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Share a special moment from Elaweta's life.

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Precious family memory at Ellie's

March 2, 2017

Our kids/grandkids were so young, with so much energy; running, jumping & climbing the trees while us grownups sat on my sister's beautiful back deck & shared memories and loving conversation all day long while we watched the flock of deer approach her property at dusk.  A beautiful day in the life!

My beautiful Niece & Sister!

March 2, 2017

A beautiful picture of 2 very special ladies in my life:  My beautiful Niece and beloved Sister!  Thank God my life was blessed with them!

Precious family memory at Ellie's

March 2, 2017

Our kids/grandkids were still little and on this special day we sat on my sister's beautful deck.  The kids, with so much energy, hopping around, climbling trees while we watched the beautiful flock of deer approach her property at dusk.  Such a wonderful day of extreme happiness!

Precious family memory at Ellie's

March 2, 2017

Our kids/grandkids were still little and on this special day we sat on my sister's beautful deck.  The kids, with so much energy, hopping around, climbling trees while we watched the beautiful flock of deer approach her property at dusk.  Such a wonderful day of extreme happiness!

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