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Holy Innocents

July 21, 2021
Ellie and I were best friends in elementary school. My memories are of my time on the side porch reading Nancy Drew and Carolyn Keene. We went to the movies on Flatbush Ave. We painted ourselves into a corner of their basement as we prepared for a Halloween party to which I brought candy apples. I, like Ellie, went to St Saviour in 1950.
She was a year ahead of me and had her new classmates as friends. We grew apart ; I was still immature. My brother Bill had Courtney, called Royko by boys , as a friend and my sister Nan was Rosie’s pal.
i, like Ellie, have travelled often and widely. In 1960, we bought a Renault in Paris and drove for ten weeks as our honeymoon. I married an English professor , recently deceased after sixty years of marriage and three children.My joy in reading and writing began  on the McGroarty’s porch. We lived at 2116 Ditmas.
Best wishes and thanks for these memories 

A short eulogy for my mother, Eleanore Raven-Hamilton (1935-2017)

August 5, 2017

A short eulogy for my mother, Eleanore Raven-Hamilton (1935-2017)

A Persian carpet is both functional and a work of art.  Their colors and patterns, often deep rich reds and blue-grey in fields bounded by rhythmic borders; these carpets were prized and admired by my mother.  The carpet’s structure of interwoven warps and wefts is comprised of knots where the threads intersect.  Those knots build up the pile of the carpet, to achieve the luxuriant comfort that symbolizes home, hospitality… anchoring us.  The more knots, the deeper and stronger is this work of art.

The many people who have been touched by Eleanore’s life are these knots… tied by close and deep friendships and relationships.  Her life and career as a diplomat and teacher were woven through with rich threads of friendship and humanity; progressive ideals and global vision; deep intellect and curiosity; sense of adventure; home and hospitality.

One of her friends told me Ellie had a talent for friendship.  Recently, my mother tried to meet a friend in a far-off location, who responded, “nothing about the arrangement was remotely practical; but there was no doubting Ellie’s determination”.

Ellie was committed to progressive ideals and global vision, but she joined and believed in our current institutions, preferring to push for change from the inside.  Her work with Voice of the Faithful, to push the Catholic Church forward; to envision the ordainment of women priests… or for our country, the election of a woman president of the United States.   In the State Department, she was actively engaged in working groups focusing on Iran and Palestinian issues.

Her global curiosity perhaps originated in Brooklyn; where as a child she was attracted to immigrants and visitors from all over the world in the streets and subways of New York City.  She told me she often wondered where they were from; what lives they led back home. 

Her sense of adventure and deep intellect spurred our global travels together in Europe, the Middle East and Iran.  During the mid-1970’s, this single mother and her two teenage boys visited many of the ancient cities and archeological sites in Iran across deserts and over mountains, in our little Peugeot.  My brother Rob and I were fortunate to have front row seats on these phases of Ellie’s life; actually Rob was largely in the front seat and I was in the back.

Many of you have enjoyed a delicious meal around the dining room table with Ellie and Michael, filled with conversation and laughter.  In a life of travel, home and hospitality was a constant with Ellie; she wove a rich, beautiful and luxuriant carpet for us all. 

Jeffrey Raven
Holy Trinity Church, Washington DC, 28 July 2017


August 5, 2017


The funeral mass was in Holy Trinity Church in Georgetown, where Eleanore’s grandson Matthew and son Jeffrey were baptized, and was Eleanore's parish during our years in Washington.  The mass was presided by her childhood friend, Jesuit priest Brian McDermott.  We had a lovely series of songs led by the cantor accompanied by the impressive church organ.  Michael and Jeffrey gave short eulogies, followed by a reading from Isaiah 25:6a, 7-9 (read by grandson Matthew) and a letter of St. Paul to the Romans 8:31, read by Eleanore’s sister Rosemary.  The General Intercessions were read by Ellie’s brother Bob McGroarty.  Ellie’s ashes were in a simple, elegant urn (inspired by ancient Greek urns), surrounded by white and multicolored flowers.

After the mass, we all went next door to the hall, where food and drink was served.  There was a projector showing images of Eleanore over the years, from childhood to recent, often surrounded by friends and family.  We opened the floor to stories about Ellie.  Eleanore's son Robert spoke; as did the grandchildren Julia and Elise; Ellie’s friends; foreign service colleagues, brother and sister, niece, etc.

Several hours later, most of us went back to our house, where more food and drink was served.  Photos of Ellie continued to show in the well-placed TV, and we settled in for longer discussions and stories.  Ellie’s garden looked beautiful.  

Cruise around Alaska

August 3, 2017

Ellie, Mike and I stopped in Prince Rupert, Canada as part of our week-long cruise around Alaska. We went to a small museum that housed Canadian artifacts. The exhibit was small but Ellie gave me all of the information the exhibit lacked, telling me stories about Canada and its history.

Trip to Alaska

August 3, 2017

When I was a sophomore in high school, Ellie and Mike took me on a cruise to Alaska. Spending so much one on one time with my grandparents is something I will treasure forever. I took this photo in front of a glacial waterfall in Ketchikan, Alaska. 

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