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This website was created in memory of Elan.
Please share your photos, memories, and follow links to view his legacy.

Elan Oster Eichler burst into this life on October 9, 1989 as the most beloved son of parents Daniel Eichler and Karen Oster Eichler, and seemed from the start to be on a mission to create lasting love, joy, healing and connection with others. After his birth in San Francisco, California, Elan and his parents moved to Portland, Oregon in 1992. A bright, charismatic, curious and uncommonly poised little boy, Elan made his public debut on local TV at age five when he was selected to represent the hopes and challenges of a child on his first day of kindergarten. By middle school, Elan’s emerging gifts as a rap artist opened doors for him in Portland’s diverse hip-hop community. At age thirteen, Elan —soon to be known as the emcee, Mighty Misc—joined with his cohorts at Ethos and began drawing crowds with his humor-laced dazzling rhymes. In high school, he performed with State of Mind and then in college he formed the group, The Hungry Emcees, who gained a significant following. Elan conceived and created the monthly showcase, Hungry Hungry Hip Hop, that continues to this day.

In his teens and twenties, Elan stepped into his calling for service, both as a mentor, and eventual social worker. Committed to youth, the arts, and social justice, Elan taught rap to middle school and high school students, and kids in juvenile detention—thanks to his involvement with the Morpheus Project. After receiving his BS in psychology from Portland State University, Elan made his way to Boston with his girlfriend and soon to be fiancée, Dakotah Kennedy. He worked as an academic advisor at Harvard University’s Extension School—where he also studied creative writing—and at U Aspire, advising youth from underserved communities on applying for financial aid. In 2022, Elan earned a masters in social work from Simmons University where he was employed as an academic advisor.

In 2023, Elan and Dakotah moved to Cleveland, Ohio. They quickly built a network of friends and family. As a social worker, working with foster kids at National Youth Advocate Program, Elan left an indelible mark. As the organization noted, “The connections and impressions that he made will live on in the youth he served as well as the staff.” Over the last year, Elan aka Mighty Misc was embraced by the hip hop community. He made a name for himself as a journalist with The Land, appeared in the media and on podcasts, and was a member of the Cleveland Jewish Collective.

Elan passed away suddenly on April 7, 2024, leaving us heartbreakingly too young. He is survived by his loving parents, Karen and Dan, his beloved fiancée Dakotah, his extended family, and his band of brothers, and countless members of multiple communities. His comet trail of accomplishments will forever live on, and his memory will be for a blessing.


Elan lit up every room that he entered with an open heart and a deep desire to connect with people. It is beyond rare to meet someone with so much creativity, passion and kindness.

Elan was raised in Portland, OR but over the last year, Elan and his fiancée Dakotah moved to Cleveland, OH where Elan excelled at literally everything. Through his music, he played open mics, festivals, showcases and more. Each time he performed more and more people were drawn into his magic. Within months on the open mic scene, Elan performed as “Mighty Misc” and earned opportunities opening at Grog Shop - one of Cleveland’s most iconic music venues. He released an album, Boom Bap Derby, and wrote more than two dozen songs. He was just starting to succeed on Twitch as an affiliate and looked forward to eventually going on tour. Elan also earned an interview with LoCLE Grown, one of Cleveland’s premiere local music podcasts, where he talked about how much he loved music and his dreams for the future. The episode came out in February 2024.

He also wrote for nonprofit news organizations The Buckeye Flame, The Land and Signal Cleveland where he used his love of writing to amplify stories about communities and issues he cared about, including his congregation Cleveland Jewish Collective.

He was the best dog dad to Hachi.

Elan created a world that we all wanted to live in. He was the friend everyone wanted to have and the most loyal fiancé, son, human on the planet. He was just getting started and shined so bright. Elan will be missed forever.
April 29
April 29
Ever since we were eleven years old, the universe kept almost pushing us together but waiting for the right time. I met elan at northwest children’s theater in an improv class and I still vividly remember how special I thought he was. By high school, I saw him again and always thought of him as “that kid I had a crush on at summer camp” but never had any classes with him despite being in the same grade at the same high school. The only time we really shared the same space was sophomore year when his band, State of Mind, performed an all ages show at Ethos.

I somehow knew to hold onto that CD and by the time we started dating I’d had it for ten years.

After high school, we’d continue to bump into each other at the most random times. The most important being in 2013 when we both found ourselves at the same rec center on the east side of Portland at a Morpheus youth project event. It turned out we both went to Portland State University and took the same juvenile justice capstone a semester apart. I started attending Hungry Hungry Hip Hop - an event series Elan launched to highlight local hip hop, a subject hes loved since before we met. I will always remember how magnetic he was and how much Ive always been drawn to him.

It would still take another year until we finally got together in 2014. The first time we ever hung out one on one was that year when he moved back from Michigan (yall remember that one) and he contacted me to get together and I just assumed he needed help finding a job. Little did I know, he already had a job and had hoped that our meeting was a date.

Very few people know this story so I’m going to tell it here. Before elan and I went on what would become our first date at Beulahland in SE Portland, my friend told me to wish for something I really wanted. To try and prove how silly she was, I wished for love and within days there was Elan in all his beautiful glory.

The rest is really history. For nearly 10 years, we geeked out through music, movies, tv, comics, and so much more. We lived in three cities and visited so many places together. We even raised Hachi, the most perfect dog in the world.

As many of you know, we were recently engaged at MoTown Studio A. It was a dream come true and while a stand out moment in our story, that really was just being in a loving relationship with Elan. No one has ever supported me or loved me the way that elan has and my world will be forever dimmer without him in it.

I just needed to take a moment to share our story and express my deep love for elan out loud to a room full of people who loved him. I had really hoped I’d get the chance to do this with elan by my side under happier circumstances, but couldn’t miss the chance to tell everyone just how much I love him.

Elan’s star burned so bright and too fast. I’ll miss the warmth that Elan showered me with every day. I miss him terribly and just cannot emphasize enough that he was absolutely perfect. The struggles he had with mental health created false illusions in Elan’s head that he wasn’t good enough despite being the best one. I’m devastated that it’s those voices that took him from us, when all any of us wanted - especially Elans parents - was for him to know in his bones that he deserved everything.

