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August 6, 2019
This is about the guy I cared for...The one who gave No F'%cks ...the one who stood matter what. This is about my kids Daddy... 
   He was a good guy.. 
 RIP ... Will always remember when. ❤

Rosanne Baglio

July 25, 2017

He always looked out for me and was there whenever I needed him. We were buds. I could always count on him! RIP my friend, fly high

Pete Weltjen

July 25, 2017

What I remember the most are the good old days when we all get together all of us guys early Sunday and go up to the high school and have a good old-fashioned knock-downb drag-out football game and Eddie was included never forget it God bless

Sylvia Bird

July 25, 2017

Eddie was my guardian angel. Growing up IN a small town everybody knew each other. I was and people continue to single me out and bully me. He would not stand for that with anyone lucky enough to be in his circle. EVEN after over 30 yrs.....he still offered to come beat the SHIT outta anyone that caused me any grief. He always had his listening ears on and " understood" HE would always pick me up and would not stand for any negativity. He offered good advise. He was my " WISE OLE OWL" one of the very few left in our " LOST TRIBE"

Dave Beals

July 25, 2017

where to begin... I thought about this for a while; most of the stories probably are best left off of social media, but what I can tell you is that when I was probably about 12 or 13(?) I moved to Springville from Chaffee. I didn't know anyone in Springville when I met Ed. he didn't harass me as the new kid, he didn't judge me or anything like that, we just hit it off and became close friends. I met a lot of good friends that I still keep in touch with today because of Ed. there are some things that do come to mind; my first concert (Ozzy), like Pete Weltjen said, our weekly football games, my first car wreck was with Ed (he was driving, not me...),parties at his apartment. my teen years were the best time of my life and I was lucky to be able to share those days with Ed, Allen, Rick, Paulette and Kim. nobody messed with Ed, that's for sure but you could always count on him to have your back and give you the benefit of the doubt. he did have character and he was a character. We reconnected after a long time of not hearing from each other and it was like we never missed a beat.I'm gonna miss him...

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