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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Ekpenyong Ekpenyong, 62 years old, born on February 4, 1962, and passed away on May 17, 2024. We will remember him forever.
June 20
People say that good men don't last but my conviction is that whether a good man live for a long time or a short time, their good deeds lives in the heart of several men they have affected in their lifetime. This is my consolation, when I feel pained that you should have lived longer than the time you had.
I cannot forget in a hurry, that meeting I had with you in your office in 2013. That testimony and lesson I still share and discuss. Your simplicity is unquestionable ! You have a genuine heart and I enjoyed your fatherly advice.
It was on my birthday in April,I felt a strong push to visit you in the hospital. We discussed and laughed. You gave instructions on the care of the compound. I never knew that would be our last conversation.
You fought a good fight ,you kept the faith. I am happy that our path crossed.
Thank you for all you did for me.
Adieu good man.

From Asuquo Henry (Akwa)
Your Tenant.
June 17
June 17
“The qualities of a great man are vision, integrity, courage, understanding, the power of articulation, and profundity of character.”  - Dwight Eisenhower – 34th US President

It was in the course of building faith in Jesus Christ; a search for Divine Truth that my family and I came to know and relate with the late President (Surveyor) Ekpenyong Etim Ekpenyong. This man, though from a different mother, a different tribe, and all the differences some people in this mundane world would emphasize, chose to be a very reliable brother, a trusted friend, and an exemplary leader.
President Ekpenyong was a man of profound character and an epitome of true Christian living. He loved God and followed the examples of Jesus Christ. He preached and taught the attributes of Christ by exemplifying them. Oh, good people live but short! Why would President Ekpenyong leave us at this time?
As I reflect on who President Ekpenyong represented in our lives, the words of Maya Angelou – a Poet, and the Author of the Poem; "Still I Rise," captured the mood when she said: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” President Ekpenyong made us feel loved. He understood the true meaning of “sharing one another’s burden to make it light”. He was a strong support to us.
Sir, at your demise we will mourn but not cry as those without hope because we know that you lived right and will find succor, salvation, and exaltation through the Atonement of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Bye till the resurrection morning!
Adieu reliable brother!
Adieu trusted friend!!
Adieu the great man of “vision, integrity, and courage!!!

Brother Ephraim Ebong & family.
June 17
June 17
“The qualities of a great man are vision, integrity, courage, understanding, the power of articulation, and profundity of character.”  - Dwight Eisenhower – 34th US President

It was in the course of building faith in Jesus Christ; a search for Divine Truth that my family and I came to know and relate with the late President (Surveyor) Ekpenyong Etim Ekpenyong. This man, though from a different mother, a different tribe, and all the differences some people in this mundane world would emphasize, chose to be a very reliable brother, a trusted friend, and an exemplary leader.
President Ekpenyong was a man of profound character and an epitome of true Christian living. He loved God and followed the examples of Jesus Christ. He preached and taught the attributes of Christ by exemplifying them. Oh, good people live but short! Why would President Ekpenyong leave us at this time?
As I reflect on who President Ekpenyong represented in our lives, the words of Maya Angelou – a Poet, and the Author of the Poem; "Still I Rise," captured the mood when she said: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” President Ekpenyong made us feel loved. He understood the true meaning of “sharing one another’s burden to make it light”. He was a strong support to us.
Sir, at your demise we will mourn but not cry as those without hope because we know that you lived right and will find succor, salvation, and exaltation through the Atonement of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Bye till the resurrection morning!
Adieu reliable brother!
Adieu trusted friend!!
Adieu the great man of “vision, integrity, and courage!!!