Elan changed me and always challenged me to be better. We were each others biggest fans, and I’ve always rooted for him with my whole heart. He is my whole heart.
Elan was a gem of a man, even though my time with him was limited. He welcomed all into his space with open arms and I'll never forget sending Ben (milc) a beat when I was living in Korea and getting the recording back and surprising to me, Mighty Misc was on the track too. It can be listened below, track 6.

This was years ago, but memories go deeper. Seeing Elan at local gatherings in HS and getting in ciphers with him and always viking with his energy. Or when he, Jack, Brady, Harry, and Ben welcomed me into the attic to record some tracks. Everyone had community at heart and Elan was at the center making everyone feel warm and welcome.

Thinking of you Elan and bumping your tunes!
June 19
June 19
Elan was one of my dearest friends and I miss him a lot. Some of my happiest moments were shared with him growing up in Portland and continuing our friendship over the years even as we relocated to different places. When we were young we spent endless summer days making music and roaming the city with our friends talking about everything and anything.

Hip-hop was a huge passion of ours and Elan recorded a massive amount of music over the years. I wanted to put together a mix of his songs to tell his story, starting from those early days in Portland making songs in Jack's basement, through the many different collaborations and projects he worked on. Here is a link if anyone wants to listen:

I tried to pick a mix of songs that would capture not just Elan's lyrical skills, but also his sense of humor, the hobbies and people that he loved, joy, pain, and his unique perspective on life. It has been really difficult carrying on without Elan these last couple of months, but in making this mix I really felt like he was still here, head (and hair) nodding to the beat, waiting for another chance to pick up the mic and drop a witty, unpredictable rhyme.
May 28
May 28
Memories of Elan

Elan is my oldest friend. We became best friends in pre-k, as 4-year-olds. I remember from those early years that I always had a sense of belonging when I was with Elan. Whether he was inventing an imaginary world, playing legos, or sharing time with his family, I was always welcome. Elan always had that quality of making others feel included, feel safe, feel like they belonged.
If I wasn’t doing well, Elan could tell before I was even aware of it myself. When we were young he would notice I was having an asthma attack before I did. When we were in college he diagnosed me with shingles. This was the depth of his attentiveness and caring.
As adults the quality that I most cherished in Elan was his loyalty. Elan was always on your side. Whatever trouble I was going through, whether work trouble or girl trouble or life trouble, Elan was always behind me. Whatever was the source of my misery, it was a bunch of bullshit according to Elan. I always knew where I stood with Elan: we were on the same side, and we always would be.
Elan had a deep well of excitement and passion for his interests. It could have been music or cartoons or sci-fi, whatever it was at that moment, Elan was filled with enthusiasm, an enthusiasm that he infected others with as well. I love thinking of how much Elan loved his hobbies, and how much energy he put into his creation and enjoyment of them. These things fueled him, and it was a joy to share in that feeling with Elan.
Elan’s friendship is one of the things I cherish most in the world. I am so lucky to have had him in my life.

Jack Baars
May 20
May 20
I knew Elan as Mighty Misc from his twitch streams and am deeply saddened by what happened. Even though I only knew him for a short time he was super cool and super talented, we vibed from the beginning and was looking forward to connecting more with him. I always wanted to see him rock out online, he was very inspiring. Much love to Mighty Misc and condolences to all his family and friends. His memory will always live on
May 20
May 20
I met Mighty Misc online thru social media. Over the time I got to know him, he gave me joy and laughter and helped me with my depression. I suffer from major depression disorder/anxiety. The time and love and energy he put in his music was infectious. He inspires me and will be missed. We were even part of the Misc Fits. He loved that name we came up with. Much love to Mighty and his family. My heart goes out and prayers.
May 19
May 19
I had the pleasure of meeting Mighty Misc/Elan through his twitch streams. I always enjoyed our interactions and looked forward to hanging out virtually, sharing laughs, talking serious matters and genuinely connecting. I’m deeply saddened to hear this news and offer my sincere condolences. He will be missed.
May 19
May 19
I will always treasure our talks on Twitch about old school hip-hop and young H. Mack. Love you, Mighty Misc! You will forever be missed! ✌&❤️
May 13
May 13
I went to highschool with Elan, same graduating class. We never interacted much except for our senior year where we had creative writing together, last period of the day. Mr. Zartler would routinely have us read our work out loud to the class, and although I don’t remember anything specific that Elan read, he always would volunteer first, and his energy would encourage the rest of the class to let their guard down. He had a way with words that engaged his peers, even in an academic setting at the end of the day, when I think most of us just wanted to go home.

There were several State of Mind tracks that I used to bump over and over again on repeat, and I still have a number of their lyrics tattooed in my brain. At the end of our senior year I was lucky enough to catch them play at the Crystal Ballroom and it was such an electric show. I was blown away by their stage presence, I felt so cool just to be associated with them in anyway. It’s a show/performance I will never forget and ever since, the venue has always held a special place in my heart.

It saddens me to hear of his passing, people like Elan who touched so many lives don’t deserve this. I try to let tragedies like this be a reminder that reality can be cruel, and unfair, so soak up every minute of that good stuff with the people you love. My thoughts are with his family, and he’ll forever live on in my memory, and the memories of everyone who had the pleasure of interacting with the kind soul that is Elan.
May 8
May 8
Karen and Dan,
After reading about Elan's love for playing games, we were talking about how much we enjoy playing games together, everyday, and what a wonderful part of the family experience it can be. We loved reading about how Elan was both competitive and supportive of competitors. This is true sportsmanship and understanding of the ultimate value of it all. It takes most of us a decade more to appreciate that than it took Elan.
Colleen and Scott
May 5
May 5
I feel so lucky to have got to know Elan! A bit over a year ago I got to live with Dakotah & Elan in Boston; that year will be remembered as one of my favourites! Elan was one of the best people to live with, he had great music playing, wonderful company over, & was always down to play a game or two... He was so kind & patient; I know I wasn't the easiest to teach the rules of 'Betrayal at House on the Hill' but the two of them somehow got to me & we all had a night full of mystery & laughs. I don't think I've met someone who loves games as much as Elan did since living with him; he was the perfect balance of teacher & competition... although if I remember right he always kicked ass at DDR!

