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November 9, 2023
November 9, 2023
How quick time passes. It has now been 22 years since you passed Nick. My last message was just before Kassie and I packed up and moved out of the Salt Lake City area. Here is a link to our last house:

ForeverMissed is a great website to remember all our family and friends. Especially for those who were cremated and have no cemetery to visit. Check out this link to see my solution for
August 17, 2021
August 17, 2021
Before Kassie and I leave the Salt Lake City area at the end of September 2021 and I just want to take a few moments away from my packing to say I found more pictures and great information to share about you my friend. As soon as I get moved I promise to add all that I found before your next birthday, Promise.

Now at 82 looking back at the past 8 months and all the boxes of memories Kassie and I have saved over our past 22 years of marriage plus all of the boxes we collected from our parents when they passed we made a big decision. This past Christmas, thanks to the latest in digital storage technology we purchased 5TB Hard Drives for each of our children and their adult children. Working as fast as we could, we scanned and added all the current pictures we had around and sent them for their Christmas presents.
Getting ready for our move back East, we have opened every storage box and transfered every picture we could find along with old movies, slides, video, pictures albums, old documents and everything we felt needed to be saved. Twenty years of tax records, important paperwork, trusts and legal records are now duplicated and backup on two different 5TB Hard Drives and will be transfered onto our childrens hard drives as soon as we see them. One of my master Hard Drives will be shipped to my daughter by FedX before we start our drive east.

Our plans, GOD willing, are to become Snow Birds. Travel as much as possible, make more memories, save everything on Hard Drives and own as little as possible. Kind of like knowing GOD might Rapture His loved ones sometime real soon.

If you have taken the time to read this far I want to invite you visit my Nuggets:
Bye for now and may GOD Bless You and your family.
July 7, 2017
July 7, 2017
Nick, you will always be remembered. Anyone who stands before your gravestone and speaks your name into their smartphone search directory will find this special tribute and rememberance of your life. (If a ForeverMissed account has been setup)
May 25, 2017
May 25, 2017
In early April of 2017, I wanted to do more than just keep my memory of Nick to myself so I decided to add his name and my remembrances of him into Today I just tried to call Nick's wife, Lyn as I have done for the past 16 years to check in and see how she was doing - she was not I hope to hear from her later today.

Nick and I shared the 25th as our birth days. Nick today in May and my birthday on the 25th of June.

I have been so impressed with what Oleg, the creator of Forever Missed has done that I have added a number of my relatives and friends into his remembrance web site.

Here are some of the ones I have added:
My mom:
Kassie's mom:
My dad:

I have added over a dozen memorials for friends and family. The most unique feature of ForeverMissed is... a Google search for any name you have already created on ForeverMissed will quickly lead anyone to their memory page. Their name on their gravestone will do the same thing. Smart Phones will now deliver visitors to their story and tributes can be left by cemetery visitors.  Great new technology to save memories forever.
April 10, 2017
April 10, 2017
As I now look back over my 77 years of life I thank God for giving me the opportunity to know my friend Nick. We met for the first time in the Army's Signal School at Fort Monmouth, NJ in early 1962. Movie making and the art of story telling were deep in our hearts. We were both subject to the Draft because of not attending college full time. But we both made the choice to add a year to our two year service obligation and selected Photo Lab School. I was coming from Arizona and Nick from New York. After our 3 years in the Army, Nick convinced me to move with him to Washington, DC and forget my big dreams of working in Hollywood. In November of 1964 we moved to Washington and share an apartment until I got married in 1967.

Click HIS LIFE tab above for more of his story and a link to my Army days Memory page.

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