Brother Ephraim Ebong & family.
June 13
June 13
Dear President, you were not just a father to my bestie but also a father to me and everyone you came in contact with. You were a light that shineth everywhere you went to. You lived a life worthy of emulation, you were an embodiment of love, peace, kindness and humility. I will miss you, we will miss you and the entire church will miss you. Rest on, till we meet again. Adieu great man of God
June 13
June 13
Dear president , I confided in you as a father and my leader as I was trying to make a vital decision in my life, your words of advice and counseling calm all the fears, your words strengthened me and gave hope, you related with me like a father and helped me see reality of things, I can remember you saying " Maria don't worry the Lord will bless you with the right person at the right time" you were a true leader, oh I wish Heavenly Father give some more time to continue in mortality but we are console that you had chosen a better path that will perpetuate this relationship eternally. May your humble soul rest in peace till that resurrection morning. You will for ever be remember, . Adieu my  great counselor! Adieu a great leader! We will miss you

  Maria Tennyson.
June 13
June 13
Dear President Ekpenyong

Words fail me! Your contributions to my personal and spiritual life can never be forgotten in a hurry. Thank you for instilling gospel principles and being Christlike till the end. You died a devoted Christian and firm disciple of Jesus Christ. Rest on till me meet again.

Mbora Etim
June 12
June 12
That early hours of the morning of that dreadful day that my dad knocked on my room door and was calling my name, I was just wondering what he wanted telling me, I never expected to hear about the sad news of your demise, dear president Ekpeyong. My Dad was crying profusely after relaying the sad news to me. I was speechless, disheartened and shocked by such a pathetic news. We never thought you would leave us this soon.
Dear President Ekpeyong you were such a good, kind and humble man and a confidant. You impacted a lot of lives positively and righteously. I can remember confiding in you countless times about our family issues and you giving a listening ear and fatherly advice.
I miss you dear president.
Your memories will forever remain in our hearts.
Rest well sir, till we meet again in that resurrection morning.
Abam E. Ekpenyong
June 12
June 12
                       A Tribute To My Dear Brother
       My Dear brother, teacher and mentor, counselor, friend and father; I am still struggling with the reality of your passing... our bond was truly beyond brothers, ''Akpan Eka-Okon''. You were a disciplinarian and yet loved unconditionally - A true attribute of Jesus Christ. you were a good Christian in words and actions; Gods general, whose childlike faith remained unshaken until the very end. I have been blessed and touched by your outstanding qualities.
   As the reality of your demise gets settling in my views, I vow to uphold the godly virtues you instilled in me. I am comforted by the assurance that we will meet again made possible through the Atonement of our Lord Jesus Christ... by this death can not separate us. I bid thee farewell till that glorious day!
Adieu my dear bother!
Abam E. Ekpenyong
June 11
June 11
In Loving Memory of President Ekpenyong Etim Ekpenyong!

With heavy hearts and tear-filled eyes, I pay tribute to a remarkable soul who graced our lives with his presence. President Ekpenyong Etim Ekpenyong was a beacon of integrity and a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ. He exemplified trustworthiness, honesty, and righteousness, earning respect and admiration from those who knew him. His life was a testament to the power of faith, guiding him through even the darkest of times with grace and humility.

President Ekpenyong was a loving husband, father, and grandfather, whose legacy lives on in the hearts of his family and friends. His leadership was marked by humility and wisdom, with his gentle spoken words tempered with kindness and understanding. His principles inspired generations to strive for greatness and his legacy will endure for generations to come.

As we bid farewell to a beloved leader, let us honor his memory by striving to be trustworthy, faithful disciples of Jesus Christ, wonderful family members, kindhearted individuals, gentle spoken leaders, and pacesetters in our own right.

Rest in peace, President Ekpenyong Etim Ekpenyong. Your light will forever shine brightly in our hearts.


Elder Udobong
June 11
June 11
Rest on President Ekpenyong Etim. You were indeed a Father to me and your fatherly advice and counsels played a great role in helping me to become a better man. I will always cherish the memories of serving as your clerk during your brief time as a Bishop in Ikot ansa Ward. May you find rest in Abraham's bossom until we "meet again at Jesus feet."

Michael and Virtue Okwa.
June 11

Today I write this tribute in honor of a man I have admired and loved, Late President Ekpenyong Etim Ekpenyong.

His was a life of total dedication and service in the Kingdom of God. This is evident in the many callings he held in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He served twice as a Bishop and twice as a counselor in the stake Presidency. The last one, he served until his demise. Even on his sick bed he continued to play his role as a counselor, offering his counsels and suggestions on matters of great importance.

