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September 1, 2023
September 1, 2023
        Tribute to a hero of our time

Death is but a passing through a door that opens to a new life. Whilst am saddened by your passing , I have chosen to celebrate your life which was well lived. A life so powerfully crafted like the work of art and deep rooted in family love. We can only but try to emulate your footsteps , but they can’t be filled , nor your love for family and humanity ever be forgotten.

May the heavens gate stand open for you , and may the angels chorus greet you in heaven upon entrance.

Safe travels Uncle !

- Ezekiel Ugochukwu Ikedichi & Family.
September 1, 2023
September 1, 2023

Another hero goes home!

How time flies, and the memory of it all seems like it was yesterday. 

De Ogu, growing up, I remember you and my father (De Miller) were like brothers. You both shared several qualities in common. You were a hardworking man, a peace maker who upheld truthfulness and uprightness, and an inspiration to many in the community.

To your children, you were a guiding light whose love and strictness showed them the way.

Yes, so many beautiful memories I recall now.

Your children will miss you. We will all miss you.

You have fought a good fight and your legacy sure lives on.

Rest peacefully in the bosom of the Lord.

Adieu, De Ogu.

Chibiko Henry Okwukamma,
For: Miller Njoku's Family.
August 29, 2023
August 29, 2023

A Tribute to our Dearest Uncle (Dede Koko).

It is with great sadness that I received news of my dear uncle's passing.
Dede KoKo was an exceptional uncle, known for his kindness, gentleness, and
loving nature. He always supported my siblings and I, offering wise counsel
and helping to settle any family disputes. His words of encouragement and
love were a constant source of comfort and strength for all of us, and we
will always cherish them.

My uncle was a wise man, and we relied on his insights and guidance time and
again. He had a unique way of calmly and clearly seeing things, and his
advice was always thoughtful and sound. His wisdom will be forever etched in
our hearts and will guide us for years to come.

Above all, Dede Koko's love and devotion for our family made him truly
special. He cherished each and every one of us, and his selflessness knew no
bounds. His love was a constant presence in our lives, and we will always be
grateful for all that he did for us.

Although we say goodbye to Dede Koko, his memory will live on forever in our
hearts. His legacy of love, kindness, and wisdom will continue to inspire
and guide us, and his spirit will always be a beacon of light in our lives.
We will forever be thankful for everything he brought into our lives.

With deepest sympathy,

Alozie Awosika & Family
Ijeoma Collins
August 23, 2023
August 23, 2023

It was very painful to hear that our hero, our big daddy and our grand father is no more. We will miss the Sunday visits and silent chastisements you always gave us. We love you so much big daddy.

Keep resting daddy until we meet again.

Ijeoma Collins
Joshua Zim Ogu
August 23, 2023
August 23, 2023

I couldn’t believe it when my daddy told me the news of your death. I wish I could see your face one more time but I know you’re with God now and at peace. I love you very much big daddy.

Rest in perfect peace.

Your Grandson
Zimchikachim Ogu
Lady Chinyere Izuorgu
August 20, 2023
August 20, 2023
   Tribute to our Uncle De Nkemakolam
It is with a heavy heart but with gratitude to God that I write this tribute to the departed person of De Nkemakolam.
In the word of God, it is said that there is time for everything; a time to be born and a time to die. Well since this is the appointed time, who are we to question God?
We give God all the glory for De Nkemakolam having lived a good life. Dede we cannot forget you in a hurry. You lived with our family, the family of Mr and Mrs Junnio Moses Emelike of Eziama Ossah in Umuahia. Our Daddy worked with the Railways then; and you moved about with him as he toured some towns in Nigeria like Enugu, Minna etc.
We the children were growing up and you showered us with your love and care. You also corrected and disciplined us when necessary and showed us the right path. You were loved and appreciated by our parents and the entire family. You were hardworking, diligent, honest, trustworthy and God fearing.
We sympathise with your lovely wife and children. We pray that they will replicate your virtues which remain as your legacy.
Dede, as we mourn you, we have the hope that we shall all meet on that resurrection morning to part no more.
May your gentle soul rest in peace and may God grant your family the strength to bear your irreplaceable loss. 
           ADIEU DEDE
     Lady C Izuorgu (née Emelike)
Sir Philip Onyekperem
August 18, 2023
August 18, 2023

