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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Elom Dovlo 65 years old , born on April 27, 1953 and passed away on November 5, 2018 at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital after a short illness. We will remember him forever.

The funeral details as planned by the family are as follows:

  • Friday 14th December 2018 : Pre-burial service at the Trinity United Church, Trinity College, Legon. Starting at 7:30am.
  • Saturday 15th December 2018 : Church service, burial and funeral rites at the Bethany Congregation of the Global Evangelical Church, Dzelukofe starting at 9am. Followed by burial at the Dovlo Family Cemetery, Woe. Funeral rites follow immediately after the Burial.
  • Sunday 16th December 2018 : Memorial and thanksgiving service at the Global Evangelical Church, Bethany Congregation, Dzelukope at 9am. Family gathering follows immediately at the Dovlo Family House, Tettekope-Afegame.
November 28, 2018
November 28, 2018
Prof! May you rest in peace.
The thought of your departure aches. I was so sure you will get well because I had one more question to ask you; But when God decides who am I to question His wisdom.
You were my Pastor, father, mentor and a gifted teacher of the word of God. Your teachings always give me hope and strength to move on. As a pastor, you always come to the level of every member and make them feel loved and cared for. You never compromised on what you believed to be yes or no. You always had or created time for every church member.
I remembered you hosted us ( youth ministry) ; made us enjoy some good meals after which we played all sort of games on your beautiful green grass whilst you sat and watched. You advised, encouraged, blessed and cared for our transportation home.
We will greatly miss you. You touched our lives in many ways, we will continue to do same to others as God strengthens us.
Rest in peace
November 27, 2018
November 27, 2018
Uncle Elom!!! Oh what a big blow. This is unbelievable. Lord have mercy Aooooooow, Aooooooow, Aooooooow, Hmmmm Uncle, ne eyia nadogbena fofonye ha nam, mikata midzudzor le nutifafame, ohh ese loo, ohh eseloo. Auntie Stella, I am so so sorry! Your gentle giant ooo, we will miss his bright smiles that could light up the darkest night, his warm, affable and non judgemental attitude. Auntie, I pray the good lord grants you strength in this difficult time. May his Gentle soul rest in perfect peace. Mawu na n) nyi kple mikataa. Amen!!
November 27, 2018
November 27, 2018
Our dear Uncle Elom,
We will never forget your warm big smiles, that came through from a kind and loving heart.
We will remember the times you looked over us with tender care when we were little playing on the grass in front of the house or when you patiently got us all learning maths on the chalkboard on the veranda.
Every time we saw you, it brought genuine happiness. We hope to share the love and care you brought to us to the world also.
We will miss you and may you rest in peace.
Seyram & Hoese Ackuaku
November 27, 2018
November 27, 2018
Dear, Prof. I was first introduced to you by r late friend Phanuel Koku Glalah in 1985 in Gaborone - Botswana. You have encouraged me to progress n be more focused with my studies in Commerce. I never looked back, I have achieved greatness today n my entire family is liberated. I am thankful to you n Phanuel. Rest well with your maker till we meet again.
November 26, 2018
November 26, 2018
“Strange is our situation here upon earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to divine a purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know - that man is here for the sake of other men.” —Albert Einstein. You epitomized this quote in our relationship by blessing me with privileges ideally bestowed on sons and daughters. Rest well Daddy, Rest well.
November 26, 2018
November 26, 2018
As a young lecturer who had just returned to the Department of Religions from the UK in the early eighties, you served as a mentor to a Teaching Assistant in a completely different department and field. Your support was all-rounded: academic, social, and spiritual. That friendship that you so generously fomented at that time of my life grew over the decades. Your intellectual curiosity about my work, as I rose through the ranks from an assistant professor to full professor in two different US institutions was, indeed, breathtaking. It was an honor when you agreed to be the keynote speaker at the ICALLAS Conference that I co-organized at Legon in 2011. Participants from around the world at that conference who heard you speak with clarity and intellectual rigor, still remember you from that conference. You opened your doors and invited me in to know your family. You were never remiss in asking me about mine, especially about my older daughter, who had the good fortune of meeting you and your family during our short stay with you several years ago. I shall treasure your smile, your contagious laughter, even when things looked gloomy. You have touched so many lives, and your kindness, good cheer, and utter humanity will be forever etched in the memory of many of us. May you rest in peace!
November 25, 2018
November 25, 2018