I always loved the nights where we'd have lovely housemate-potlucks but I'll especially remember a very memorable & silly visit to the latest & greatest Taco Bell Cantina in Boston (even tho we didn't get our spiked baja blasts lol).

It was an honour to share space with Elan; I can't even count the number of times he brightened my day & I know he did the same for everyone around him.
May 2
I never met Elan, but I attended an installment of a hip-hop event in Portland he co-created. The event was a tribute to him. I listened as his friends took the stage and spoke about his life and the impact he had on them and the independent rap community in Portland. The more I learned about Elan, the more I admired him.

Elan left a significant impact and fostered a vibrant community around him. Though his story was tragically cut short, the impact he had during his time is immense. My condolences to his friends and family.

I took photos during the event. The Pictures can be found here:
April 25
April 25
Elan was my first love, my high school sweetheart and I’m devastated to hear of his passing. I feel beyond fortunate to have experienced young love with someone as kind, hilarious, trustworthy, and brilliant as Elan. It was a very sweet moment in life and while it’s been a long time, and while young love inevitably ended with young heart break, the current pain my heart reflects the inextinguishable effect of love, and I have been mourning deeply. I will forever admire his goodness, his creative persistence and his ability to create connections and community everywhere. I’ll remember his profound duality; his jovial, empathetic and silly demeanor paired with an acute and radical awareness of the world’s injustices and tragedies.

I was grateful to find that Lift Off is still available on Bandcamp, (and delighted to realize I still remember nearly all the words), and have been thinking about the sheer talent and drive these guys possessed at that young age. More impressive still, is the love and bond that State of Mind and the whole extended crew had. I have never witnessed a brotherhood like that, and my heart aches for you all.

I’m grateful for the music Elan left us with, the music he put us on to, and the countless other ways he will come into our memories. I’ve been listening to Buhloone Mindstate and Mr. Lif, and ate some yellow curry with tofu and Ben and Jerry’s with gummy bears in his memory. There are many sweet memories.

Loving and being loved by Elan is a blessing in my life that I will carry with me forever. There is comfort, and there is pain, in reading all these beautiful tributes and seeing the world he created and people he connected with, and the sorrow that is collectively felt. What an incredible soul, an incredible life, an incredible loss. My heart breaks for Karen and Dan and Dakota and all those that were lucky enough to share life with Elan. My heart is infinitely with you.
April 25
April 25
There are no words
Only the need to send my deepest love sorrow and promise to keep you all close in my heart
April 24
April 24
Elan was such an amazing person and friend. Lots of wonderful memories from game nights and DnD, but my favorite has always been the night he cooked us all dinner. He made jackfruit and added some chili powder to it. Dakotah and my wife thought it was too spicy, but I thought it was perfect! Ill always be sure to add some chili powder to my jackfruit in his memory. Rest in peace buddy, I hope your soul is at ease and wherever you are now has all your favorite music.
April 24
April 24
I met Elan through Dakotah 8 years ago when Dakotah first moved Boston. Whenever I think of board game nights, I think of them and how hilariously competitive they’d get. It seemed so unexpected that the funny, kind Elan could be so competitive. I’m so glad I was able to know Elan, and wish him, Dakotah, and their families peace and love.
April 24
April 24
While I know we must’ve crossed paths at some point in our youth, I never truly got the opportunity to get to know Elan. Still, having spent the past week or so listening to his endearing and relatable music, reading stories about his indomitable kindness, and looking through pictures that remind me so much of my own youth in the Irvington neighborhood, I find myself bawling at what a wonderful soul we have lost.

I am one of a few folks who have had the honor of continuing to run Hungry Hungry Hip Hop, an event Elan started back in October of 2011. The first time I ever got to play at a real venue was at a Hungry Hungry and during my involvement over the past 7 years I have gotten to see that be true for so so many other young artists in our city. There have been so many beautiful moments! Shows where artists’ entire families came out to watch them perform for the first time! Album releases where performers got to celebrate their project from front to back! Bills where we booked two performers we thought might appreciate each other’s work and then got to see those people connect and collaborate and release music together months later! This event and space have provided a such wonderful venue for the Portland Hip Hop community to thrive and for that we have Elan to thank!

Fox (Alex) spoke some wonderful words about Elan at this past Sunday’s Hungry Hungry Hip Hop - I’ve uploaded that video in the Gallery if anyone would like to listen. I also crafted a couple candles featuring Elan so that there could be a shrine to him at the event. One of these candles I intend to get to Elan’s family, but the other we will be bringing out to Hungry every month so that, in some way, Elan can still be present with us at the event.

Elan’s memory reminds me not to be complacent when it comes to being a better person, and that every interaction can be seen as an opportunity to improve someone’s day. May he Rest In Peace.
April 24
April 24
Elan was one of those special people who graced the world with his compassion and kindness. When he walked into a room he could light it up with his smile. He touched so many people with his music, friendship and social activism. What he accomplished in his short lifetime is more than most of us will accomplish in our entire lives.
As his uncle I should have been teaching him how to be a good person and navigate this world. Instead Elan showed me how to be a good and caring person. Everyday I will think about him and remember the joy he brought to all of us. The world is much less without him.
April 22
April 22
Dan and Karen,

Elan's gentle and thoughtful face is a fixture of my childhood at Irvington and I will never forget it. I always felt a kinship between us, with our distinctly Hebrew, four-letter names, which were a rarity in Portland. Collaborating with him and singing with State of Mind in high school will always hold a place in my memory and in my heart. Although we didn't know each other as adults, I do know that the world has lost someone truly creative, wise, and kind and my love goes out to you Dan, Karen, and Dakotah as well as to his Irvington crew. The enduring nature of his friendships, which I witnessed throughout the years, is yet another testament to his goodness. I will always remember his 8-year-old smile and smile back at it. May his memory be a blessing. Eden
April 22
April 22

I can't find the right words to express my feelings. I hope your soul is resting in a good place with sweet memories of your family and Dakotah. Very lucky to have met you.

Keep smiling,
April 21
April 21

We met Elan only sporadically over the years – once in Portland nearly ten years ago, and on more recent occasions in Tennessee. But what an indelible impression he made! 