The news of the demise of my Oga (as I fondly call him) was received with shock and profound grief. My Oga earned greatness by dint of hard work and exemplary live of commitment and dedication. A good man indeed who was always disposed to share his best moments with people around him. His fatherly outreach to me lasted for more than 30 years starting from April 1. 1976 when I joined the Company to work with him. I shared a lot of memories that remain evergreen in my heart. Your demise is a colossal loss to me. However, I take solace in the fact you exited this world peacefully and now resting in the bosom of Almighty God. Adieu A Great Man Of Peace and ICON.               

August 17, 2023
August 17, 2023
Unu kara obi @ his wife & children.
Continue to rest in perfect peace in God's bossom Papa Ogu.
August 17, 2023
What a huge loss
I sincerely hope the Lord grant the family of the ogu's the fortitude to bear this huge loss.
May the soul of daddy rest in the bossom of our lord Jesus Christ.
My sincere condolences.
Ibegbu Emmanuel
Iheanyichukwu Ogu
August 17, 2023
August 17, 2023
               In loving Memory of Our Dear Uncle

A pillar of love and a beacon of wisdom, our dear uncle’s presence graced our lives with warmth and guidance. His gentle spirit and unwavering support left an indelible mark on all fortunate to know him. His legacy of love and dedication to the family will forever remind us of the importance of cherishing those we hold dear.

With a heart full of compassion, he nurtured relationships and created lasting bonds. His counsels were a treasure trove of knowledge, and each word shared was a precious gem of wisdom. He was a role model of integrity, demonstrating the values of hard work, humility, and kindness through his actions.

As we reflect on the moments shared and lessons learned, we find solace in the knowledge that his spirit lives on in our hearts. Farewell, Dee Nkemakolam Frederick Ogu; your memory will forever be a source of inspiration and love.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Iheanyichukwu Ogu
For the Chiadikobi Ogu's family.
Okeoma Ogu
August 17, 2023
August 17, 2023
                    .FAREWELL MY BELOVED DADDY.

A day I wished never came, a day I wished wasn't in the calendar. It was a black Saturday, it was the day my daddy I loved and respected very much passed on.
  Daddy you passed on even though I know it was looming, I didn't know it would come so soon. I was hoping I'd have more time to get acquainted with the idea of death and what it means for those of us you left behind.
  You were a selfless giver that loved pleasing people more than yourself. You prefer to sacrifice your comfort for the welfare of others, especially your children.
  You were a candle that lit a lot of other candles, you believed in the intrinsic value of relationship, togetherness and that you took your time to teach us your children. Yes , you taught us love, togetherness, sacrifice, you were a father whose worth cannot be over emphasized. You will continue to be in our hearts, our minds, our thoughts and indeed our prayers.
  I am writing this tribute with tear- filled eyes and a heavy heart but the Lord comforts me daily by the life you lived, with memories we shared together.
Chai ! Daddy who will say to me, "Okee, bia were" as you would whenever you're eating and I'm around or whenever you want to tell me something.
I'll miss you dearly and always .
  Your love for us your children, grandchildren and wife leaves memories no one can steal not even death.
As we say goodbye to YOU OUR ICON who brought so much joy to us your children and the entire family, may the light of God brighten your path to eternal rest in Jesus' name
Rest on my beloved Dad
   Your daughter,
Okeoma Nnamdi Okonkwo.
August 16, 2023
August 16, 2023
Tribute to Bro Nkemakolam Ogu

What a loss!

  Bro Frederick Nkemakolam Ogu was my maternal cousin whom I held in high esteem while he lived. He was the third son of his parents but he stood out as a colossus amongst his siblings. Though he and his brothers were quite successful in their various ventures, he related with us more deeply than the others. He had this quiet and unyielding doggedness that enabled him to swim against the tide of visititudes that aimed at destroying his destiny. He had an unquenchable thirst for education and his love for his family guided most of his decisions.
  He raised his children in Lagos and wisely ensured that they were well connected with their roots in the East. Most of his children were educated at the Federal University of Technology Owerri, and this paid off because they did not only succeed educationally in this citadel of learning, it also brought them close to their culture.
He was an inspiration, full of ambition
and passion to drive it through. I am persuaded to state that his maker sent him on a special mission to his family and humanity. He fulfilled that assignment and impacted lives in his stay on earth. In response for his immense love and commitment to his family, his wife and children reciprocated by attending to his needs adequately when his health started to fail. I cannot in a giffy forget a sumptuous 80th birthday party which his children organised for him. It was indeed a celebration.
  As we celebrate the departure of this meek, humble and unassuming gentleman, our prayer is for the Almighty God to grant his soul a quiet repose in eternity.