Uncle Elorm, hearing about your passing was a shock to us all. We first met the Dovlos properly when they took us in as Level 1s with no accommodation on Legon campus in 2004. We were fed and taken care off and their home was definitely our home away from home. The Lumors have in one way or another stayed with the Dovlos over the years. The memories of him at my wedding, his being our link when my father passed...Uncle Elorm always had our best interests at heart. We will miss your gentleness and calmness. We pray the good Lord keep your soul until we meet again. RIP Uncle Elorm.
November 25, 2018
November 25, 2018
Uncle Elom was a friend, a big brother, a mentor, and a role model. My late cousin introduced me to him in 1986 when I began the degree program at Legon. Soon after, something clicked between us and he embraced me with open arms. He didn’t only invite me out for lunch from time to time but also introduced me to his circle of friends. Based on his trust for me, he offered me the opportunity to occupy his home at Ayido Flats, for a whole year, while he was away on Sabbatical Leave in Japan. This development brought me closer to other Dovlo family members. Uncle Elom continued to impact my life even after I graduated from Legon. He was instrumental in my job search after the National Service—just a note to a friend and I landed my first job at Ghana Telecom. In 1997, when I needed a recommendation letter for admission to graduate school in the USA, he was there for me—I still have a copy of that powerful letter of recommendation. Undoubtedly, he contributed tremendously to my academic and professional success.
Indeed, he was a generous man who always welcomed people to his home. He was a selfless individual who reached out to many at his own expense. For this reason, I believe there is laid up for him a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give him on his arrival.
The last time we met physically and spent some time together was in January 2014 when I was in Ghana. Since my return, I kept in touch with him via whatsapp and our last conversation was on August 30, 2018. When I received the news that Uncle Elom departed to be with the Lord, I was completely devastated but understood that he was on his way to a place of eternal rest. 
My condolences go to the bereaved family as they go through this pain of parting without farewell. Uncle Elom, you’ll be greatly missed but rest assured you will always be remembered for your selfless service to humanity. Fare Thee Well; Hede Nyuie!!!
Raymond Akondo, Maryland, USA.
November 25, 2018
November 25, 2018
The only family member who called me by my favourite name name ."Elikplim " and if I respond Prof, he would say ' don't say Prof' ' say Torgbi (grandpa), don't you know am your grandpa?
Indeed, a great tree has fallen.
Torgbi, may your gentle soul rest in peace.
November 25, 2018
November 25, 2018
Hmmm. It is indeed a mighty lost. Prof. was my mentor, father,councillor, spiritual father,personal friend. I lost a gem, Global Evangelical church lost a gem and we all lost a gem. My personal consolation is that his good work would follows him and the good Lord will place him at his blossom as well as comfort us those he left behind. left us too soon but God knows best. May you rest in perfect peace.
November 24, 2018
November 24, 2018
Hmmm its really a great lost to me! He was a role model to me, a mentor, and above all my God father. I remember vividly during my students days in Legon, I went to him when I was in the first year to complaint about my difficulties to comprehend the theories. This was his response, "tso Wilson de ko ne le exle ge na ne me li ne le wowo ge o " meaning you just have to be focused and be reading consistently to enabled you comprehend.I was expecting something more consoling than this, but as usual he told me truth. Such is Prof for you! I really miss him and will never ever forget him.
November 23, 2018
November 23, 2018
Prof. Dovlo (Uncle Elom) was my mentor, a friend with great intellect and a good sense of humor. He had a smile, witty line, always respectful, and a word or show of belief in me anytime we met. I’ll deeply miss him. May his soul rest in perfect peace.
November 23, 2018
November 23, 2018
Uncle Elɔm you homed everyone in heart with smiles and great joy.I remembed the day Kwame ,Stanaley, Johnson and I enjoyed delicious meal in your home .May Angles received you in the heavens gallery. You were indeed a father to all who shared seconds,minutes,hours,days and years with you. You will remain indelible in our heart. Rest in perfect peace.
November 23, 2018
November 23, 2018
Oh what a profound loss !!
Prof , you are never dead. We will always remember you for your kindness,humility, love for the weak, advice,patience,fairness,positive firmness, and the good knowledge you impacted us during our studies in the University of Ghana in 1988-1991.
Prof, although I am currently in Turkey, I can't afford to miss paying you the last respect tomorrow at the Trinity....I must be there.
Prof , RIP !
November 23, 2018
November 23, 2018
You shall be forever missed Uncle Elom. Your home at Legon was more than a second home for us all, always welcoming and loving. Wishing you God’s Blessing in the journey ahead. You shall be forever missed.
November 22, 2018
November 22, 2018
Elorm will forever be missed. He taught me one thing when we served on the University of Ghana Appointments and Promotion Board together:- FAIRNESS and FIRMNESS should always be the guiding principle in decision making.
