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August 21
August 21
My daddy I will forever cherish the time I lived under the same roof with you. You treated me like your own child you ,you taught me God's word,your commitment and faith in God inspired me,you taught me how to manage time ,I learnt discipline from your life style,.I will never forget some of your childhood memories you shared with me and also driving lessons on Sundays. Farewell daddy you forever remain in my heart
August 19
August 19
a tribute to my wonderful uncle, the lion of edgebe family has gone to rest, my big daddy you were a father to many,I was hoping to see you on my wedding day, because ur present will mean alot to me,because after the death of my father,u were the second dad I look up to, when ever I think of you my big daddy my heartbreak, my tall and awesome daddy,it's so painful that u re no longer with us,, the last time I spoke to you, you said (how re you my lovely daughter) oh my big daddy, I will greatly miss you , but God knows the best, it's hard to say, rest in the blossom of Lord, my big daddy  from your lovely daughter Queen
August 19
August 19
To my big daddy, an uncle I never got to call uncle but DADDY, an uncle that never calls me by my name but MY DAUGHTER… an uncle that never flogged nor scolded me..but uses words of love to always correct my wrongs… an uncle that get to advice you from the heart…DADDY you lived and loved, you had this big heart and everyone had a share of your love …DADDY you were so true and just , you believed in service to GOD, you held GOD so high… DADDY I MISS YOU the memories of my childhood with you in it are in my heart and I know you’re in a better place.. Rest in the lord Daddy continue to watch over your children and us….Till we meet to part no more… YOUR NEICE CHINWE.
August 16
August 16
Although we did not have a chance to meet your father in person, I’ve heard so many wonderful things about him from his daughter and son-in-law. He was truly loved by all.

Ecclesiastes 12:7 “ and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.”

May your soul rest in peace, Elder Michael Edegbe.
August 15
August 15
This is a life that was both long and good enough. Rest in Peace sir..
August 14
August 14
A TRIBUTE TO MY AMAZING FATHER IN-LAW                    "A pillar of strength, a heart of gold, and a legacy that will forever be told. You were an extraordinary man, whose impact on the lives of those around you was immeasurable. Your unwavering support, guidance, and love paved the way for countless memories and laughter.

I vividly remember the first time I met you in Benin, when you visited your son, my husband, who was then just a friend. Your warmth and welcoming nature made me feel at peace. You wanted to ensure my intentions for your son were genuine, showing me how much you cared and valued your children.

I cherish the memory of when you stopped at a mall specifically to get me ice cream. Your son was jealous, and you teased him, saying I was now the last born of the family, so you would pamper me! I felt so special and loved.

As a father, you welcomed me with open arms, offering a sense of belonging and acceptance. Your warmth and understanding created a safe haven where love and laughter flourished. Your presence will be deeply missed, but your memory will be a blessing to all who knew you.

May your legacy continue to inspire, motivate, and comfort those who loved you. May your love, wisdom, and spirit live on through the countless lives you touched. Rest in peace, daddy. Your impact will never be forgotten."
August 14
August 14
Daddy as I fondly call you, you were so incredibly kindhearted, loving and generous. You call me daughter because you were indeed a father figure in my days in Abuja. We miss u but are consoled by your beautiful memories that we have. Love u daddy.
August 13
August 13
To the Edegbe Family
'Blessed are those that mourn for they will be comforted'
As we bid farewell to Elder Michael Edegbe, let us carry forward the love and laughter he brought to our lives. Though he may no longer be with us in body, his spirit will forever echo in our hearts, reminding us to cherish each moment and hold tight to the bonds of family.
May his soul rest in peace.
August 12
August 12
A Tribute to My Father-in-Law: A True Father and Friend.

Today, I honor a man who was not just a father-in-law, but a father in every sense of the word—a friend who cared for me more than I often cared for myself. His concern for my well-being was a constant reminder of his deep and abiding love, a love that extended beyond the bounds of familial ties.

He taught me the meaning of deep-rooted love for God, living a life of total commitment and submission to His will. His faith was unwavering, and through his example, he instilled in me a reverence for God that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

He never called me by my name. To him, I was always "son," a term of endearment that spoke to the depth of our bond. In his eyes, I was not just his daughter's husband; I was his trusted son, his personal doctor, and someone he believed in without reservation.

In times of abundance, he was generous, sharing all that he had with those around him. In times of lack, he was caring, always ensuring that the needs of others were met before his own. His selflessness was a testament to the kind of man he was—one who lived not for himself, but for those he loved.

Though he is no longer with us, his spirit remains forever by my side. I will always cherish the lessons he taught me, the love he gave, and the unwavering support he provided. His legacy lives on in the hearts of those who knew him, and I am eternally grateful to have been one of them.

Rest in peace, dear father. You will be missed, but never forgotten.
Dr. Aleh Alexander -Son (inlaw)
August 11
August 11
To my beloved brother-in-law,

Words often fall short when trying to capture the essence of someone so profoundly impactful in our lives. You were not just a brother-in-law to me; you were the embodiment of a father figure,a beacon of strength, wisdom, and unwavering support.
You embraced me with open arms and a heart full of love. Your presence was a constant source of reassurance and stability, offering guidance through life's complexities and celebrating every milestone with genuine joy.

