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May 12
Happy Mother’s Day my dear mother in law. Thinking a lot about you today. I miss you.  My second mom. Thank you for raising a perfect gentleman. The respect and love he has for you makes him a better man.  Your influence stays with him. He told me you were the best mom ever. I love you lady❤️RIP ❤️
May 4
Hello dear!

Hello my dear. As I continue to hear lovely memories of you, I wished so much that I could’ve met you. I know you’re in great hand up there with my grandma, aunties, and others. May you continue to bless us from up above. I may not have met you but by what I hear from my mom and stepfather, I feel like I know you.

May 3
May 3
Though you're no longer here with us, your love and light continue to guide and inspire us every day. Remembering you with love and gratitude on this anniversary.
May 3
It has been 9 years since you left us my dear mother in law. I didn’t know you very long but I am so happy I got to meet you before you passed. You were a precious gift which I will hold in my heart forever. 
Sleep in peace Queen Angel until we meet again .
May 14, 2023
May 14, 2023
Happy Mother’s Day my dear Mother in Law.
Another year missing you and wishing you were here. Did not know you in life for a long time but my memories of you will be forever.
Thank you for your acceptance and caring.
Love you Mom❤️RIP❤️
May 2, 2023
May 2, 2023
Your life was a blessing Mom, your memory a
Treasure. So happy I met you before this day of your passing. You will always be in my heart.
So loved, So Missed ❤️
May 2, 2023
May 2, 2023
11 ikhlass for you Mom….
Rest in peace …. Amen
May 8, 2022
May 8, 2022
Happy Mother’s Day my dear mother law.
How I wish I could tell you this face to face
See your smile as we shower you with flowers.
But here or there just know you are in our hearts
I miss you dear Angel RIP
May 3, 2022
May 3, 2022
Hello my dear mother in law. Thinking about you on the anniversary of your passing. I know I am again a day late. 
I miss you, wish I could have spend a little more time with you. But until we meet again. RIP Queen Angel.
December 26, 2021
December 26, 2021
I am a day late my dear Mother in law. But I didn’t and will never forget you. Happy Birthday in heaven. I know you are looking down on me and Ras. Our guardian Angel. Love and miss you lady ❤️Rip Queen Angel ❤️
December 25, 2021
December 25, 2021
Happy birthday in Heaven Mom…
I miss your face
Your smile

May 7, 2021
May 7, 2021
6 years since you left us but you're always living in our heart...I will never forget you.... always praying for Mum
May 3, 2021
May 3, 2021
Hello dear!

I still hear many great memories of you. I really wish I had the chance to meet you because you by everything I hear about you, you’re an amazing person. Although you are missed, I know you’re not alone because you’re with my other angels, grandma, grandpa, and auntie betty, watching over us and looking out for us
May 3, 2021
May 3, 2021
Since you left us, you will always remain in our memories and in our hearts forever Mama Fatou rest in peace.
Love you Mama
May 2, 2021
May 2, 2021
A Thousand Words Can’t Bring You Back....
I Know Because I Tried....
Neither Can A Million Tears 
Because I Cried
Love And Miss You Mom
More Than words Can Say .......
May 2, 2021
May 2, 2021
Mother in law they say. it was you who taught Ras to be kind and true. Who first smiled at him with love and pride. You trained your son to look above and made him the man I love.
I will never forget how very much I owe to you. 
Queen Angel I am thinking of you today with thanks and praise because in my heart you are
             ❤️ Our Mother ❤️
May 2, 2021
May 2, 2021
I am still sad to know that you are not here with us. Even though I did not have the honor to have met you, I really wish that I had that honor. You will forever be missed. I would have been you’re step great grandson ☺️ . We all miss you dearly.
December 28, 2020
December 28, 2020
Happy belated birthday dear!! Even though you’re not here in person, I know you are up there in heaven, watching over us, blessing us, and being the sweet angel up above. We will all continue to keep your memory alive and going.