Elorm, Rest Peacefully in the bosom of the Lord.
November 22, 2018
November 22, 2018
Missing you dear uncle,
The memories are many, your arms and home were always open to me and my children and we always felt at home with you.
You touched many lives in so many unique ways and for that you will never be forgotten .
Your grandchildren miss you, Uncle. There are days when the heart still aches a little more but there are days when all the good memories make it all a little better.
We are Christians so we shall not mourn like people with no hope . We pray we meet again to rejoice with the angels day and night in heaven
Dearly loved, sorely missed.
November 22, 2018
November 22, 2018
Dear Elom,
Through my friendship with Kobla, my boss and mentor in the Air Force, starting from the 1980s, I became friends with you and Delanyo. It felt like family as time progressed, as all three of you made me feel very much at home anytime. Although I was not frequently in your company it always felt as if we were very close anytime we met. This certainly has to do with your affable and naturally humane nature in the company of all and sundry. I have not seen you in close to five years due to my absence from Ghana over the past few years, but when I heard of your passing it felt as though I had seen you a week ago. Rest in Perfect Peace Elom, till we meet again in the company of our Maker.
November 22, 2018
November 22, 2018
Uncle Elom!
Thank you so much for opening your home to us. You blessed us on almost all our special occasions;engagements, weddings, outdooring etc. You are dearly missed.
Rest well with our maker
November 22, 2018
November 22, 2018
Dear Prof!!
As Osofo’s (Moderators’) children, we had a special bond!!
We also had a special bond because of our friendship as a family.
You were such a gentleman and a gentle soul. I remember working closely with you especially on the Admissions Board. You as Chair and I, then as the Admissions Officer. We worked so well together!! And we had a lot to laugh about, and you had a style which had all involved corperating so well it made the work less tedious!!!
You have gone too soon Prof!!
Didn’t hear of your hospitalisation until a bit late but I was praying you would pull through especially when Stella told us about all the issues, when we visited at Korle-Bu.
‘Osofo’ as I used to call you! You are and will be sorely missed!!!
Rest peacefully in the Lord!
November 20, 2018
November 20, 2018
RIP Rev. Prof. Dovlo.
During my stay in Ghana in the 1990s as a Liberian refugee, I had the good fortune of studying at The University of Ghana, Legon.When I completed my undergraduate studies, Prof. Dovlo encouraged me to pursue graduate studies. I did! He became my main supervisor, for my research and thesis. As Head of Dept. for the Study of Religions, he granted me the opportunity to serve as graduate teaching assistant, doing tutorials for undergraduates. It was a great experience and also provided much needed income for a poor guy on the hustle.
There were many huddles studying without a scholarship assistance, but all were made easier with the support and understanding of Prof. Dovlo. I am saddened by his passing. I am quite sure many of my colleagues and former course mates share the same sentiments.
He was a towering academician and scholar. My sincere sympathy to his family and all the good people at the Dept. for the Study of Religions, University of Ghana, Legon.
Samuel M.Sondah
Oakley, CA
November 19, 2018
November 19, 2018
Dear Elorm.
I vividly remember the couple of sabbatical months you spent in The Netherlands working on your professoral essay. I remember I would drive down to y our flat on saturday morning, pick you up for our usual drive to Amsterdam. I do not think we left any topic uncovered. After a day well spent with the other Mawulians, we would drive back to your flat. This continued for months. I remember our tour drives to neighbouring villages. In that I had come to appreciate your insight and drive, especially your views on how Mawuli School should reposition for the future. Still remember vividly the small accident with car on the bridge. Memories.
It came as a shock to hear of your passing. Your family, Mawuli and Ghana, indeed, has lost a great son. Rest in Peace. Lilly.
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November 6, 2023
November 6, 2023
5 years just like yesterday. Continue to rest in the bosom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To think that we met in Lancaster University UK some 43 years ago is just like day before yesterday. Sleep on brother till resurrection day when we shall meet to part no more
Kayode Oluwole (Toronto Canada)
November 6, 2023
November 6, 2023
Today marks five (5) years since God called you. We continue to miss you every day. We pray that God we will continue to help us to make you proud because of the knowledge and teachings you instilled in us. Keep resting in the bossom of our Lord Jesus Christ, till we again dear Rev. Prof. Elom Dovlo.
November 5, 2023
November 5, 2023
Five years come and gone so fast, we thank God for the time we had with you . Till we meet again,rest in peace uncle.
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December 3, 2018



