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This memorial website was created in loving memory of our daughter, sister, mother, and friend - Edith Ngum Chi. She was born on June 22, 1966, where she spent 58 amazing years on this beautiful earth and was called home by the Lord on July 12, 2024. She is gone, but not forgotten. We will forever remember her and may our memories of her NEVER FADE
August 30
August 30
my bb as u se to call me words hv failed me ma as i try to accept what has happen
days to ur operation the plan was for u to come visit me not me being able to call you again the pain is just sooo much  we did not prepare for this mummy life is just sooo infair as days keep approaching i wish and pray for this dream to end bt unfortunately its my sad reality
God i cant believe am talking about you in the past mummy you were indeed a strong and Godfearing woman i miss you every single day In your voice when are you giving ma a grand child that was our last discussion on that faithful day of the 12 july little did i know it was our last and all the other calls i missed mum am sry  swt mum rest well I love you ❤️from where you are you will be proud of me
   Your bb ashley ❤️
August 28
August 28
My lovely mum, the super woman of my entire existence, my lovely
queen. You brought me to this world in 1985 and since then have
never failed even for a second to do all and beyond what a mother
can ever do for her child. You thought me love and humility, you
gave in your all to see to it that I grow up lacking nothing as your
lovely boy as you would always call me. You were always there by
me. You happily played the role of mother and father after dad’s
passing. You happily gave me your blessings when I met your
lovely daughter in law and was always there for us till your last
breath. You gave us everything you had in you and showered your
grand kids with all the love in the World. It pains so terribly having
you leave us this soon. How would be able to carry on from here
without you. Without your early morning and late-night video calls,
without your warmth and motherly advice, without your ever jovial
presence and piecing smile, how would we! Your untimely
departure leaves in us a great void and an unbearable pain. You
will forever be remembered, and your memory will live on forever.
We will not fail to remind your grand kids what a great and lovely
grand mum they had. We know you are in a better place now
where there is no pain no fear, no sadness nor grief, no death but
live in abundance. We bid you farewell mum. As you depart this
world with your lovely mother, we humbly commit you both back
to our creator who Loves you more and hope to meet again soon
never to part no more.
Rest well mummy. Forever in our hearts and minds
Singeh Carine
August 28
August 28
Tears flow down my eyes writing this. I never believed after barely eight months of loosing my mum I will stand again to shed tears those I love. Grandma, you asked your first daughter to come take you, your wish has been fulfilled. I know you are in heaven celebrating with your beloved daughters( Chi Christina Lum and Chi Ngum Edith)
Ma Edith you where the only person who told me you saw your elder sister looking very beautiful and peaceful. You went ahead to tell me death is a beautiful thing which one need to be ready at all time. You said it was your elder sister time she went and that if is yours none will change. I stand to believe all you said because you told me God is working a healing miracle in your life. I still hear your voice telling me stories of saints and many confusing things which am memorizing till date.
We celebrate you people today because you where wonderful people in our lives. Farewell Grandma and Ma,
Carine .
August 27
August 27
Your premature departure leaves me without a clue; I wasn’t considering this outcome. What will I say to Daisy and Alexander, who tell me, "Grandmother won’t talk to us on the phone?" ; with whom will I still discuss my experiences with motherhood and marriage? You were a tireless listener and moral support ...

Your departure did not leave your mother indifferent because she then followed you. I hope that you will find yourselves high before Christ and that you will find eternal rest. I would do my best to always remind your grandchildren that you loved so much of your impact. Go and rest in peace, wave to me my father-in-law from up there, and I know that I can count on the three of you to watch over us forever. I love you mother-in-law and will miss you tremendously.
Your beloved younger brother Chi Constantine
August 5
August 5
It's so hard to believe you have gone,l have asked myself so many un answerable questions as all others but only our heavenly father knows why, you were too good specially to you family membres. Oh God why,its hurts so much,to who have you abandon us? You were calling me every week at least 2 times but since no call agin. We are just like sheep without a shepherd, oh what a world , at times we fill as questioning God,but who are we? it so difficult but its the way for us all. I know you are paradis with Ma Bih just prepare à place there for us. Oh ndia Eh rip
August 3
August 3
In Memory of Aunty E.

