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Cruise to Ochos Rios

March 23, 2012

In 2008 Evelyn, Terry and Michael took a cruise.  This was her first of many great celebration held in the latter years of her life.  She was excited about going to Jamaica.  Once we arrive she smiled, cried and yelled with joy.  Mama went to the Dunde River Falls and Beach.  Mama made very special friend in a cabby that was took her and us all over the city.  This picture commemorates the great time she had while this was just the beginning of a great and full life.

Thank you for being the one who loves without expectations.  Thank you for taking care of four boys from birth until GOD decided to call two of them home, leaving the other two to take of each other and themselves.  Using the gift of giving, love and honesty to that we come in contact with and share our lives with.  

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