There is one thing in which all men believe without exception; that is death. Everyone is convinced that it will come. It is one of the few facts of life which there is no dispute or ignorance about, but the time of its appearance is hidden from all men. 

Death is inevitable, but we most times find it difficult to come to terms of this reality, even though scripture has made it clear that “For we will surely die; we are like water spilled on the ground which cannot be gathered up again. Yet God does not take away life, but plans ways so that the banished one will not be cast out from him” [2 Samuel 14:14].

We are here today with a very heavy heart to pay tribute to an illustrious son of the great family of Calvary Chapel, Mataheko and the entire Global Evangelical Church fraternity. Prof., the message of your sudden departure was a great shock to us, and has made us slip into a depressive mood. Though the feelings of your separation will not stay with us for long, it has managed to evoke a sensitivity that makes us to come to terms with the reality of our vain pursuits. It has also opened our eyes to the fleeting nature of these earthly accomplishments. Yes! The Good Lord has spoken and who are we to question Him? He does what pleases Him; for He knows what is good for us, and knows what we do not know.

We count ourselves blessed to have had enough share of your hidden treasures, though your stay with us was for a brief moment. We can say with certainty, that your short stay with us was one of the greatest things that ever happened to us as a congregation. It was a great honour to have had such a high profile personality like you, to serve a small congregation like Mataheko, which already had a senior high personality in the person of the late Inter Church Relations Secretary, HE Retired, Rev (Dr.) (Cdre) P. F. Quaye.

Down the memory lane, we cannot recollect the countless things God used you to accomplish at Mataheko when you were commissioned and posted to Mataheko in 2000. As an assistant pastor you were made to supervise a preaching post, established by Calvary Chapel, at Tetegu, a fishing community within the Ga South Municipal Assembly. You were mandated as part of your assignments to prepare the Tetegu church for its formal inauguration by the Moderator in November 2000. This was a challenging assignment, because Tetegu had no bridge at the time and could only be reached by a canoe. Sometimes it became very dangerous crossing the river to Tetegu and back, especially when the Weija dam is spilled to overflow its banks. Notwithstanding these difficulties, you worked assiduously to see the church inaugurated on the set date. On 23rd February 2001 you performed your first sacrament of Holy Baptism for eleven candidates from Tetegu, made up of seven females and four males through immersion. 

The fond memories of your leadership are so phenomenal. You indeed added so much to the growth of the church. We cannot forget the facelift you gave to our Praises and Worship team. You hosted them at your residence for one week and provided them with resource persons at your own cost. They were awarded with certificates at the end of the training. We can also not forget the funds you raised to support the construction of a pavilion for the Sunday school children. The support we also received from your better half cannot go without mentioning. She took up the Children’s Ministry as her personal project and ensured that it was groomed to an enviable standard. 

You instructed that your monthly station allowance be paid to Mr. Martin Atsagli, then a past student of the Agape Bible College to assist in the reorganization of all the home cells of the church, and also to help with the work at Tetegu. No wonder Martin is now a Reverend Minister of the Global Evangelical Church. 

Your selfless devotion, modesty and benevolence demonstrated the depth of your friendship with people. You related very well with everybody irrespective of their ages or social standings. No wonder you have been a mentor, counselor, hope giver and motivator to many especially the youth. We can say with no reservation that you were indeed a special person who cared deeply about people and always eager to help make things better for those who find themselves in difficult situations.     

Despite your caring and friendly nature, you were also a great disciplinarian who frowns on wrong doing and stands for the truth. On rarer occasions, you aggressively reprimanded wrong doers especially whenever issues at stake were heinous. But in all these your anger never lasted for long. You are indeed a peace maker and unifier. This is the gem we have lost, and lost forever.

