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November 7, 2023
November 7, 2023
A few days beyond your passing anniversary and I think of you often. I hope you and Dad are playing a game of poker or taking a motorcycle ride! It's been a very sad year without you both...losing dad has been so tough - but knowing you are together brings me peace. Hugs to you and the stubborn well driller now at your side.
May 8, 2022
May 8, 2022
Happy Birthday and Happy Mother’s Day ELLY!! Even though you are not with us anymore I hope all of your wishes come true for you in heaven!! I miss you and Vinny really thinks about you every day!! Love you!!❤️
November 2, 2021
November 2, 2021
Thinking of you today, as it’s so hard to believe three years have passed so quickly. We are keeping an eye on dad, but he truly misses you. He even got a tattoo with your name…(yes, an 84 year old man with his second tattoo-haha)! He feels like it’s a symbol and reminder of the 40 years you shared together- and is so proud to show it off. Just wanted to send you love and remembrance. Give Aunt Helen a hug from me and hoping you two are eating corn toaster cakes together! :-) 
December 31, 2018
December 31, 2018
Mom this is now my first New Year's Eve without you physically here in my life. I'm thinking about you often today. Since losing you in 2018, I've decided that 2018 sucks! I am truly looking forward to a happier, healthier, more peaceful and prosperous year in 2019! I love you! I miss you! I wish that you were here with us! I hope that you are truly in the spiritual world and or Heaven enjoying the time with your mother and father, Walter 1, Walter 2, Uncle Bobby, Uncle Billy, Aunt Peggy, cousin Michael "Aunt" Helen and all other family members that we lost before you!
December 25, 2018
December 25, 2018
Mom, this has been my first Christmas Eve and Christmas without you here. As you probably somehow know, I've had my somber moments missing you dearly. However, you always made Christmas special with your traditional and beautiful decorations....the Christmas Tree, the fireplace mantle with the Nativity, the stockings all lined in a row across the mantle and some years down the stairs railing. Your delicious one of a kind lasagna was always a treat! You always made Christmas magical in a way that we kids couldn't sleep on Christmas Eve with the anticipation of a spectacular Christmas morning! You always delivered a memorable Christmas! I have followed in the footsteps of your Christmas traditions and even added a few of my own! Merry Christmas to you! God Bless You! Rest in Peace! I Love you and miss you unconditionally!
December 8, 2018
December 8, 2018
I have only known you a short time through Brienna and Vinny but within that time there were a few things that were evident. 1. You can make a delicious lasagna. I spent a holiday with your family and I could tell that lasagna was truly something you enjoyed making because it was for the people you cherish the most. I could tell that being with your family enjoying a meal was something that made the holidays for you, and I’m so grateful that I could witness this and be a part of this. 2. You were a huge loving support system for your family. You seemed to always encourage your family to pursue the things they love. Brienna, Vinny, and I sang Christmas carols to you and Ray one night. I knew in that moment that Christmas Caroling was a product of your encouraging words and support to first Vinny and then Brienna to do the things they love. I also see this with Chase and Matt, as they are pursing the things the love. 3. You truly loved your family unconditionally, they were your world. I have know the Wernerspach’s to be very family oriented. That was imprinted by your unconditional love for your family. Elly, my life is impacted by your life and I thank you dearly for that. God bless you.
With much love,
December 2, 2018
December 2, 2018
Hi Mom! Today represents one month ago today that you passed. I want to believe that you are still alive and with us in the spiritual world. Today "Africa" was played on a radio station that I was listening to. "Africa" is one of the songs that Brienna played for you on her cell phone the night that you were departing us. I wonder if you came through in that song today. The words to that song resounded in me that night and bought me to sobbing. How true they are.
November 22, 2018
November 22, 2018
Mom, this is my first ever Thanksgiving without you here in person with me...the first ever for my children without you as well. Im sure that you somehow know that we all are thinking about you, loving you and missing you. It isn't and never will be the same. However, in your honor, as we know that you would want for us and expect for us to do...we are managing to have a Happy Thanksgiving together as a family. My children and I literally live because of you. We love you and appreciate you for that and FOR SO MUCH MORE! We are so very THANKFUL for you and for everything that you have done for us! God Bless You and keep you in eternal bliss, love, happiness and joy!