Elan was one of the warmest and most engaging people we have ever met. Sweet-natured and heartfelt, Elan was receptive to everyone – he radiated good will. And you never doubted that you were in the presence of an adored and deeply-loved son. We honestly can’t think of anyone who had a more loving connection with their parents than the one that Elan had with Dan and Karen. 

We will all miss Elan terribly – but he left us with a splendid legacy and example. And we should remember, as well, that Elan experienced much joy in his too-brief life. He loved his music and his writing, he had a wonderful fiancée and many close friends, and he was always surrounded by people who loved him -- unconditionally and without reservation.

Dan and Karen, Miriam and Margrit – We know that your hearts are breaking, but we hope that you will take comfort in the knowledge that, just as you were blessed to have Elan in your lives for so many years, so too was he blessed to have you in his. Could anyone have asked for more loving or devoted parents -- or two more wonderful and caring aunts?

Sending you our love,

Jack and Marc

April 20
April 20
I met Elan while working at uAspire in Boston. It was obvious from the start that Elan was a character in the best ways possible; he brought humor and lightheartedness to his advising appointments, helping his students assuage some of their anxieties about the college financial aid process. On weekends, it wasn’t uncommon to find myself, Elan, and our fellow uAspire colleagues hanging out at a brewery or at someone's backyard party. Those frequent gatherings, which oftentimes included Dakotah and Hachi, enabled us 20-something-year-olds to let loose and find community and solace in the ambiguities of being a young adult living in the expensive city of Boston; we all quickly became a close knit group of friends.

In the summer of 2018, it was bittersweet to leave uAspire to work in the Harvard Extension School (HES) Admissions Office but I was overjoyed to discover that Elan also got a job at HES. We frequently exchanged Slack messages about the latest snack delivery to the common room and Elan always made a point to drop by my office to say hello.

As we got older, progressed in our careers, and moved to different cities, Elan and I lost touch but I’ve never forgotten the laughs we exchanged and the trash we talked because let’s be real, Elan was an excellent storyteller even when it came to gossip! I also had the distinct privilege of designing the album cover for Mighty Misc’s “Old Beats Nude Rhymes”. I’ll forever remember Elan as a friend and storyteller who was kind, multifaceted, talented, funny, and always down to clown. He is gone way too soon. Sending my most sincere condolences to Elan’s family, friends, and former students.
April 18
April 18
I wanted to express my sincerest sympathies to Elan's family and to his dear Dakotah. Unfortunately, I never had the opportunity to know Elan, but I know what a deep impact he had on my son Joseph, and in the times and fun they had together. Reading about Elan's life touched my heart. He clearly left footsteps that will long be remembered. In his too brief life, he clearly made such an impact on his friends and family, especially through his music and in the compassion and care he had for others. His life is a blessing for all of us and may his memory in time bring joy.
April 18
April 18
Elan was smart, funny, talented and beloved by everyone not only because of his many talents but also because he was a kind, generous person who made everyone he talked to feel special and comfortable. This was helpful as I was always introducing new boyfriends to the fam. His cool but kind, talented but humble, sweet but sarcastic personality made/makes me proud to call him family. He is my little cousin, but the way in which he operated in the world teaches me heaps about how I want to live. Elan struggled with understanding his self worth, but he never let that stop him from creating, entertaining, getting on stage and connecting with people wherever he went. The authentic, inclusive, creative way he expressed himself on stage was brave and will be an inspiration to me when I am on stage - especially to combat my stage fright. Last month, I happened to have added a few of his songs to Nerd Nite’s playlist to play during the breaks. This month, to honor him and his phenomenal geekiness, we are going to play only his music during the breaks. Luckily Mighty Misc’s music is super good.
Hugs and kisses to the whole world.
April 17
April 17
    A Beautiful soul gone way to soon…

I had the pleasure of meeting Elan two years ago in Florida at his cousin’s Leah wedding. When I walked into the room for the meet and greet, I noticed right away, a sunshine smiling face which lit up the entire room. That face was Elan’s sitting quietly at the end of the table as he was intuitively immersed in a conversation with another family member. I made my way over to an empty seat at the table where he was sitting, I introduced myself to the few guests who were sitting at the table. Elan turned to me, still smiling beautifully, and in a kind and soft spoken voice, asked me how was my trip in from New York. At the very moment, his kindness touched my heart. I was blown away by Elan’s genuinely caring, respectful and generous behavior. Keep smiling and singing with the angels Elan. You were truly an angel to your loving parents.
Dan and Karen, your angel will forever be remembered. Only gone to soon.
My heartfelt condolences to the entire family, and to the family of Dakota. Peace and Love always.
April 17
April 17
I met Elan and his significant other last summer. I saw him rap and i was blown away. Definitely raw talent and It showed. Sad to see him go. Condolences to his friends & family.
April 17
April 17
I’m thinking about Elan and holding him in my heart. I am picturing his hair and his face and his smile, and the way he moved around in the world with grace and beauty and deep compassion, sometimes while also carrying the heavy weight of the world. I am remembering his music, and the way he wove it into his beautiful way of being, as an artist, a friend, a son, a partner, a collaborator, a human being. Elan shined so brightly, and he left us way too soon.

Elan became a part of my life when Karen and Dan became a part of my life, more than 20 years ago. We were parents alongside each other as Elan and my daughter, Lia, went through elementary, middle, and high school together. Karen and I shared everything about our kids, the accomplishments, struggles, worrying, bragging, and so many sparkling and joyful moments.