Fair well Bro Nkemakolam

Sir and Lady Humphrey N Mbakwe
Precious Ogu
August 16, 2023
August 16, 2023
      Tribute to a Perfect Gentleman

Daddy, you were so peaceful, calm, content, loving and you cared genuinely for others.

You gave me an Igbo name - Onyinyechi (meaning gift from God), and you treated me truly as an important gift.

I have known you 16 years and it has been 16 years of pure bliss with you Daddy. No matter how much wrong a person committed, you would admonish them with the words, “Be careful, Be very careful” and always in the most subtle voice. I often wondered in the first year of my marriage, if you were really angry.

Daddy, your heart was too full of love to stay angry with anyone no matter the offense. Peace and unity were your watchwords and you demonstrated this in your lifestyle.

We are bonded by the acceptance, love and selflessness you raised this family in. These are the most important building blocks you have left with us and the hallmarks of your legacy and we will continue to build with them.

Farewell Big Daddy

Precious ‘Onyinyechi’ Ogu
Ekele Ogu
August 16, 2023
August 16, 2023
Dear Big Daddy,

A man full of strength. When we heard the tragic news we were shocked because we never imagined such day coming.

You were a very wise and strong man. When I saw your condition when you got admitted to hospital, I was amazed at how you fought with so much inner strength. I knew you were going through a lot but still wanted us around even in your pain.

I remember the times when you would just sit down and ask me to come and sit with you. At the time, I didn’t understand what it meant but now I would give anything to hear you say “Ekele come and sit down with me”.

I also remember good times when you would spoil us, buying us our favorite snacks at the time (buns and coke). Thank you Big Daddy for trying to put a smile on our faces in your own little way.

Sincerely, I couldn’t believe that you were gone because it all didn’t seem real, but I realized that you would always be with us in our hearts.

Rest in Peace, Big Daddy   
Ekeledirichwuku Emmanuel Ogu
Kamsi Ogu
August 16, 2023
August 16, 2023
    Tribute To An Amiable GrandFather

In the bible, it says:
“Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ “
               -Ephesians 5:20

My Big Daddy, your life was a thanksgiving unto the Lord. Everything you did was worth giving thanks to the Lord. The impact you made on many lives is amazing.

In a family of light skinned people, we were the only two dark skinned. I was called “blackie”. Each time I was asked why I’m dark, I would say it’s because I look like my grandfather. I am like the younger and feminine version of you. I’m happy I look like you.

You didn’t talk much because you were a man of peace and calmness.
You trained us to love, care, show kindness and exercise patience in our lives.

Your death is a celebration and so was your life. You were my amazing grandfather who made life better for everyone who crossed his path. I miss having you around. Though you are gone from this earth you are still here present in our lives. It is an honour to be the grandchild of such a kind, generous and loving man.

Kamsiriochi Favour Ogu

Your Grand-daughter
August 15, 2023
August 15, 2023
                    TRIBUTE TO MY LOVING DAD

“‘Father’ is the noblest title a man can be given. It is more than a biological role. It signifies a patriarch, a leader, an exemplar, a confidant, a teacher, a hero, a friend.” – Robert L. Backman, lawyer

Daddy, your gentle spirit now dwells beyond this earthly realm, yet your teachings on how to live with joy, patience and purpose remain imprinted in my heart. Your simplest lessons - a kind word, an encouraging smile, the gratitude found in little things - shaped my moral compass more than you ever knew.