You exemplified integrity and compassion in everything you did, showing me what it means to lead with kindness and humility. Your patience was boundless, your laughter infectious, and your ability to find light in any situation was truly inspiring.You loved education and always asked me to study hard while I was in school and you constantly told me to love God and serve him sincerely. I miss your regular calls ,whether it was a heartfelt conversation over the phone or a shared moment of laughter at family gatherings, every memory with you is etched into my heart.

Your legacy lives on in the countless lives you touched.Though you may no longer be with us in body, your spirit continues to guide us. I am eternally grateful for the gift of knowing you and for the love you bestowed upon me as a cherished member of your family.
You will always hold a special place in my heart.

Forever in gratitude and love,

Mrs Clara Lami Ohwonigho(Nee Enahoro)
August 7
August 7
A very disciplined, committed and respectful gentleman has gone to meet with the Lord. One of the things that endeared me to Mr Edegbe was his commitment to his duty while in the service of IHVN. Not only that, he was very respectful to me as his deptal head despite over 10 years age difference.
I write this tribute to honor him not only during his lifetime and also in death. I pray to God to comfort for his family and also for God to accept his soul in His bossom. RIP, Elder Mile Edegbe!
July 30
A Tribute to My Father, Michael Enoghayangbon Edegbe

In the quiet mornings, when the world was still,
Your voice would rise, “Its morning devotion”, filled with will,
You taught me the ways of God, profound and true,
With daily devotion, our wisdom grew.

You gave me the gift, not just of school’s decree,
But an educated mind, forever free,
You modeled fatherhood with love so pure,
A beacon of strength, steadfast and sure.

Through sacrifice, you showed love’s gentle face,
Through demonstration, you taught me the beauty of grace,
Humility was the path you walked with pride,
Greatness found in every step of your humble stride.

You wove the threads of brotherhood tight,
Uniting our family with love as our light,
With you, Daddy, I felt safe and cherished,
In your embrace, my worries perished.

You would move mountains to make my paths clear,
Filling valleys to bring me near,
The burden of my dreams you gladly bore,
Today I stand tall, grounded in your core.

Daddy, my friend, my motivator and my guide,
With calls twice a day, your love amplified,
Extending beyond family, to friends and kin,
Your love, a circle that knew no end.

By God’s grace and influence, I am who I am,
Michael Enoghayangbon Edegbe, my father
Your legacy lives on in me.
July 29
July 29
Elder Mike was a wonderful man, father and senior friend. He was a man of great faith, diligent, hard working and very patient. His love for his family, particularly his children was admirable. I pray God grants you eternal rest and comforts the family you loved so deeply.
July 27
July 27
Rest in the arms of the Saviour, Sir. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saint. We love you, but Jesus loves you more. Good night, sir.