I will keep saying Elan’s name. I will always be there for his parents. Elan’s memory will always be a blessing.
April 17
April 17
What a terrible loss! Dan and I have connected over the years over parental pride of our musical children who went to elementary and middle school together. My heart weeps for Dan and Karen and for our world that has lost a light so bright.
April 17
A wonderful young man and vibrant spirit has departed our world. Though our paths only crossed once, I heard all about Elan from our families over the years and felt as if I knew him. The memories of his charm, talent and compassion will always remain with us. 
April 16

In 2008 I went to the Evergreen State College to study political economy. Olympia, Washington was a bit of a culture shock. I was struggling to find community. One night I ran into some folks freestyling under a tent. I saw Elan rhyming about hobbits or cartoons. The voice, the hair, the flow. I was lowkey shocked. I remember joining in with him. It became a regular thing to see a group of us rhyming in random spots. Those cyphers helped me find community. Eventually Elan, C-Fost, and I would form the Hungry Emcees. Elan helped make me feel at home as an artist. He always encouraged me to keep writing. I felt like he liked my music more than I did. I remember how we would stay up for hours with C-Fost sharing music, song ideas, and freestyling. I was always in awe of Elan's skill when we rocked shows and recorded. 
He loved hip hop. I always appreciated how he studied the art and made sure to recognize the history and people behind it. Elan always stayed true to him and rhymed about the things he enjoyed. In a world with so much bullshit, this was refreshing. He loved people as much as music. The way he curated spaces for people to hone their skills and build community was beautiful. I stopped making music but always followed the moves he made. Elan, you inspired me to seek joy and spread love. A friend, a mentor, and an emcee. I know you're moving a crowd wherever you are. Much love. Mighty Misc music Forever.
April 15
April 15

I had the privilege of getting to know Elan while interning together during our social work programs. As many have already expressed, I was deeply struck by Elan’s pure kindness and warmth. It was a gift to witness the way he deeply impacted the lives of those around him in such a beautiful way. He seemed to see and really value others in a way that feels rare. Elan was a fantastic social worker who offered a safe and validating space for youth. He was so talented at what he did and yet extremely modest. I loved hearing Elan speak about his love for Dakotah, Hachi, and his family. I am so grateful to have known him and will miss him greatly.
April 15
April 15
Even though we haven’t been in direct contact for a while, I am so grateful that I got to cross paths with Elan in this lifetime and for all of the memories. I am also heartbroken. My heart goes out to Karen, Dan, Dakotah, his aunts, uncle, cousins, his Band of Brothers, and all of the friends, family, and people he crossed paths with as we grieve this unimaginable loss.

Our mothers have been very close friends since Elan and I were in 3rd grade. They liked to talk about us with one another a lot, swapping stories of having two Jewish only children at the same school, both creative and sensitive types, with moms both working at the library. Regardless of how often we spoke, we always knew what was going on in one another’s lives. I felt like I grew up alongside Elan, and always felt connected, even when it was from a distance. I feel lucky for that connection which has been a thread throughout my life.

I shared a memory at Elan’s memorial of him calling to me across the gym prior to 7th grade PE, letting me know that he got my Bat Mitzvah invitation in the mail and that it “looks pretty cool” and that he was excited to be there. Middle school was tough, and that warmed my heart. What 13 year old boy would make it a point to tell me, a shy awkward girl, that they got my Bat Mitzvah invitation in the mail and that it looked “pretty cool,” when everyone else could hear?

When we were seniors in high school,
we were paired to be “Community Mentors” together for a freshmen English class. Unsurprisingly, Elan was an incredible mentor to high school freshmen. He got it. He brought such a kind, approachable, and warm presence to these bewildered 14/15 year olds and I know that they felt seen, accepted, encouraged, and comforted by his presence.

(I also remember us always getting in trouble by the teacher for talking… we were supposed to be setting an example for the freshmen but we chatted in the back of the classroom, until we were told to shush. that’s neither here nor there, other than that it makes me chuckle and perhaps illustrates how good Elan was at conversation)

In periods of time during and after college, we both found ourselves living back in Portland at the same time and I was fortunate to hang out with him regularly- we’d grab drinks, bites to eat, and go to movies. We were newly 21 at the time and basked in the novelty of going to bars as adults and ordering grown up drinks legally for the first time. He even gave me impromptu driving lessons once before I had my license, and was so kind and eased my worries (which is not an easy feat). Our families would go to Clyde’s jazz club together on occasion and we’d try to catch up on one another’s lives over the loud jazz music, and in between sets, and I remember him clapping diligently after the end of every set no matter how much we trailed off into conversation during. He had such respect and reverence for art, especially music.

Karen and Dan, you raised a beautiful human who was, and continues to be, such a gift to this world. Thank you for bringing him into this world, thank you for raising him, thank you for loving him and encouraging all of his incredible gifts. He was such a creative, such a talented musician, and such a kind, bright, and warm soul. The space he leaves is empty and overwhelming. We will continue to fill it with all of the warmth and beauty he created.

Play his music, read his writing, and hold dearly to all of the ways he made the world a better place to be.
April 15
April 15
I first met Elan as coworkers in 2014. Having newly moved to Portland and without many social connections, Elan invited me into his home to share Thanksgiving with him and his amazing parents. We developed a fast friendship over our shared love of underground hip hop and racquetball and was fortunate enough to catch my first ever Blazer game with him. Elan was one of the kindest people I’ve ever met and an absolutely amazing person and musician. Elan, you will be greatly missed.
April 15
Rest in peace and power- Elan aka Mighty Misc.
I feel blessed to have crossed paths with this human. He was a pure light on the mic as I recall from our half dozen or so interactions at Hungry Hungry Hip Hop. He would be encouraging artists left and right, judging battles, and collaborating making incredible music. Anytime after I interacted with Might Misc I left with a smile, encouragement and a lightness in my spirit.
peace, Jesse
April 14
April 14
Elan was one of the first people I became friends with when I went to college at Evergreen. I remember meeting him in a hang-out spot outside of the dorms. He was freestyling with some other kids using a portable speaker. We hung out a lot during his time in Olympia and were roommates before he moved home. When I couldn't go home for vacations during our freshman year, Elan invited me to spend time with him and his family in Portland. I think fondly about those trips to Portland and that time of our lives when everything felt so new and exciting. I am so grateful for how Elan and his family welcomed me into their home, bringing me along to the movies, watching the final seasons of Lost, and driving around to Elan's favorite high school hangouts.

I remember making him an MF Doom mask out of cardboard and tin foil as an impromptu Halloween costume one year. He was always sharing music and was always so passionate about it. I think back and am impressed at how genuine and open he was to sharing that passion with anyone else around him who was interested. He was a very kind soul. He welcomed a lot of people in with open arms.