Vincent, Matthew, Brienna and Chase
November 14, 2018
November 14, 2018
My condolences to the Wernerspach family.Elly I never met you but I know some of your family.From what I know about you,I wish I did know you.May you rest in peace.
November 11, 2018
November 11, 2018
Your love and support will never go unnoticed or unappreciated. For the past 22 years you have made impacts on my life that others could never have. I’m so grateful for everything we’ve done and every moment we’ve had together. In the beginning when we lived together it was smaller things in life like watching you stand at the mailbox waiting for our bus in the pouring rain while Brie and I waited under the front overhang; or cooking us breakfast and dinner almost daily; or playing solitaire together. When we moved it became bigger events such as holidays, parties, or vacations that paint pictures in my mind. Thankfully, I worked with Dad and was able to see you more often. From these later years I think about us going to Atlantic City since I was finally able to do your favorite activity, gambling. Of course I will always cherish those memories of just casually showing up and watching tv with you and Pop before and after work, and sleeping over once in a while just to do it. You were always a big part of my life and will continue to be. I love you Grandma. Thank you.
November 10, 2018
November 10, 2018
Elly was truly a warm and kind person that gave it all and asked for nothing in return. I met her when they ,Ray and Elly, first started dating, and I realized that they were making each other happy. At the end of the day nothing else matters They got their second chance in life to be together and believe me there isn't anything better. I will miss her view of life and the conversations we always enjoyed having. When a couple can communicate with their eyes they have reach the ultimate level of eminence. I hope to see you on the other side my friend. I will check on Ray now and then for you, rest in piece. I can still see her on the back of rays bike just in front me. That's right girl off into the sunset you go.
November 9, 2018
November 9, 2018
My dearest Aunt Elly, I realize it has been quite sometime that we had visited . I remember one summer that I had spent in Jersey between family homes there. All were very welcoming but your home was most welcoming and You made me feel like one of your own children. It was summer ill never forget. You are sadly missed . There will always be love in my heart for you. God has blessed you with no more pain or suffering. Rest in peace.
God Bless and much love ,your nephew Michael Borys
November 9, 2018
November 9, 2018
Dearest Mom,
It is difficult to believe that exactly one week ago today that you took your last breath while I held your left hand at your bedside. 
The experience was circumstancially both dreadful and beautiful. The sadness I felt was the deepest and most painful of any loss that I've ever had.
Today you are remembered both in happiness for the great memories of your life with me and also in somber for your physical loss of you in this
God Bless You Mom!
12:05 pm 11-9-18
November 8, 2018
November 8, 2018
Having known of the humor, determination, loyalty, intelligence, and the other fine qualities of her son, Vinnie, over more than three decades, it is obvious that this apple (or nut, perhaps) has not fallen far from his tree. Our visits with his family have been far too few over the years - the more is our loss. During our visits to celebrate Elly's, or Aunt Helen's, or Ray's birthday, or even to meet the new incontinent dachshund, Elly was always the most gracious hostess. Judy, Danny, and I always had that warm and fuzzy, family feeling when in Elly and Ray's home, or in their company at an event involving Vinnie, Becky, Matthew, Brianna, and Chase - choral concerts, graduations, a beautiful child's birth, and, now, Elly's reunion with God.  We will always remember Elly. We are blessed by her loving family, and our love for them.
November 7, 2018
November 7, 2018
Elly, you were a very strong woman that I could look up to. I appreciate you sacrificing your time to watch my kids when they were young so I could work to give them what they needed. Now that my kids are older, I can see how strong, independent and caring they have become just like you and their father who you also raised. I love/miss you and you truly were the mother I never had.
Love, Becky!
November 7, 2018
November 7, 2018
The world has lost another angel on earth but certainly gained one in heaven.
You came into our broken family and helped make us whole. There were so many wonderful and fun times we had together. I know we didn’t always see eye to eye when I was in high school but what teenager ever gets along with their mother. And that’s what you were, a mother to me and a grandmother to my boys.
I will always appreciate the love and affection you gave unconditionally to my dad. You were his rock and he is struggling down here without you. So, keep an eye on him and every now and then send a sign so he knows you looking out for him.
