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April 24, 2017
April 24, 2017
One of the things I always enjoyed about Eleanor was her love of dancing. As a dancing queen myself we could really relate. At Christmas time she would bless the chruschiki by phone. Her spirit was strong and her love of life so evident in everything she did. Eleanor I know you're dancing in heaven now.
April 10, 2017
April 10, 2017
I always called Eleanor the “fun” aunt. That is until October 23, 2013. By that time, I was married and living in Australia with my new Aussie husband Gene. On our yearly trip back to the States, we had a chance to have lunch with Eleanor, Cynthia, and my brother Jim. Cynthia warned me that 93 year old Eleanor had changed since I had seen her last, and she no longer had any kind of filter for what came out of her mouth. Seeing how I didn’t realise that Eleanor ever had a filter, I was really looking forward to this lunch. The Eleanor show started as soon as we got to the restaurant and I introduced Gene. Eleanor looked at him with a devilish twinkle in her eyes, straightened up a little, smiled her most seductive smile, and began shaking her chest to show off what was left of her “goods.” The frosting on the cake was while she had her chest in motion, she asked the now immortal question: “Are you Available?” Jackpot! Another perfect Eleanor moment! Gene was feeling very flattered, but his bubble soon burst when my brother Jim showed up and Eleanor gave an encore of her performance. Now since Eleanor’s memory wasn’t quite what it used to be, between catnaps, she would repeat her question, and both Gene and Jim had to keep reminding her that they were honoured, but sadly, not available. As it turned out, all of the male waiters and busboys were also spoken for. But there is no joy in Hamtramck, the mighty Eleanor had struck out. When I got back to Australia, I told the tale of our lunch with Eleanor to all of my friends, and all of them want an aunt like Eleanor. To be honest though, none of them remember her name. She is lovingly known as “Are you Available?”, complete with chest motion. The Eleanor legend lives on.
April 10, 2017
April 10, 2017
I have lots of stories to share about my Auntie Eleanor (Cha Cha), so I will begin with the story of her shoes!!! When I began my career as a Nurse in 1986 the first things I notice was my feet were killing me!!! I wasn't sure I was going to last being on my feet 8, 10 or 12 hours a day, in those days you had to wear the standard nurses shoes no tennis shoes were allowed, so in sharing this with my aunt she told me to try wearing her shoes that she wore at Ford's (I've attached a picture), thank God we wore the same shoe size, they were ungodly ugly and had this big ripple sole, but I work in them and I no longer had any more pain!!!!! So for the rest of my working years when I worked the floors I wore those shoes, had to go to a special store, and they were very expensive, and everyone made fun of me because they were so ugly!!! I didn't care I was able to work my shift and I can honestly say "I walked in her shoes" Thank you Cha Cha!!!! Love you always!!!!!
April 9, 2017
April 9, 2017
Being the daughter of Eleanor Bette Kasler is an honor, a gift and a tough act to follow. To try to describe her to anyone who never had the experience of meeting her, is just not possible. You had to be there.

Anyone who knows her and even someone who only met her once has told me a story about her that included phrases like; "Your mom cracks me up", "I have never met anyone like her in my entire life" and the one I heard the most was "I can't believe your mom just said that!"
Believe it. Whatever was on her mind, you were gonna hear it.

She was gorgeous, smart, tough, hard working, young at heart and made me laugh every single time I saw her, excluding my teenage years when I felt it absolutely necessary to butt heads with her to be able to stand up to her when necessary. No small feat. In the middle of one of those disagreements, she stopped and smiled at me and said, "you remind me of me." Best compliment I've ever received.

She gave me life, love and shared her great wisdom with me. I will miss her physical presence, but I rejoice in the fact that her indomitable spirit will forever be with us all.

I love you mama.
April 9, 2017
April 9, 2017
A memorial gathering in Michigan is being planned and details will be posted here. In the meantime, share your thoughts, pictures and stories here. And drink a toast and dance in your living room and smile. She would like that.

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