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This memorial website was lovingly created in the memory of our dearly beloved ''Precious Popsy Pops'', Emmanuel Ashaley Sai, (Uncle Charles)  We will remember him forever. Rest in God's peace dad. ❤️ Ayorks, Barbie and Paa Robo. ❤️

August 27
August 27
Dear dad, you are so sorely missed. We remember you today (the 13th year of your passing) and always with glory to God for the loan we had in you. Lots of love from Barbie, Ayorks, Paa Robo and your grandchildren. Requiescat In Pace. ❤️❤️❤️
May 15
May 15
Remembering you today on what would have been a marking of your earthly debut. We miss you so!! Sleep in sweet, sweet peace my beloved dad. Until the Heavenly meet up. Love ~ Ayorks
August 27, 2023
August 27, 2023
Dearest dad, missing you since August 27 2011. Rest in peace. We love you dearly. ♥️♥️♥️
March 16, 2023
March 16, 2023
My dearest Pa, I love and miss you. ❤️
March 16, 2023
March 16, 2023
Dearest dad, we love and miss you so! You were simply the very best ever. Sleep peacefully. We will meet again Lots of love from Ayorks. ❤️❤️❤️
February 1, 2023
February 1, 2023
My Pa, it’s me, Ayorks. I miss you onu. May God rest your soul in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We will meet again. ❤️❤️
August 27, 2022
August 27, 2022
Dearest dad, it’s been 11 long years. Rest well.
We will meet again. Lots of love from all of us and the grandbabies. God keep. ❤️❤️❤️
May 15, 2022
May 15, 2022
Dearest dad, today would have been your birthday. Rest on. God keep your soul. We will meet again. Lots of love from Barbie, Ayorks and Paa Robo. ❤️❤️❤️
January 5, 2022
January 5, 2022
Dad dearest lighting a candle in remembrance. I love and miss you my good, good father.
Requiescat in Pace ❤️❤️❤️
August 27, 2021
August 27, 2021
Dearest dad, we are remembering you in the tenth year of your passing. Rest in eternal peace. We will meet again. Enjoy the presence of your Saviour whose Lordship you revered in this life. Wor dzogbaa.
Barbara, Ayorks & Paa Robo ❤️❤️❤️
May 15, 2021
May 15, 2021
Happy birthday in the Suburbs of Glory my good, good Pa. Rest gently. We shall meet again on the resurrection morn. How I miss your Old Spice hug. God keep you safely for us. Lots of love~ Ayorks ❤️
July 11, 2020
July 11, 2020
Npapa ni for mi, I miss you my Pa. Continue to rest peacefully in the most sacred heart of Jesus. You were so loved by Ayorks. Sleep tight dad. Love you forever. God keep your soul until the assured Resurrection.
August 27, 2017
August 27, 2017
Pa, 6 long years, and still I miss you, we miss you. Love you forever. Thank you for being the best dad ever. You did fathering your way. We are still grateful for everything. Rest in perfect peace.

Ayorks xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
May 15, 2017
May 15, 2017
Dearest dad, today would've been your 84th birthday! We miss you dearly. Rest peacefully. We'll meet again on the resurrection morning. You did fatherhood your way. Fantastic daddy!! Love you forever. - Ayorks
May 15, 2016
May 15, 2016
Dearest dad, today would have been your 83rd. With gratitude to the ONE who loves you beyond measure. Rest in perfect peace...until the resurrection morn. Oh joy!!!
August 27, 2015
August 27, 2015
Dearest dad, 4 years today since you passed on to the Land of the LIVING. Sleep peacefully. Enjoy your well deserved rest. God rest your soul. Rest in peace.
January 5, 2013
January 5, 2013
Dear dad, a year went by in August....and STILL I miss you my Popsy Pops. Rest in God's peace. ...until the Resurrection morn..what a day of rejoicing it shall be!! Love and miss u lots. Ayorks ~ Hugs

March 5, 2012
March 5, 2012
Dearest dad, you are thoroughly missed. God bless and keep you safe until we meet again. Thank you for everything. Thanks for being a caring and listening dad. Love & hugs ~ Ayorks xoxo

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August 27
August 27
Dear dad, you are so sorely missed. We remember you today (the 13th year of your passing) and always with glory to God for the loan we had in you. Lots of love from Barbie, Ayorks, Paa Robo and your grandchildren. Requiescat In Pace. ❤️❤️❤️
May 15
May 15
Remembering you today on what would have been a marking of your earthly debut. We miss you so!! Sleep in sweet, sweet peace my beloved dad. Until the Heavenly meet up. Love ~ Ayorks
August 27, 2023
August 27, 2023
Dearest dad, missing you since August 27 2011. Rest in peace. We love you dearly. ♥️♥️♥️
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