As the most elderly member of our stake presidency, he demonstrated wisdom in addressing matters. I will miss your words of wisdom.

The great Plan of Happiness teaches us that death is a necessary part of mortality (Alma 42:2). Because of this knowledge though I will miss you, I will not question why Heavenly Father has chosen to "graduate" you at this time. Your demise has caused me to reflect on the words of the High Priest, Alma "Could ye say, if ye were called to die at this time, within yourselves, that ye have been sufficiently humble? That your garments have been cleansed and made white through the blood of Christ, who will come to redeem his people from their sins?" (Alma 5:27). I rejoice because of the atonement of Jesus Christ that allows us to be reconciled to God.

During this time of "rejoicing", I pray that Heavenly Father receive your soul in paradise (Alma 40:11-12) and grant you rest till we meet again at the pleasing bar of God. I also, pray that your family will be comforted as they mourn. That they all will use this time to reflect on their lives and review the relationship they have with Jesus Christ. And make adjustments where necessary, for this is "the time for men to prepare to meet God" (Alma 34:32).

President Ekpenyong, rest on till we meet again, in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

Kenneth N. Egumi
Second Counselor,
Calabar Nigeria North Stake

June 11
June 11
Adieu great leader. May Our Heavenly Father receive your Soul. We won't forget the brief moments we shared. Thank you for your assistance and counsel .

June 11
June 11
Tribute to a Remarkable Leader and Mentor

It is with a heavy heart that I bid farewell to a man who was not only a mentor but also a guiding light in my life.
As a leader in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and a distinguished member of the Calabar Nigeria North Stake Presidency, his unwavering faith and dedication touched the lives of many. His humility, compassion, and steadfast belief in the goodness of humanity were evident in every aspect of his life. In the professional realm, He was an exceptional surveyor who welcomed me into the profession with open arms. From the very beginning, his patience, generosity, and willingness to share his vast knowledge shaped my career and helped me realize my potential. He believed in the potential of others, always leading by example with integrity and excellence.

Beyond his professional and spiritual contributions, He was a man of extraordinary character. His kind heart, gentle spirit, and deep sense of duty to his family, friends, and community left an indelible mark on everyone who knew him. His laughter, wisdom, and unwavering support will be deeply missed. As we mourn his passing, we also celebrate the incredible legacy he leaves behind – a legacy of faith, dedication, and love that will continue to inspire us. Rest in peace, dear President Your legacy will live on in the lives of those you inspired and the hearts you touched. I will forever be grateful for your mentorship, your leadership, and your unwavering faith.

With heartfelt gratitude and respect,
Bassey Ibor.
I first came in contact with President Ekpeyong when I was about to get married in 2016 and he was recommended as a stand-in for my husband's relative. I kept wondering what sort of man was this? So kind and selfless that he would risk his reputation vouching for someone as he did. But I am forever grateful for the sacrifice he made because, through that singular act, my faith in our heavenly Father and the restored Gospel was solidified. I witnessed how much change, faith, and trust it yielded. Thank you for being a silent and faithful pillar of love. Thank you for being a father to everyone who crossed your path. Your presence will be missed but your impact will not be forgotten. Farewell President until we meet again.
June 11
June 11
Life is like a burning candle that keeps burning until the last wax is melted off and then the melted wax spread on the table as a display., That exactly portrays our life journey on the earth and the kind of legacy that is left on the sands of time for us and for posterity .
ADIEU PRESIDENT EKPEYONG E EKPEYONG,my first bishop, a rare gem indeed, humility personified a true and faithful disciple of Jesus Christ ,a father to all and for all , for me you were justice of the peace , we will all for time miss you but the legacy you left behind will continue to be with us. Our tribute today stands as a testament of a man who walked the covenant path.
President, as I normally call you, REST on for this is the will of our Heavenly Father. AMEN. Brother Etim,Okon Efiok family.
June 11
June 11

"Today, we gather to honor the life and legacy of President Ekpenyong, a beloved member of our church. President Ekpenyong was a shining example of faith, love, and dedication, and his impact on our community will never be forgotten.

