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His Life

My Father

May 18, 2017

Elmore Joseph aka Top Gun, aka 8th Ball, aka Red Cap.   Elmore Joseph A Mover and a Groover.

Elmore joseph was born on the 21st April 1934 in the village of Cedros.   He was the son of Veronica and Fitzroy Joseph.  brother of 15 siblings.   Along his journey in life, he was married three times and became the father of seven children.   In the days of his youth, he worked with one his uncles going out into the sea and fishing for many hours to help support his family.   After this he worked many other jobs.  He then secured a government job with the Ministry of Works and Hydraulics.  In the late 1980's he migrated to the United States of America, where he was fortunate to secure a job with one of the Oil Companies and then WAPA.  During all the many years that he resided in the US, he would come to Trinidad practically every year for the occassion of Christmas, sometimes for Carnival and also for Point Fortin Borough day celebtrations.  Some peolple used to ask him, you have yuh own plane or what? but Christmas was his main vacation.   He must be in Trinidad for Chirstmas to share this occassion with his loved ones who still resides here.  He also must visit friends and family with a big hug and an even bigger smile.  He loved all those who came into his life, old friends, new friends always concerned about their well being.  Music was his first love, no music? that was madness to him. he loved music so much that everytime he came to Trinidad he would bring along a CD Player and all his favoutite CDs, so he could listen to them while he relaxed. dont talk about taking pictures, he and his camera were buddies, he probably have pictures of everyone he met.  these are some of the words he often said, for instance TODAY IS FRIDAY, TOMORROW IS SATURDAY, thats how much he looked forward to another day, and it was said with so much zest. After retiring, he moved to Florida close to some of his siblings, they were never apart for any long period of time, when you see one, you see all. he would pass the time listening to music and watching movies and going to the beach to fish.  When ever he meet up with his children you could practically see the love bursting from him.  he was always so proud of them, he would tell everyone even strangers "this is meh son or this is meh daughter, he was never afriad to say the words "i love you" to anyone of them.  This year he decided to come to trinidad to go to Point Fortin Borough Day Celebrations, as i said before you see one you see all, both siblings and children were never far from him.  whilst there he became ill and passed away at the age of 83.  He will be remembered by those whose lives he touched as one of the most loving and caring persons that they have had the privilege to meet.   In his own words he always said "I AM A HAPPY MAN". R.I.P. DADDY , WE LOVE YOU.