Aunty Edith, a soul so bright,
With joy that warmed the darkest night.
Her home was a haven, open wide,
Where love and kindness did reside.

She looked after me with tender care,
Always asking, always there.
Praising me with words so sweet,
A courageous woman, so complete.

Though she’s gone, her light remains,
In memories, through joys and pains.
Her impact on my heart is clear,
Her spirit ever drawing near.

I’m proud of her, and all she’s done,
A legacy that’s just begun.
Through me, her love will carry on,
In every dusk, in every dawn.

Rest in peace, dear Aunt Edith,
Your love, your strength, forever myth.
Your memories, a cherished song,
In our hearts, you still belong.
July 30
July 30
My darling Friend, I find it so difficult to talk about you in the past. Chi Edith as we popularly called you since our days from the secondary school till when the cold hands of death snatched you away from us, you’ve always had the same smile, always happy and sociable. My darling friend, death has lost its sting. This life no balance at all. You will be greatly missed but my dear, I believe that the place that you are now is the best because there’s no pain, no sorrow. Heaven has gained an angel. Heaven is filled with glory and praise. I bid you goodnight Sis, rest well in the bosom of our Lord.
Auntie Sco as you always called me
July 29
July 29
My Dearest auntie Edith
   I am still to come to terms with the fact that I will never see you again. The past 2+ weeks have been the hardest, going to your house almost every day and not seeing you really hurts. Thank you for giving us 58 years of your life, your love and your beautiful smile. We shared something that can never be replaced, memories that time cannot erase. To lose you brings such sadness but but know that you live in my heart and in my memory. Thank you for being my mother, auntie and friend. You practically took me everywhere you were going, told me so many stories about your life and along side give me advice on how to have a successful relationship and marriage. your core values were love ,respect ,and above all prayers. Thank you taking good care of our grand-mothers. We can not call home and not hear of auntie Edith sending money for this or that. I was truly blessed to have you. Sleep well our guiding angel, sleep well our fashionista, sleep well auntie Edith. I love you
                          Your Baby
                         Phalon Tizi
July 29
July 29
Why mom you didn’t even wait to see me defense you didn’t even tell mom good bye she cries everyday and also hold her phone waiting for your call mom why did you leave her alone go and rest mon
July 29
July 29

"Dearest Ma Edith, although we never met in person, your impact on my life has been profound. Through the stories, love, and lessons shared by those who knew you, I feel like I've known you for years. Your kindness, generosity, and warmth have transcended distances, touching hearts and lives in ways that will be cherished forever. I am highly privileged to receive such kindness from you …Your legacy lives on, inspiring us to embrace compassion, empathy, and selflessness. Rest in peace, dear Ma Edith. Your memory will be a blessing to all who knew you, forever in our hearts.

July 28
Dear Mum,
Sometimes when I look at life, all I can do is to believe for there are many unanswered questions life leave us with. Mama, you have thought us to live our life not only to gain eternal life with God but also to recognize and commune with our loved ones. Words of how good a mother you have been to me are without boundaries. The gap you have left in this world can never be filled but I believe you are in a better place for you were not only an angel but an epitome of love. I will forever miss you and hope some day I can be showered again with your infinite love and care. Adieu mama; you have a permanent home in our hearts. Rest well till we ride to dine with you in God's house.