With a heart full of kindness and a smile that could light up a room, President Ekpenyong touched the lives of everyone he met.

Whether through his service, his generosity, or his simple presence, he made his immediate environment a better place. He will be deeply missed, but his memory will continue to inspire us to live out our faith with love, compassion, and grace.

May we strive to follow President Ekpenyong's example and continue his legacy of love and service. May his memory be a blessing to us all, and may we one day be reunited with him in heaven. Rest in peace, dear President Ekpenyong. Your life was a testament to God's love and grace.

With love from Bishop Castro Ezama and family.
June 11
June 11
Some life event help build and rekindle our faith in the Savior Jesus Christ and his restored gospel, your passing President Ekpenyong is one of such. Your were a man of faith and you love the Lord, never did you flinch nor doubt in the Covenant Path. These are lessons of faith you have left behind, I will be ever grateful for. May you communion with the saints in Spirit Paradise. Adieu President Ekpenyong!!!
June 10
June 10

Like the scripture puts it"Life is like a vapour,it comes and then varnishes away." So the feeling was when I got the news of your passing. The comfort and strength I draw from this experience is that you lived a fulfilled life. You mentored, taught and bred leaders the more part of your life. You provided for those in need and supported others to be self reliant. You lived for others. You were an exemplary disciple of Jesus Christ. GOD BE WITH YOU TILL WE MEET AGAIN. ADIEU DADDY!
Mary Abam Ekpenyong
June 10
June 10
                        A Tribute to my dear uncle
''When the summer seized its glimming and the corn is past its prime when adventures lost its meaning you'll be homeward bound in time''. Your call to glory has been a very terrible feeling that I have because I never got to say goodbyes, if the hands of time could be reversed I would have made the good times last longer, your demise have caused me grieve pain and the feeling that your gone leaves a hole in my heart knowing a part of me has been removed. May the doors of heaven welcome you with open arms and may your gentle soul rest in peace till we get a chance to meet again in time.
Etim Abam Ekpenyong
June 9
June 9
                       A Tribute To My Dear Uncle
As it is said, time waits for no man, but man waits for time. Dear uncle you were like a father to me and my siblings. When I learned about your departure I was left in pieces. But I knew that your departure was part of Gods eternal plan, and that the lord has created a place for you in his bosom, and I know that at the last day we will rejoice together in heaven.
Till we meet again, may your gentile soul rest in perfect peace.
Rose Abam Ekpenyong
June 7
June 7
                 A Tribute To My Uncle, A man of great expertise.
Time flies on wings of lightening.
Time waits for no man.
Knowing you has been a blessing. From the moment I was conceived till this day, I have known you for 16 years, these 16 years have been a wonderful time with advices, good wishes and blessings from you. You were not just an uncle but also a father to me. Hearing of your demise broke my heart and I whish things turned out differently but as the lord wishes. May your blessed soul rest in the bosom of the lord. You are forever in our hearts.

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Recent Tributes
June 20
People say that good men don't last but my conviction is that whether a good man live for a long time or a short time, their good deeds lives in the heart of several men they have affected in their lifetime. This is my consolation, when I feel pained that you should have lived longer than the time you had.
I cannot forget in a hurry, that meeting I had with you in your office in 2013. That testimony and lesson I still share and discuss. Your simplicity is unquestionable ! You have a genuine heart and I enjoyed your fatherly advice.
It was on my birthday in April,I felt a strong push to visit you in the hospital. We discussed and laughed. You gave instructions on the care of the compound. I never knew that would be our last conversation.
You fought a good fight ,you kept the faith. I am happy that our path crossed.
Thank you for all you did for me.
Adieu good man.