Elan is someone who has had such a major influence on my life and so many others. I feel very blessed that Elan was a part of my life. Even though we hadn't stayed in touch in many years, I'm deeply saddened to hear the news of his passing. I am sending a lot of love and care to his family and loved ones.
April 14
From Auntie Miriam -remarks at Elan’s funeral - 

I want to add to what has been said know we all are to have had Elan in our lives and how he touched each one of us—immeasurably and for always. I want to tell you about the first time I saw him, a toddler with a head full of golden curls, a magical being who fell to earth and who was other worldly and was literally enchanting. He looked right at you and took you in, and got you and there was a moment of –hmmy where do you fit into my story? And once you were in, you were part of him and he was a part of you.

I want to believe that he chose each of us specifically and not accidentally to be part of his life, so he could learn from us, and we could learn from him. Dan, Karen, Dakotah, and his band of brothers, all of the family members and members of his communities, we are the Chosen Ones. What I learned from him, at every stage, was to use the gifts we are given and don’t waste time or limit our possibilities. That’s what he taught to kids who didn’t know they even had gifts. I learned that you don’t miss a chance to make someone else’s life less painful, and not only to be kind to others but also, Elan, my beautiful nephew, I am learning more from you about how important it is to be kind and loving to ourselves. 

I recently heard the saying that no one really dies until the last person living says their name. And I told my son Eli who couldn’t be here today—and who is mourning not having spent enough time with his Big Cousin—that we will say Elan’s name every day and share his name and purpose in big ways, and we will hold him in the light and wrap him in the forever perfect love that he gave to each one of us.  
April 14
April 14
Dan, you don't know me. I am the mom of another Cleveland musician. I am broken hearted to hear of our loss of Elan. When we visited CLE in Feb, my son was so excited we would meet Elan. He was playing in Berea and my son was playing with him. We were happy that we would meet another Jew (as we are Jewish). He was like a breath of fresh air. Smiling from ear to ear, rapping boldly, clearly, and quickly, I became a fan. Now, I am devastated. How a beautiful caring loving soul could be lost to us all doesn't make sense. He should be here, planning his life and working on his music. He was beloved by EVERYONE he met. I wasn't special but he made me feel special. He gave me one of his award winning smiles and all was right. There are no words to express my sorrow and my condolences to you and Karen.
Baruch Ata Adonai, Eloheinu Melech HaOlam, Dayan HaEmet. Zichrono Livraka. My heart breaks. Love to you both, Elly Tucker
April 13
April 13
Elan was an amazing person and sol talented. I knew him as the love of my daughters life. I enjoyed spending time with him, playing board games, making food, celebrating holidays, going to Disney, playing in the pool in Vero Beach. Watching him perform. He took a job at my Montessori school for a short time back in Portland and he was truly talented with all ages of children. I recently moved to Cleveland and was so looking forward to spending more time with him and Dakotah as well as Karen and Dan. You will always have a place in my heart sweet Elan.
April 13
April 13
Being in a position to meet artists when they first move to the city, or first break out of their basements, or start collaborating, form bands, do their first gigs I have a distinct pleasure to see them grow and watch the world literally become a better place with music. It’s such a radically wonderful way Cleveland is being energized every day.

None acclimated to the community or took less time to energize the music landscape than Elan Eichler. I’ll never forget meeting him at CODA Live Music Venue when he was sniffing around the open mics. I got him up on stage, and his voice cadence and idenitity as a hip hop artist was instantly identifiable. 

He would hop on stage with Apostle Jones Band from time to time - favorite was at Taste of Tremont last year - he later let us crash his and Jared Horgan’s crobar show when we had tornadoes and the most weather cancelled one of our gigs. Briefly met his equally welcoming parents that night, too. His beautiful partner Dakotah Kennedy and he were regulars at open mics, at gigs and doing what any determined artist and community advocates do: creating opportunities. For themselves but to also help bring others along. A passion we all shared.

I got to listen to Elan’s newly forming band this year for hours as they practiced in our rehearsal space. It was a style and vibe that you just don’t hear much on hip-hop stages right now. A driving soundtrack of beats and free flowing poetic jazz delivery that you could vibe on. Think MF Doom, but by quirky and quick witted Elan. It would have slapped at the Bop Stop and on a vinyl record. He was forging a vision.

Being able to connect dots and introduce Elan to Jared who had both come by way of Boston and to the Jordans at LoCLE Grown, were great catalysts and friends for him. I had just done a play about changing Boston neighborhoods and I was marveling at the synchronicity of it all. The Jordans really do the work of giving voices off the stage to new artists. Things like that are sometimes all we all need to be freed, joyful, feel connection and then hit the scene inspired. I ran into Elan at TobyRaps’ Copper Moon coffee spot where Elan’s fascination with Cleveland and the off-the-stage part of the music community was written in his ear-to-ear smiling. Just a big hearted nerd like most of us. The sweetest. You felt great after hanging out with him every single time.

I heard the collabs he recorded and relived my dormant fascination with comic book super heroes. He wrote and rapped in a way that was just so completely detailed and realized - he was learned, he was masterful in his delivery. If he was a singer he never hit a flat note and in fact his stage presence was growing by the beat.

Elan will forever be a staple of the scene and in the roots of the burgeoning artist confidence a lot of Clevelanders are inspired with, a confidence in the potential and growing eco-system of music industry in Cleveland. As Jinari Kemet said “it’s like he’s been there from the beginning”

And he always will be. Please send love into the world, regularly, make it a reflex and if you get the thought to check in with someone ask them “how are you doing, do you feel safe - do you feel supported - how do you need loved my fam” and listen. Respond. Refer. Reassure. Remember it isn’t always easy for folks to talk about these things, let’s normalize that as much as we can.

And let’s make it easier for each other, let’s choose love as one of Elan’s collaborators the inspired Love Freely reminds of regularly.