Atohmbom Yuh George
July 27
Why you? Why now, I so badly want the answer to these questions. I keep expecting you to call me let's gist as usual. No answer big sis. Ngia E you were a woman with the heart of gold. You were like a big sister to me since your friend "Alice "my elder sister passed away since 2009. You took over her place in my life. Not only that we became gist partners . Now you decided to join her to the world beyond without a word to me. I keep going through everything in my head trying to think of ways I could've prevented this from happening, but I know I couldn't have. I wish I had the super power to turn back time just so I can get one more opportunity to talk to you how much I appreciate you. You were, and still so loved by many. Even though you are not here anymore, you will always be in my heart. You were such special woman and big sister to many.
  I miss you and will never forget you big sis .Rest well with the Lord. 
Akwen Ndikum
July 27
With a heart full of love and a spirit so bright,
Auntie Edith illuminated the lives of all in sight.
Her passion for fashion was a reflection of her flair,
A style icon with a wardrobe beyond compare.

But it was her kindness, her empathy, and her grace,
That truly made her a beloved figure in every place.
She sought harmony and peace in every single way,
Avoiding conflict and bringing people together.

Her love for people was pure, and her heart was so light,
A beacon of hope, in the darkest of nights.
She had a gift for understanding and a soul so true,
A treasure to all who knew her, and a memory to hold anew.

Though she may be gone, her legacy remains,
A testament to her love, her peace, and her fashion reign.
We'll remember her smile, her laughter, and her style,
A shining star that will forever sparkle and smile.

Rest in peace, dear aunt, your love will never fade,
In our hearts, your memory will forever be displayed
July 27
July 27
Auntie E,
   We are still struggling with the harsh reality that you are truly gone. Each passing day becomes harder and harder. You were the life of every family gathering, our bubbly and always forgiving, and my partner in endless fun; it's almost unbearable to accept that you are no longer here with us.
   In your final days, you filled our hearts with hope, faith, and reassurance, making us believe you were healed. We prayed fervently, believing and knowing that you were healed indeed, but God wanted your vibrant spirit by His side. We find comfort in knowing that you are no longer suffering and lived a life filled with forgiveness, joy, and laughter.
  One valuable lesson we learned from you is to live life to its fullest. You always said, "If I die today, I have enjoyed life," you indeed showed that. Despite the tears and heartache, your memory inspires us to embrace life similarly and passionately.
  Auntie E, your absence is deeply felt, and your presence will be missed. You will forever remain in our hearts. Rest on and sleep in peace, our Auntie E.

Odilia, Tanwani Akum & kids
July 27
July 27
Sister E,
You left your blueprint in my mind, your handprint on my heart, and your imprint on my soul. I thank God I captured the very last sweet moment with you.
I will miss you. RIPP.
Kila Njovens.
July 27
July 27
Oh, how we will miss that beautiful, welcoming infectious smile that you are always ready to give whenever you meet us. The humor, the laughter and jokes are now memories. Never a dull moment to be around you. Just that you blindfolded us, promised with all confidence that you will be beating this and returned to us. We prayed with the entire family like never before, but your creator said it's time to come back home. We didn't anticipate this outcome. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but ultimately our good God who is the alpha and omega knows why. We will greatly miss you, auntie Edith. Rest well our sister, your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure.
Sylvie and Emmanuel Akum.
Ntsenkeuh (Chenchen)
July 27
July 27
Dear" my own man" Diddy ngum
 You were the greatest friend and special to me and my family
You have lived a short and quality life full of great success. Your social interaction, flexibility and behavioral aspects is a legacy you left behind.
You instilled in my family a value system system that defined who you were. You were a friend sister of all weather during the day and night. A woman of faith and integrity i must talk about .
Our friendship started as far back earlier seventies class three primary move to secondary tile the moment you departed in this world
"My own man" as we called ourselves. The children and their mother are crying for Ma Diddy ngum Papa's best and able friend 5/5 .we all loved you God definitely loves you more than we do and so rest in his kingdom
We miss you
As you go ahead, prepare a place for us and extend my regards our friends who went ahead.
Ntsenkeuh (Chenchen)