To the family he left behind, may God comfort you, fill the vacuum left by him, and provide for all the need of the family.
July 27
Elder Mike. You were a good father who cared deeply for his family. You invested heavily in your children despite your modest income. You prioritizing your family is a great lesson to us all. Rest well in the bosom of the Lord.
July 27
It is with a shock to hear that your father had physically left the surface of this earth unannounced.
I knew the effort you(Efosa)put in medically just to make sure your dad's health was fully restored.
Accept my condolences and may his gentle soul rest in perfect peace
July 27
I will no more have the chance to know you but trougth your son Effosa I can say you are a good father. Yes, you are still alive in our heart and we wish you a peaceful rest.
July 27
Want to say so many things but my heart is too heavy because I can't believe that my own big daddy is gone, any time I think of you my body and soul is sad because we discussed so many things before I left you to Lagos little did I know that death will snatched you away from me so soon without you being among my progress death o death. You have always been my mentor and all our discussions will I make it work Baba wey dey inside Baba. I am happy to be part of your life because those periods you never let be feel alone through our conversation, going out, playing with the kids, sleeping beside you, driving round Abuja, watching movies together and lots more. I missed you big daddy till we meet again rest in the God's vineyard.
July 26
Elder Mike, I know you well to be a man after God, you have three routines: your house, office and the church. You lived a good life and your left a good legacy. Contentment is your second name, a man of peace well loved by all. Unfortunately,you answered the clarion call when we expected you to stay a little more with us, to reap all that you have laboured. We cannot question God, we can only surrender to his will. Sleep on Elder Mike.May God console all that you left behind. Sleep well Papa.
July 26
Tribute to my big daddy, uncle, solely he is a father to the fatherless, an icon, the backbone of my destiny. A lover of education, a giver and a solid bedrock of my dream. He is the big tree that covered my head while the rain is falling down the hill. He hate laziness, stealing and lies. He is a father like no other. No words can describe the loss I feel for my uncle's death, I could remember our last conversation and I didn’t know he is leaving us so soon! Death is a thief. He used to call me writer.
My heartfelt condolences go to the entire family. So, is true my Lovely Uncle is gone to rest, but you will never be forgotten. We may be apart, but your memory will live within me forever big daddy. You are a giant.
I am only left with your memories to live with now. No words can express my grief. I pray that God will bring peace and solace to your family.
Rest in peace, my passionate uncle, big daddy. The pillar of entire Edegbe family left this earth without saying goodbye. He passed away because his body had served its purpose and left good legacy behind for his children, brothers, sisters and entire family to cultivate the golden seeds he planted here on earth forever. His soul had achieved what he came to do, learned what it came to learn, so he left a contented man, an elder in cgmi from 1970s. Farewell big daddy, till we meet again and part no more.
July 26
July 26
Mike, you have done your best. You fought the good fight and finished the race; you have also kept the faith. Sleep on beloved in the bosom of Christ, your Lord, Savior and Redeemer. No doubt, you’ll be sorely missed, we love you but Christ loves you more! Adieu. We pray for divine comfort for your children and the family left behind. Rest in perfect peace!!! From Debo OLATEJU & Family
July 26
May God comfort your entire family. Daddy fought to live and as it is the will of God for him to take him this time, may he continue to rest in peace. I pray that the burial ceremony will go smoothly and also, for the mighty hands of God to rest upon the entire family. Take heart sir.
July 26
July 26
Dear Daddy,
You have gone the way of all the earth.
You have come to the finish line.
The finish line from where a greater life begins; the call to the great way. Now we can only see you in our hope.
The hope that we have in the salvation that our Lord Jesus Christ has promised.
That hope is our solace.
That hope is our joy.
That hope is why, though our hearts are grieved, we count it all joy.
That hope wraps around us like warmth and comfort.
That hope is a reassurance to us of the reality and nearness of a saviour.
I know now that you have seen the great lights that comes from glory paths no mortals thread and this knowledge brings to us the joy of the Lord which is our strength.
And for all the loved ones family, children, siblings, friends and community you have left behind in this earth realm to meet your loving and beautiful Creator, I pray that they and all will find peace unconditional and reassurance of the faith with which they first believed in the saviour. That they through the mighty workings of His Spirit will stand steadfast not swayed by the deception of the wicked one so that they will come to experience the perfect saviour on the day of His glorious coming that in this, their joy may be full. I look forward to meeting you again at the wedding with the Groom.
Rest on baba.
July 26
July 26
I was saddened to hear about the loss of Mr. Efosa's father. Although I didn't have the privilege of knowing him, I want to offer my condolences during this difficult time. May his legacy live on through you and your family.

I've had the pleasure of working under you and witnessing the values and principles that your father instilled in you.

May God comfort and strengthen you and your family during this challenging time.

Muhammad. M. Ari.
PM&E, Yobe State.
July 26
July 26
From stories told of Baba, he was resilient, honest, and straightforward .
He was an epitome of honour and integrity, discipline, and respect.
God bless his memory.
July 26
July 26
Dear Efosa,
Accept my heart felt condolences, may the almighty God grant you and yours the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss of your dear dad & may his gentle soul rest in the bosom of the Lord
July 26
July 26
Dear Mr. Efosa,
Please Accept my sympathy , may God give you and the entire family the fortitude to bear this irreparable lost.
May his soul rest in peace.

Alade Kazeem
M&E Ekiti
July 26
July 26
Our big daddy gone to rest with the Lord , this really hurts writing this tribute about you but who to question and ask why? You being a good father and God fearing man even at your sick bed you held on to your faith believing in God , we the Edegbes will forever miss you sir , your legacy will forever be tarred upon .... Till we meet to path no more daddy continue to rest in peace we all love you
July 26
My deepest condolences for the loss of your beloved father. May his soul find eternal peace, and may you find comfort in the love he shared with you. It's okay to grieve, to cry, and to feel the pain of losing your father. I am here to give all the neccessary support you might need in this difficult time.
July 26
May Baba's soul rest eternally in peace in the bossom of God. He was a man of peace. I pray Almighty God will comfort the entire family in Jesus Christ's name, amen.
July 26
May his good work on earth count for him before our Lord Jesus. May he find peace and rest in the Lord. For those he left behind, I pray the God will console you all and give you the strength and grace to bear this loss. RIP SIR.
July 26
A Hero has gone to be with the Lord Papa life was well spent having a dogged son like you, May his Soul Find Rest in Christ, accept my condolences
July 26
July 26
May his gentle soul Rest in Peace with the lord. My boss, Mr. Efosa son of the deceased I pray the good Lord grant you the strength to bear the loss. Take heart.
July 26
July 26
Epa as I fondly called Oga Mike was a very nice man humble man who loved everyone and always had a nice and encouraging words for all who met him.
Epa was always a happy man his Faith in God was important to him and this reflected in the way he lived his life and in all his interactions.
He will be sorely missed but we are encouraged that he is with his Lord who he has worshipped all his life .
May his soul continue to rest in perfect peace.

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