It is also certain that we have lost a man of God who teaches and preaches with passion. We will surely miss your captivating short sermons that always kept us in suspense.  That wonderful concluding remark at the end of your sermons, “to be continued” will forever remind us of you, anytime that phrase is mentioned. Our memories are also fresh on the healing miracle God performed through you, when a dying member immediately recovered when you prayed and administered the Holy Communion to him. The member was discharged from the hospital and lived for eight more years.

“O death, where is your victory?  O death, where is your sting?” O death, though, you are considered in most cases as cruel, for us as Christians, we see your actions as a reminder that life is precious, temporary and not to be taken for granted. We are also reminded that, you are the only vessel that can carry us to the New Jerusalem that we all yearn for, which had been revealed to Apostle John in Revelation 21:1-4 That:  
“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

Indeed! Prof, the old order of things has passed away and we can vividly hear your voice from afar inviting us through the song writer Isaac Watts that:
Come, you who love the Lord,
And let your joys be known,
Join in a song with sweet accord,
And thus surround the throne.
We’re marching to Zion
Beautiful, beautiful Zion;
We’re marching upward to Zion,
The beautiful city of God.
As your mortal remains lie before us today, we can clearly hear you admonishing that: “This outer life has been given to us for a short time. Make the best use of it....After all, we have to leave this body someday, Sooner or later—maybe tomorrow, maybe after leaving this place, or maybe we go to sleep and never rise again”. 
We are confident of the fact that you are resting in the bosom of the Almighty God.
We Love You; But the Good Lord Loves You Most.
Sleep well and Rest from all your Toils, Pains and Anxieties.
 “Prof, Xede nyuie!!!, Na dzudzɔ le ŋutifafa me”.

Written by Rev. Martin Bedi-Tsatsu

Rest in peace prof

December 1, 2018

My dear Daddy(prof)

    I still cannot believe and accept that you  are no longer with us.You left us without a word.Daddy,there were many plans you had for me and also concerning my education.You always took your health seriously and pulled through any sickness.but this time God decided to call you to heaven. The thought of not seeing you again is very painful for me and I cannot accept it Daddy.

      You  were not only my advisor, but a father and a role model to me.your advises were never wrong. You always tease me when I went wrong and you always corrected me despite the extent. You always had time to listen to my problems even if you were busy.

        Your protection and guidance were always effective to inspired  and encourage me to continue my education even though I faced financial challenges and you promised to help me through and I promise to make you proud

        Daddy Dovlo as I always call you.I will really miss you greatly and forever remember you. Rest in peace with the Maker.

Forever in our hearts

November 29, 2018

My dear Prof. 

I still cannot believe or accept that you are no longer with us. Not even when I visited the house and saw that the settings of the table and chair you sat on and taught me had changed. You left us without a word. Prof there were many plans you had for me some of which you told me and others you had taken away.
Prof, you always pulled through any sickness and came back home. I thought you will make it home from the hospital again just as you always did. But this time God decided to call you into His blossom. The thought of losing you to death and not seeing you again on earth is devastating. I am tempted to ask God a lot of questions but who I'm I to question God. 
 Prof, you were not only my teacher, mentor or supervisor but you were also my Daddy, my good friend, my inspiration and advisor. We shared a lot of jokes which  I treasure. You  teased me to make a point and  you always found a way to ease the academic tension I felt. Your academic guidance and mentoring was very effective. I will always remember you for this and I promise to make you proud. 
You were professional in your work but you also created a conducive environment for all who approached you. I never left your office without hearing words of hope and comfort on issues I discussed with you. We discussed everything from academic to personal life and you advised and counseled me. Indeed every moment I spent with you will be treasured. 
When you told me that I would be the last student you will supervise, I didn't understand but now i am beginning to get the message clear. I faced a lot of challenges but you always gave me hope to sail through. You encouraged me, prayed for me and supported me all through. I was happy when you called me after my PhD defence to tell me how proud you were of me. You remarked that "Makafui I trained you myself and you couldn't have done any less, this day I am proud of you and I know my efforts have paid of. " 

You spent your time, strength and effort to make me who I am today but I didn't have the opportunity to really appreciate you for the role you played in my life. That is what hurts me more. But I take consolation in the fact that God brought me your way for a reason and I am certain that your legacy will live on. 

I will miss you greatly and forever remember you Rev. Prof. Elom Dovlo.
May God continue to grant you eternal rest as you sleep peacefully my dear Prof.

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