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Recent Tributes
August 30
August 30
my bb as u se to call me words hv failed me ma as i try to accept what has happen
days to ur operation the plan was for u to come visit me not me being able to call you again the pain is just sooo much  we did not prepare for this mummy life is just sooo infair as days keep approaching i wish and pray for this dream to end bt unfortunately its my sad reality
God i cant believe am talking about you in the past mummy you were indeed a strong and Godfearing woman i miss you every single day In your voice when are you giving ma a grand child that was our last discussion on that faithful day of the 12 july little did i know it was our last and all the other calls i missed mum am sry  swt mum rest well I love you ❤️from where you are you will be proud of me
   Your bb ashley ❤️
August 28
August 28
My lovely mum, the super woman of my entire existence, my lovely
queen. You brought me to this world in 1985 and since then have
never failed even for a second to do all and beyond what a mother
can ever do for her child. You thought me love and humility, you
gave in your all to see to it that I grow up lacking nothing as your
lovely boy as you would always call me. You were always there by
me. You happily played the role of mother and father after dad’s
passing. You happily gave me your blessings when I met your
lovely daughter in law and was always there for us till your last
breath. You gave us everything you had in you and showered your
grand kids with all the love in the World. It pains so terribly having
you leave us this soon. How would be able to carry on from here
without you. Without your early morning and late-night video calls,
without your warmth and motherly advice, without your ever jovial
presence and piecing smile, how would we! Your untimely
departure leaves in us a great void and an unbearable pain. You
will forever be remembered, and your memory will live on forever.
We will not fail to remind your grand kids what a great and lovely
grand mum they had. We know you are in a better place now
where there is no pain no fear, no sadness nor grief, no death but
live in abundance. We bid you farewell mum. As you depart this
world with your lovely mother, we humbly commit you both back
to our creator who Loves you more and hope to meet again soon
never to part no more.
Rest well mummy. Forever in our hearts and minds
Singeh Carine
August 28
August 28
Tears flow down my eyes writing this. I never believed after barely eight months of loosing my mum I will stand again to shed tears those I love. Grandma, you asked your first daughter to come take you, your wish has been fulfilled. I know you are in heaven celebrating with your beloved daughters( Chi Christina Lum and Chi Ngum Edith)
Ma Edith you where the only person who told me you saw your elder sister looking very beautiful and peaceful. You went ahead to tell me death is a beautiful thing which one need to be ready at all time. You said it was your elder sister time she went and that if is yours none will change. I stand to believe all you said because you told me God is working a healing miracle in your life. I still hear your voice telling me stories of saints and many confusing things which am memorizing till date.
We celebrate you people today because you where wonderful people in our lives. Farewell Grandma and Ma,
Carine .
Her Life

Biography of Edith Ngum Chi

July 24
by Yvonne Fornishi on behalf of Nji William
on behalf of Nji William
Edith Ngum Chi was born on Wednesday June 22nd, 1966, in Akum Village (Nord West Region of Cameroon) of Celestine Chi and Calista Bih. Fourth child to her parents, Edith lost her dad at a very tender age and spent most of her teenage years with her maternal uncle in Akum Village where she attended her primary school education at Saint Pius Primary school Akum and obtained a First School Leaving Certificate.
She moved to live with her maternal aunt in the city of Bamenda where she attended secondary school at the Community Comprehensive College (CCC) Mankon and obtained her General Certificate of Education Ordinary and Advanced Level Certificate in June 1986 and June 1991, respectively. Edith moved to Yaounde where she lived with her maternal cousin while pursuing her university education at the University of Yaounde I, obtaining a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Modern Letters in September 1996. She further gained admissions into the Yaounde Higher Teachers Training College (ENS Yaounde) where she graduated on the honors list with a Secondary and High School Teacher’s Diploma in English Modern Letters in Sept 1999.

Edith integrated the Cameroon Civil service that same year as a secondary and high School teacher in Literature, English Modern Letters and English Language. She worked at the Pouma Bilingual Secondary and High School and subsequently at the Mfou Bilingual Secondary and High school Yaounde between the years 2000 to 2009 during which she occupied key positions as Head of the English and Literature Department in both institutions and third assistant Vice principal in the later institution.

