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Her Life
June 20, 2017

momma used to take me and sissy to dance  at the clubs. we have so many memeories . she introduced me to tony when i was 13, we fell in love but were to young we went our seperate ways, still loving each other. momma was so extremelt happy 40 years later when i tod her i saw Tony again, we reunited and got married in New Orleans and brought mom with us where she passed. she only wanted to be sure  we were gonna be ok. she loved Tony. and he loved her'

June 20, 2017

momma was abandoned  as a youmg girl, and was adopted by  the Mathis family. she lost her younger brother at an early age, and she lost her "mom" at an early age also. then her "dad" maried someone else and left her out. she loved her sister/aunt Nevelyn  forever. momma' life was so bad beofre she met my dad. she had been throgh abuse,betryal and her first chikdren taken by a lying con man. her first boys abandoned her even after reuniting, they were evil to her as were ne of the wive's. they broke her heart and they played that fake love, never even knwing what love meant. but they answer to God on judgement day and they truth will be told.

June 19, 2017

momma loved life. she loved her family and she loved her grandson and great grand daughter. momma tried to enjoy her life as best she could even until the end.she did get to go to Pensacola,Florida before she passed, she always wanted to go back home! momma had Parkinson's disease and dementia among other health issues! She really loved her facebook friends and family, so many wonderful people she never met, who oved her more than we dreamnt possible. Momma hated when she couldn't cook or get around anymore. we would ask her how are you feeling momma and she would say with my had a rough life until she met my dad and she was happy. when sdaddy died mom fell apart, but picked herself back up.Momma was the greatest wman on earth and now she is with daddy and her grandson Daniel and all her other family and friends. we miss her terribly and i don't know how to live without her, but i know she is smiling down on me telling me she is here with me..