From Asuquo Henry (Akwa)
Your Tenant.
June 17
June 17
“The qualities of a great man are vision, integrity, courage, understanding, the power of articulation, and profundity of character.”  - Dwight Eisenhower – 34th US President

It was in the course of building faith in Jesus Christ; a search for Divine Truth that my family and I came to know and relate with the late President (Surveyor) Ekpenyong Etim Ekpenyong. This man, though from a different mother, a different tribe, and all the differences some people in this mundane world would emphasize, chose to be a very reliable brother, a trusted friend, and an exemplary leader.
President Ekpenyong was a man of profound character and an epitome of true Christian living. He loved God and followed the examples of Jesus Christ. He preached and taught the attributes of Christ by exemplifying them. Oh, good people live but short! Why would President Ekpenyong leave us at this time?
As I reflect on who President Ekpenyong represented in our lives, the words of Maya Angelou – a Poet, and the Author of the Poem; "Still I Rise," captured the mood when she said: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” President Ekpenyong made us feel loved. He understood the true meaning of “sharing one another’s burden to make it light”. He was a strong support to us.
Sir, at your demise we will mourn but not cry as those without hope because we know that you lived right and will find succor, salvation, and exaltation through the Atonement of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Bye till the resurrection morning!
Adieu reliable brother!
Adieu trusted friend!!
Adieu the great man of “vision, integrity, and courage!!!

Brother Ephraim Ebong & family.
June 17
June 17
“The qualities of a great man are vision, integrity, courage, understanding, the power of articulation, and profundity of character.”  - Dwight Eisenhower – 34th US President

It was in the course of building faith in Jesus Christ; a search for Divine Truth that my family and I came to know and relate with the late President (Surveyor) Ekpenyong Etim Ekpenyong. This man, though from a different mother, a different tribe, and all the differences some people in this mundane world would emphasize, chose to be a very reliable brother, a trusted friend, and an exemplary leader.
President Ekpenyong was a man of profound character and an epitome of true Christian living. He loved God and followed the examples of Jesus Christ. He preached and taught the attributes of Christ by exemplifying them. Oh, good people live but short! Why would President Ekpenyong leave us at this time?
As I reflect on who President Ekpenyong represented in our lives, the words of Maya Angelou – a Poet, and the Author of the Poem; "Still I Rise," captured the mood when she said: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” President Ekpenyong made us feel loved. He understood the true meaning of “sharing one another’s burden to make it light”. He was a strong support to us.
Sir, at your demise we will mourn but not cry as those without hope because we know that you lived right and will find succor, salvation, and exaltation through the Atonement of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Bye till the resurrection morning!
Adieu reliable brother!
Adieu trusted friend!!
Adieu the great man of “vision, integrity, and courage!!!

