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Her Life

Erica (aka) Cricket

August 19, 2017

Erica was a special woman, she had a beautiful soul and a great heart. Growing up Erica was a tomboy, she hung out with the guys she wasn't interested in playing with dolls or dress up. She enjoyed playing tag, hide and seek, and liked to wrestle. Dogs and poetry were her passion she loved playing with her dogs Pitt bulls specifically were her favorite. Poetry was like a release for her she could sit and write for hours and then some. Erica had one child her son Daceain he is 9 years old and she loved him more then anything. Her son was her pride and joy seeing him smile was her everything, there was nothing she wouldn't do for her child. Erica got the nickname Cricket from her uncle because when she was born she would kick her legs like a little Cricket after that it just stuck. She wanted to be a Forensic anthropologist it was just something she loved and that caught her attention she really liked watching mystery shows about crimes she liked the science behind it. Erica was a very special person she got along with everyone and never caused trouble she always turned the other cheek and avoid conflict. Erica have a true meaning to being an individual she didn't care what anyone thought of her dressed in what she liked and was comfortable in she didn't go with the current trends or try to impress people, she simply was unique. Erica lived an honest life and loved immensely, she will be deeply missed and there will be deeply missed and forever in our hearts. We love you so much!