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June 22, 2023
June 22, 2023
Mummy you would have been 96 today! Wishing you a posthumous birthday... You are always in our thoughts and prayers ... Happy birthday Mummy... Forever in our hearts ❤️
December 7, 2022
December 7, 2022
our Dear Mummy
You are forever in our thoughts and prayers. We Pray to the Lord to watch over you. We know you are well rested and at peace.

We continue to pray for you till we meet to part no more !
June 23, 2022
June 23, 2022
Mummy We miss and think of you all the time!
May the Lord keep you safe till we meet to part no more...Happy Birthday !
December 7, 2021
December 7, 2021
My dear Mummy!
I was discussing with Ronke recently on how much i missed you! I remember the few years we spent together and wished we could have spent more. You were the best Mother one could wish for.
We continue to pray for you today and always..!
Continue to rest in peace Mummy..
June 22, 2021
June 22, 2021
Aunty Evelyn... so full of life.
You always teased or had a pet name or a nickname for us!
The fond memories of Eric Moore... It was never the same after you left.
The parties, watching you, your, sisters and your friends dancing, happy, joyful...
Now, you have Madeleine, Millie and Joyce with you!
Miss you all so much... words fail me.
Rest in perfect peace aunty
June 22, 2021
June 22, 2021
My dear Mummy! You are forever in our thoughts.... We continue to pray for you and hope you are in a better place waiting for us till we meet to part no more!
Continue to rest in peace Mummy
December 19, 2020
December 19, 2020
Mummy..... always in our thoughts! 14 years seem like yesterday! We continue to pray for you to Rest In Peace..... You are always in our thoughts and prayers.... Continue to rest in peace !
June 24, 2020
June 24, 2020
Dear Auntie Evelyn

On your 93rd birthday, I wish you much love and eternal peace!

Much love,

Godfrey (Mr. P!)
June 23, 2020
June 23, 2020
Aunty Evelyn I remember you specially today your 93rd birth date. I know you’re resting in peace with Our Father. We miss you, but God wanted you to come back home to him. Always, Ngozi
June 22, 2020
June 22, 2020
Dearest Mother if you were still with us, you would have turned 93 today.
I still miss you so so much. I often have conversations with myself and feel you can hear me.
I pray for you all the time and I know Allah hears me.
Continue to rest in peace

June 22, 2019
June 22, 2019
Mummy dearest I remember many many of your birthdays while you were here with us. We always celebrate birthdays.
I miss you today and miss you always in many ways and wish you were here.
Rest in perfect peace dear mother.
June 22, 2019
June 22, 2019
Mummy your day has come!
You are always in our thoughts and prayers.
We pray to God to grant you eternal peace. Keep resting till we meet to part no more!
December 10, 2018
December 10, 2018
Aunty Evelyn’s name for me was ZUGU ZUGU. In her eyes, I never did anything wrong. Regardless of what mischief (yes, I am finally admitting it
December 8, 2018
December 8, 2018
Dear were an epitome of selflessness and your legacy lives on in our hearts. Continue to rest in peace ma. We love you xxx
December 7, 2018
December 7, 2018 is 12 years since you left us. We miss you sooooo much! We pray pray for you always till we meet to part no more..... continue to rest in peace!
August 7, 2018
August 7, 2018
To my darling Auntie Evelyn,
So many wonderful childhood memories of you, especially your kindness and honest discussions about life and future expectations for all of us.
Hopefully we have met your high standards of hard work and dedication to purpose.
Rest in peace!
With much love, Godfrey (Mr.P!)
June 25, 2018
June 25, 2018
My dearest Aunty Evelyn,
Together with Aunty Madeleine, you were one of the coolest aunties I had growing up. Your smile was ever welcoming, your sense of humour never ending, your laughter infectious!
Continue to rest in peace with Aunty Madeleine and my Mum, and with all our other Aunts that together made up the army of mothers that raised us. You are missed here but we are so grateful to God for your life. xxx
June 23, 2018
June 23, 2018
My dear Mummy, my friend.
I missed you so much yesterday. I missed wishing you happy birthday. I cried so much because I felt so sad that you were gone. Its almost 12 years but for some reason I felt so sad yesterday.
Rest in perfect peace as I continue to pray for you.
I love you so much
June 23, 2018
June 23, 2018
We always think and remember you in our prayers. May you continue to Rest In Peace till we meet to part no more!
December 9, 2017
December 9, 2017
To my beautiful Granny aka Gan Gan.
Thinking about you makes me sad and happy at the same time. I’m so grateful that you were there to see me grow up, so happy that I lived with you and got be with you everyday for the first parts of my life. I’m so happy that I got to hear your funny stories about the way you used to discipline my mum, Aunties & Uncle’s and loved the way shouted when you took Jas and I shopping and we asked you to buy us underwear that you thought children should not wear. That was so funny, coz you bought them anyway. 
You were the sweetest, kindest, most loving person and understanding person I’ve ever known and I miss you incredibly. It makes me so sad that you didn’t get to see me graduate, get engaged and you will be missing my wedding but I know you are always with me. In my heart, in my memories and I know you will be there holding my hand all the way.
Granny you certainly made your stamp on this earth and I will try my best to continue to make you proud. Your legacy lives on in all your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
May your soul continue to rest in peace. I miss you and I love you.

P.S- send down some of cooking skills coz I need to learn how to make your beans. No one can make beans like you.
All my love, Your Mandy xxx
December 8, 2017
December 8, 2017
Mummy dearest. I love you so so much words cannot express. I pray every night to dream of you so we can chit chat like we always did. Sometimes I do but its not the same and when I wake up I pray you continue to rest in perfect peace with the Lord.
you are truly missed.
December 8, 2017
December 8, 2017
I was in your house on Eric Moore anytime Ronke was home. What you did not know was I watched and admired the graceful way you carried yourself and secretly hoped that when I was older I would be just as graceful as you. You were always kind and welcoming even though I’m sure you wondered why I was always in your house. May your kind and gentle soul continue to Rest In Peace.
December 8, 2017
December 8, 2017
To the best mother in-law ever! You loved and treated me like a mother would treat her son.....i remember with fond memories the time we spent together....continue to rest in peace mummy till we meet to part no more!

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