Love you forever, Toni
November 6, 2018
November 6, 2018
To my Aunt Elly – Although we haven’t seen each other for some time, my thoughts of you when I was young are full of great memories. When you came to Massachusetts to visit, it was like having two mothers! You were there to help if we needed anything and my mother certainly loved having you as you were her second set of eyes watching every move us kids made!  You are sadly missed, but knowing your free from all illness is a relief. Love your nephew, Chris.
November 6, 2018
November 6, 2018
Elly - there are so many emotions running through me as I write this...
Tremendous sadness in my loss, shock at how fast everything seemed to happen, confusion as to why we lost you, wondering if you are with all your loved ones above, worry for the ones you left behind, joy in all my memories of you, immense pride in how you helped me become the woman I am, happiness in knowing you loved me as your own daughter, great appreciation for having you as my "mother" figure - but mostly an incredibly deep love for all that you were to me and our family. We were a blended family and certainly never perfect, but through the years, you were steadfast in your love for all of us and the rock of the family. As I look back at all the memories, I am reminded of how amazing you truly were. I know my dad is a better person for having met you all those years ago, and we ended up being the lucky ones. Thank you for teaching me how to be tough and take care of myself, but also how to be tender and caring when needed.  Thank you for devoting your life to our family and making the tough choices to hold us all together through the good times and the bad. That is a true testament to your unbound strength, unconditional love and fierce determination.  I will forever be grateful and will keep your fighting spirit alive within me, always. Love-Jessica
November 5, 2018
November 5, 2018
What can I say about the impact Ellie has had on my life? For me, I’m thankful for her tenacious spirit and steadfast mind, but most importantly, her loving and caring heart. These attributes are what shaped her son Vinnie into the man he is today - my best friend since high school.
I fondly recall spending Christmases with the Wernerspach and Peters families. Halloween and Christmas caroling, many long conversations late into the night, and just “hanging out” with Vinnie were a significant part of my teenage years. In all these events, Ellie was part of the fabric that makes up who I am, and I treasure these precious memories. Although a few more miles separate our families these days, I always look forward to getting together whenever we visit NJ.
As I think about how I’ve known Ellie for over half my life, I guess the lesson I’m reminded of, is to live life in such a way so that those around us are positively impacted, and that we’re remembered for loving one another. In my little corner of the world, Ellie’s legacy lives on in me, in that I’m blessed with a lifelong friend, and my kids have an “Uncle Vinnie.” In this difficult time, I pray for the peace and presence of the Lord, and His comfort for the Wernerspach and Peters families. God bless.
November 5, 2018
November 5, 2018
Ellie was a lovely and tough lady. very much respected.
Ray and Ellie were best friends too. I loved to see them together all the time having coffee and talking.
While I did not know Her very well, She reminded me of my Grandma,
Ray, I’m very sorry for your loss, Vinny I know how hard this is for you, I’m very sorry. To Ellie’s family and friends. Rest In Peace Ellie.
November 5, 2018
November 5, 2018
Thoughts and prayers of peace and comfort for Vincent and his entire family. May the memories of love that you have of your beloved Mom, Wife, Grandmother, Sister and friend get you through this difficult time.
November 5, 2018
November 5, 2018
Dearest Elly, I want to thank you for for being a wonderful woman and mother. I am so grateful to have known you and your family especially your children. They are truly a testament of your beautiful heart. May you be at peace in heaven and I pray for your comfort and continued support for all of us who will miss you so much
November 4, 2018
November 4, 2018
   My dearest loving and beloved mother, Eleanor. I am unable to sum up your beautiful life of 76+ years in only a few sentences. I am honored and blessed to have you for my mother. You have demonstrated to me by example: determination, strength, loyalty, generosity, an open mind, unconditional love, care and support in ways that many in this world do not understand. 
   You were there with me when I took my first breath in this world and I was there with you when you took your last breath. In this world you were surrounded by those who love and care for you. Now you are surrounded by those who left this world before you. They love and care for you as they always have and as we do and always will. Until the time comes when we again will be united, we will remain connected perhaps in ways beyond my comprehension. 
   I hope and pray that you are in heaven with God, your mother, father, sister, brothers, nephews and friends. I love and care for you unconditionally Mom! I miss you so much!
Love- Vincent

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