace David, you will be missed.
March 19, 2017
March 19, 2017
David....Dwilly.... Thanks for being a friend to me, n' for the good times. Goodbye, dear friend...I'll miss you. <3
March 18, 2017
March 18, 2017
I will wear my finest leather duster to Legoland in his honor!
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