Thank you!
December 27, 2020
December 27, 2020
Happy belated Birthday Mother in law
I am a couple of days late with this birthday wish
But in my heart it was so on time❤️
You are never forgotten I wish you were here.
I imagine you showing me how to cook all of Ras’s favorite dishes. I need you to tell me stories of the family that only you can share. Just like you born me the most wonderful husband I wish I could shower you with wonderful gifts on your birthday. Love you Queen Angel ❤️Sleep in peace ❤️
December 26, 2020
December 26, 2020
Happy Birthday in heaven Mum
Miss you so much.....
May 2, 2020
May 2, 2020
From sunrise to sunset, every moment would have been more wonderful if you were with us today.
May 2, 2020
May 2, 2020
Before I met you mom I was so nervous. Ras told me how wonderful you were and I prayed you liked me. This to me was very important. 
When I met you although we didn’t speak the same language there was an instant connection and I knew I not only had a mother but a new friend. It’s been 5 yrs. mom but it’s seems like yesterday. Memories of you stay fresh in my heart and soul. RIP Queen Angel
May 2, 2020
May 2, 2020
Hello dear! I may have not met you (wish I did) but all of the wonderful things I was told about you makes me feel like I know you. We will keep your memory alive, always and I’m glad you, grandma, and Auntie Betty can take care of each other up there. You are not alone. RIP
December 26, 2019
December 26, 2019
Many years ago on this day a precious angel was born. You brought love and joy to so many life’s.
This world is not the same Mom you’re gone.
I wish I had more time with you. But that was not to be. Happy Birthday to You. I love you Queen.
Sleep Sleep in restful peace
December 25, 2019
December 25, 2019
Not a day goes by When I don’t think of you
Miss you. Love you. And thank God I was blessed to be your Son.
 I feel your absence the most today because I have to celebrate your birthday without you.
 I hope you are happy wherever you are
December 25, 2019
December 25, 2019
Hello dear!! Almost everyday I enjoy hearing wonderful stories of you and I feel so joyed when I do because I feel like I know you so much bettah. It makes me feel good to keep your memory going. You are a angel and you along with my grandma and Auntie keeps us very blessed. Thank you!! RIP!!
May 2, 2019
May 2, 2019
Four years dear mother in law. It seems like yesterday. You brought a lot to my life.
I will never forget you. Memories of you stays in my heart. Love you Queen Angel.
May 2, 2019
May 2, 2019
Hello Dear!! As time goes by, I continue to hear more and more great stories about you which is great because it makes me feel more connected and gives me a great sense of you who are. I never got the chance to meet you and get to know you but hearing these stories makes me feel like I do. RIP
May 2, 2018
May 2, 2018
Hello Dear Mother in Law How I am missing you right now
I wished I had more time to get to know you better
But the little time we had I felt a bond I will never forget
Sleep well Queen angel. You’re missed. Love you
December 28, 2017
December 28, 2017
Thinking of you today dear Morher in Law
Wish I had more time to get to know you better.
But for the short time I knew you I felt I was truly blessed.
Love you Queen Angel. RIP
May 14, 2017
May 14, 2017
Happy Mothers Day Mom. I thought You would be in my life longer than you were. The little time we spend together means more than I can say.❤️Love you❤️
May 2, 2017
May 2, 2017
Gnaari at ci ren binga wouyoudié sa boroom.... Wayé bes bou diot mangi yéssal sama ndiegalou ci yow te dila gnanal... Yalla na Yalla yook sa leer.... Guemnani yangi thia adiana you guena kowé. RIP mama i miss you a lot...."Seny Diakhate "
May 2, 2017
""Mom you left me beautiful memories
Your love is still my guide
I know I cannot see you
But I feel you always by my side
Rest In Peace
Menouma fatté ni tiono yi ndey di dacc ci dom nga dacc ci man
Messoulo ma seetan ma khif mba ma raflé
Khamal ngama adouna bayiwoma ben yon ma reer
Tayiwo ci dima yé ba lou bakh ak lou bonn ma khammé ko
Say khalat doyon nama yaye ba loma messa wakh def ko
Menou mala fay....
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
"I didn't have a chance to meet but I heard so many good things about you. You seem like a great loving woman. I wish the chance to meet you. RIP!!

May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
This tribute is to my great great grandmother, the mother of my grandmothers husband, may god be with you forever ❤ -Jamel Holness
May 1, 2017
May 1, 2017
Thank you mama for the nine months you gave me in the pain and suffaring and all you did for my growing. You are always in my mind. Rest in peace... Allahuma ahfirlaha !

"Seny Diakhate "
April 28, 2017
April 28, 2017
My Dear mother in law. In life I knew you but a short time.
But in my heart I felt it was like life time. Thank you for creating a perfect husband for me. Love you Queen Angel.
Know you are oh so missed

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