Will miss you Elan, very much.
April 13
April 13
The air itself is heavy, in fact the world itself has changed. Such an epic loss for so many people, and there is no justice for a tragedy so deeply deeply wrong. Through the pain,in meditation, one day we will find peace again; but there is no replacement, no comparison, for the beautiful soul possessed by Elan. We will never be the same; more raw, and tender. Kinder, wiser, and more somber. I can't think of a better way to force these quintessential changes, than to lose someone so utterly and completely loved, who lead by sweet example with absolutelyzero ego. Elan we will never replace you, and you are impossible to forget. Perhaps we can embody the things that made you special, and certainly this would result in a better world the for so many people. I will never wrap my head around you losing you, and I will never let you go. Elan is truly forever, and for all. I hope we meet again. I hope so desperately for that. I wish you the most Sublime and perfect peace, a peace so complete that it would soothe the rest of us. That's what I'll imagine for you. But we still need you man. We will certainly all keep a piece of you forever in our hearts. I love you man. You will always be loved.
April 13
April 13
What an incredible bright light and shining soul.
He accomplished more in his young life than any of us will in 80 years.
He clearly attracted LOVE and gave LOVE every where he went !!!
I am certain his LOVE will continue to infect and affect everyone he has touched,what gifts he gave while living here, and I know the gifts will continue to bless .
April 13
April 13
Elan was the epitome of an individual. Poignant with his work and thinking steps ahead of us all, Elan used his naturally kind and gracious character to connect with each person in an entirely unique capacity. His musical work embodied the the love for the craft, and the way he spoke to you made you feel respected on a fundamental level, showing deep reverence for each person's sense-of-self and identity. I am grateful for the example of respect, compassion, and mindfulness he set for us. I give my greatest condolences to his loved-ones in this tumultuous time.
April 12
April 12
Elan pushed me to start recording and was one of the first people to think I was lyrically talented. I remember first meeting him cyphering with UncannE under a tent in the rain. It always blew me away how quickly his mind worked. While I was fumbling for something to say, words always came so easily to him and he could make you feel something while doing it.

Making the Hungry Emcees albums with Mighty Misc and UncannE was more fun than I can explain. We felt like we were doing something. Something important. We would rap, people would listen, and tell us it meant something to them. If that's not the most important part of art, I don't know what is. His presence always made you feel good. Like you could be great. Like you could be a part of something great.

He loved words and rhythm. Patterns and flow. He was a true lyrical master and had so much soul. My heart hurts.

We still hungry, brother.

Rest easy.
April 12
April 12
He is a cousin but I didn't know him well. After reading so many wonderful things about Elan, I am not surprised given who he came from. I'm so sad for him and his challenges and also for the loss that everyone who loved and appreciated him are going through. 
April 12
April 12
Elan was a fixture in the local music scene here in Cleveland, performing at shows frequently and showing up at the open mics here. I got the pleasure of seeing Elan perform on numerous occasions and got to share the stage with him as well several times. He was a radiant soul, full of kindness and generosity, and had a magnetic presence on and off the mic. I'm gonna miss you, man
April 12
April 12
Elan was everything a Social Worker was shown to be. Elan was passionate, he was kind and he was full of knowledge and ready to learn. Elan made an incredible impact at NYAP in two months. Elan knew the right things to do and say, and was a natural at all he did. Elan will be missed by our staff, our families and everyone who crossed paths with him.
April 12
April 12
Elan was a brilliant man, wonderful friend, a great client, and such a talented individual. It was an honor and a privilege to have known him and to of been able to call him a friend. He was a joy to be around and my heart shatters knowing the world lost him far to soon. He's missed. Very much so.
Gym Leader Ellie
April 12
April 12
i only briefly got to know mighty misc, as he pushed aside buildings to take his place in the local cleveland hiphop scene last summer. but in that all too short span, misc endeared himself to so many of us. his geeky raps were honest, funny, poignant. he had a great ear for a beat. his tongue was in his cheek and we loved him for it. i'll never forget last halloween when he was the blue ranger, and stepped into the role onstage. his birthday party was one of my favorite nights, one where he brought a variety of great local musicians in to make it not just a celebration of himself, but of the scene around him that adored him. we all looked very forward to the next time we would see him, and we're stunned to know we've done so for the last time. reading his blurb here, and the outpouring of his friends and fellow artists, shows he was an even bigger lizard stomping through the city streets than i realized. mighty misc, you will be mighty missed.
April 11
April 11
We were very lucky to know Elan in his short months at NYAP. Elan had a positive impact and added a bright light into the family at NYAP. One of our foster parents raved about how amazing Elan was when working with one of our clients. He was truly a special person and will be missed deeply.
April 11
April 11
There are times in one’s life that I know we are guided by G-d.
Last Friday, April 5th was one of these times for me.
I was blessed to have seen Elan on Friday for dinner and to see his home he shared with Dakota in Cleveland.  Even their dog, Hachi welcomed me with his affectionate lap jumping.
Elan shared with me he had been enjoying his new life in Cleveland and had a wide circle of friends and the love and support of Dakotah. He had just started a new position and was learning the challenges of being a social worker for foster kids. He was open about talking about his feelings and his future.
We lit the Sabbath candles together and he had his arm around me as I said my silent blessings.
Elan had a way of making others, including me, feel loved and safe when he was around. And as the gentleman he was, he walked me to the door and gave me the warmest embrace and an “I love you”  with a thank you for making the trip to Cleveland.
This is how I will remember Elan, a loving, bright, full of life and creative nephew and son of Karen and Dan.
May his memory be a blessing for all.
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Elan was a gem of a man, even though my time with him was limited. He welcomed all into his space with open arms and I'll never forget sending Ben (milc) a beat when I was living in Korea and getting the recording back and surprising to me, Mighty Misc was on the track too. It can be listened below, track 6.

This was years ago, but memories go deeper. Seeing Elan at local gatherings in HS and getting in ciphers with him and always viking with his energy. Or when he, Jack, Brady, Harry, and Ben welcomed me into the attic to record some tracks. Everyone had community at heart and Elan was at the center making everyone feel warm and welcome.

Thinking of you Elan and bumping your tunes!
June 19
June 19
Elan was one of my dearest friends and I miss him a lot. Some of my happiest moments were shared with him growing up in Portland and continuing our friendship over the years even as we relocated to different places. When we were young we spent endless summer days making music and roaming the city with our friends talking about everything and anything.