As I look back over time, I find myself wondering, did I remember to thank you enough for all you did for us?
For all the times you were by our sides to help and support us, to celebrate our successes, to understand our problems and accept our defeats?
Or for teaching us by your example, the value of hard work, good judgment, courage and integrity?
I wonder if I ever thanked you enough for the sacrifices you made to let us have the very best?
If I have forgotten to show my gratitude enough for all the things you did, I am thanking you now. And I am hoping you knew all along,how much you meant to us.

While I dearly miss the sound of your voice everyday and your ready laughter, the life lessons you instilled in us through tender moments and timeless truths now shine brightest in darkness and doubt. Though earthly fathers must leave us, the inner compass you helped forge endures forever within me.

Daddy, though my heart still looks for you, my mind still talks to you but my soul is confident knowing that where you are, you are at peace. Keep resting in the bosom of our Lord until we meet in heaven.

Farewell Daddy
Your Son, Chibuisi Ogu
August 15, 2023
August 15, 2023
In loving memory of a man whose love, dedication and commitment to his family is most amiable.

I have had the privilege of meeting Big Daddy during holidays spent with my sister’s family. He was always most welcoming, with kind words, a warm smile and a fatherly disposition. I fondly remember Big Daddy as an astute guardian . He would sit quietly observing his family, no matter where we were, he would find a vantage point, sit and watch. Every coming in and going out, he knew. He watched his grand babies like a hawk, weary of them hurting themselves; and if they hurt themselves, you could see he felt it too. He was truly tender hearted. Whilst everyone may carry on oblivious of their surroundings, Big Daddy always watched, and rarely did anything ever miss his careful gaze.

My condolences to the family but know this as I know, even now he watches over you all, guarding and protecting his family from heaven because this was a duty he never took lightly.

Rest well Sir in the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ.
August 15, 2023
August 15, 2023
                In Loving Memory of My Beloved Dad
Oh, how can words truly capture the essence of a soul so loving and caring? Today, I celebrate the life of my dear father, Fredrick Nkemakolam Ogu. He was not just a father to his children but a guiding light and a pillar of support to all who were fortunate enough to cross his path.
Daddy, you were a beacon of love that radiated warmth and tenderness to your children and grandchildren. Your love knew no bounds, and it enveloped us like a comforting embrace, providing us with the strength and security we needed to navigate life's challenges. You were our rock, always there to offer a listening ear, a soothing voice, and words of wisdom to guide us through both the joys and sorrows.
Your love extended far beyond the boundaries of our immediate family. You were a father figure to many, a source of inspiration and guidance to those who sought your counsel. Your open heart and compassionate nature drew people in, and you embraced them as your own. Your capacity to care was boundless, and you made everyone feel seen, heard and valued.
Your calm demeanor and warm smiles were a balm to our souls. In the midst of chaos and uncertainty, you exuded a sense of tranquility that brought peace to those around you. Your gentle presence had a way of easing our worries and reminding us that everything would be alright. Your smiles were like rays of sunshine, lighting up the room and filling our hearts with joy.
Oh, how I’ll miss those moments of solace in your calm presence. The world feels a little dimmer without your radiant smile to brighten our days. But I find comfort in knowing that your love and care will forever live on in my heart. Your legacy of compassion and kindness will continue to inspire me to be better, to love deeper, and to be a source of light in the lives of others, just as you were to us
Rest in eternal peace, dear Dad, I am forever grateful for the gift of your presence and the lessons you taught me through your actions. Your memory will forever be cherished.
It's me, Nnamdi (as you fondly called me) saying goodnight knowing that I’ll see you on that resurrection morning.
With deepest love and gratitude,
Chinedu Ogu
August 8, 2023
August 8, 2023
Big daddy, the father I’ve known in the past 7 years. You treated me as a biological father would, that just goes to show how loving your heart is.
I think of you now only with smiles and gratitude to God for a life well spent.

You lived a beautiful, peaceful life worthy of emulation, you loved God and this gives me the confidence that you are back home with your creator.

I miss you so much daddy, but I’m consoled because your legacy lives on. The seeds you planted on earth would always speak for you.

Rest well Big Daddy till we meet to part no more.

Binaebi Ogu.
Sarah Ogu
August 8, 2023
August 8, 2023
In the quiet corners of our hearts, the memory of a truly remarkable man continues to shine brightly. Big Daddy, we reflect upon a life that exuded kindness, calmness, and an abiding sense of peace.

