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July 7, 2017
July 7, 2017
Eva, you will always be remembered. Anyone who stands before your memorial and speaks your name into their smartphone search directory will find this special tribute and rememberance of your life.
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
Eva will be greatly missed by all of the members of the Intermountain Candy, Snack, and Beverage Club.I am personally going to miss my friend. She opened her heart to me and I will forever be grateful.Shanna HowellI am sharing information from her 2012 honorary induction as life member to the Intermountain Candy, Snack, and Beverage Club."Eva Case member of the Intermountain Candy, Snack, and Beverage Club (ICC)Eva worked for Smith’s Food and Drug Stores from 1985 to 2001 . Eva was instrumental in helping to further the confection category within Smith’s Food and Drug during her employment at Smith’s. Eva’s first position with Smith’s was part-time fulfilling customer “want†cards, but within a month earned full-time status and took the position of secretary to the Candy Buyer (Val Burtoch). One year later Eva became the buyer’s assistant and worked for a total of eight buyers during her time at Smith’s. Through Eva’s persistence during her tenure at Smith’s Foods, Eva was able to influence companies, and people to join andsupport the Candy Club. Without her diligence, the club would surely havedisappeared, as have all other Candy Clubs across the US.Eva became involved in the ICC in 1986 and in 1998, Eva was nominated as Secretary. Under her watch, the Candy Club flourished. Eva was the extra arms and legs for every officer of the Candy Club. Eva was detailed and organized. Her meeting bulletins arrived on time, without her the Customer Appreciation Event would have been a fiasco.Eva gave the majority of her free time to the club during the months of May, June, and July to get the customer event planned, paid for, and pulled off successfully. She tied goodie bags for the golf carts, helped gather the candy and snacks for the table bags, and most importantly took care of the invitations, RSVP’s and coordination of the events and rooms for all attendees. She enjoyed working the closest-to-the-hole contest and was good at getting customers and members to enter. There is not a member or customer who doesn't adore Eva and would do anything for her, as she would do for them."
Shanna Howell - 3 years ago
June 16, 2017
June 16, 2017
Mom, You were the most amazing loving mother, sister, aunt, grandma, great grandma and friend anyone could ever ask for. You have made such an impact on our lives that will be with us forever. You have brought so much joy and love to us and we are deeply saddened beyond belief by your departure from our lives. I am so happy that you are now in a place where you are enjoying your life without restrictions and the way you deserve to be living. I pray that you will be our guardian angel and that you will watch over us and continue to help us learn, grow and make the best decisions down here on earth. I hope that you will be happy with the services that we have planned for you and that you will look down here and be proud and know that we our honoring you the way that we know you would want to be honored on your very special couple of days. We will continue to cherish the wonderful memories that we have of our time spent here with you. Thank you for all of your love and everything that you have done for us. We love you so very much!!! Rest in Peace our beautiful Mother...... xoxo :-)
Wendy Thomas - 3 years ago

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