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July 30
by Laurice Chelsy on behalf of Chi unamary
on behalf of Chi unamary
12 July 2024 what a Black Friday the day l saw my world crumble a day l will never forget in my life nor any member of my sister, friend, my Besty , my twin sister , my everything since the news of your departure reach me l am in a state of shock and depression and so find it very difficult to believe that you have actually left us. It’s like a dream but as days goes by it’s becoming real. Yet so hard for me to accept that l will not be able to hear your voice anymore . I have been calling your phone for days and night as we use to call but to no avail .my sweetheart sister my role model my mother’s must beautiful mama our designer lady the pillars and roof of our house whole, you brought light into our family you raised us from grass to grace our strong supporter the one that takes special care of our mom and family as a whole you showed me extreme love as a sister l have never lived without you.l don’t know where to start and where to end following the news of that faithful 12july 2024 of your passing away . My heart bleeds every passing day tears have never sees to run down from my chicks live becomes very meaningless to me because you never prepared me for this. Nde Edith who will call my phone everyday to check on l and mom talk less of the family back at home? Who will ask me to take good care of myself as if you know you where going to allow me in the middle of the sea . Who will confort me as you use to do? Who will come to my aid ? Who will give me advice as you use to do?who will assist me incase of any health have left me in deep pains ,tears keep flowing from my eyes form morning to night am in total confusion. Am in the middle of an ocean and the water is above my head and no one is there to remove me. My beloved sister please tell me how to live without you.why have you renter our family miserable in pains . Look at what you have done to mom . You asked me to take mom to the hospital when you learnt she was had stroke you sent money for her medication you asked me to look for a private room for mom because you want her to be comfortable you asked me make a video call so you could take to mom . You spoke with mom telling her you are find and that mom should get well and go and wait for you in the house because you will be coming to cameroon in December as plan. But only to die leaving mom still in the hospital 

Where are you, darling Edith?

Gone too soon

July 27
Tribute from Bea
It is still like a bad dream that I am hoping to wake up from, wipe my tears and shake off my fears knowing it was just a dream. I am beginning to realize your departure is carved on stone and no matter how much I wish it was dream, it will only remain a wish. We talked every day about the good, the bad and the ugly. Nothing went on in the family with our brothers and sisters back home that we did not talk about it and decided the best course of action. There was no contribution towards family issues back home that was not done by you and me. Do you remember saying “ we just have to take care of these 3 mami them”, who is going to make sure Ma Weh has Guinness and eggs paid directly to Che John and Azuh will carry it over? Who is going to pay a suitcase from here with a bag of Basmati rice and splender for Ma Bih just to ensure she has food? Who auntie Edith? WHO BIG SIS?
You told the whole world you had a crown for your little sister once you got better! I called your bluff because I don’t need a crown… I needed you to get well so we could celebrate…tears  
Well you told me you were healed and I was very happy, not knowing what kind of healing you meant. I have no tears left…. You are gone FOREVER and I pray you are with your heavenly father and hope to see you when my turn comes. We miss you immensely. Journey with peace ✌ and love ❤️ Sis.

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