Big Daddy you were more than a father-in-law, you were a symbol of compassion and serenity. Your gentle demeanor touched the lives of everyone fortunate enough to cross paths with you. Your kindness knew no boundaries; it flowed effortlessly, embracing all who sought solace in your presence, whether it was a comforting word, a thoughtful gesture, or simply a warm smile.

Your calmness was a source of strength for our family and always a constant reminder that challenges are met with a steadiness of heart. As we bid farewell to this extraordinary soul, let us carry forward the legacy of his kindness, calmness, and peace. Let us remember his gentle presence as a guiding light, inspiring us to approach life with a compassionate heart, a serene mind, and a dedication to fostering harmony in our family and all around us.

Rest in peace, Big Daddy,. Your spirit lives on in the hearts of all who were fortunate enough to know you.

Sarah Muyonga - Ogu
Daughter in Law
Onyekachi Ogu Nwaosho
August 8, 2023
August 8, 2023

Daddy, as we fondly call you, having you as a father was really a blessing. You were thoughtful, kind and caring, you thought us a lot of things. Those special memories of you will always bring smile.

We are never ready to say goodbye forever even though it's part of life. This day our hearts are heavy for losing someone so special but as we mourn your death we also celebrate your life.

May your good works on earth connect you to heaven.

Adieu Daddy.
Onyekachi Ogu Nwaosho
Chinyere Chimezie
August 8, 2023
August 8, 2023

Writing this was extremely difficult because words can never be enough to describe, emphasize the magnitude of influence your personality imparted into the life of my siblings and I.

You were a great, caring and loving father who stood and always came through for us at a very tender age until at a ripe age you handed me into the hands of a very caring husband and you never stopped caring until death.

Growing up under your guidance and the memories shared will be cherished and evergreen in my life.

Daddy.........May your soul receive blessings from the almighty God to strengthen you as you journey back home.

I shall continue to put you in my prayers.

May the Lord shine His light on your path Nnamm....
Ga ijegi nke oma

Your daughter,
Chinyere Chimezie
August 6, 2023
August 6, 2023
My sincere condolences to the Ogu family on the passing of your beloved father and my uncle, Dee Nkemakolam. He lived a great life filled with the fear of God and was a mentor to us. A man of principle and integrity who would not compromise on what he believed to be true and worthy. May his soul rest in peace and may his memories be a blessing to us all.
Obioma Ogu
August 6, 2023
August 6, 2023
                        Earth's loss Heaven's gain.
I still cant wrap my head round the fact that you are gone Daddy. With a heavy heart and tears dripping down from my eyes i write, but I am consoled with the fact that your love for us and the legacy you built will never fade away. All the cherished memories will be etched in our hearts. Good night Dad.
Rest well in peace till we meet to part no more.
Obioma Ogu
Kelechi Nnamdi
August 2, 2023
August 2, 2023
It was indeed a sad day for us when the news of your death knocked at the doors of our heart that very Saturday.
You were really a special man and your exit was felt deeply by many. For the past few months, you bravely fought against illness due to aging but your passing still left a mark deeply engraved in our souls. You have Left a footprint in the sand and in the heart of men. You shall be remembered for the legacy of good work.
    You may have passed but your memories are with us forever. Thank you for your sacrifice, your care, your concern and your love.
. We all know that where you are is a much better place
Rest In Peace, Grandpa
Good night.
Chief V.C Iromuo (De Chukwu)
July 31, 2023
July 31, 2023
it is sometimes unreal when I remember you are no longer here. But I am thankful for the years of knowing you and sharing moments with you.
it is with a deep sense of loss but in total submission to the will of God that I received the news of the demise of "ezi ogom", Elder Nkemakolam Fred Ogu.
Ogom Fred can be attested to, by many who came in contact with him. He was a hardworking, peace loving, kind hearted and a devoted Christian. it is therefore in the realization of the above that there is no doubt in my mind that he lived a fulfilled life to the glory of God.
I , DemChukwu remained consoled and grateful to God for the quality of life you lived on earth, as I remain hopeful that our good Lord shall grant your soul peaceful rest in His bossom in Jesus' name Amen.
Adieu Ezi Ogom.