Hip-hop was a huge passion of ours and Elan recorded a massive amount of music over the years. I wanted to put together a mix of his songs to tell his story, starting from those early days in Portland making songs in Jack's basement, through the many different collaborations and projects he worked on. Here is a link if anyone wants to listen:

I tried to pick a mix of songs that would capture not just Elan's lyrical skills, but also his sense of humor, the hobbies and people that he loved, joy, pain, and his unique perspective on life. It has been really difficult carrying on without Elan these last couple of months, but in making this mix I really felt like he was still here, head (and hair) nodding to the beat, waiting for another chance to pick up the mic and drop a witty, unpredictable rhyme.
May 28
May 28
Memories of Elan

Elan is my oldest friend. We became best friends in pre-k, as 4-year-olds. I remember from those early years that I always had a sense of belonging when I was with Elan. Whether he was inventing an imaginary world, playing legos, or sharing time with his family, I was always welcome. Elan always had that quality of making others feel included, feel safe, feel like they belonged.
If I wasn’t doing well, Elan could tell before I was even aware of it myself. When we were young he would notice I was having an asthma attack before I did. When we were in college he diagnosed me with shingles. This was the depth of his attentiveness and caring.
As adults the quality that I most cherished in Elan was his loyalty. Elan was always on your side. Whatever trouble I was going through, whether work trouble or girl trouble or life trouble, Elan was always behind me. Whatever was the source of my misery, it was a bunch of bullshit according to Elan. I always knew where I stood with Elan: we were on the same side, and we always would be.
Elan had a deep well of excitement and passion for his interests. It could have been music or cartoons or sci-fi, whatever it was at that moment, Elan was filled with enthusiasm, an enthusiasm that he infected others with as well. I love thinking of how much Elan loved his hobbies, and how much energy he put into his creation and enjoyment of them. These things fueled him, and it was a joy to share in that feeling with Elan.
Elan’s friendship is one of the things I cherish most in the world. I am so lucky to have had him in my life.

Jack Baars
His Life

Memorial Service Celebrating the Life of Elan

April 22
Join us to honor Elan's memory and celebrate his life with friends and family from across Cleveland and the country at a memorial service for Elan in Ohio.  
Recent stories
April 15
Elan came into my old studio in about 2013 or 14 to record this as his first song... I was blown away by this guy's raw talent and understanding of words and how to express himself. I was like, finally a real true rapper I can record at the depths of something else than being a cool rapper. He was the greatest. We recorded many songs that long ago and I am still searching for the originals. What a real true Haman. Forever he will be missed in my heart.
April 15
Nicole and i met Elan and Dakotah about 10 months ago outside of Leavened in Tremont. i was wearing a t-shirt with an Infinity Train pattern on it and Nicole was in her Stop Making Sense sweater. Elan and Dakotah were out walking their (adorable) dog Hachi and decided we must share some pretty specific interests, so they stopped to introduce themselves. they were new to Cleveland and we immediately hit it off. Dakotah was a journalist, and while Elan had a background as a social worker, we knew him first and best as a rapper—Mighty Misc, a.k.a. the Hungry Emcee. 
before too long (ok, maybe it was a little too long), we had them over for Indian Delight and board games, and we learned even more things we had in common—not only media interests, artistic pursuits, hobbies, and professional backgrounds, but also core beliefs about justice and community. 
as with so many artist friends, it sometimes felt we were cursed to never see each other perform. they made the drive all the way out to Akron for Twelfth Night only to get caught in torrential rain that forced them to turn around. we were going to go to CODA’s open mic night together, but we had our hands full since we’d recently brought home Brookie, the sweetest and most anxious foster dog of all time. 
not only were they totally understanding, they immediately offered to help. it turned out that Hachi had also suffered from awful anxiety, and i’m so grateful we could talk to them about it. we also shared lots of puppy pictures, and when Brookie finally pooped on a walk a couple of days later, they were the first ones i texted to share the good news!
at the end of the month we saw Elan perform at the Grog Shop. we had a blast—Elan’s intelligence, humility, sense of humor, love and respect for hip hop, and joyful geekiness all came through so clearly in his performance. never for a second did i think this was the last time i’d see him perform, but i am so glad i got the chance to tell him how talented i thought he was and how glad i was that he and his music had come to Cleveland. 
then in December, he and Dakotah were kind enough to invite us over for their latke and white elephant party. Elan was making trays full of latkes when i arrived and continued making them all night because none of us could stop eating them. despite my not really knowing anyone else at the party, Elan and Dakotah made me feel so truly welcome. 
it’s hard to accept that Elan is gone not because we were the closest friends in the world but because it felt like we were just at the beginning. and really, that he was just at the beginning, too. i wanted to watch him continue honing his craft, i wanted to watch as more and more people got hip to what he was doing, i wanted to jam and play a concert together and maybe even be artistic collaborators. 
i am heartbroken that these things won’t happen. i am heartbroken for his loved ones, who obviously loved him so much in return.
i am even more grateful that i got to know him, even too briefly, and that he brought his light to Cleveland where it will continue to resonate in the hearts of all the people who met him—or who were lucky enough to watch Mighty Misc tear it up on a Thursday night. 

Elan is my favorite person, Love Mom

April 13
by Emily Oster on behalf of Karen Oster Eichler
on behalf of Karen Oster Eichler
There is so much I want to say about Elan. I’m going to try to start but this is only the beginning of all of the things I want to share and have out in the world about my son.

Elan is my favorite person. He is a better person than Dan and me and he made me a better person. If I could spend time with anyone in this world, it would be with Elan.

Everyone who knows Elan, knows what an incredible human Elan has always been. He spoke his first words when he was super young. And from the beginning, he spoke to everyone! Because of his friendliness and his courage to approach people, we met all of the best people. When we lived in San Francisco, almost everyday, Elan and I would head down Haight St to the playground in Golden Gate Park and there Elan made his first circle of friends. He formed such strong bonds with those little kids. His first and closest friend was Dharma. Dharma and her family were on a plane trip at some point and Dharma was having a hard time on the plane. The only thing that Dharma’s parents could think to do was to call Elan because they knew Elan would make Dharma feel better. And of course he did. Elan couldn’t have been more than 3-years-old or so when this happened. He spent the next 31 years, making so many other people, especially me, feel better.

Dan and I are broken. I will continue to write more about Elanbecause there are so many things to say about my beautiful, beautiful son. 

Please love each other and hold each other close. Elan would want that.

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