Brother Ephraim Ebong & family.
His Life

The Home Going Of A Rear Gem

June 10
by Etim Ekpenyong on behalf of Surveyor Ekpenyong Etim Ekpenyong
on behalf of Surveyor Ekpenyong Etim Ekpenyong
With deep sorrow & profound love, we celebrate the life of an accomplished and distinguished stateman, Patron, Icon, Rare gem, Clergy man, beloved Husband, Father, Grand-Father, Brother, Uncle, In-Law, Friend and a pillar of the community, Surveyor Ekpenyong Etim Ekpenyong, MNIS who bowed to illness and made his exit at a time we least expected.
          Ekpenyong Etim Ekpenyonng was the firstborn child to Late Chief Etim Ekpenyong Esu and Rose Esuong Esuong, on the 2nd of February, 1962. Rising from a childhood marked by great intelligence and keen hunger for knowledge, young Ekpenyong distinguished himself early in life, through outstanding academic excellence.
         Surveyor Ekpenyong Etim Attended Primary School Ukwa Eburutu from 1970 - 1975 and obtained his first school leaving certificate. He attended Government Secondary School Akamkpa from 1975 - 1980 where he earned the West African School Certificate (WASCCE) with distinction. From 1982 - 1986 he studied at the University of Calabar where he began his BSC in Geology. After his time in Unical, he proceeded to serve his fatherland in the national youth service corps in Oyo State and completed his service on the 9th of September, 1987. He followed that up with professional diploma in Surveying & Geo-Informatics from the Federal School of Survey, Oyo, from 1989 - 1992. He has been a registered Surveyor with the Surveyor's Registration Council of Nigeria Since 2019, and he is also a member of Nigeria Institute of Surveyors since same time.
           From 1988 - 2022 Ekpenyong Etim worked as a surveyor with the then Survey department of the Ministry of Lands and Survey, Calabar, Cross River State, now Office of the Surveyor General (OSG) of Cross River State. His professional career was filled with hard work, dedication, and excellence. He filled several roles and responsibilities including  various cadastral surveys EPZ, Tinapa, and Sea Agriculture at Etankpini. In Interstate Boundary Surveys of Cross River/ Akwa-Ibom, Cross River/ Ebonyi and Cross River/ Benue, Intrastate Boundary Surveys for Adim/Ugep, Oyen Okpon/Okosora & Ogoja/Bekwara, Zonal Surveyor Akampka Zone, Zonal Surveyor Ogoja Zone, Director Special Surveys and Director Cadastral Survey, a position he held upon his retirement. 
       Ekpenyong Etim started his private professional practice shortly after his retirement as the Principal, SHAPESTAGON SURVEYS.
      Ekpenyong Etim's first child was born while in his Undergraduate days - Etim Ekpenyong Etim. He was married to his childhood sweetheart, Ikwo Esu Ekanem. The marriage was later blessed with six (6) more children: Rose Ekpenyong Ekanem (Daughter), Ekpenyong Ekpenyong Etim(Son), Arit Ekpenyong Eko(Daughter), Esu Ekpenyong Etim(Son), Brooks Ekpenyong Etim(Son), Nyanwan Ekpenyong Etim(Daughter).
   Late Ekpenyong Etim joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the early days when the church came to Calabar where He was baptized in 1989. He was ordained a Priest in the Office of Aaronic Priesthood, an Elder in the office of the Melchizedek Priesthood and a High Priest in the same Priesthood office. He was devoted and dedicated in the service of the church and have since served in various leadership capacities including; Elders Quorum President, Counsellor to the Branch Presidency, Branch President, Stake High Counsellor, Two-Time Bishop, Two-Time Counsellor in the Stake Presidency- a position he held at the time of his death.
   Ekpenyong Etim lived a comfortable life with his wife and his children without much stress and struggles. On May 17, 2024; His health took a downward turn and after a few hours of battling for survival without success, he surrendered all to God. He lived and died a man of great faith & Determination to God. May His gentle soul rest in perfect peace, Amen.
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The Man I called my second Father

June 24
Every principle and teaching of the Church I ever read, I understood it more when I saw you live them. You made me struggle everyday of my life to be just half as humble as you were, and you were never tired of showing me the love and faith you had for me. I am not worried of your transition from mortality, but only miss you and wished we had more time to spend together as Father and Son, but I know that Heavenly knows the best. I pray your Eternal companion gets the courage to continue with the faith until you meet again. Adieu my other Father!

A Man Of Great Diligence

June 18
I had a lot of things to share with you, a lot of things to say to you, a lot of things to do with you. I have learnt alot from you and also had more to learn from you but because of this tragedy we cant spend time together if i knew i would have made the good moments last longer than it did. you were an inspiration to your friends, family, relations, children, grandchildren and me. but i know that your departure was part of heavenly fathers eternal plan, and that we will be reunited in the lords bosom. 
Adieu my dear uncle, Till that glorious day 

A Man I have always loved and respected

June 10
I have a lot to write ✍️ but I do not know how long this space can carry, so I will try my best to be brief. Late President Ekpenyong full name is Ekpenyong Etim Ekpenyong and the difference between our names is the middle name. My love for him grew stronger when I got to know his name. I love his simplicity, he was a quiet and humble man. He ordained me to the higher Priesthood and I still remember his prayers for me, when he confer upon me this Priesthood. He cares about my welfare, I still remember the day I told him that I am in Estate management department and he promised to give me a tutor to teach me Cadastral Survey for free. I loved his company because he was a source of motivation to me. He would stop for a moment in a serious conversation to crack jokes and make the place comfortable and fun. I have learned from your leadership, serving in the Secretariat with you as a Stake Presidency Counselor. In conclusion, I am missing you already and I know that everyone is going to miss you too ❤️. I pray you find peace in the House of our Heavenly Father till we meet again. LOVE AND RESPECT IS EARNED, ITS OBVIOUS YOU EARNED MINE.

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