Edith moved to the USA in January 2009 through the US DV Lottery program where she switched career to health science after pursuing her training and obtaining her certification from the Maryland Board
of Nursing as a Medication technician and nursing assistant. Edith then worked in this capacity with Lifebridge health services until the time of her sudden passing. Married to the Late Mr. John Atanga, Edith lost her beloved husband in a road accident back in 2002.

A lovely queen with a heart of gold, generosity and humility were her core values. Fun to be with and very lively, Edith cherished her body and took exceptional care of her look and image. Mammy nyaga as some will call her, the beauty queen and fashionista that she was, was a great inspiration of kindness and love to those around her.

Edith leaves behind her aged and frail mum, her son, two lovely grand kids, a daughter-in-law, eight siblings and an extensive family of uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces and nephews who will mourn and miss her greatly.

We all mourn her departure today but remain confident that she is in a better place where we shall all be meeting one day never to part no more.May our Lord Almighty Grant Eternal Rest to her gentle soul.

Thank you and God bless everyone.
Recent stories
July 30
by Laurice Chelsy on behalf of Chi unamary
on behalf of Chi unamary
12 July 2024 what a Black Friday the day l saw my world crumble a day l will never forget in my life nor any member of my sister, friend, my Besty , my twin sister , my everything since the news of your departure reach me l am in a state of shock and depression and so find it very difficult to believe that you have actually left us. It’s like a dream but as days goes by it’s becoming real. Yet so hard for me to accept that l will not be able to hear your voice anymore . I have been calling your phone for days and night as we use to call but to no avail .my sweetheart sister my role model my mother’s must beautiful mama our designer lady the pillars and roof of our house whole, you brought light into our family you raised us from grass to grace our strong supporter the one that takes special care of our mom and family as a whole you showed me extreme love as a sister l have never lived without you.l don’t know where to start and where to end following the news of that faithful 12july 2024 of your passing away . My heart bleeds every passing day tears have never sees to run down from my chicks live becomes very meaningless to me because you never prepared me for this. Nde Edith who will call my phone everyday to check on l and mom talk less of the family back at home? Who will ask me to take good care of myself as if you know you where going to allow me in the middle of the sea . Who will confort me as you use to do? Who will come to my aid ? Who will give me advice as you use to do?who will assist me incase of any health have left me in deep pains ,tears keep flowing from my eyes form morning to night am in total confusion. Am in the middle of an ocean and the water is above my head and no one is there to remove me. My beloved sister please tell me how to live without you.why have you renter our family miserable in pains . Look at what you have done to mom . You asked me to take mom to the hospital when you learnt she was had stroke you sent money for her medication you asked me to look for a private room for mom because you want her to be comfortable you asked me make a video call so you could take to mom . You spoke with mom telling her you are find and that mom should get well and go and wait for you in the house because you will be coming to cameroon in December as plan. But only to die leaving mom still in the hospital 

Where are you, darling Edith?

Gone too soon

July 27
Tribute from Bea
It is still like a bad dream that I am hoping to wake up from, wipe my tears and shake off my fears knowing it was just a dream. I am beginning to realize your departure is carved on stone and no matter how much I wish it was dream, it will only remain a wish. We talked every day about the good, the bad and the ugly. Nothing went on in the family with our brothers and sisters back home that we did not talk about it and decided the best course of action. There was no contribution towards family issues back home that was not done by you and me. Do you remember saying “ we just have to take care of these 3 mami them”, who is going to make sure Ma Weh has Guinness and eggs paid directly to Che John and Azuh will carry it over? Who is going to pay a suitcase from here with a bag of Basmati rice and splender for Ma Bih just to ensure she has food? Who auntie Edith? WHO BIG SIS?
You told the whole world you had a crown for your little sister once you got better! I called your bluff because I don’t need a crown… I needed you to get well so we could celebrate…tears  
Well you told me you were healed and I was very happy, not knowing what kind of healing you meant. I have no tears left…. You are gone FOREVER and I pray you are with your heavenly father and hope to see you when my turn comes. We miss you immensely. Journey with peace ✌ and love ❤️ Sis.

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