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So Long Yet Never Anymore in this World Again.

September 2, 2023
I can't believe I'm writing this now Elsy. I don't know what happened but I will not question it. I was there when you were born, when you saw light in this dark world of sin. You were beautiful and sweet, with polish chocolate complexion, I was with you in Kumba when you turned one year old. I left before you could see another year hoping to see you soon. It's been so long yet in my eyes just yesterday.

When I heard that you graduated with bachelor degree, I was excited and amazed by how many years it has been. I imagined how you might look like. Just short of a year ago, I was informed that you are in Canada. Fill with joy, I have been looking forward to seeing you again.

I joined the many sons and daughters of God in standing in gab for you immediately I was alerted of your illness. At first it felt like it was going to be over in a few days, the few days becomes weeks, then months. We are still in prayers but you have decided to leave us before we could say Amen.

I am suppressed, angry and confused. Why so soon. Is this the design of God? Is this the Holy Will of the Lord? Should I cry? Should I say it is well? I can't pretend I know the answer or what happened. This hurts. Lord You have commanded that in everything we give thanks to You.

I will do just that. I don't understand this one but I will do what You have Asked. I commit her humble sweet soul to You oh Lord. Grant her everlasting peace and rest in Thy presence. Forgive dear Lord, the sins of her short life and receive her in Thy Bossom. The Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ Your Son has cleanse her of all iniquities, I pray oh Lord that her suffering be sufficient to complete what is lacking in the suffering of Christ and counts for her Penance.

Elsy journey well. Its been so long since we parted 23 years ago and we are never to see again in this dark world of sin. But I know for certain that we shall see each other at the Holy Heavenly Banquet in presence of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lord's. Rest in Christ. 

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