Signed: Chief V.C Iromuo (Brother in-law)
Eziokwu bu ndu 1 of Ekeoba.
Nnaemezie Nnamdi
July 31, 2023
July 31, 2023
We've all know Sir Frederick Nkemakolam Ogu in a variety of roles. I've been privileged to know him as my grandpa, my Big Daddy. I spent a lot of time with Big Daddy when I was much younger and I can tell on and on the stories and great memories we had with him. If you knew him very well, you can definitely tell how long these stories will be. He had so much impact in those people that knew him.
I remember as child, I would go to his house, we would sit down in the cool of the evening and I would read old newspapers to him with his torchlight. He was a hardworking and well educated man.
He never had problems with people, a true man of peace. He made me think every grandfather was like him, but I discovered that there were grandfathers and there were indeed grandfathers.
Big Daddy we miss you. Thank you for you love towards us all and especially Big Mummy, whom we will look after for you. We hold on to those great memories with you, memories that will forever warm our hearts.
Rest in perfect peace, Sir

NNAMDI Nnaemezie.
Onyewuchi Ogu
July 31, 2023
July 31, 2023
I’m so short of words as I write this tribute because it’s s still like you’re in the hospital waiting to be discharged and then you return home. You lived a godly life, you’re a man of peace, you loved and cared for everyone that came around you and above all you imparted lives in and outside the family.
Honestly life has never been the same since your death but each time I see your picture you seem to smile and say to me cheer up and carry on . You never said goodbye only God knows why daddy we love you but God loves you more that is why he called you home where their is neither pain, sickness nor death. Rest in the blossom of the Lord until the resurrection morning. Rest In Peace daddy

Onyewuchi Ogu
July 21, 2023
July 21, 2023
My Big Daddy.

We live to fulfill and drop good legacies when we leave. You dropped a great one and though I never imagined writing with grief in my heart, I rejoice for a well-spent life.
I remember when I would pull your shoe after church services or scratch your back in the evening even when you would push me to read and the more I remember, the more I'm reminded that you exist now only in our hearts and minds.
How I wish I could rewind the hands of time to go back and cherish moments spent with you even more.
You have left us and we cry as we lay you but we find solace in the fact that you are in a better place.
I may not have known a million things about you but I know you were a God-fearing, humble, contented, and happy man but above all a great grandpa, Big Daddy.
I'm proud to be a grandchild of such a great man.

July 12, 2023
July 12, 2023
       Elder F.N.Ogu : BIG Daddy:

The Portrait of Integrity and Lifestyle of Peace

The passage of a peaceful man-------Elder F.N.Ogu: Big Daddy - a name given by his grandchildren which became truly a good usage.

One of the elements in the imitation of Christ,as stated by Thomas 'a Kempis is Peace.
He said " my son,try and do Another's Will rather than your own ( interest: emphasis mine as Phil 2:4 charged)
Always chose to have less rather than more.
Always chose the lowest place and to be less than everyone.
Always long and pray that the Will of God may be realised in your life.
You will find that the man who does all these will walk in the land of peace and quietness.
The kingdom of God is doing the will or delight of God , standing and interceding for others as stipulated in Matt 25:33 .
Big Daddy stood tall in this respect consistently.
Elder FN Ogu lived within his limited resources even to a fault and a life of peace, interceded for others within and around him.
He charged us all ,his children to imbibe such lifestyle to the glory of God
His regular pattern was that he will pick a cause, draw attention of his children saying: PLEASE DO THIS GOODWILL TO THIS PERSON FOR ME

HE believed in family and value system.
He was a man of honour,that the lust and spoils of office never had a rule over him ,in his little capacity then as an Accountant with Boroni Poroni- an Italian construction firm in Nigeria.
Indeed ,he lived talk and above the fog in public duty and private life.
From the little seed from this firm,with zero job mobility,he touched lives both within and without.
We will miss him but decision is always timely and right.

He was fun and fond of his grandchildren and they had tremendous achieve of his memories.

He was a father to me , beyond in-lawship

By the enabling grace of God , all that are praiseworthy ,we heard, saw, learned and received from him, we will uphold.
Glory to God.

Okonkwo NNAMDI

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